
第47课Through the Earth’s Crust

1、 Satellites orbiting round theearth have provided scientists with a vast amount ofinformation about conditions in outer space.


2、 Until recently, scientists havebeen unable to devise a drill which would be capable of cutting through hard rock at greatdepths.


3、 Keeping the platform inposition at sea will give rise to furtherproblems. 固定此平台于海上不动将会遇到新问题。

4、 Scientists have been amazed tofind that it can cut through the hardest rock withgreat ease.


第60课: 1、Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs of a civilized society. 开头就很平铺的说出了文章要说的内容,而且不觉得做作。。对比俺写文章。。绞尽脑汁想出来的句子,和后面又连不上。。蛮突兀的,而且,punctuality 可以用在阐述character方面的例子。

2、Without it, nothing could ever be brought to a conclusion; everything would be in a state of chaos.

这几天研究NEC, 发现其实他们蛮喜欢用这种双重否定的。。或者说 是用本身就带否定意味的词来表达,什么not donot。。出现得不多。而且,是我们chinese喜欢用的排比句式。。。同时,这个句子MS是个虚拟。。。

3、Only in a sparsely-populated rural community is it possible to disregard it. 这三句话是连一起的,所以说这篇文章推荐背诵。三个句子,都是看起来很小儿科的句子,单词句式都会,但是觉得很自然地,第一句陈诉观点,第二句虚拟假设相反情况,到第三句又很自然地用倒装来说也有少量情况出现。。。反思俺写文章,都是心血来潮在前面一堆类似句式中突然冒一个其他的句式,多变的目的是达到了,但是一点都不灵活。。。— —|

4、He is therefore forgiven, if late for a dinner party.

if引导的条件状语后置,其实这更多的符合欧美人的表达习惯,后面看到的很多句子,都和我们一般写出来的不一样。我们一般写 if...,he...,或者When..., he....

5、But people are often reproached for unpunctuality(又是一个直接表示否定意义的词) when their only fault is cutting things fine.

推荐背的是 cutting things fine 这个词组——卡得太紧

句子意思是:但人们则常常仅仅由于将时间安排得太紧而引起不准时受到指责。 如果让我们来写这个句子的话:

But people are often blamed just because they have arranged their agandas too heavy to be punctuality.— —|

6、The over-punctual can be as much a trial to others as the unpunctual.


as much a trial to others as。。觉得这个句子蛮经典的。。很明白地说出了早到也是对人的一种折磨。。。

7、Although being early may mean wasting a little time, this will be less than if you miss the train and have to wait an hour or more for the next one; and avoid the frustration of arriving at the very moment when the train is drawing out of the station and being unable(又是。。) to get on it.


同时几个单词觉得蛮好:drawing out of the station 一般都会说 about to leave, take off,...


avoid the frustration 动词的名词形式,记得论坛上有篇蛮经典的帖子就是说 名词化趋势,把表达句子中心意思的词尽量用名词表达 be unable to ..比couldn't, failed to, not successful。。这些用滥的会不会要好一点,而且 这个更多的就是强调事情有没有做成功

8、An even harder situation is to be on the platform in good time for a train and still to see it go off without you.


9、She entered the station twenty minutes before the train was due, since her patents had imressen upon her that it would be unforgivable to miss it and cause the friends with whom she was going to stay to maike two journeys to meet her.


10、She felt in her handbag fot the piece of paper...

表达,使用的单词 feel。。一般我们写做习惯:She searched in her bag for the piece of paper..

11、The girl, tear streaming down her face, begged to be allowed to slip into the guard's van.

那个 tear streaming down her face 觉得这个状语用得蛮好的。。。


1、 Radio telescopes have one bigadvantage over conventional telescopes in thatthey can operate in all weather conditions and can pick up signals coming fromvery distant stars.

这个 over 这个词。。以及 inthat 表示原因的用法。

2、 The radio telescope at IodrellBank in Englandwas for many years the largest in the world.


3、 A new telescope, overtwice the size, was recently built at Sugar Grovein West Virginia.


4、 Astronomers no longer regard asfanciful the idea that they may one day pick up signal which have been sent byintelligent beings on other worlds.

regard as fanciful the idea that….这个句子,刚开始看没太懂结构。

其实正常的应该是 regard the idea that they…as fanciful. 为了平衡句子结构所以把asfanciful这个给提前了。蛮地道的表达。。至少是蛮不中式英语的表达


5、 Highlyadvanced civilizations may have existed on otherplanets long before intelligent forms of life evolved on the earth.


最震撼的是看俺爸爸帮我改邮件,最后一句 我本来写的是

I’m waiting foryour replay.。。。。。 蛮土的

Your reply willbe highly appreciated.。。。以后俺发邮件最后一句都是这个了。。。 还有advanced,一个用法比较多的词,属于要掌握好的词吧。

6、 Aware of the fact that it would be impossibleto wait thousands or millions of years to receive an answer from a distant planet,scientists engaged in Project Ozma ateconcentrating their attention on stars which are relatively close.

过渡句,连接2段间逻辑关系的句子。可以用做进一步详细的阐述,也可以做转折。 engage in 参与

7、 A single picture would tell usmore than thousands of words.


A simpleoperation on the computer would save us more than thousands of minutes.

8、 In an age when anything seemsto be possible, it would be narrow-minded in the extreme to ridicule theseattempts to find out if there is life in other parts of the universe.

很好的结尾总结句子。还是那个creativity v.s knowledge

In an age whenanything seems to be full of innovation, it would be narrow-minded in theextreme to regard knowledge gained as superior than creativity.


1、 We havebeen brought up to fear insects.


2、 We regardthem as unnecessary creatures that do more harm than good.


3、 We live in dread not only of unpleasant insects like spiders or wasps, but of quite harmless ones like moths.


4、 Knowing that theindustrious ant lives in a highly organized society doesnothing to prevent us from being filled withrevulsion when we find hordes of them crawling over a carefully prepared picniclunch.


5、 We enjoy staring at them, entranced as they go abouttheir business, unaware (we hope) ofour presence.


6、 Who has notstood in awe ate the sight of a spider pouncing on afly, or a column of ants triumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle?



1、 Her shopping had tired her and her basket had grownheavier with every step of the way home.


2、 In the lift her thoughts were on lunch and a good rest…

一般我们写,只想着做什么什么,just thinking, concentrate on..

3、 She walked slowly into the halland at once noticed that all the room doors were open, yetfollowing her regular practice she had shut then before going out. Yet的用法,印象中老师一直强调yet的用法,也是属于英语中活用比较多的词

4、 It was asclear as daylight then that burglars had forced anentry during her absence.

5、 Her firstimpulse was to go round all the rooms looking for thethieves, but then she decided that at her age it might be more prudent to havesomeone with her, so she went to fetch the porter from his basement.

第一反应:这个impulse 更加形象的说出了是当时立刻的反应,带有冲动不理智的色彩。。



第二篇:填空和句子翻译答案 新概念英语


1. With his index finger, Patterson pointed toward a plain color-coded box beneath a long wooden table. 2. He disguised himself as a waiter and watched what was going on around. 3. He often whistles a tune during the morning tea break when his boss is not around. 4. And again she shouted in a high-pitched voice, word by word, with no attempt to restrain herself, "I can not stand any more." 5. There were certain people in that room, like Peter and John, who had failed to grasp what I was saying. 6. During that time I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood. 7. I'm just praying that the board of directors will take step before it is too late. 8. She was the director's faithful assistant in whom he could have absolute confidence. 9. These developers pledge to build low-income housing units when the supply of affordable housing for poor people continues to shrink. 10. People have been mobilized to build defenses and drain flooded land as heavy rains continue to fall. 11. I got a postcard from a friend which says "Wishing you both a merry Christmas and a happy New Year." 12. It was a very emotional time in the delivery room and I certainly shed a few tears when Andrew was born. 13. She shook with terror whenever she was about to fly in a plane. 14. Victims want to see justice done not just for themselves, but for the greater good of society.

Unit3 1. Education should aim to cultivate a child's mind to its utmost potential. 2. We have tried to make the test simple but comprehensive so that it will give us a basic idea of what you do and do not understand.

3. This controversial book was both praised and criticized, but whether it was read by artists I leave to further research. 4. Three independent daily newspapers have been ordered to suspend publication.

5. They offered me only $5 for a whole day's work—I felt really insulted 6. The lab director said that the experiment was at its preliminary stage and they would need more time to come to a final result. 7. They must know how to make use of and, when necessary, to replace the old conventional rules. 8. It is made quite clear in the report that China will stick to its reform and opening-up policy.

9. One of the things many of us hope for is a chance to contribute something worthwhile to the world.

10. The reports have attracted considerable publicity although only a tiny proportion of the reports have been debated in the House. 11. It was with a mixture of excitement and pity that we watched, as some of the escaping rabbits were shot.

12. Are people who work till 10 o'clock in the evening more energetic than those who stop at 5 o'clock? 13. He exhibited high intelligence and had a powerful memory, but was unpopular because he was often rude. 14. He cursed his bad luck in arriving just after she'd left.

15. The children were expected to do well and they were carefully encouraged, but they were never put under strain by demands to do or be the best.

Unit4 1. This means they have been inspected by a team of professional experts and the standard of their work has been approved. 2. The Statue of Liberty had just arrived from Paris and was being assembled so it was not in New York Harbor when they arrived. 3. This reaction to the event is rather exaggerated but on the other hand there's something in it.

4. Police had trouble understanding who was responsible for the accident, because everyone who saw it made different

5. It is an almost universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we actually exercise the skills we initially used to perform it. 6. His appointment has not been formally approved yet. 7. It's getting more and more difficult to recruit experienced staff. 8. He insisted that the idea evolved out of work done by British scientists.

9. They are the ordinary citizens for whom the honors system was designed—people who dedicated their lives to duty. 10. His expression became very solemn when we told him what had happened.

11. Once we gain a reputation for quality service, it will be easy to find people willing to sign new contracts with us. 12. Mary said she'd never marry because she valued her independence too much. 13. I am surprised that a company with your good reputation would produce such poor quality goods. 14. The president flew in to look at the destruction caused by the flood.

1. Unit5 A very promising football player back home, Kamte decided to switch to golf and turned professional in 2002. 2. The cabbages have already started to decay and we have to throw them away.

3. Many elderly people feel more secured knowing that if they need help, there is always someone with them, caring for them.

4. The Toyota Matrix that we was driving was shaking vigorously, and some of its screws were getting loose 5. They went up to the gate, which slid open at the push of a button.

6. During the colonial period, the church was closely allied with the government, giving full support to the government and, in return, receiving special privileges. 7. The baby had woken up for another feed after a(n) interval of three or four hours. 8. In this paper I will give a broad outline of the research we have been doing. 9. I knew that he had been in Cuba the preceding year because he constantly mentioned Havana. 10. If he is only interested in your looks, that just shows how shallow he is. 11. He pulled it off and threw it behind him, revealing himself naked to the waist. 12. Parents feel a mixture of emotions when their first child starts school. 13. He had dropped several hints about what he wanted for his birthday. 14. The National Basketball Association negotiates TV rights for important games.

15. We were caught in the rain the other night and the rain was dripping down our necks.

Unit6 1. It would have been more sensible to save the money than to spend it all on clothes. 2. The system is so sensitive that it can detect changes in temperature as small as 0.003 degrees. 3. The doctor advised us to take every precaution so as not to catch cold. 4. It was the strangest occurrence I can remember in my university days. 5. The government demands that the bridge be built to withstand an earthquake of 8.3 magnitudes. 6. On a long-term basis they may contribute to developing crops which are resistant to drought. 7. In some places the cliff was almost vertical, and much too dangerous to climb. 8. The accidental discharge of the poisonous gas caused some chaos. 9. Please find enclosed the application information you requested. 10. Passengers should keep their seat belts fastened until the warning light is extinguished. 11. The same processes could explain how related species appeared on widely separated land masses. 12. One of the joints in the pipe was cracked (破裂) and gas was escaping. 13. An analysis of data from London shows that skin cancer is on the increase. 14. A(n) arrangement between the two couples ensured there was always someone to look after the children.




No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.


Just as all his sister’s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them.


Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.


If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more.


Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children.


Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company. unit2



The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence.


All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron.


No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion.


Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance.


If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible.


Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem. unit3



In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional.


Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them.


In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one’s study after graduating from university instead of going to work directly.


As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally.

5. 据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开

It is said that the meeting, which is scheduled to be held this month, will be put off till next month.


The school sees its job as preparing its students for life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can benefit all of them.




Everything considered, this city is the world’s most exciting city.


Though with no approval from his parents, he went ahead with his plan to study abroad.


The bridge was named after the hero who gave his life for the cause of people.


It is said that the painter used his mother as the model in the painting whose face represented suffering yet strength.


The writer instantly rose to fame in 1950 with the publication of a novel inspired by his experience with a girl on a farm.


One story says that “US” was short for “Uncle Sam” whose real name was Sam Wilson, who had once worked with a man who had signed a contract with the government to provide meat to the US Army.




Not until he saw his mother lying in bed, dying, did he realize how much he loved her.


Taking into account of his recent physical condition, I think he has done quite well in the exam.


Mrs. Clark lies in bed motionless, and I wondered briefly if she is still alive.


The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-storey window.


These soldiers have received very strict training and are well equipped to fulfill the new task.


He reached for the phone, picked it up, and dialed the hotel’s number.




We should try our best to forecast earthquakes so that destruction of property caused by them could be prevented as much as possible.


A farmer noticed large schools of fish swimming near the surface of the water, which, he said, indicated the possible occurrence of an earthquake.


Keep an English-English dictionary handy, and when you cannot understand a word with accuracy, you may refer to it any time.


If necessary, people who live in the area where an earthquake is about to occur may sleep in tents.


A master’s degree does make a great difference to a student who wants to get a job.


In addition to the knowledge about earthquakes, the book tells us how to prepare for them.
