


? Question:

1) Excuse me.Can you show me the way to LYCEC?

2) How far is it from here?

3) How long does it take me to get there?

4) Is there any sign in front of it?

5) Could you tell me the closet restroom is?

? Answer:

1) Turn left at the second crossing.

2) Go straight ahead.

3) Go along this street.

4) Go along this street until the store.

5) Go straight about 100 metres.

6) Go across the road.

7) It’s about five minutes walk from here.

? 问

1) 打扰了,你能告诉我去李阳疯狂英语学院怎么走吗?

2) 那里离这里多远?

3) 去那里需要多长时间?

4) 在那之前有什么标志?

5) 请问最近的厕所在哪?

? 答

1) 在第二个十字路口左转。

2) 一直直走。

3) 走到这条街的尽头。

4) 一直走到那个商店为止。

5) 直走大约100米。

6) 穿过马路。

7) 步行到那里大约5分钟。

? 对话模板

—Excuse me.Can you tell me how can I get to the man’s room?

—Go along this street until you reach mirror pond.You’ll fing the teaching building is on your left.Go into the teaching building and go straight ahead about 50 metres.The man’s room is on your left.You won’t miss it. —Sorry,it’s too complex.

—It’s not too complex.I’ll draw you a map if you wish.

—I’d really appreciate that.


A.Beautiful day.Isn’t it?

B.Yes,it’s perfect.

A.I love warm weather.


A.So,where are you from?

B.I’m from America.

A.That’s a beautiful country.You are lucky to live there.

B.Thanks,have you ever benn there?

A.A couple of times.I loved it.It’s so clean and it’s so multi-cultural.Which city are you from?

B.I’m from L.A.Have you ever been there?

A.Yes,L.A is absolutely fantastic.I loved Hollywood.It was very exciting.

B.You must be crazy about movies.What about you?Where are you from?

A.I’m from Beijing.I’m local person.I’ve lived here all my life.

B.Really?That’s great!Beijing is an amazing city.I’m really impressed with it.

A.Is this your first time here?

B.Yes,it is.But I’ve read and heard a lot about China.

A.Are you here for business or pleasure?

B.I’m here for a vacation.

A.Beijing is a great place for vacation.Hou long will you be here?

B.Two weeks.I’ve been here a week already.Time flies.

A.There is a lot to see here in Beijing.Hou do you like it so far?

B.I love it.The people are extremely friendly and I love the food,it so much cheaper and better than chinese food in America.

A.I’m so glad to hear that.What have you enjoyed the most so fat?

B.The forbidden city.It is breathtaking.I’ve never seen anything like it.

A.It’s truly amazing place,isn’t it?I’m so glad you had a chance to see it.

B.I wish my parents had come with me on this trip.

A.Mabe next tikme?Is there anything you don’t like about Beijing?

B.It is so hard to do things if you don’t speak Chinese.Beijing really needs more English speakers.Your English is pretty good though.

A.Thands for your compliment.I totally agree with you that China does need more English speakers.The good news is that Chinede people are working hard to learn English.

B.That’s great.More and more Americans are starting to learn Chinese.

A.Are you planning to visit any other cities?

B.Yes.I’m going to Xi’an than Shanghai.I’ll fly back to L.A from there.

A.What a shame.You are missing a lot of other beautiful cities.China is a big country.It takes a long time to see it.

B.I see.I want to visit Guilin,Hangzhou and Kunming.Two weeks is to short.I plan to come bank next year.

A.By the way.My name is Peter,here is my name card.

B.thank you very much.My name is Kim.It’s nice to meet you.

A.Nice to meet you,too.I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here.

B.I’m sure I will.

A.Please feel free to call me if you needmy help in Beijing.

B.That’s very nice of you.Thanks a lot.

A.Sure,no problem.take care.

B.Nice talking to you,good bye.





黄山旅游的最后一天,在机场的候机厅,坐在我对面的是一名“老外”,我观察了他一段时间,他大概三十来岁,估计有一米八,头发是金色的,眼球是棕色的,皮肤很白,穿着一件T-shirt和短裤,坐在他旁边的是一个外国的女人。“老外”在和他旁边的女人谈话,不时的露出微笑,他应该是一个比较阳光的人。“与他交流一下嘛!”我的脑海中浮现出了这个念头,我的心像一只兔子一样在乱窜,非常激动。突然他们的谈话终止了,目光落到我的身上,“呃,hello(你好),我急中生智,有点生怯的向他挥了挥手说,“Hello, how are you(你好吗)?”我慌乱中小声的应了句“Fine, thank you.(我很好,谢谢)。”,我深深地吸了吸了一口气,定了定神,问“Where are you from?(你来自哪里?)”“I’m from London, and??(我来自伦敦)”“Where are you going?(你要去哪里?)”我有点兴奋,老外似乎还要说些什么,我打断了他,“I’m going to Xi’an(我要去西安),and so where do you live(那么你住在哪里?)”“Foshan!(佛山)我淡定的回答,“Did you go to Huang Shan?(你有没有上黄山) 我问,“Yes I did.(是的,我上了。)And what’s you name?(你叫什么名?)”老外随即抛来一问。“Pizza.”我说,“Nice to meet you, Pizza.(认识你真高兴,Pizza)”他伸出手礼貌的说,我心花怒放,与他握了握手“Nice to meet you, too.(我也是)”

“Do you have a sister or a brother?”(你有没有一个妹妹或弟弟?)” “No, I don’t。(不,我没有。”)

“Why?(为什么)”。他问,“Because China have a large population.(因为中国人口太多了。)”哈哈,我连初一刚学的知识也用上了。

