


A real graceful lady, never shows off what she has. She would never tell people what books she has read, where she has been, how many clothes she has, or what jewellery she got. Because she has no sense of inferiority.


The grievances can be told is not real grievances; The lover can be stolen is not real a lover.


No matter what you do, remember you do it for yourself, then you have nothing to complain.


Too often, people only believe what they want to believe.


The most stupid thing is to show off your self-esteem before money and love. 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。

In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership, even nor love. But just ask for meeting you in my best ages.


来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅,很浅。最深和最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。 Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We always think that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing in the world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize that it's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but in fact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.


第二篇:《变形金刚》电影 经典台词中英对照

《变形金刚》电影 经典台词中英对照

Optimus Prime:

Before time began, there was the Cube. We know not where it comes from, only that is holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we live din harmony, but like all great power, some wanted if for good, others for evil. And so began the war, a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered the galaxy, hoping to find it to rebuild our home, searching every star, every world. And just when our all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet, Earth. But we’ve already too late.



Teacher: Okay, might be a pop quiz tomorrow. Might not. Sleep in fear tonight. Sam? 注意啦,明天可能有个突击测验,也可能没有。在恐惧中入睡吧!萨姆?

Sam: Sorry, sorry. Okay, pretty good, right? 什么?哦,不好意思。嗯,不错对吧?

Teacher: I’d say a solid B minus. 我会给你一个实实在在的B减。

Sam: A B minus? 一个B减?

Teacher: You were hawking your great-grandfather’s crap in my classroom. 你在我的班上卖你曾祖父的垃圾。

Sam: Look, can you do me a favour? 瞧,能行行好吗?

Teacher: What? 干吗?

Sam: Can you look out the window for a second? You see my father? He’s the guy in the green car.


Teacher: Yeah. 嗯。

Sam: Okay, I’ll tell you about a dream. A boy’s dream. And a man’s promise to that boy. He looked to me in the eyes and said: “Son, I’m gonna buy you a car. But I want you to bring me 2 thousand dollars and three As. Okay? I got the 2 thousand dollars and I got two As. Okay? Here’s the dream. Your B minus, dream gone. Sir, ask yourself, what will Jesus do?




Strong boy: So what are you guys doing here? 你们俩来这里干嘛?

Sam: We’re here to climb this tree. 我们来爬树。

Boy: I see that…it looks fun. 哦,看上去很有趣。

Sam: Yeah. 是啊。

Boy: You know, I thought I recognize you. You tried out for the football team last year, right?


Sam: Oh, no no no…That wasn’t like a real try out. I was researching a book I was writing.


Boy: Oh yeah? 哦,是吗?

Sam: Yeah. 对。

Boy: Yeah, what’s it about? Sucking in sports? 哦,关于什么的?运动白痴吗? Sam: No, it’s about the link between brain damage and football. No, it’s a good book. Your friends’ll love it. You know, it’s got maze in it and, you know, little colouring areas section, pop-up pictures. It’s a lot of fun.



Lennox: Sir, we need…I need a telephone. Telephone, telephone. Yes!


Man from Middle East: Telephone! Cell phone! 中东人:哦,电话!手机行吗?

Lennox: I don’t know how to thank you! (Calling) This is an emergency Pentagon call! I need you to...Do you understand? I don’t have a credit card!


Middle East Operator (With accent): Sir, the attitude is not going to speed things up any bit at all. I’m going to ask you to speak in to the mouthpiece very clearly. 中东接线员(有着中东口音):先生,这种态度不可能帮助你尽快接线。我现在要求你对话筒清楚地讲话。

Lennox: I’m in the middle of war! This is frigging ridiculous.


Solider: Ammo! 大兵:弹药!

Lennox: I need a credit card! Epps, where’s your wallet? 给我一张信用卡!艾普,你的钱包在哪?

Epps: Pocket! 口袋里!

Lennox: Which pocket?! 哪个?!

Epps: My back pocket! 后面的口袋!

Lennox: You got ten pockets! 你有十个!

Epps: Left cheek! Left cheek! Left cheek! 左屁股,左屁股,左屁股!

Lennox: Okay, it’s Visa. 哦,有张维萨信用卡。


Operator: Also, sir. Have you heard about our premium plus world-service gold package? 接线员:对了,先生。你有没有听说过我们的环球服务白金加金套餐?

Lennox: No, I don’t want a premium package! Epps, Pentagon!



Mr Ron Witwiky: How come the door is locked? You know the rules, no doors locked in my house!


Mrs Judy Witwiky: You know he’ll start counting if you don’t open the door. 你知道如果不开门他就要倒数了。

Ron: One more chance. Five… 最后机会。五…

Judy: Oh, dear. He’s counting! 天哪,他倒数了!

Sam (Open the door): What’s up? What’s with the bat? 萨姆开了门:干嘛?拿着球棒干什么?

Ron: Who were you talking to? 你在跟谁说话?

Sam: I’m talking to you. 跟你说话。

Judy: Why are you so sweaty and filthy? 你怎么浑身是汗,还脏兮兮的?

Sam: I’m a child. I’m a teenager. 我是个孩子。一个青少年。

Judy: We heard voice and noises, we thought maybe you were…


Ron: It doesn’t matter what we thought. What was that light?


Sam: No, what light? What? There’s no light Dad! There’s no light!


Ron: There was light under the door.


Sam: Look, you can’t…you can’t just bounce into my room like that. You got to knock, you got to communicate. I’m a teenager.


Judy: We knocked! 我们可是敲啦!

Sam: You didn’t knock. You were screaming at me. This is repression. You’re ruining my youth, okay?



Simmons: Ronald Wikity? 罗纳德。威基蒂?

Ron: It’s Witwiky. Who are you? 是叫威特威基。你是谁?

Simmons: We’re the government. Sector Seven. 政府人员。第七区的。

Ron: Never heard of it. 从没听说过。

Simmons: Never will. Your son’s great-grand son of Captain Archibald Wikity, is he not?



Ron: It’s Witwiky. 是威特威基。

Simmons: My I enter the premises, Sir? 我可以进贵府吗,先生?

Judy: Ron, there are guy all over the front yard! 罗恩,前院到处是人! Ron: What the heck is going on here? 该死,出什么事了?

Simmons: Your son filed a stolen car report last night. We think it’s involved in a national security matter.


Judy: They’re ripping up my rose bushes. 他们在揪我的玫瑰花丛啊!

Ron: National security? 国家安全?

Simmons: That’s right, national security. 没错,国家安全。

Judy: My God, Ron, they’re everywhere. There’re guys in suits all around the house. Look at this!


Ron: Could you stay off the grass?! 你们能不能不要踩草坪?

Simmons: Get me a sample and some isotope readings. 弄些样本和同位素读数。 Judy: They’d get their hands off my bush! 他们可得离我的花丛远点!

Simmons: Drop the bats, ma’am. I’m carrying a loaded weapon.


Judy: But you’d better get those guys out of my garden or I’m gonna beat the crap out of them!


Simmons(to Sam): How are you doing son? Is your name Sam? 你好,小子!是叫萨姆吧?

Sam: Yeah? 怎么了?

Simmons: Well I need you to come with us. 嗯,你得跟我们走一趟。

Ron: Whoa, way out of line. 等等,这太过分了。

Simmons: Sir, I am asking, politely. Back off. 先生,我可是,礼貌地要求。退后。 Ron: You’re not taking my son. Really. 你不能带走我儿子。绝对不行。

Simmons: You gonna try to get rough with us? 你要跟我们来硬的?

Ron: No, but I’m gonna call the cops, because there’s something fishy going on around here.


Simmons: Yeah. There’s something a little fishy about you, your son, your little Taco Bell dog. and this whole operation going on around here.


Ron: What operation? 什么行动?

Simmons: That’s what we’re gonna find out. Son? 所以我们才要查出来。小子? Sam: Yeah? 啊?

Simmons: Step forward please. (He took the reading.) Fourteen rads. Bingo! Tag them and bag them!




Keller: You’re coming with me. You’re going to be my advisor.跟我来。你将是我的顾问。

Glen: Me, too?我也是?

Keller: Who is this?这是谁?

Maggie: He’s my advisor.他是我的顾问。

Keller: He comes, too.那他也一起来。


Ironhide: Why are we fighting to save the humans? They’re a primitive and violent race.


Optimus Prime: Were we so different? They’re a young species. They have much to learn. But I’ve seen goodness in them. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. 我们又有很大区别吗?他们是年轻的物种,还有很多要学。但我在他们中看到了善。


Simmons: Hey kid. I think we get off to a bad start, huh? You must be hungry? 嘿,小朋友。我们不打不相识,对吧?你们肯定饿了吧?

Sam: Where’s my car?我车呢?

Tom: Son, I need you to listen to me very carefully. People can die here. We need to know everything you know. We need to know it now.


Sam: Okay. But first I’ll take my car, my parents, maybe you need to write that down. Oh, and her juvie record. That’s got to be gone, like, forever.


Tom: Come with me. We’ll take about your car.


Simmons: The man’s an extortionist.


