
Application for studying abroad

I believe that this study plan, also submitted as an application for a student visa to study in University of Wisconsin-Madison, can provide you with an outline of my plan for one year of undergraduate study in Canada and my subsequent career development in China. I look forward to my application being assessed and approved at your earliest convenience.

Personal Statement

My name is zhangwenjing a senior student from Changzhou University. I am expected to graduate at the end of this June. I have accepted the offer from Department of Chemistry at University of Wisconsin-Madison and I am longing for my Master's degree. After I finish my Master's degree study, I will go back to China and find a job as professional chemistry researcher.

My motivation to study chemical science extends further than my basic interest in economy. For me chemical, both innovative and exciting, is a profession offering unlimited boundaries.

Chemical being more than a hobby when I started at Changzhou University in 2006.

And I was very good at Chemical when I was at middle school .I believe I have grown in both confidence and maturity and if given the opportunity of a place at university, I will be fully committed to successfully completing a degree course.

Applied Program: Chemical technology

Chemistry research has a history of more than three hundred years in the U.S. Until nowadays, the U.S is still in the leading position in the field of chemistry. A graduate school-level education in the U.S will no doubt benefit me greatly for my future career. It will give me the opportunity to interact with and learn from the best chemists in the world and participate in cutting-edge researches.

Chemical engineering has been responsible for products and process that modern society enjoys today. Chemical engineering has been ranged from petroleum and petrochemical products to products coming from natural minerals and deposits. Chemical engineering has produced gasoline, packaging film and working on developing fuel cells for the future electric car.

Detailed study plan

I will pursue my Master's degree in Chemistry in University of Wisconsin-Madison. The normal length of the study is about 60 months. Throughout these five years, my study and research will be focused on Mass Spectrometry. The time arrangement of the Master's degree program in Chemistry is listed as follow: I would like to put most effort of my first year on studying core courses and teaching. I will also attend seminars. I will join a research group and do some preliminary research. I will then finish my graduate research proposal under the instruction of my research advisor. This proposal will probably be related to my preliminary research. According to my research proposal, I will carry out my research plan, arrange detailed experiments, analyze the results and modify the schemes. High quality research papers are expected to be published on international academic journals during this period.

My plan after graduation

After graduation, I plan to find a job as a professor or researcher in China. I have lived in Changzhou for seven years and finished my undergraduate study in Changzhou University. so that it might be easy for me to find a position there. In recent years, Chinese government has paid more and more attention to higher education and scientific research, so the condition for research and teaching in universities is becoming better and better. Compared to the highly competitive and almost saturated job market in the U.S., there are more opportunities for the younger generation of scientists in China. I believe my U.S. education background and connection in China would make me competent to find a job as a professor in a university or institution in China. I hope one day I could set up my own lab.


June 4, 2012





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