美国文学 老人与海读后感 英文版

美国文学史 论文

On Character of the Old Man in 《The Old

Man and the Sea》

Name:Wang Jianye

Student ID:161310322


He is a man who can be destroyed but cannot be defeated.But what makes he can do this,or in other word what character does he have?As far as I am concerned the most important character is that he never give up.And the most appropriate word to describe the old man I can thing out is touch.Yes,he's a tough guy.

Key Words:

the old man;character;touch;can not be defeated,touch guy.


After I read the book that is called “The old man and the sea”,I was deeply moved by the old man and his spirit.

This book talked about such a story, old fisherman Santiago de Cuba consecutive 84 days did not catch the fish, was another loser as a fisherman, but he was persistent, and finally caught a big marlin large


美国文学史 论文

Marlins his boat dragged on for three days at sea, exhausted, was tied to the boat he was killed on one side, and then Return Journey repeatedly been shark attacks, he has exhausted all means to counterattack. Back to Hong Kong only the head and a fish tail spine. Although the fish have bitten gone, but whatever can not destroy the will of his bravery.

Santiago was old just as Hemingway said “Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated.” He think every day is a new day. No matter how old he is. He said “It’s better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.”

Santiago was poor; he had nothing except a little boat and harpoon. But he said “Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.”

Santiago was alone. Mandolin can not go to sea with him because of his parents. He catches fishes alone. He fights with sharks alone. He can talk to nobody except himself. No one will help him.

But even though he faced hungry; weary and difficulty alone, he does not give up.

Why the old man persists to take dentuso back. It’s so dangerous to fight with sharks.

He is so brave and persevering. “But a man is not made for defeat” he said “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”Yes,he's a tough cookie.


美国文学史 论文

Santiago in self-confidence is absolute self-confidence, is not to environmental change and changes in self-confidence, it does not compare with others, self-confidence. In Santiago's philosophy of existence, even when confronted with a pole of the unlucky people can only self-confidence.

Bones are the pillars of the spirit, Hemingway seems to Santiago did not let the success of the elderly, but to the bare bones of the elderly to play the hardness of life.

Hemingway's novel won the Nobel Prize for Literature and the Pulitzer Prize. The bones in hundreds of pieces of shrapnel left the tough guy writer, the proper strength to write his life, tell us how to deal with birth, old age, sickness and death, tells us how wide the heart, such as the sea in general. The elderly are lonely, he was approached in an ideal road trip travelers, but he is not lonely, because his will is so strong.


The old man is a touch guy.If he want to do something he will never give up. This book reveals to us a truth: people are not born to fail, and a person can be destroyed, but can not be defeated.





——读《老人与海》有感 “一个人并不是生来就要给打败的,你可以消灭他,却不能打败他。”


《老人与海》这本书,是我今年冬天看的。 期末成绩陡降,满腔的怒火无处宣泄,不能自残啊!只好用读书这种方式来排解心中的不悦,让自己平静下来。





“煎饼人”——门门通,门门松 。成绩既不偏科,又不拔尖。





对阿桑提亚哥爷爷的敬佩油然而生,甚至是崇拜! 我遇到的学习上的困难与所遇到的困难相比,简直不值一提!但是,我退却了,阿桑提亚哥爷爷执着的坚持了。即使是猎物被可恶的鲨鱼吃掉,也苦中作乐,乐观的面对失败。为了下一次的成功!



