
1, 究竟是我们改变了世界还是世界改变了我们。

2, 如果额头终将刻上邹纹,你只能做到邹纹不要刻在你心上。

3, 假如生活欺骗了你,你也要欺骗会生活。

4, 有些事情只有停下来才能看清楚,总有些更重要的事情赋予我们打败恐惧的勇气 5, 其实我们追求的不是成功而是自己的尊严。

6, 掉在水里你不会淹死,呆在水里你才会淹死,你只有游,不停的往前游。

7, 梦想是什么,梦想就是一种让你感到坚持就是幸福的东西我们只有在失败中寻找胜利,在绝望中寻求希望。

8, 爱情就像录像机,有时候要按快进,有时候要按暂停,生活也一样。

9, 千万别跟丈母娘打麻将,千万别跟想法比你多的女人上床,千万别跟好朋友合伙开公司。

10, 小姐心态,寡妇待遇,妇联追求

13, 我没有装孙子,我真的是孙子!

14, 爱情就像录像机,有时候要按快进,有时候要按暂停,生活也一样。

15, 在你眼里我从来都是一傻逼

16, 你要是不答应我 ,我就拉你一起跳湖。

17, 你除了拿麻袋装钱还会什么?

18, 对他们来说,你可能是个英雄,对我而言,你只是个窃贼。

19, 继上次钻了美国大爷的空子,这次他又要来钻国家的空子。

20, 为什么是你?---为什不能是我 你现在还是一个失败者吗? 我他妈至少奋斗过。 21, 我们这代人最重要的是,最重要的是??死缠烂打

22, 美国人民需要我!

23, 我们改变不了世界,是世界改变了我们。

24, 真正的感情是安安静静就会来的,一点都不折腾 .

25, 掉到水里不会淹死,停在水里才会淹死。

26, 听人说话,别听他说了什么,要听他没说什么。

27, 以前我只想过一种生活,那就是和别人不一样的生活,直到后来我才明白那些大多数人选择的生活,才是值得过的。

28, 成功者总是不约而同的配合时代的需要。。。 最大的骗子其实是我们自己,因为我总是想改变别人,而拒绝改变自己。。。 一位母亲用20年的时间让他长大成人,而另一个女人只用了20分钟就让他变回了傻瓜。。。 那些从一开始就选择放弃的人他们不会失败,因为他们从一开始就失败了, 失败并不可怕,害怕失败才真正可怕,我们只有从失败中寻找胜利,从绝望中寻求希望。。。 往往人在最无奈的

29, 有些人不会失败,因为他本身就是失败。

30, 假如生活欺骗了你,你也要欺骗会生活。






31, 年轻人你还有很长的路要走,而她一辈子都只能待在这里了...所以,无论我们怎样受挫,不要和那些挫伤我们的人一般见识,不要变成我们讨厌的人,“总会有更重要的事情给我们战胜惧怕失败的勇气”。

32, 心态一直要讨好客户,虽然机遇是遭人冷落,但不能丧失对原则的坚持





We are too young too naive







女生找男生,如果只看长相那叫好色,如果男生跟女生,如果只看长相,那是审美! 假如生活欺骗了你,你也要欺骗回生活。

有些事情只有停下来才能看清楚,总有些更重要的事情赋予我们打败恐惧的勇气. 其实我们追求的不是成功,而是自己的尊严。








司。 曾经我一直追求与众不同的,可是到后来才发现,大多数人的平凡的选择才是最好的。 小姐心态,寡妇待遇,妇联追求 Do you have a dream ? 春梦算吗?





1.It's because I memorized the entire text on the plane coming here. It's a skill that I mastered when was 18... For your information, I was only considered a mediocre of all my peers. Chinese students are extremely adept at taking exams. You can't imagine what they are willing to go through to succeed. You don't understand Chinese culture.



mediocre adj.平庸的

adapt at擅长

2.Thank you, Mr Bernot, You are the one who has gotten us attention of potential investors from Wall Street. They will see us as company with integrity and courage that takes the responsibility for its mistakes. The more we pay you in compensation, the greater valuation we will get in the future.



integrity n.正直;诚实

3.Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representative of the world’s largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve.


4.According to our Chinese proverb, I am like a tubie, a soft shell of turtle, someone afraid to go out and take risks. Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak, but as my friend once said, some things are so important that they force us to overcome our fears.



? Wang : Mr. Bono .It's a gift ,from me. Bono :You’ve gone to Chinatown ? Wang :Chinese Moon cakes . Next week is the moon festival. And if a fight breaks out later , I have something to throw. ? Bono : ha ha ha ha ha ha Wang : oh hoo, you’ve got the joke, for you. Cheng :Mr. Bono , we officially offer a formal apology, the acknowledge the commodity copyright infringement and prepare to settle.

? Wang :But not fifteen million .

? CHENG: Please, pick any clause you want , any clause that is related to our copies.

? Lady: Clause eleven.

? Cheng: The WIPO copyrights and performances and phonograms treaties Implementation act of nineteen ninety-eight , amended section 101 by adding《the definition of Geneva phonograms convention》 pick another one please .

? LADY: Thirty five.

? Cheng: The WIPO Copy right and performances and phonograms treaties implementation act of nineteen ninety-eight, requires that some paragraphs D of the definition of eligible country take effect a part entry into force of the WIPO performances and phonograms treaties with respect to the United States which occurred on May 20th


? Cheng: This because I memorized the entire text on the plane coming here, it’s a skill that I mastered when I was eighteen , that year, I memorized the whole Xin Hua English dictionary , for your information, I was only considered mediocre among my peers , Chinese students are extremely adept at taking exams , you can’t imagine what they are willing to go through to succeed, you don’t understand Chinese culture.

? Meng: Mr. Bono , regardless of the final ruling, this meeting marks the start of our formal partnership , we hope the EES can enforce its copyrights in the Chinese market . We don’t like being called thieves, we've come here today, hoping to educate you about one thing, China has changed . Unfortunately , you are still stuck in the past.

? Bono: Mr. Meng , I remind you, Yao Ming is in the NBA.

? Meng: That’s because NBA was trying to tap into the Chinese market, China is already the world’s largest market for English language education, today , Chinese students don’t expect to stay in America, they want to go home. Yet you’re still stuck on whether they cheat on exams. Cheng: Mr. Bono, before we came to the states , we debated whether to list the New Dream on the stock exchange , now ,I’ve come to a decision, New Dream’s IPO will be officially announced , today.

? Bono: What makes you think I care .

? Cheng: But you will care, I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity for the company to go public , now, I've got it . That’s right , it's you who give us this opportunity, thank you Mr. Bono, you are the one who has gained us the attention of potential investors form Wall Street, they will see us as a company with integrity and courage , that takes you responsibility for its mistakes, the more we pay you in compensation , the great valuation we will get in the future. In addition, there will be at least one more benefit from listing New Dream , someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representatives of the world’s largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve, we won’t have to rely on lawsuit to communicate with each other . More importantly ,I’m also doing this for personally reasons , I have a friend , who is more brilliant that I will ever be, and more deserving of success , but when he came to America , I realized the best man of my generation destroyed here , Mr. Bono , the playing field has never been even , this is my way of reclaiming my friend's dignity .According to a Chinese proverb , I’m like a TUBIE, a soft shell of turtle , someone afraid to go out and take risks, now ,I am standing here , terrified even as we speak , but as my friend once said , some things are so important , that they force us to overcome our

