



梁:欢迎大家收看我们的超幸福购物频道 我是小梁






梁:周小姐 请问平时你走路吗

周:走路~哇哈哈 呵哼哼 你真是也够搞笑的 像我这样的大牌明星 我需要走路吗 我平时出门就座私家

车 出远门就坐飞机 回家就做电梯 购均小弟 平时有事没事根本不用站立 你觉得我还需要走路吗~

梁:OK OK 就算我问错了那我能问一下你平时穿鞋吗

周:妈呀~那你就问对人了 我跟你说作为一个专业卖鞋的..

梁: 啊 啊~

周:sorry~哈 作为一个专业买鞋的达 达人哈 尤其是个女达人 一点不是吹 我跟你说 一间60多平米的房

子 里面满满当当的全身鞋 我那有运动鞋 旅游鞋 高跟鞋 平底鞋 皮鞋 布鞋 拖鞋 球鞋 板鞋 水鞋 草 鞋 凉鞋 有带的没带的 一脚凳子带拉链的 系扣的不系扣的 总之是各种各样的名牌鞋

梁:啊妹 累 累着了吧 妹妹(拍拍肩膀)那这样说来你一定用得到很多很多的鞋垫咯 周:恩~对呀

梁:那今天你是走大运了 有位名人曾经说道:千里之行始于足下,没有鞋垫真是搁脚 那今天我们就为

大家带来了风靡全亚洲 风靡全球 让大家为之痴狂 为之着迷 为之尖叫的超幸福鞋垫 周:哇~我每一双鞋里垫的都是这个 自从我垫了这个超幸福以后 我的头不晕了 手不抖了连起色都比以前 红润了 好多朋友都问我是不是变态了..

梁:( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊!

周: 是不是恋爱了~呵 我都不知道这是为什么呢~



梁:有一位哲人曾经说过:人之初,性本善;没鞋垫,真搁脚 大家别看我们超鞋垫薄薄的一片 ,这里面可是蕴含了九九八十一道工序 我们在这里面结合了世界上最先进的纳米技术并且用了一百八十多味珍 贵的中药材,我们的鞋垫通过了国际ISO的认证,它是百分百的绿色产品,百分百的环保产品。你忘 记了吗,有位哲人曾经说过“书到用时方恨少,鞋里有垫才不搁脚啊”

周:嘿 不是 哪个哲人说的

梁:我还没说完呢 我们的鞋垫不到可以除脚臭 治感冒 并且可以增强身体的免疫力 提高网上偷菜和做饭的速度 同时呢大家应该也记得 有一位哲人曾经说过:用别人的幸福垫自己的鞋 让别人不幸的搁脚去吧

周:呵~我受不了了 你把那哲人给我叫过了 我整死他我

梁:啧!控制 注意你的情绪


梁:当然了 因为它是可以帮助你成功的秘密武器哟~











周:为~不感兴趣 不想知道

梁:OK 好 那想知道菲尔普斯为什么可以成为世界级的飞鱼吗



周:嘻呵呵呵 梁老师



梁:啧 这你就不懂了 他人在池子里是不用 可是他在岸上的鞋里垫着我们的什么 观众:超幸福



梁:没错 那接下来我们就跟大家分析一下我们超幸福鞋垫 不可一世 骇人听闻 甚至是令人发指的功能 首先 当然是它的外观和色泽

合:超幸福小小个 超幸福金黄色 超幸福健康又独特 鞋垫就要超幸福

梁:第二 当然是它的抗疲劳功能 可以说 垫上我们的超幸福走多远都不会累哦 周:脚步暖暖的 疼痛远远的 那个不痛 月月轻松

梁:第三 当然是它独特的弹性设计

合:弹弹弹走鱼尾纹 弹弹弹走鱼尾纹

梁:第四 我们要向大家介绍的就是它增强记忆力功能了

周:自从我给孩子买了超幸福以后 学起英语来~

梁:Seay~妈妈在也不用担心我的学习 另外 最最最重要的当然是垫是我们的超幸福 可以让男人更男人 女人更女人

合:从前的我们很纠结 (女抱男)(女笑 哇哈哈哈~)

梁:用了超幸福之后 (吼~)


梁:是的 不仅是这样 我们还聘请了国际最知名的设计师 为我们设计了很多很多的系列 首先是我们为年纪大的朋友设计的成熟稳重的十二生肖系列 请看 龙








梁:哦哦哦~对不起 忘了跟大家介绍一下了 虎年的已经脱销了 如果你今年正好是本命年的话没有关系 你可以换个属相嘛 呵呵~

周:你轻也不要失望 只要你把生肖反过来 铛铛铛铛 就变成了十二星座 是不是很有创意呀

梁:哇~ 不过在这里也要告诉狮子座的朋友实在是非常的抱歉 因为所有狮子座的产品我们送给谁了 曾轶可 是的

周:咦唉~ 那如果我是属虎的又是狮子座 岂不是很衰!

梁:没有关系 你可以选用我们最新设计的 最时髦 最Fiss的 阿凡达系列

周:哇~(拍手) 那这个是什么

梁:噢 这个要为大家特别介绍一下 这是我们DIY系列 你可以把你讨厌的人害怕的人的照片贴在这空白的位置 这样的话 他就会甜蜜的问你

周:亲爱的 你把我当做什么~



梁:对啊~这样我就可以天天把你 踩在脚底下了

合:是不是很爽 这还不算完

梁:请看我们还有全新为你推出的 耀眼到不行 上面镶嵌着38颗 八心八箭 完美车工的钻石系列

周:所谓的八心八箭 就是一颗钻石拥有完美抛光 完美比例 完美对称 钻石中的极品 鞋垫中的劳斯莱斯

梁:您没有听错 我们的超幸福镶嵌的就是这样的完美的钻石 周丽 你干啥呢


梁:你不要这么财迷 我告诉大家 这38颗钻石的位置不能动 因为它对应的位置正好是你脚底的38个重要的穴位 只要垫上我们这样的鞋垫 随时随地你都可以接受最贴心的脚底按摩 这样贴心的设计 这样合理的安排


周:可 说了这么多 我们都不知道这个超幸福鞋垫到底卖多少钱呢

梁:这样的鞋垫我们在国际上是卖998的美元 但是今天我们为了报效我们的国家 回报我们的人民 我们只卖998的人民币 另外 因为今天是我们的元宵佳节 我们再去掉一大部分 我们只卖98块钱呐

周:噢 买嘎嘎 这种价钱简直就是对超幸福鞋垫的侮辱嘛

梁:是的 大家尽情的来侮辱我们吧


梁:噢 是的 我们一共只有20组 只有20组


梁:没有办法 好的产品就是要靠大家来抢购 如果你实在抢不到 我们就只能对你唱

合:Sorry sorry sorry sorry 去开 去开 去开 去开 买不到 买不到 买不到 买不到 气死你 气死你 气死你 气死你



周:今天是元宵佳节 这么重要的日子里 可不可以多一点点呢~



梁:这个~这个(电话来了) 我接个电话 (喂 妈 窝改 内又踩都二十探底啊)探底 就是鞋垫的意思 (哦哦窝周厂为来咯 聊这里啊 哦行行行先挂了) 各位亲爱的观众朋友 刚刚厂家打来电话 我们又紧急备货20组 又有20组啦

周:(拍手 电话来了 喂 三姨啊 咋地 又赶出20双 你让大舅赶紧给我带过来 这玩意儿老好卖了 我跟你说)观众朋友们 告诉大家一个好消息 为了满足大家的需求 我们特地从东北的厂..


周:东南亚的厂子里 紧急掉了20双 20双哦~

梁:现在我们一共有60组了 一共只有60组 各位亲爱的朋友赶快来订购吧 拿起您身边的手机也好座机也好 发电机也好 赶快来拨打我们的订购热线 那就是


周:妈呀 咳死我了

梁:诶 等一下 你的超幸福




第二篇:超体 台词全集

LUCY 2014

<I>Life was given to us a billion years ago.</i>

<I>What have we done with it?</I>


It's as easy as pie. In and out, all done and tested.

Then why don't do it yourself?

Milan said the guy is expecting a total '10' turning up

to deliver the case.

You'll blow his mind. Come on.

What's in it?


Don't get paranoid on me, alright? You trust me,

don't you?

Richard, I really do like you but...

I've to take care of myself right now, I got a... I don't know, I gotta concentrate on so many things.

Hey! Hey! What are you doing?

I'm going home because I have exams on Monday.

I have to shower and I have to study, OK? You know what? The other day I was in this museum

and you know what I found out?


The first ever woman was named Lucy.

<i> Lucy <i>

Is that suppose to make me feel better?


- No. - I'll call you, OK?


I'll be honest with you. I can't deliver the case


I've a little falling out with the guy. It's nothing


but if it's you, problem solved.

You walk in there, you go up to the reception,

you ask Mr. Jang to come down.

He comes down, he takes the case, you flash your

prettiest smile and bounce.

Look, you can even see the reception from here.

Come on.

- What's in the case? - I don't know, it's just some


- Yeah? I want to see it then. - It's locked and no one else but Mr. Jang has the code.

I'm just the delivery boy.

- Do you get paid to do this? - Yeah, kinda.

Like how much?

OK, we're negotiating now or ...?

No, no, how much you get paid? I want to know,

how much?

A thousand dollars.

You get paid a thousand dollars for delivering

paperwork, really?

I don't know, it takes me 10 minutes and they're paying a grand and the rest is none of my business.

Wow, it's not my business either. I'm turning


- Listen! - What?

Let's split it then.

That's 500 for you and 500 for me.

- Richard, I'll call you. - Listen! It is the third time this


I'm showing up at the same hotel with the same

cowboy hat.

Problem solved.

- Go! Go! I'll wait for you. Go! - Lucy, honey,

I...I've done this a thousand times.

It's paperwork! It's probably just some ??? they

switched so they can copy them.

That's how it works in this country.

Even my Stetson was made here. Look!

It says so on the label: <i>"Made in Taiwan"<i>

So long, cowboy, with a fake Stetson.

Baby, please!

Richard, I gotta go.

- What the hell are you doing? - I'm sorry.

- What the hell are you do...? - I'm so sorry. I really

need your help.

Stop it! Stop it! Take this off me, right now! - I can't! - Take this off me, right now!

- I can't! Mr. Jang is the only one who has the key! -


Just get in there and ask to meet him at the


No! Take it off me, right now!

I'm really sorry, I really have no choice. The sooner

you go in, the sooner you'll be back out.

I can't believe you did this to me.

- I'll be right here, you've my word. - Your word isn't

worth shit!

Uh...it's worth 500 bugs, upfront.

You're an asshole!

And you're wonderful, huh?

Miss, may I help you?


I'm here for, uh...

Mr. Jang.


Who should I say is here?


Uh, Richard sent me. Richard sent me.

Mr. Jang, (greeting). There's a lady here asking for


What's your name?

No, Richard.

Richard, uh, he's just looking for a place to park.

She said she came with Richard.

Mr. Jang still wants to know your name.


Lucy what?

Just...just Lucy. If he, could he...be quick 'cause

I...I've to...

Just a second while I translate...

Mr. Jang, she said her name is Lucy. That's all she

told me. Alright.

Mr. Jang is on his way, stay right here.

Can I sit?

En. Jang said you need to stay right here. I think it's

better if you stay right here.

Excuse me. Regent Hotel.



No, wait! No!


Wait, I don't know anything!

Please! Please! Let me...

No, please!

Do you speak English?

Tambien hablo poco Espanol. ( I speak a little

Spanish too )

Lucy, yes, I'm Lucy.

It's just a terrible mistake. I'm just suppose to deliver

this case.

If you lost the key, you don't have to chop off my

hand, you can just cut the chain, OK?


I'm begging you, please!

No! No! No!

No! No! Please!



<i>Hello, Miss, I speak English. I translate for Mr.


Please tell him that I haven't done anything. I don't

know anything.

It's all just a big mistake, OK? Please, please tell

him that.

<i>Yes, OK, OK, hold on.</i>

<i>Mr. Jang wants to know what's in the case.</i> Well, I don't know what's in the case. Do you speak

English or don't you speak English?!

<i>Yes, I do! I studied one year at International High

School in New York.


Richard gave me the case to give to you, that's all I


OK, please tell him that.

He gave me a paper with numbers written on it, I

don't know...what is this?

<i>It's the code to open the case.</i>

What's really in here?

<i>Nothing dangerous.</i>

So why won't he open it himself?

<i>He doesn't trust Mr. Richard.</i>

I don't trust Richard either.

I only dated him for a week.


<i>- Mr. Jang insists that you open the case.</i> -


Please God, help me.

<i>He wants you to hurry up, Mr. Jang has other

things to do.</i>

<i>Can you describe the content of the case?</i> It's 4 plastic pouches filled with blue powder like a... or maybe a purple powder? I don't know, it looks


<i>Mr. Jang wants to offer you a job.</i>

A job?

I don't want a job!

<i>If life thrived approximately a billion years


<i>we'll have to wait 400,000 years</i>

<i>to see the end of race of the first nerve cells.</i>

This is where life we know it begins.

Brain formation of only a few miligrams

is not possible to determine any sign of

intelligence yet.

It acts more as a reflect.

One neuron, you're alive. Two neurons, you're


And with movement, interesting things began to


Animal life on Earth goes back millions of years. Yet, most specie only use 3-5% of its celebral


But it's not until we reached human being at the top

of the animal chain,

that we finally see a specie used more of its

celebral capacity.

10% may not seem like much but it's a lot if we look

at all we've done with it.

<i>Now let's discuss a special case.</i>

The only living being that uses it's brain better than


...the dolphin.

<i>It's estimated that this incredible animal</i>

uses up to 20% of its celebral capacity.

And in particular, this allows it to have an

echo-location system

that's more efficient than any sonar invented by


But the dolphin did not invent the sonar. It

developed it naturally.

And this is the crucial part of our

philosophical reflection we've today.

Can we therefore conclude

that humans are concerned more with


...than "being".


what did you do with my stomach?

Nothing! Just a little horizontal slit. It's very well done and you'll find in a month, this scar is practically


You'll be in shape for the beach next summer.

I don't care about the scar.

Is it, uh...is it why we opened you up?

Rest assured, we didn't harvest your organ or


and we merely slipped a little package in your lower


It's a...it's a new drug the kids in Europe is gonna

love, believe me.

- What's that? - Well, the scientific term is CPH4. It's not very sexy from a sale's point of view. So, uh...we're...we're still working on something a

little bit more popular.

Any suggestion?

Excuse me.


Welcome, come on in. Lovely, oops...

Splendid! Splendid!

Marvelous! Lovely! Lovely!

- How are you? - Very good, me dear.


Right, uh...first of all, many thanks for taking part in

this enterprise

which I'm sure will go off flawlessly.

These lovely passport and tickets

will enable you to return home in the next 24 hours. Now, upon arrival, you'll be taken in hand by our


so that we might recover our merchadise

and you might re-discover the freedom which you so

richly deserve.

So, I'm sure I needn't remind you but if any of those

who may be attempted to

warn or turn themself in to the authorities, we've the names and addresses of the famalies of everyone of you down to the distant cousins. So, we rely therefore, on your complete discretion.

Good, anyway, uh...

gentleman, ma'dam, allow me to be the first to wish


"bon voyage"!


You gonna sell this?

I'm afraid it's our business model.

<i>For primitive beings like us, life seems to only

have one single purpose.</i>

<i>Gaining time.</i>

And its going thru' time, seems to be also the only real purpose of each of the cell in our bodies. To achieve that aim, the mass of the cell that make up earth worm and human beings

has only 2 solutions.

Be a mortal...

...or to reproduce.

If its habitat is not sufficiently favorable or nurturing,

the cell will choose immortality.

In another word, self-sufficiency and


On the other hand, if the habitat is favorable,

they will choose to reproduce.

That way, when they die,

they hand down essential information and

knowledge to the next cell

which hands it down to the next cell and so on.

Thus, knowledge and learning

all handed down thru' time.

OK, OK, keep calm...

You do right, wait for time...

I'm trying to think it thru'... just take the flight,

take the flight, get out of here.

That's the main thing right now, just keep calm, don't try anything, keep your cool, you're alive... you're alive, Amy, you're alive, that's all that matters.

Just wait, stay calm,

stay calm.

<i>Quit fooling around!<i>

I'm not in the mood.

<i>The bitch had you!<i>

Shit! It's bleeding!

<i>Let's imagine for a few moments</i>

what our life would be like if we could access, let's


20 % of our brains' capacity.

This first stage would give us access to and control

of our own body.

- Sir. - Yes?

Has it been proven scientifically?

Oh, for the moment, it's just hypothesis, I confess

but if you think about it,

it's troubling to realize that the Greeks, the

Egyptians and the Indians

had notion of "cells" centuries before the invention of

the microscope

and what to say about Darwin

whom everybody took for a fool when he put forward

his Theory of Evolution.

It's up to us to push the rules and laws

and go from "evolution" to "revolution".

100 billion neurons per human,

of which only 15% are activated.

There're more connections in the human body than

there're stars in the galaxy.

<i>We possess a gigantic network of information</i>

to which we've almost no access.

- Sir! - Yes?

And what would be the next stage?

Well, the next stage would probably be control of

other people.

But for that, we will need to access at least 40% of

our brains' capacity.

And after control of ourselves and others,

come control of matter.

But now we're entering the realm of science fiction. And we don't know anything more than a dog who

watches the moon.

- Excuse me, sir. - Yes.

But what would happen if for some reason we ignore somebody in ??? 100% of the celebral capacity?

100 % ?


I've no idea.


- Hey, you speak English? - No, no, no.

- You speak English? - Yes, yes.

- Take me to the hospital now. - Hospital?

<i>My leg!<i>

- Hospital. - Wait for me.

Miss, hello?

Hey, miss!

I need help, it's urgent.

You cannot be in here. We're operating.

Please, get out!

You wouldn't be able to save him anyway.

Tumour already invaded the cortext and right side

of his spine.

Somebody put a bag of drug in me. I need you to

remove it.

It's leaking.

Do it now.

Right. I'll just administer local anaethestic...

Don't bother.

Right, I...okay.

Calm down, please. Put the gun down.

I'm just going to...examine, OK?

- Do you mind? - No.

<i>- Hello ?</i> - Mom ?

<i>Hey, Lucy.</i>

<i>Baby, it's great to hear from you</i>

<i>but what time is it over there?</i>

I don't know, it's night.

<i>Hold on a sec', let me get rid of the other line.</i>

I'm going to go inside.

<i>I'm back, you're not partying too much, are


<i>You promised me you'll look after yourself.<i>

I'm trying to, mommy, I'm trying to.

<i>Well, thanks for calling out of the blue like


<i>Your father is gonna be sad he missed you.</i> <i>He isn't home from the gym yet. Usually you

call us in the morning.</i>

- Mom... <i>- Yes ?</i>

I feel everything.

<i>What do you mean, sweatie?</i>


the air,

the vibrations,

the people.

I can feel the gravity.

I can feel the rotation of the Earth.

The heat leaving my body,

the blood in my veins,

I can feel my brain.

The deepest parts of my memory.

<i>Sweatie, we've a bad connection, I can't hear

you so well.</i>

<i>What did you say about 'memory' ?</i> The pain in my mouth, when I had braces, I... ...I can remember the feeling of your hand on my

forehead when I ran a fever.

I remember stroking the cat, it was so soft.

<i>A cat? What cat, honey?</i>

Siamese with blue eye and a broken tail.

<i>Sweatie, you can't possibly remember that.</i>

<i>You were barely a year old.</i>

I remember the days of your milk in my mouth,

the room,

the liquid...

<i>Sweatie, what are you talking about?</i> I just wanna tell you that I love you, mom and dad...


And I wanna thank you for the...

thousand kisses that I can still feel on my face...

I love you, mom.

<i>I love you too, sweatie,</i>

<i>more than anything in the world.</i>

How much is left?

500 grams?

And how long will it take for my body to eliminate

the rest of it?

To answer that, I need to know what it is.

May I?

Go ahead.


Tell me about it.

Pregnant women manufacture CPH4 in the sixth

week of pregnancy,

in tiny quantities.

For a baby, it packs the power of an atomic bomb. It's what gives the foetus the necessary energy to

form all the bones in its body.

I've heard they tried to make a synthetic version of it,

didn't realize that they succeeded.

If it really is CPH4,

in this quantity, I'm amaze you're still alive.

Not for long.

Learning is always a painful process.

Like when you're little, your bones are growing and

you ached all over.

Can you believe I can remember the sound of my

own bones growing?

Like this "grinding" under the skin.

Everything is different now.

Like...sound of music that I can understand, like


It's funny I used to be so concern with

who I was and what I wanted to be, and...

now I've access to the furthest reaches of my brain, I

see things clearly and realize

what make us "us", it's primitive.

They're all obstacles.

Does that make any sense?

Like this pain you're experiencing...

...is blocking you from understanding.

All you know now is pain.

That's all you know, pain.

Where are the others?

The others carrying the drugs, I need the rest of it,

for medicinal purposes.




Thank you for sharing.

- Oh, good evening, Professor. - I sweared I'll be


You hadn't forget your dinner tonight?

I'm afraid so, I'm exhausted.

- Have a good rest. - Thank you.

You scared the shit out of me, felt like some nut bar!

I miss you!

Me too.

You lose your key or something?


- Can I borrow your laptop? - Yeah, of course. So I spend all day at this audition, awesome. They just have you standing around all day because they don't give a shit about your time, gabbing away

in Chinese.

Who understand Chinese? I don't understand


And then they say they always gonna call

and they never do. They don't even take your phone


You know, except this one guy, I bet he, uh...he's not


He works at the agency and he's cute... Oh my God,

he's cute!

You know, like, the cute in kinda way, like he has

this thing...

Oh my God, his arse...

Let me get started on that!

And you'll never gonna guess where he take me. Four Seasons, Royal Suite, and we made love all


I'm sorry, I'm talking about myself. What's up?

How's Richard?

He's dead.

You guys are crazy. I'm gonna take a shower. - Yes? <i>- Profesor Norman, my name is Lucy.</i> <i>I've just read all your research on the human's

brain. We need to meet.<i>

All of my research?

Well, I'm very flattered, young lady but I find that

hard to believe.

I must have written no less than...

<i>6.734 pages, I can recite them too all by heart if

you wish.</i>

Are you one of Emily's friends?

This sounds like one of her silly jokes. Is she there

with you?

<i>No, I'm on my own.</i>

- Who are you? <i>- I just told you.</i>

Lucy, right? Yes, sorry.

<i>I read your theory on the use of the brain's


<i>It's a little rudimentary but you're on the right


Oh, thank you.

<i>Professor, my cells are reproducing at a

phenomenal speed,</i>

<i>several millions per second</i>

</i>and I'm having trouble precisely evaluating the

time of my death</i>

</i>but I doubt it'll last more than 24 hours.</i>

What are you talking about?

<i>What I'm saying is that your theory is not a


<i>I absorbed a large quatity of synthetic CPH4</i> </i>that would allow me to use 100% of my celebral


<i>Right now I'm at 28 % and which you wrote is


<i>Once the brain reaches 20% , it opens up and

expands the rest</i>

<i>and there are no more obstacles.</i>

<i>They fall away like dominos. I'm colonizing my

own brain.</i>

Uh...well...I don't know...what to...say.

It's true, I've...I've been working on this theory for

over 20 years but it's...

it's only...all ever been hypothesis and research


I...I never thought anyone would...

You can control your own metabolism?


<i>And I can start to control other people's


<i>Also I can control magnetic and electric waves


<i>not all of them, just...the most basic.</i>




It's amazing.

<i>I don't feel pain,</i>



<i>it's like all things that make us human are

fading away.</i>

<i>It's like the less human I feel,</i>

<i>all these knowledge about...everything,</i> <i>Quantum Physics, Applied Mathemathics,</i> <i>the infinite capacity of the cell's nucleus,</i> <i>they're all exploding inside my brain, all these


<i>I don't know what to do with it.</i>

If you're asking me...what to do...

You know...

if you think about

the very nature of life...

I mean, from the very begining...

The development of the first cell...divided into two


This whole purpose of life has been

passed on what was learned.

There's no higher purpose.

So if you're asking me what to do with all these knowledge you're accumalating, I'd say...

pass it on,

just like any simple cell,

going thru' time.


<i>Yes, of course.</i>

<i>I'll be at your door in 12 hours.</i>

- You leaving? - Yes.

- What is this? - A prescription.

Since when did you start writing Chinese? - Since an hour ago. - Lucy, I don't understand any

of this.

Your kidneys aren't functioning efficiently, your liver is failing, you need to make some lifestyle changes.

Take this medication, work out, eat organic,

you'll be OK.

<i>Last night, at 11 pm, a woman shot a patient


<i>It happened at Tri-Service Hospital.</i> <i>The suspect is 25, blonde, medium height.</i>

<i>Police are hunting nationwide.</i>

<i>She is armed and dangerous.</i>

Del Rio.

<i>I got a weird call from a US citizen in Taiwan.</i> <i>A young woman calling to tip us off a big drugs


<i>- I'll take it. - OK, she's yours.</i>

<i>- Hello ?</i> - Yes, I've important imformation

about a group of drug traffickers.

I need to speak with someone in position of


Ah-hah, you're very lucky. There's no one with more

authority in this office than me.

But let's start with the begining. What's your name? Listen up, Pierre Del Rio, get off your desk, sit in

your chair,

<i>pick up the red pen to your left and take down

everything I say.</i>

There're no cameras, hurry up. I've no time to


Go ahead.

I'm gonna be sending you details of three people

about to arrive in Europe.

Each one is carrying a kilo of drugs. I need you to

arrest them and collect the substance.

I'll need it later.

What form of these drugs in? Bars? Capsules? Powder, hidden in plastic pouches inside their


Excuse me?

Make sure to be careful when you remove them.

The product is very powerful.

Believe me.

<i>Got it?</i>



I'm counting on you.


Good morning.

Berlin - Germany

Thank you.

That's him! Pick him up!

Come with me, please.


Sir, come with me.

Welcome to Rome.

Good morning, sir.

Please, follow me. This way.

Yeah, sure.

Del Rio.

Thanks for calling me back.

We got the third guy.

Thanks very much. I'll send you the paper work with

the transfer.


Okay, we got all three.

<i>Ladies and gentlemen, we're now begining our

descend to Paris-Charles de Gaulle</i>

Miss, I've to ask you to put away your computer


You should wipe your nose.

- Excuse me? - May I have a glass of champagne?

Um, yes, of course.

Miss, your champagne.

Thank you.

I'm very sorry but...uh, you really need to close

your table now.


To knowledge.

<i>If the habitat is not sufficiently favorable or


<i>the cell will choose immortality.</i>

<i>In another word, self-sufficiency and


No, miss, miss.

You must remain seated.

Miss, stop!


Miss, open the door! You really have to go back to

your seat! Miss!

We're going to land soon, please, open the door!

Please, say something, are you okay?



Miss, please open the door!

Do something, help me open!

Answer me! Open the door!

Miss? Are you okay? Say something!

<i>With a scar on her lower abdomen?</i>

Yeah, we got it out of her.

- How is she? - Fine, she's doing fine.

With the shot I gave her, she should wake up in a


- Doctor, she's awake. - Are you sure?

Yes, she's sitting on the bed.

That's her.

- You didn't restrain her? - Sure we did!

Miss, don't move!

- I need to talk to you alone. - And I need you to put

your hands up, please.

Did you get the packets?


- Where're they? - They're safe.

Here, in Paris.

They'll be safer in my hands.

Don't leave the car there. Park it up.

You know, as a cop, we see some pretty weird shit

but I've to be honest with you.

What you did back there, that freaked me out.

To put everyone to sleep like that,

do I need to be worried?



Do you mind?


- What's that? - Korean, I'm going to drive. Hey! Hey! Hey! No! No! No! This is a police car!

You can't! No, this is not possible, lady.

This is a police car!


Let's go, guys!

Sir, sir, excuse me, sir.

I need to talk to somebody.

Talk to the police.

Look, I'm a German citizen and I demand us a


I'll check the surgery.

- Grab us some food. - You're a foodaholic.

Do you always drive like that?

I never driven before.


- Hey, this is one way! - We're late. Hey, I would rather be late than dead.

We never really die.

Sorry, sir, I don't agree...

I'm fine, fine.

I'm going to tell them to stop following us.

Don't bother.

Hey, I got you backup...

Give me the case.

Kill her and get the pouch.

Don't stand there, kill her!

Open it.

Let's go.

I'm not sure I could be of any help for you.

Yes, you are.

What for?

A reminder.

Shall we go?

Where are we going?

<i>Take the first left<i>


Follow that car.

- Professor? - Thanks.

- Yes? <i>- Lucy.</i>

It's her, it's her.

Hey you, you're in Paris?

<i>Yes, I'm.</i>

Good, good, excellant.

So, look, I'm no longer at the hotel now, uh, I've

come to the university

where I've taken the liberty of calling and gathering a few of my colleagues to discuss your case. Top men in their field and um...very trustworthy.

<i>I trust you.</i>

Oh, thank you. So, do you think you can meet us

here at the university?

I'm, uh...I'm very pleased to meet you.


- Captain Del Rio. - How do you do?

Let...let me introduce you to my colleagues. This is Professor Cartier, neuro surgeon. - Professor... - I know who everyone is.

Ah, of course.

Uh, gentlemen, this is Lucy, the first woman to...

I mean...like I mentioned earlier...

Ms. Lucy has for reasons, remains a mystery to me,

unlocked certain portion of her brain

that offered access

to...previously unexplored celebral zones.

She has abilities.

Can you give us an example?

Your daughter, Gabriel, aged 6, died in a car


It was a blue car, leather seats...

<i>plastic bird hanging from the rear view mirror.</i>

Boss, 5 men down at the hospital. Sorry.

How many men left?

I've about 25 men with me.

That damn girl, she doesn't give in. She's a witch.

I know that.

I'll kill her myself.

There're men coming here, can you secure the


- I need to stay focus. - Sure.

Speed it up.

How did you manage to access all these


Electrical impulses...

Every cell knows and talks to every other cell. They exchange a thousand bits of information

between them per second.

Cells group together, forming a giant web of


which in turn forms matter.

Cells get together, take on one form,

deform, reform,

makes no difference, it's all the same.

<i>Human considers themself unique.</i> <i>So, they rooted their whole theory of existence

on their uniqueness.<i>

'One'...is the unit of measure but it's not. All social systems we put into place are mere


1 + 1 = 2 That's all we learned.

But 1 + 1 has never equalled 2.

They're in fact, no numbers and no letters.

We codify our existence to bring it down to haman


to make it comprehensible.

We created the scale so that we can forget its

unfathomable scale.

<i>But if humans are not the unit of measure,</i> <i>and the world isn't governed by mathemathical


what governs all that?

Form a car speeding down the road...

speed up the image infinitely

and the car disappears.

So, what proof do we have of its existence? Time gives legitimacy to its existence.

Time is the only true unit of meassure.

<i>It gives proof to the existence of matter.</i>

Without time,

we don't exist.

Time is 'unity'.

Search the whole building and find her!

We wouldn't be able to hold them for much longer.

Time to go then.

Are you sure you need such huge doses?

I'm afraid you won't survive.

Some cells inside me will fight and defend their

integrity to the very end.

In order to attain the last few percent, I've to force it.

To crack the cells open to their nucleus.

All these knowledge, Lucy...

I'm not even sure that mankind is ready for it.

We're so driven by power and profit.

Given man's nature,

it might bring us only instability and chaos. Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge.

I'll build a computer and download all my

knowledge in it.

I'll find a way for you to have access to it.


I just hope, we'll be worthy of your sacrifice.

Nobody move!

Do you understand English?

What is she doing?

She's looking for energy and matter.

And she's trying to connect with our computers.


I'm here, boss!

Do something about them.

Okay, boss!

You guys, come on.


You okay?

Get a medic, fast!

Oh my God, what's happening?

What's she making?

A new generation of computer, I presume.

Where is she?

Where is she?

Answer me!

Answer me!

Hey, you!

Look, the computer, it's moving.


Where is she?

<i>I am everywhere<i>

<I> Life was given to us a billion years ago. </i>

<i>Now you know what to do with it.</i>
