
《跨文化交流》课程学习心得体会 文章摘要:随着世界全球化进一步深入,各国的交流不断加强,做为一个具有全球化视角的人必须对中西方文化差异有理解,融汇。各国经济,文化交流加强,了解,理解中西方文化有利于扫除交流的障碍,有利于顺畅的交流。有利于善良的人更好的,更短时间的了解理解对方。经过一个学期艰苦卓绝不间断地学习,特别是在王培英教授地亲切指导下,我们对跨文化交流都颇有心得。

关键词:跨文化 文化体系 中西方 差异 根基





一儒家以仁为核心。积极的一面是仁、义、礼、智、信、恕、忠、孝、悌 。另一面是追求集体的和谐,对个人的人性进行了约束。以尊卑等级的仁为核心的思想体系。儒家基本上坚持“亲亲”、“尊尊”的立法原则,维护“礼治”,提倡“德治”,重视“人治”。儒家思想对封建社会的影响很大,被封建统治者长期奉为正统思想。









1 探索自然界的本原究竟是什么?米利都学派,赫拉克利特,毕达哥拉斯学派,恩培多克勒和后来的亚里士多德,留基伯和其学生德谟克利特

2 探索和研究日常生活中的自然现象。亚里士多德研究了物体的运动,生物的分类,生命的形成,气象学等方面的现象.阿利斯塔克首次提出日心说,并运用几何学原理计算出月球,地球和太阳的大小及它们之间的距离,在定性上完全正确.阿基米德研究了静力学,尤其是研究了重心,杠杆,浮力,相对密度等问题.希波克拉底是古希腊医学的集大成者,他用四体液说解释人类的疾病.

3 非常热中于几何学的研究。因为几何证明最能体现人的逻辑推理能力,而逻辑推理是理性思维的核心,所以特别崇尚理性精神的古希腊人就特别推崇几何学.毕达哥拉斯由于证明了勾股定理而设百牛大祭,柏拉图学圆的门上挂着“不学几何学,不得入此门”牌子.欧几里得的<几何原本>的意义.从17世纪以后西方各大国的科学院和民间机构的悬赏征文中我们可以清楚看出西方人对探索研究自然界的兴趣。





分:自然界,社会和人文领域;按出现的概率分:必然的和偶然 的.按出现的范围分:个别事实,统计意义上的事实,普遍事实. 2坚信因果关系哲学上的休谟问题及其解释。



1 坚持以人为本或以人为主体的价值观。

2 强调人与人之间的平等,维护人的尊严。

3 赞美和颂扬人性,人的美德,人的完美,人的伟大,人的幸福和人的无限创造力。

4 强调和追求人的自由,尤其是思想观念的自由。

5 注重对人的教化,力求使每一个人成为文明人,文化人和具有创造力的人。




Intercultural Business communication

The Elements Affect Intercultural Communication

随着全球化进程的加深,身处地球村中的我们注定要和来自不同的文化背景的交流沟通, 然而不同的语言,交流方式,宗教信仰,感知能力,生活背景等文化层面的因素以及我们的交流环境,个人个性都影响着我们的沟通,理解这些交流障碍有利于做一个更好的交流者。

关键词:跨文化 交流 障碍 因素


With the high development of globalization, people are getting tightly connected with each other and the intercultural communication tends to be unavoidable. However, the communication may be hindered by the different cultures, for example the languages, communication styles, religions, perceptions, and backgrounds. Even the environment we live in and our personality can become the barriers of communication. Only understand those elements that affect intercultural communication can we become successful communicators.

Key word: intercultural communication Culture affect element

Intercultural communication refers to communication that takes place between people of different cultural backgrounds, whose cultural perceptions and systems are distinct enough to alter the communication events.1 Since people come from different culture, different place, or environment, there must be a lot of elements preventing people from understanding each other. Let’s have a quick look at the barriers.

Obviously, culture plays an important role in our communication, for culture permeates every aspect of our life. McCulloch, once said “Culture is the sum total of the beliefs, rules, techniques, institutions, and artifacts that characterized human population. In other words, culture consists of the learned patterns of behavior common to members of a given society—the unique lifestyle of a particular group of people.”2 So we can know exactly culture is around us and has been affecting all the time. We can misunderstand each other because of different nationality, religion, gender, generation, social class, or some kind of organization; briefly, people different culture layers. To study the reasons for differences between cultures is very useful and important, for culture may become an obstacle between the intercultural communications.

However, how does the culture affect people’s communication in different cultural aspect?

First, I should say the most prominent aspect in the cultural influence is language, for language plays an important role in communication, in which culture is transmitted. Culture 1 Yan Ming. Collage English for cross culture communication Beijing Tsinghua University publish house.

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2 Ball D A, McCulloch W.H, Jr. International Business. 6th ed. London: Richard D. Irwin. 1996.

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finds a better representation through language use.3 Without language there would be no real communication. In other words, language determines the content of a society’s metal representation of their environment, and through language we shape people’s behaviors, beliefs and even culture.

Language is a factor that greatly affects communication and culture. When People from different areas speak the same language, they can communicate better and the different culture will soon be spread. Suppose that when you are inarticulate, how can you communicate with the people around you? That remains me a story in Bible: It was said that when it was the Noah’s time, people spoke the same language. They wanted to build themselves a tower with its top in the heaven. The lord felt he was threatened by human beings, so he confused their language, thus the construction ending up unfinished and people losing the capacity of communicating with each other. The story is much known as the tower of Babel.4 In the light of this story, we can see that language difference can drag people from different culture background away from each other.

Second, Communication style is also an essential element in intercultural communication. Cultural misunderstanding occurs when we fail to match the appropriate symbols and general communication system to the culture. Each culture encourages a particular communication style expected within it. This implies not only using correct symbols, but also applying the appropriate communication style for the occasion, for instance, in Saudi Arabia the correct interpersonal communication style 3

4 Hu Zhuanglin. Linguistics a course book Beijing Peking university publishing house, the third edition,2006 P159 Bible, Genesis, chapter 11

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upon meeting one’s host is often complimenting and thanks. Public criticism of fellows’ works in this culture is rare, for such a message would appear disrespectful. Some West Africans exhibit a friendly and warm interpersonal communication style. Some Asians are described as conscious of the propriety, ceremony, and rules of respect and honor. Some U.S. culture manners appear informal and uninhibited. Some Britons display a reserved manner, preferring understatement and control in interpersonal interaction. These examples remind that we should know the importance of understanding intercultural communication style, or we will be embarrassed when we communicate with the foreigners, for instant, in a verbal request situation, U.S. Americans tend to use straightforward form of request whereas Chinese tend to ask for a favor in more roundabout and implicit way. Chinese are not forthright enough, so that westerners often perceive the Chinese as insincere and untrustworthy, which lead to the misunderstanding because of different communication style.

The contrasts are striking, such as when an American speaks in a normal conversational voice, a quiet Thai national may think the voice is too loud and interpret the American to be angry. And, in many Asian cultures, self-effacement talk or self-deprecation is expected to signal modesty and humility. However, in the U.S. culture, people encouraged individual to “sell and boast about themselves”. What’s more, you can find flashy and embellished language style in many Arab, Middle Eastern, and afro-American cultures. An exacting style, where persons say no more or less than is needed, is used by Americans. They tend to prefer an exacting style of the interaction 3 / 9

consistent with a just the facts mentality. As for we Chinese, most of them consider the wisest and most trustworthy person as the one who talks the least but listens, watches, and restricts his or her verbal communication.

Communication styles are various from person to person, for they are determined by culture, environment, and personality. Generally, we can say that where there is an individual, there is a different communication style.

Third, religion also affects our behaviors in communication. Religion, an essential part of culture, is responsible for many of the attitudes and beliefs that affect human behaviors. To know the basic convention of some popular religions will contribute to a better understanding of why people’s behaviors and attitudes vary so greatly from country to country.

Since religion affects culture, we have to pay attention when doing international trade. For example, if we sell beef to India we may meet criticism from Hindu. Because the same reason, Muslims will never buy you pork no matter how hard you attempt to sell it and consequently you offend them, which might influence your future business relationship. In the history of human beings, religion is always a powerful stuff, if we do not tackle well with this issue. Unavoidably, we may be faced with a dilemma.

Fourth, Perception is also a way in which culture affects people’s behaviors in communication. Perception is the process by which we become aware of the objects, vents, and especially people and their behaviors through our various senses and involves 4 / 9

higher-order cognition in the interpretation of the sensory information.5

The meanings people attach to their perceptions are greatly determined by their cultural background. For example, western people like dogs, and they believe dogs are human’s best friends. They love dogs as pet. In English, people say “lucky dog”, but in Chinese we say “幸运儿”. In some countries, dogs are delicious food, Such as Korea. In 2002, the world cup was held in Japan and Korea, and people argued whether to ban eating dogs in Korea at that time, because western people believe dogs are friends of human beings, not food.

People with different culture usually have very different perceptions towards the same phenomenon, for their cultures have influenced their perceptions. And we often see the world from our own unique perspectives. The perspective is affected by a number of distortion and barriers that contribute to inaccurate perception. Thus, when we see the world from our own perception, we will misunderstand others.

Fifth, Environment also affects people’s performances not only in the culture side, but also in the physical aspect. Environment refers to the surroundings one lives in, which includes the material life, the education system, the political system, the traditional mode of the thoughts and so on. It is said that man is an outcome of the environment. It means that the environment a person lives in will shape him or her in some way. In other words, if a person stays in a certain environment in a relatively long period of time, he may modify himself to some degree. For instance, a manager who 5 Yan Ming. Collage English for crossing culture communication Beijing Tsinghua University publish house.2009.9 p97

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used to be a professor in a university might appear different from what he used to be because of his long business career. And after studying in Sichuan University, I think I should have some differences with my high school classmates. What’s more, in Arabic, the camel plays significant roles in people’s life, so there are more than 40 words for camel; meanwhile Eskimos have almost 40 words to describe snow. However, in the Amazon area snow is not a part of the environment; therefore people in that area do not have a word for snow. The environment influences the development of the technology, products, and the appropriate vocabulary personal style, so it affect people’s value, thus affecting people’s behaviors in communication.

What’s more, even for these people from the same culture background, communication may be interfered by the conversation environment. For example, the bad weather, the noisy atmosphere, or even the traffic condition can destroy a harmonious conversation.

Apart from those cultural elements, certainly, there are some other elements affecting communications. The dominant element is emotion. We all know if one is happy or satisfied, we can do business with him or her successfully. Otherwise, we will fail. As for oneself, the felling of anxiety and uncertainty may lead the communication into a failure.

People feel anxious and uncertain when they communicate with others from different culture. Anxiety occurs because of not knowing what one is expected to do, and focusing on that feeling and not being totally present in the communication. It is the 6 / 9

state of feeling nervous, which can affect communication when one focuses so much on his own feeling that he does not pay attention to what others are telling. For example, people are worried when they come into a new environment or do to an interview. They are nervous and disturbed, which makes the interviewee unsatisfied about their personalities. That why the interviewees prefer the confident interviewers, who smiles a lot.

General speaking, there exist differences between cultures, and surely there will occur some cultural conflicts between international business people, which is quite possible and natural. We should try to understand and accept the differences. In a way, understanding the cultural conflicts and knowing how to tackle them is of vital significance to international communication. To understand the difference culture, to avoid imposing our own preconceptions on others, to be kind and confident , only in this way, can we develop effective and appropriate intercultural communication with people from other cultures.

Reference books

1,Weng Fengxiang. Elements of international business Beijing: Tsinghua University publish house. 2005.12

2,Yan Ming. Collage English for cross culture communication Beijing Tsinghua University publish house.2009.9

3, Hu Zhuanglin. Linguistics a course book Beijing Peking university publishing house, the third edition, 2006

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4,Shi Dingle, Peng Chunping cross-cultural communication in business world, Wuhan university publishing house


First and foremost, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to the teachers who give the intercultural business lectures, without their enlightening, creative teaching; I could not have completed my thesis.

I shall extend my thanks to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence.

Last but not least, I' d like to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates and my boyfriend for their encouragement and support.

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