20xx年春期南阳市部分示范高中期中考试 高二政治







第Ⅰ卷 选择题


20xx年3月13日, “美丽吴中?美在太湖——2013吴中洞庭山碧螺春茶文化节”在江苏吴中开幕。据此回答1—2题。

1.下列关于文化的理解,正确的是 ( )



③纯粹“自然”的东西不能称为文化 ④文化不具有意识形态性质

A.①② B.①③ C.②③ D.②④

2.通过举办碧螺春茶文化节,有力地促进了当地经济的发展。由此可见( )

A.文化对经济发展具有促进作用 B.文化对经济发展具有重要影响

C.文化是人类社会特有的现象 D.经济是文化的基础

3. 我们讲文化生活,这里的“文化”是相对于经济、政治而言的人类全部精神活动及其产品。下列属于文化现象的是( )

① 九寨沟自然风光 ②第十二届人大一次会议 ③古代四大发明

④清明祭祖 ⑤受保护的千年古树 ⑥园林雕塑

A.①③④⑤ B.③④⑥ C.①②③ D.①②⑤⑥

4.在当前中小学的素质教育活动中,越来越多的学校开始重视文化艺术活动的开展,为学生营造浓厚的文化氛围,陶冶学生的情操。学校这样做是因为 ( )

①文化环境决定文化发展 ②文化对人的影响来自于特定的文化环境和文化活动

③文化素养需要在一定的文化活动中培养 ④文化决定人的思维方式和生活方式

A.①② B.①③ C.②③ D.②④

5. 《论语》——2500多年前的经典语录,至今影响着国人的价值观念和行为取向。因为文化对人的影响具有:( )

A.潜移默化的特点 B.价值观的导向作用 C.深远持久的特点 D.一成不变的特点

6. 清理了野蛮的混沌,心灵才会荡起纯净的清波;扫除了愚昧的灰尘,思想才会绽放美丽的花朵。这给我们的启示是 ( )

A.文化对人的影响是有形的 B.要积极主动地接受健康向上的文化的影响

C.文化对人的影响是强制的 D.人们总是消极被动的接受文化的影响

7. “有时候,文明离我们只不过10公分的距离。”“多一点分享,对别人来说,就多一分温暖。”“我们每个人迈出一小步,就会使社会迈出一大步。”朗朗上口的公共广告语悄然给人们的言行带来了可喜的变换。从文化生活角度看,宣传这些广告语可以 ( )

A.大力发展文化产业 B.提高人们的文化消费水平

C.巩固党的执政地位 D.发挥优秀文化对社会发展的促进作用


8.中国、土耳其两国都非常重视文化交流活动的举办。这说明 ( )

A.文化是经济和政治的基础 B.文化越来越成为综合国力竞争中的重要因素

C.文化是人类社会特有的现象 D.经济发展是文化发展的前提和基础

9.有人说:外国文化年或者中国文化年,都是双方战略合作思路中“以文促经”的考虑。这说明 ( )

A.文化促进社会经济的发展 B.经济是基础,政治是经济的集中表现



10.巴金说,他在散文创作上主要受中国古今散文优秀传统的影响。他儿时背诵的《古文观止》里的两百多篇散文是他从事散文创作的“真正的启蒙先生”。这段材料主要表明( )





11.不同民族待人的礼节各不相同,这表明 ( )





12.经济全球化推动了世界各国的商品流通,而商品流通往往带有其自身的文化属性,如流行世界的牛仔裤和可口可乐,都被视为美国文化的代表,这说明商业贸易( )

A. 是文化传播的一种途径 B. 决定文化传播的发展

C. 导致强势文化侵略和吞并弱势文化 D. 是文化传播的唯一手段

13. 我国的古建筑数量每年都在减少百分之五以上,各个城市的百年以上建筑已经不多,保护古建筑的压力极大。作为当代人的我们要肩负历史责任,加强对古建筑的保护。这是因为以古建筑为代表的文化遗产( )

A. 是一个国家风俗习惯的集中表现 B. 是一个国家全部历史事件的凝结

C. 是一个国家宗教发展的集中体现 D. 是一个国家和民族历史文化成就的重要标志

14. 祝福新年,中国人通过贴窗花、写春联、放爆竹辞旧迎新;西方人则装饰圣诞树、唱着欢快的圣诞歌。从两种不同祝福新年的节目中,我们可以体会到( )

①各民族文化不相容 ②不同民族、国家都有自己独特的文化

③世界文化多姿多彩的魅力 ④中华传统文化所具有的兼容性

A.①② B.①④ C. ②③ D.②④

15. 就文化而言,“世界因不同而精彩,交流因不同而必要,创新因交流而迸发”这句话所体现的关于文化的正确观点是( )



③文化交流促进各个民族的文化创新 ④各国应在文化上相互借鉴,共同繁荣

A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ①③④ D. ②③④

16. 高铁时代的到来,人们可以“在广州喝早茶,到长沙听笑话,再到武汉赏樱花”;“上午在西安吃泡馍,下午

到嵩山看少林”。这说明科学技术的进步能够 ( )

①改变文化的存在形式 ②方便人们的文化交流

③更新文化的传播方式 ④扩展人们的文化视野

A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②④ D. ③④

17.网络时代历来有新鲜的词汇,如今“ 给力”、“坑爹”、“乡村爱情故事”、“Hold住”等通过网络一夜走红。这说明( )。

A.大众传媒在文化传播中具有重要作用 B.文化创新是文化发展的源泉

C.文化创造的主体是网络写手 D.中华文化需要面向世界,博采众长

18. 孔子设立私学,广收门徒,“弟子三千,七十二贤”,扩大了儒家文化的传播和影响。这表明 ( ) ①教育具有传承文化的特定功能 ②教育是文化发展与创新的源泉

③教育是文化传播的一个重要途径 ④教育在人才培育中发挥重要作用

A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①③④ D. ①②④

19. 20xx年“两会”上,不少代表委员对如何进一步推动中华文化“走出去”,加强对外文化交流,向世界充分展示中国的良好形象积极建言献策。加强对外文化交流有利于( )

①推动中华文化走向世界,促进本民族文化的发展 ②维护世界文化的多样性,促进世界文化的繁荣与发展 ③扩大中华文化在国际上的吸引力和影响力 ④促进世界文化融合和各国文化趋同

A.①②③ B.①②④ C. ①③④ D.②③④

20.在中国传统文化中,“孝”历来被看做是最基本最重要的德行,至今仍被我们视为稳定家庭凝聚民族的重要因素。但封建社会片面强调子女对父母的孝成为束缚思想和行为的枷锁。这告诉我们( ) ①文化对人的影响是深远持久的 ②我们要抛弃传统文化,开创全新的文化 ③对待传统古文化要批判继承,古为今用 ④要努力为传统文化注入时代精神

A、①②③ B、①③④ C、①②④ D、②③④

21. 著名社会学家费孝通在谈到对文化的感悟时指出:“各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同”。下列选项符合其意的是( )

①文化是民族的,又是世界的 ②世界文化的发展应该走向一体化

③要尊重不同民族的文化 ④不同民族文化应该求同存异、兼收并蓄

A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④

22. 每年都有数以万计的外国人来中国观光,同时又有数以万计的中国人到世界各地旅游。观赏自然风光和领略“异国风情”是跨境旅游两个主要目的。领略“异国风情”,实际上是在感受和体验( )。 ①世界文化的多样性 ②民族文化的差异性 ③世界文化的趋同性 ④不同文化的排他性

A.①② B.②③ C.①④ D.③④

23. 到韩国参加第二十二届世界哲学大会的与会代表都得到了由组委会赠送的两张光盘,一张是《民歌,阿里郎》,收录了在韩国各地流行的不同时期的十三首民歌阿里郎;另一张是《世界歌曲,阿里郎》,收录了十三首世界各国改编的歌曲阿里郎。这启示我们( )

①要善于抓住机会展示自己民族的文化 ②要重视对自己民族文化的系统整理



A、①②③ B、①②④ C、①③④ D、②③④

24.对待中国传统文化,既有“兼收并蓄、全盘继承”的守旧主义,也有“全盘抛弃,彻底西化、完全欧美”的民族虚无主义和历史虚无主义。这两种态度的共同错误在于( ) A.否定了传统文化鲜明的民族性 B.违背了各民族文化一律平等的原则



25. 文化创新的根本目的是( )

A.推动社会实践的发展 B.推动文化的繁荣

C.对传统文化的继承与发展 D.发展先进文化 26. 文艺工作者必须虚心向人民群众学习,从人民群众的伟大实践和丰富多彩的生活中汲取营养,才能创造出无愧于时代和人民的优秀文化作品。这是因为 ( )


②人民群众是社会精神财富的创造者 ③社会实践是文化创新的源泉和动力


A.①②④ B.①②③ C.①③ D.②③④

27. 世界上跨度最大的钢结构建筑──“鸟巢”(国家体育场)和世界上首个基于“气泡理论”建造的多面体钢架结构建筑──“水立方”(国家游泳中心),正在成为北京城新的标志性建筑。这被称为 ( )

A.传统习俗 B.凝固的艺术 C.民族精神的火炬 D.传统思想

28. 全民学习、终身学习是学习型社会的核心内涵。下列符合这一内涵的是( )。

A.学而不思则罔 B.学无止境 C.学之,则难者亦易矣 D.学而时习之





材料二:瑞典皇家科学院诺贝尔奖评审委员会 20xx年10月11日宣布,中国作家莫言获得20xx年诺贝尔文学奖。随后他的作品《檀香刑》、《生死疲劳》、《丰乳肥臀》、《红高粱家族》、《蛙》等在国内热销,并相继被翻译成英、法、德文字出版。 瑞典文学院给莫言的评价:一个文风魔幻现实主义、满是乡土气息、融汇历史和现实的作家。莫言的魔幻不仅来自西方现代主义,也来自中国古典文学。莫言曾经自称为“妖精现实主义”。《生死疲劳》、《酒国》里的妖魔鬼怪,与《西游记》、《聊斋志异》的古典传统是密不可分的。

(1) 运用“文化与社会”的相关知识,说明“只有爱读书的民族才有光明的未来”的合理性。(12分)

(2)结合材料二,说明莫言文学创作风格给我们正确对待文化多样性的启示。(8分) 31. 近些年来,国家京剧院专注于打造京剧精品,提高艺术创作生产力,激活艺术思维创新力,凝聚高尚艺术追求向心力,打造艺术形象品牌竞争力。在尊重艺术创作规律的前提下,高度重视京剧艺术的传承与发展,这要求:重视京剧艺术特别是流派的继承和发展;重视优秀保留剧目的复排,建立和完善优秀保留剧目上演制度;重视新创剧目的精心策划与创排,在继承传统和复排保留剧目的基础上,大力创作符合艺术本体特征,适应时代精神要求和当下观众审美需求的剧目,打开艺术视野,提高艺术创新力,为京剧艺术添加更多的优秀剧目。






29. ⑴文化对人的影响是非常巨大的。文化影响人们的交往行为和交往方式影响人们的实践活动、认识活动和思维方式。(3分) ⑵文化对人的影响既是潜移默化的又是深远持久的。文化作为一种社会精神力量能够丰富人的精神世界增强人的精神力量促进人的全面发展。(3分) ⑶我们应该积极参加健康有益的文化活动不断丰富自身的精神世界培养健全人格。(2分)






31. (1)继承是发展的必要前提,发展是继承的必然要求。京剧艺术的发展离不开对京剧艺术的继承,在新的历史时期,我们既要上承前辈艺术家的艺术遗产,又要开启后学接班人的艺术研习,全方位地继承流派艺术的精华,使京剧流派与时代同行。(2)社会实践是文化创新的源泉。立足于社会实践,是文化创新的基本要求,也是文化创新的根本途径。京剧艺术的发展离不开社会实践,社会实践的发展,能够为京剧的发展提供更为丰富的资源。(3)“取其精华、去其糟粕”,“推陈出新、革故鼎新”,是文化创新的重要途径。京剧的发展既要做到“取其精华、去其糟粕”,推陈出新、革故鼎新,同时又要反对“历史虚无主义”和“守旧主义”。(4)不同民族文化之间的交流、借鉴和融合是文化创新必然要经历的过程,实现文化创新需要博采众长。京剧艺术的发展,需要融合各种戏曲的优点和长处不断地发展,同时也要做到以我为主、为我所用,这有利于永葆京剧艺术的生命力和提高京剧艺术的竞争力。(5)人民群众是文化创新的主体,京剧工作者要坚定地走与人民群众实践相结合的道路。京剧的策划与创排要关注最广大人民群众的根本利益,理解人民群众对文化生活的基本需求,同时,作为京剧工作者,应从广大人民群众的伟大实践中和丰富多彩的生活实践中汲取营养,刻苦钻研,创作出更多的优秀剧目。(每点4分,答对任意四点可得满分)




英 语 试 题






finished report with satisfaction.

A.a;/ B.the;/ C.a; the D.the; an

22. ---Will you read me a story, Mummy?

---OK. You _____ have one if you go to bed as soon as possible.

A.might B.must C. could D. shall

23. ----He hasn’t finished his work yet. A.supposed to do B.supposed to have

C.supposed to D.supposed to be

24. Time, if______correctly, is money in the bank.

A. to use B. used C. using D. use

25. _________spend our holiday next week?

A. Do you suggest where that we B. Do you suggest where we should

C. Where do you suggest that we D.Where do you suggest we should

26.China is a country with a long history, one,I think, ____is becoming stronger and stronger.

A. that B. what C. it D. which 27.We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we ____ more places of interest yesterday.

A. visited B. had visited C. would visit D.would have visited

28.Only when I left my parents for Italy _____ how much I loved them.

A. I realized B. I had realized

29. ----Come to supper with us,Peter.

----Great!I ______bring a bottle of wine.

A. will B. can

C. may D. must

30._____ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.

A.It B.As C.That D.What C. did I realize D. had I realized

31.Occasions are quite rare____ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.

A.who B.which C. why D. when

makes a gift special?

A.that B.what C.which D.how

the near future.

A.run out B.go off C.come out D.pay off

a hard

time in the past three years.

A.should have had B.must have had

C.would have had D.could have had

35. The Great Wall is so good a place ________ many foreign people come to visit ________ it has

become well known all over the world.

A.as;as B.that;that C.as;that D.that;as

第二节:完形填空 (共20小题,每小题.1.5分, 共30分) [来源:Zxxk.Com]


For most of us, success in school has very little to do with actual learning. The most important thing you have to master is how to play the grade games. to a well-known college or win a scholarship, not to mention gaining the of your teachers and parents.

But not everyone does well in tests. At it can almost turn into a hit and miss. Some students haven't mastered the of test taking, some fear under pressure or need more time or another way to what they know.

Being a school means learning the ins and outs of the school system. Then you have to work things to your it. Getting high grades also on knowing each teacher's little characters. For example, I once had to some extra scores on an important subject, so one day in classes I talked to the teacher who was always hard on us. I told him how I'd heard what a really eacher he was, and how disappointed I was that I’d have to graduate lied. But it I wasn't of myself for what I did. But I considered it of the grade game we're pushed into to aim at going to the best schools.

36. A. Before

37. A, looks B. Unless B. turns C. Once C. opens D. While D. brings

38. A. permitted 39. A. love

40. A. times[来源:学科网ZXXK] 41. A. funny 42. A. game 43. A. speak 44. A. master 45. A. points 46. A. remembering 47. A. bases

B. allowed B. admiration B. once

C. agreed C. pleasure C. last

D. admitted D. delight D. first

B. strange B. art B. say B. house B. ideas B. realizing

C. small C. interest C. write C. failure C. advantages C. teaching

D. great D. result D. show D. success D. freedom D. understanding

B. depends[来源:C. calls[来源:Z。xx。D. takes 学科网]

k.Com] C. pass C. after C. honest C. without C.


D. get D. before D. good D. from D. did

48. A. make 49. A. between 50. A. bad 51. A. after 52. A. worked

B. take B. among B. terrible B. before B. effected


53. A. satisfied 54. A. one 55. A. taking

B. shamed B. none B. playing

C. disappointed C. part C. making

D. proud D. member D. enjoying




Skating is a fun sport that everyone can enjoy. Follow these safety tips to keep skating safe

and fun. Step 1:Gear up!

Even before you put on your skates, put on all your safety gear. Step 2: Buckle up!

Strap on your skates, Make sure they fit you well.This helps your ankles stay strong and

straight. Step 3: Fall down!

You probably do not usually try to fall.But it is good to practice falling on skates.Fall forward on to your pads.Put out your hands and let your wrist guards hit the grounds.See? Are you surprised that it doesn’t hurt? Practice falling until it is easy to fall forward and get up again.Knowing how to fall will help you be a better skater.If you are not afraid to fall, you will try new things.You won’t be afraid to learn to turn or skate faster.Knowing how to fall will help you find your balance.When you can stay balanced, you won’t fall as much.

Step 4: Stop!

Make sure you can stop on your skates.You don’t want to roll into people or hit a tree! There are different ways to stop.The quickest and safest is probably the brake stop.

The brake stop:

Roll forward with your skates pointing the same way.Let your right skate roll a little forward.Bend your knees as if you are sitting down.Then press your right heel down hard.This will make your brake pad drag on the ground until you stop.

The T stop:

Roll forward with your skates pointing the same way.Then turn your right foot out so the toes are pointing to your right.Drag your right skate.Let the wheels drag on the ground until you come to a stop.

Step5: Roll around!

Find a flat, smooth place to practice.Do not skate in streets where there may be cars coming.Parks and playgrounds are good places to practice.Look for “No skating” signs to make sure you can skate there.

56.According to the article, which of these steps is most important for a new skater?

A.Learn to fall and stop safely B.Find a class and skate fast.

C.Relax and have fun. D.Buy expensive gear and skates.

57.In the step right after “Buckle up!” you should practice.

A.how to skate fast C.how to fall safely B.how to brake D.how to put on geat

58.In order to begin a brake stop, you should let your right skate roll

A.turn your foot C.put your wrists out in front B.press your right heel down D.tighten your skates

59.How is the passage organized?

A.It tells stories about skating. B.It gives descriptions of skates.

C.It uses a question-and –answer form D.It gives step-by-step instructions.


If you were to walk up to Arthur Bonnet and say, “Hey, Butterfly Man,” his face would break into a smile.The title suits him.And he loves it.

Arthur Bonner works with the Palos Verdes blue butterfly, once thought to have died out. Today the butterfly is coming back — thanks to him. But years ago if you’d told him this was what he’d be doing someday, he would have laughed, “You’re crazy.” As a boy, he used to be “a little tough guy on the streets”. At age thirteen, he was caught by police stealing. At eighteen, he landed in prison for shooting a man. [来源:学科网ZXXK]

“I knew it had hurt my mom,” Bonner said after he got out of prison. “So I told myself I would not put my mom through that pain again.”

One day he met Professor Mattoni, who was working to rebuild the habitat for an endangered butterfly called El Segundo blue.

“I saw the sign ‘Butterfly Habitat’ and asked, ‘How can you have a habitat when the butterflies can just fly away?’” Bonner recalls. “Dr. Mattoni laughed and handed me a magnifying glass(放大镜), ‘Look at the leaves. ‘I could see all these caterpillars(蝴蝶的幼虫) on the plant. Dr Mattoni explained, ‘Without the plant, there are no butterflies.’”

Weeks later, Bonner received a call from Dr. Mattoni, who told him there was a butterfly needed help. That was how he met the Palos Verdes blue. Since then he’s been working for four years to help bring the butterfly back. He grows astragalus, the only plant the butterfly eats. He collects butterflies and brings them into a lab to lay eggs. Then he puts new butterflies into the habitat.

The butterfly’s population, once almost zero, is now up to 900. For their work, Bonner and Dr. Mattoni received lots of awards. But for Bonner, he earned something more: he turned his life around.

For six years now Bonner has kept his promise to stay out of prison. While he’s bringing back the Palos Verdes blue, the butterfly has helped bring him back, too.

60.Bonner came to know the Palos Verdes blue after he _______.

A. found the butterfly had died out

B. won many prizes from his professor

C. met Dr. Mattoni, a professor of biology

D. collected butterflies and put them into a lab

A.interested in butterflies C.known as Butterfly Man B.a tough boy on the streets D.a good student in a university[来源:学科


62.From the last sentence of the text, we learn that raising butterflies has _________.

A. made Bonner famous B. changed Bonnet’s life C. brought Bonner wealth D. enriched Bonner’s knowledge


When Frida Kahlo's paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as “ a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb”. Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly, she is actually during her time.

Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City , Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. Her spine (脊柱)become bent as she grew older. Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a school-bus accident. Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operations, but nothing was able to cure the terrible pain in her back. However, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recovering, Kahlo taught herself to paint.

In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist. Rivera’s strong influences on Kahlo’s style can be seen in her early works, but her later works from the 1940s, known today as her best works, show less influence from her husband.

Unfortunately, her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and1940s, even in her home country. Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953.For more than a decade after her death in 1954, Kahlo’s works remained largely unnoticed by the world, but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.

63. What does the phrase “a much bigger name” in paragraph 1 most nearly mean?

A. a far better artist B. a far more gifted artist

C. a much stronger person D. a much more famous person

64. The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by A. polio B. back injuries

C. the operations she had D. her bent spine

65.Kahlo’s style had become increasingly independent since the A. 1950s B. 1930s C. 1940s D. 1970s

66. What is author’s attitude toward Kahlo?

A. Devotion B. Sympathy C. Worry D. Encouragement


Hiring a self-drive car really adds to the enjoyment of your holiday. There are so many places

of interest to visit, and if you enjoy seeing more than just the city center there's no better way to explore than by car.


Conditions of Hire

★ The shortest rental period at these special low prices is three days. For prices for periods of one or two days you only see our representative (代理人) at the hotel.

★ Car hire must be booked six weeks or more before arrival in London to guarantee a car. But if you have been unable to make a booking in advance please see our representative at the hotel who may still be able to help you.

★The car types on the sheet are examples of the types of cars in each price range, but a particular car cannot be guaranteed.

★Upon delivery the driver(s) will be asked to sign the car hire company's Conditions of Hire.

★If you decide to hire a car, just fill in the Booking Form and return it to us. A booking fee of£12 as part of the car hire cost is required.

★Should you be forced to cancel your car hire booking after payment in full (two weeks before date of hire ) , a cancellation charge of £ 12 will be made.

67. From the advertisement we can see a car hirer will pay, __.

A. insurance against damage to the car

B. insurance against injury to the driver

C. the cost of maintenance of the car

D. the cost of repairs to the car

68. Which of the following is NOT true judging from the advertisement?

A. Such an advertisement most likely appears in a newspaper.

B. You should have a driving license when you hire a car from the company.

C. When you hire a car from the company, a driver will go together with you.

D. You have to pay a booking fee when you hire a car from the company.

69. If car hirers change their minds after paying the whole cost of hiring, the £12 booking fee is


A. partly returned B. doubly paid

C. not returned at all D. returned within six weeks

70. The prices for car hire are especially low when __________________________.

A. it is booked for at least three days B. it is booked two weeks in advance

C. it is booked for two days D. the booing is made in London

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

A major source of teen stress is school exams,and test anxiety is not uncommon. When you recognize your teen is under stress,how can parents help your teen stay calm before an exam?

Be involved. Parents need to be involved in their teen’s work. your presence—to talk,to cry,or simply to sit with them quietly. Communicate openly with your teen. Encourage your teen to express her worries and fears,but don’ t let them focus on those fears.[来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K]

Help them get organized. Together,you and your teen can work out a schedule in which she can study for what she knows will be on the test.

Provide a calm environment. Help your teen set up a quiet place to study and protect his privacy(隐私). Give them a nutritious diet. It is important for your teen to eat a healthy,balanced diet during exam times to focus and do her best. If this happens,encourage your teen to eat light meals or sandwiches. A healthy diet,rather than junk food,is best for reducing stress.

Persuade your teenager to get some sleep and/or do something active when she needs a real break from studying. Making time for relaxation,fun, and exercise are all important in reducing stress. Help your teen balance her time so that she will feel comfortable taking time out from studying to spend time with friends or rest.

Show a positive attitude. Your panic,anxiety and blame contribute to your teen’ s pressure. Make your teen feel accepted and valued for her efforts. Most importantly,reassure (安慰)your teen that things will be all right,no matter what the results are.

A. A parent’s attitude will influence their teen’s emotions.

B. Exam stress can make some teens lose their appetite(a desire for food).

C. They will only make the situation worse.

D. Encourage your teen to relax.

E. The best thing is simply to listen.

F. Help your teen think about what she has to study and plan accordingly. G. Your teen may also make negative comments about themselves.

第II卷 非选择题(共35分)

第四部分: 写作(共两节, 满分35分)

第一节:短文改错 (共10分,每小题1分,满分10分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2、只允许修改十处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

This morning I was walking along the street to a bookstore while I found heavy smoke pouring out of a building. Obvious it was on fire, so I called 119. Several minutes late, the firefighters arrived and tried to control the fire. With their help, many people managed escape from the building. Suddenly a foreign woman came shouted. However, she couldn’t make herself understand. I came up to ask what is wrong, She said her daughter was still trapped in the fire. I told the firefighters about them immediately. They ran into the building and rushed out of with a little girl after a while. The woman was very grateful with me and the firefighters for the help.



假设你是南阳的一个高三学生名叫李华,开学之初,你们新换了英语老师Ms Li。 她希望了解每位同学的英语学习情况,并征求教学建议。请按以下要点用英语给她写一封信。





注意:1、词数100左右; 2、信的开头和结尾已给出。

Dear Ms Li,

I’m very happy to have you as our English teacher.



Thank you!

Li Hua


21—25BDBBD 26__30ADCAB 31__35DADBC

36__40CCDBA 41__45ABDDC

46__50BBDAD 51__55CADCB





1.while→when 2.obvious→obviously

3.late→later 4.managed后加to

5.shouted→shouting 6.understand→understood

7.is →was 8.them→it

9.rushed out of中of 去掉 10.with→to


