

Don't say: "You were too good for him."

Why: You are basically saying she has bad taste. And you'll be embarrassed if they ever patch it up.

Instead say: "His loss!" It gets the same point across without disparaging her judgment.

不要说"You were too good for him."(他配不上你。)因为这样说的话你本质上是指她的品味太差,而且万一他们言归于好了你岂不是很尴尬?可以说"His loss!"(那是他的损失!)这样既没有贬低她的判断能力,又达到了同样的效果。 Don't say: "I'm glad you got rid of him. I never liked him anyway." Why: She'll wonder about your fake adoration for him while they were together.

Instead say: "I'm confident you'll find someone who will give you exactly what you want." It focuses on what's to come, not on the dud you're glad she's done with.

不要说"I'm glad you got rid of him. I never liked him anyway."(我真高兴你甩了他。我从来就没喜欢过他。)那样她会怀疑,他俩还在一起的时候你不过是假惺惺地称赞她男友。可以说"I'm confident you'll find someone who will give you exactly what you want."(我相信你会找到称心如意之人的。)这话着重于将来会如何,而不是那段失意的过去。

Don't say: "How could someone as perfect as you still be single?"

Why: A statement like this comes off as a backhanded compliment. What she hears is "What's wrong with you?"

Instead say: "Seeing anyone?" If she's tight-lipped about her love life, move on to other topics.

不要说"How could someone as perfect as you still be single?"(像你这样十全十美的人,怎么还会是单身呢?)这感觉像是句讽刺挖苦的恭维话,在她听来你是问"What's wrong with you?"(你哪里不对劲?)可以说"Seeing anyone?"(有没有约会啊?)如果她对自己的恋爱问题守口如瓶,那就转移话题吧。




Don't say: "You were too good for him."

Why: You are basically saying she has bad taste. And you'll be embarrassed if they ever patch it up.

Instead say: "His loss!" It gets the same point across without disparaging her judgment.

不要说"You were too good for him."(他配不上你。)因为这样说的话你本质上是指她的品味太差,而且万一他们言归于好了你岂不是很尴尬?可以说"His loss!"(那是他的损失!)这样既没有贬低她的判断能力,又达到了同样的效果。

Don't say: "I'm glad you got rid of him. I never liked him anyway."

Why: She'll wonder about your fake adoration for him while they were together.

Instead say: "I'm confident you'll find someone who will give you exactly what you want." It focuses on what's to come, not on the dud you're glad she's done with.

不要说"I'm glad you got rid of him. I never liked him anyway."(我真高兴你甩了他。我从来就没喜欢过他。)那样她会怀疑,他俩还在一起的时候你不过是假惺惺地称赞她男友。可以说"I'm confident you'll find someone who will give you exactly what you want."(我相信你会找到称心如意之人的。)这话着重于将来会如何,而不是那段失意的过去。

Don't say: "How could someone as perfect as you still be single?"

Why: A statement like this comes off as a backhanded compliment. What she hears is "What's wrong with you?"

Instead say: "Seeing anyone?" If she's tight-lipped about her love life, move on to other topics.

不要说"How could someone as perfect as you still be single?"(像你这样十全十美的人,怎么还会是单身呢?)这感觉像是句讽刺挖苦的恭维话,在她听来你是问"What's wrong with you?"(你哪里不对劲?)可以说"Seeing anyone?"(有没有约会啊?)如果她对自己的恋爱问题守口如瓶,那就转移话题吧。

情景作文主要是记叙文和应用文,而开放性作文都是看图类的议论文。从整体上看,破解看图作文的“必杀技”有以下两招:第一,描述图画,也就是describe the picture。第二,解释图画,考生要做到explain how you understand it。在第一步中,考生要做到不能遗漏信息,特别是出题人用气泡形式所列举的建议信息等。比如在20##年北京卷第一题情景作文中,图中用气泡形式列举了班级的学生在班会中提出了一些春游游玩的建议,这时就需要考生有一定的词汇积累,能准确表示出图中的信息:going to the amusement park nearby, going boating, climbing mountains等。此外,还要求考生掌握多种表示"列举"的词汇,如for instance,such as,including等。但这只能保证考生安全地表达图中所出现的信息,并不能确保考生可以得到高分,写出令人"惊艳"的句型。在我们综合能力拔高和写作单项的课程中,都会着重分析句子的功能并讲解如何让考生写出更加地道出彩不平凡的句子来。还是那上题为例,在说明"我们提出了几个建议,例如划船、爬山、去游乐场等。"受中式思维的影响,很多考生会直接采用“we”做主语,直接写出"We came up with several choices such as going boating, climbing mountain, and going to an amusement park." 这样写虽然对,但并不能抓住阅卷老师的眼球。很多考生都忽略了“被动语态“这处语法知识。我们可以用suggestions做主语,打破思维惯性,不落俗套,同时也强调"建议"这个概念。句子就写出"Many suggestions were put forward, which included going to an amusement park, going boating on a lake, or climbing mountains. "所以从中我们可以看出一个重要的夺分标准,就是不仅要把句子些对,更要写的精彩。而在第二个部分表达考生对整幅图画的理解时,道理也是一样的,考生应该知道定语从句、同位语从句起的是解释说明作用的,而用主语从句、宾语从句可以表达自己的观点,而这在第二部分的应用中屡试不爽。考生还可以运用感叹句、倒装句、由what引导的主语从句等表示强调,起到升华主题的作用。
