

星村小学 孔秀


当然,我不否认书中的浪漫唯美让自己爱上飘飘欲醉的感觉,也不否认作者高超的笔法,刻画出栩栩如生的人、事和物,这些都是对读者的吸引力,吸引力成了诱惑,兴趣油然而生。我喜欢国外的著作,我也坚信被几代人追捧的作品绝对有其值得深究、值得借鉴、值得反思的地方。但由于语言的不精,只能阅读译本,这多少有些遗憾,毕竟没有一个译者能将原著中的精神表现的淋漓尽致。 《傲慢与偏见》一听名字,我的第一感觉就是抓不住头绪,这讲的什么?心中毫无概念,待读了前言后才明白这本书主要反映了18世纪末到19世纪初出于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和风土人情。以伊丽莎白与达西的婚事为主线,突出表现了当时中产阶级家庭出身的少女对婚姻爱情问题的不同态度。 “凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理”开文第一句话倒是风趣幽默的多,让人不禁莞尔。

伊丽莎白—理智,幽默,俏皮。我最欣赏的是她的理智,理智聪明的女人不多见,理智的可爱的女人更不多见。开始达西的傲慢让她不悦,魏克翰的颠倒黑白让她对达西更加厌恶。所以,她果断的拒绝了他的求婚。达西,上流社会含着金钥匙出生的少爷,英俊的外表,理所当然是女性心中的白马王子,然而,她有自己的原则,她的婚姻必须建立在爱情之上。身份,地位,金钱~当然,结婚不考虑这些因素无疑又是愚蠢的。理智的选择,婚姻少了爱情那么就不完美,更不会幸福。将婚姻建立在爱情基础之上,无疑聪慧的选择。后来,伊丽莎白通过达西的留信才明白一切都是误会。达西才是真正的受害者,魏克翰其实是外善内恶之人。伊丽莎白为自己的愚蠢自责后悔,对达西也有了改观。尤其是达西第二年夏天回来后待人接物均彬彬有礼。她的偏见彻底消除了,也渐渐对达西有了情意。 作为不同阶级的人,达西和伊丽莎白的结合遭到阻碍。对达西姨母嘉苔琳的讽刺之言,我印象最深的是这段反驳的话:嘉苔琳夫人,你这种异想天开的要求真是不尽情理,你说的许多话又是浅薄无聊。要是你以为你这些话能够说的我屈服,那你未免太看错人了。你姨侄会让你把他的事干涉到什么程度,我不知道,













On Jane Austen’s idea of marriage in Pride and Prejudice


Pride and Prejudice is one of the representative works of Jane Austen, first published in 1813. Though the story's setting is characteristically turn-of-the-19th-century, it retains a fascination for modern readers, continuing near the top of lists of 'most loved books. Although Austen was only 21 when she wrote “Pride and Prejudice”, her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively.

Although Austen was widely read in her lifetime, she published her works anonymously. The most urgent preoccupation of her bright, young heroines is courtship and finally marriage.

The opening sentence of Pride and Prejudice left the deep impression on readers almost two centuries ago. As the author of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen was one of the famous realistic writers in English literature in the nineteenth century. In Pride and Prejudice Austen wrote four marriage types: ideal Elizabeth and Darcy, realizable Charlotte and Collins, felicitous Jane and Bingley, unhappy Lydia and Wickham. She pointed out emphatically economic consideration is the bonds of wedlock and love. She said marriage is not determined by property and family status; it is unwise to marry without money, but it is wrong to marry for money; the marriage settled by love is happy and ideal.

Key words: Pride and prejudice, love,money, marriage

"Pride and Prejudice" in describing a variety of marriage:Jane and Bingley, Darcy and Elizabeth, Wickham and Lydia, and Charlotte Collins, pastor. Lucas.......

Darcy's cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam is a count of the younger son can not inherit family property and title, but also one of Elizabeth's adorers, he frankly said to Elizabeth, who are accustomed to spending their own, in the event of marriage can not but consider the money . He said that the question of marriage there is only a conditional Darcy from the constraints of money free to choose. Darcy also because in terms of money and social status has the very advantage of him become so arrogant and his arrogance so Elizabeth has this bias against him. Darcy so the first time to propose to Elizabeth to be out rightly ruled out the possibility of. Elizabeth will not be because he was very rich and would marry him, no love, she would prefer not to marry, so she refused to Collins, the latter are refuse Darcy. "No love can be tens of millions should not get married," This is the view of Elizabeth is also the author of Austin's view. Darcy was later changed in order to Elizabeth has always been the arrogance of their own, because he really fell in love with Elizabeth, and his own change, but also changed the views of Elizabeth to him, accepted him slowly, Fall in love with him. Finally get married.

To an extend, the marriage between Jane and Bingley is also an example of successful marriage. Jane Austen, through Elizabeth, expresses her opinion of this in the novel "really, believed all his (Bingley) expectations of felicity, to be rationally founded, because they had for basis the excellent understanding, and

super excellent disposition of Jane, and a general similarity of feeling and taste between her and himself."

Jane and Bingley engage in a courtship that occupies a central place in the novel. The first meet at the ball in Meryton and enjoy an immediate mutual attraction. They are spoken of as a potential couple throughout the book. Indeed, they are so similar in nature and behavior that they can describe together: both are cheerful, friendly, and good-natured, always ready to think the best of others.

However, unlike Darcy and Elizabeth, there is a plan in their relationships. The flow in that both characters are too gullible and too good-hearted to ever act strongly against external forces that may attempt to separate them... Mr. Bennet says: "You (Jane and Bingley) are each of you so complying, that nothing will ever be resolved on; so easy, that every servant will cheat you; and so generous, that you will always exceed your income."

So, we can say that their marriage is in between success and failure.

Charlotte and Lydia on behalf of two extremes, the former only the pursuit of "reliable storage room, the future will not be cold by the hunger": the latter is purely for sexual impulse, totally unmindful of the consequences. Charlotte has been through the marriage house, small yard, furniture and other furnishings of a comfortable small home, but ironically, in her happy life after marriage but not the husband's status. "As long as Collins forgotten, and the rest everything is harmonious and comfortable," Lydia was a little girl confused by the rhetoric of Wickham, Wickham Living as one with no thought of the future life would be no protection. Wickham Darcy through marriage to extort at least ? 10,000 a property. Their married life, the authors do not describe too much, so we can not imagine life without love what is the. Marriage is based on love, no love, a rare happy marriage.


These four marriages contributes to the theme that a happy and strong marriage takes time to build and must be based on mutual feeling, understanding, and respect. Hasty marriages acting on impulse and based on superficial qualities will not survive and will lead to inevitable unhappiness. Money and love in the achievements of both marital important one and should not care! However, compared to the achievements of marriage for love is more important on some!


Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice, Oxford University Press, 1971.
