死亡诗社Dead Poets Society

死亡诗社Dead Poets Society

I I To And 我我把

Why do I stand here? To feel taller than you? I stand on my desk to remind myself that we must constantly force ourselves to look at things in a different way. The world looks different from up here. If you don’t believe it, stand up here and try it. All of you. Take turns. 我站到讲台上是想提醒我自己,我们必须时刻用不同的眼光来看待事物.

Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all.你们必须寻找自己的声音,因为你越迟开始寻找,找到的可能性就越小。 To To

To mount the scaffolds. To advance to the muzzles of guns wit perfect nonchalance. 走上绞刑台,行至枪口,我安之若泰。

你们用不着表演,完全为你自己。You don't have to perform. Just make it for yourself。

Carpe diem, seize the day, boys, make your lives extraordinary. 及时行乐,孩子们,让你的生命超凡脱俗。carpe diem是拉丁文,翻译成英文就是 seize the day.





















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… life! life… lived…

… ! …

以免在我生命终结时,发现自己从来没有活过 …

我希望生活有意义,我希望活得深刻,吸取生命中所有的精华,把非生命的一切都击溃,以免当我生命终结时,我发现自己从没有活过。 Even









said, or 那看wrong, 来似you 乎愚笨must 或错try! 误 “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.” 梭罗说过,“大多数人生活在平静的绝望中。”

Come my friend,till it's not too late to seek a newer world.From my purpose hold to be the other side of sunset.And though we are not now that strength which as old days moved earth and heaven. That which we are we are,one equal temper of heroic hearts.Maybe weak by time and fate, but strong is will,to strive, to seek,to find,and not to yield. 来吧,我的朋友,现在去寻找新世界为时未晚。我决心驶过夕阳的尽头,尽管我们不再拥有昔日的力量,可以惊天动地,我们仍然拥有同样的英雄气概。纵然时间和命运使它衰弱,但坚强意志仍在,去拼搏,去探索,去发现,永不屈服。


第二篇:Dead Poets Society-死亡诗社-中英对照剧本

Dead Poets Society 1989 Scripts【死亡诗社】中英对照剧本 由『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理

1--Now remember, keep your shoulders back.记住 别缩着肩

2--Okay, put your arm around your brother. That's it.好的 胳膊搂着你弟弟

3--That's it. Right, and breathe in.就这样 对 呼吸

4--Okay, one more.对了 再来一张

5--Now, just to review好了 再说一遍

6--you're going to follow along the procession until you get to the headmaster.一直走到校长面前

7--At that point, he will indicate to you to light the candles of the boys.然后他会叫你把孩子们手里的蜡烛点燃

8--All right, boys, let's settle down.好了 孩子们 准备吧

9--Banners up!举旗

10--Ladies and gentlemen, boys...女士们 先生们 孩子们...

11--the Light of Knowledge.智慧之光

12--One hundred years ago, in 1859一百年前 1859年

13--41 boys sat in this room...四十一个孩子坐在这里

14--and were asked the same question...被问到了同样的问题

15--that now greets you at the start of each semester.每个新学期开始都会问到的问题

16--Gentlemen, what are the Four Pillars?各位 我们四大支柱是什么

17--Tradition. Honour. Discipline. Excellence.传统 荣誉 纪律 优秀

18--In her first year建校第一年

19--Welton Academy graduated five students.本校毕业了五位学生

20--Last year we graduated 51.去年 毕业生是五十一人

21--And more than 75 percent of those...其中百分之七十五以上

22--went on to the Ivy League.进了名牌大学

23--This...This kind of accomplishment is the result...这种成就来源于

24--of fervent dedication to the principles taught here.我们所孜孜遵循的上述教学原则

25--This is why you parents have been sending us your sons.这是各位家长愿意把孩子们送到这儿来的原因

26--This is why we are the best preparatory school in the United States.也是本校成为全美最优秀的预备学校的原因

27--As you know大家知道

28--our beloved Mr Portius of the English Department retired last term.英语系的波希尔斯先生上学期光荣退休了

29--You will have the opportunity later to meet本学期接替他的

30--his replacement, Mr John Keating,将是 John Keating 先生

31--himself an honours graduate of this school.也是本校的优秀毕业生之一

32--And who, for the past several years, has been teaching...过去的几年中 他一直...

33--at the highly regarded Chester School in London.在享有盛誉的伦敦切斯特中学任教

34--Richard, you forgot your bag!Richard 你忘记了你的包

35--Hi, Johnny! Hey, how you doin'?John 最近还好吗

36--Don't worry. I got your room assignment.不用担心 我拿到了你的房间安排

37--They haven't moved the dining area.他们吃饭的地方没有改呀

38--Glad you could come by.谢谢你光临

39--- Thrilling ceremony, as usual, Dr Nolan.仪式很精彩 一如既往 Nolan 博士

40--- You've been away too long.很久不见了

Dead Poets Society 1989 Scripts【死亡诗社】中英对照剧本 由『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理

41--- Hello, Dr Nolan. - Good to have you back.- 你好 Nolan 博士 - 很高兴你们能回来

42--- This is our youngest, Todd. - Mr Anderson.- 这是我们最小的儿子Todd - Anderson

43--You have some big shoes to fill.你的前途很大 年轻人

44--Your brother was one of our finest.令兄是我们最出色的学生之一

45--Thank you.谢谢

46--- Lovely ceremony. - Thank you. Glad you liked it.- 仪式很精彩 - 谢谢 很高兴你能喜欢 47--- Gale - Tom - Gale. - Tom.

48--- Good to see you again. - Hello, Mr Nolan.- 很高兴又见到你 - 你好 Nolan 先生

49--- We expect great things from you this year. - Thank you, sir.- Neil 希望你今年能取得好成绩 - 谢谢

50--Well, he won't disappoint us. Right, Neil?他不会让我们失望的.对吧 Neil

51--I'll do my best, sir.我会努力的

52--Hey, come on, son.过来 孩子

53--- Chin up. - Okay.- 振作些 - 好的

54--- No tears now. - Chin up.- 别哭 - 振作些

55--- I don't want to go here. - Honey, I love you.- 我不想来这儿 - 亲爱的 我爱你

56--- I'll walk you over. - You be a good boy. Do your lessons.- 我送你过去 - 好了 好好学习 57--Hey! I hear we're gonna be roommates.嘿 听说我们同宿舍

58--- I'm Neil Perry. - I'm Todd Anderson.- 我叫 Neil Perry - 我叫 Todd Anderson

59--Why'd you leave Balincrest?干嘛换到这儿上学

60--My brother went here.我哥就来的这儿

61--Oh, so you're that Anderson.就是那个 Anderson

62--- This is for his sinuses. - Yes. I see.- 这是治他鼻窦炎的 - 是的 我知道

63--Oh, and if he can't swallow, you give him one of these.如果他咽不下去就给他吃点这个

64--And if he has trouble breathing, you can give him some of those.如果他呼吸困难 可以给他吃点这个

65--- Did you remember your vaporizer?记得带喷雾器了吗

66--- Yes, I put it in my room.带了 放在宿舍了

67--- Hey, how's it going, Neil? - Hey, Knox.- 嘿 你好吗 Neil - 你好

68--Neil, study group tonight?Neil 今晚学习小组

69--- Yeah, sure. - Business as usual, huh?- 嗯 当然 - 跟以前一样

70--Hey, I heard you got the new kid. Looks like a stiff!嘿 听说你有了个新室友.象个木瓜一样 71--Oops.哎哟

72--Listen, don't mind Cameron.听我说 别理会他

73--He was born with his foot in his mouth. You know what I mean?他呢 狗嘴吐不出象牙 明白我的意思吗

74--Rumour has it...you did summer school.听人说你上暑期班了

75--Yep. Chemistry. My father thought I should get ahead.对 学化学.我爸说提前点儿好

76--How was your summer, slick?你暑假过得怎么样


78--Meeks. Door. Closed.Meeks 把门关上

79--Yes, sir.是 长官

80--Gentlemen, what are the Four Pillars?各位 我们四大支柱是什么

81--Travesty. Horror. Decadence. Excrement.嘲弄 恐怖 颓废 排泄

Dead Poets Society 1989 Scripts【死亡诗社】中英对照剧本 由『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理

82--Okay. Study group.好了 学习小组

83--Meeks aced Latin. I didn't quite flunk English.Meeks的拉丁不赖.英语我不怕

84--- If you want, we got our study group. - Sure.- 所以 如果你愿意 我们算一个组 - 没问题 85--Cameron asked me too. Anyone mind including him?Cameron也问我了 把他也算进来怎么样 86--Hmm, what's his specialty? Bootlicking?他什么东西拿手 拍马屁

87--- Come on, he's your roommate. - That's not my fault.- 好了 他是你室友 - 那可不是我的错 88--I'm sorry. My name is Stephen Meeks.对不起 我叫 Stephen Meeks

89--Oh! This is Todd Anderson.他叫Todd Anderson

90--- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.- 很高兴见到你 - 很高兴见到你

91--Charlie Dalton.Charlie Dalton

92--Knox Overstreet.Knox Overstreet

93--Todd's brother was Jeffrey Anderson.Jeffrey Anderson 是Todd的哥哥

94--- Oh, yeah, sure. - What do you know?- 是吗 - 你知道他什么

95--- Valedictorian. National Merit Scholar. - Oh, well...- 毕业生代表 全国优秀学生 - 嗯.. 96--welcome to Hell-ton.欢迎到地狱来

97--It's every bit as tough as they say这鬼地方可不好混

98--unless you're a genius like Meeks.除非是Meeks一样的天才

99--He flatters me. That's why I help him with Latin.他会拍 不然也不帮他学拉丁语

100--And English. And trig.还有英语 还有几何

101--It's open.门开着

102--Father, I thought you'd gone.爸爸 我以为你走了

103--- Mr Perry. - Keep your seats, fellows.- Perry先生 - 坐着吧 孩子们

104--Neil, I've just spoken to Mr Nolan.Neil 我刚和Nolan 先生谈过了

105--You're taking too many extracurricular activities this semester我觉得你这个学期课外活动太多了 106--and I've decided that you should drop the school annual.我看你不要参加校史年鉴的事了 107--But I'm the assistant editor this year.但我今年是助理编辑

108--- Well, I'm sorry, Neil. - But, Father, I can't.- 我看算了 Neil - 但是爸爸 这不行

109--- It wouldn't be fair. - Would you excuse us for a moment?- 这不公平 - 孩子们 我们得单独谈一下

110--Don't you ever dispute me in public. Do you understand?别公开跟我顶撞 明白吗

111---Father, I wasn't disputing..爸爸 我不是顶撞...

112---After you've finished medical school...等你读完医科大学...

113--and you're on your own, then you can do as you damn well please.自立了 你想干什么就干什么 114--But until then, you do as I tell you. Is that clear?但在那之前 你得听我的.明白了吗

115--Yes, sir. I'm sorry.明白 对不起

116--You know how much this means to your mother, don't you?你知道这对你妈妈有多重要 对不对 117--Yes, sir.是

118--You know me always taking on too much.你知道的 我总喜欢找事

119--Well, that's my boy.好了 这就对了

120--- You need anything, you let us know. - Yes, sir.- 需要什么尽管说 - 好的

121--Why doesn't he let you do what you want?他干嘛不让你做想做的事

122--Yeah, Neil. Tell him off. Couldn't get any worse.对 Neil 跟他吵.别什么大不了的

123--Oh, that's rich. Like you guys tell your parents off?荒唐 就象你们跟父母吵

124--Mr Future Lawyer and Mr Future Banker?未来的律师先生 未来的银行家先生

Dead Poets Society 1989 Scripts【死亡诗社】中英对照剧本 由『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理

125--Okay, so I don't like it any more than you do.好了 其实我也不喜欢那么做

126--Well, just don't tell me how to talk to my father.好了 别教我怎么跟父亲说话就行了

127--- You guys are the same way. -All right, all right.Jesus.- 你们都一个样 - 好了 好了 天哪 128--- So what are you gonna do then? - What I have to do.- 那你准备怎么办 - 别无选择

129--- Drop the annual. - I wouldn't lose much sleep over it.- 放弃呗 - 要说这事 我也不会想太多 130--It's just a bunch of jerks trying to impress Nolan.就是帮疯子想编点哗众取宠的东西呗

131--I don't care. I don't give a damn about any of it.好了 我也根本不在乎

132--- Well, uh... Latin, 8:00 in my room? - Yes.- 嗯 拉丁 八点在我宿舍 - 好

133--- That sounds okay. - Todd, you're welcome to join us.- 听起来不错呀 - Todd 也欢迎你参加 134--- Yeah, come along, pal. - Thanks.- 对 一起来吧 - 谢谢

135--Slow down, boys!慢点儿 孩子们

136--Slow down, you horrible phalanx of pubescence!慢点儿 你们这帮毛手毛脚的家伙

137--Pick three laboratory experiments from the project list...从项目表上选三个实验项目...

138--and report on them every five weeks.每五周写份报告

139--The first 20 questions at the end of chapter one are due tomorrow.第一章的前二十个问题明天交 140---Agricolam. - Agricolam.-Agricolam. - Agricolam.

141--- Agricola. - Agricola.- Agricola. - Agricola.

142---Agricolae. - Agricolae.-Agricolae. - Agricolae.

143---Agricolarum. - Agricolarum.-Agricolarum. - Agricolarum.

144---Agricolis. - Agricolis.-Agricolis. - Agricolis.

145--- Agricolas. - Agricolas.- Agricolas. - Agricolas.

146---Agricolis. - Agricolis.-Agricolis. - Agricolis.

147--- Again, please. Agricola. - Agricola.- 再来一遍 Agricola - Agricola

148--Your study of trigonometry requires absolute precision.学习几何要求非常精确

149--Anyone failing to turn in any homework assignment...任何人不按时完成作业...

150--will be penalized one point off their final grade.都将会被扣掉一个学分

151--Let me urge you now not to test me on this point.奉劝你们不要以身试法

152--Hey, Spaz. Spaz.笨蛋 笨蛋

153--Brain damage!脑损伤


155--Well, come on.嗯 来吧

156--- Let's go. - Let's go, guys.- 走吧 - 走吧 伙计们

157--Let's go.走吧

158--''O Captain, my Captain.''"哦 船长 我的船长"

159--Who knows where that comes from?有谁知道出自哪儿吗


161--Not a clue?没人知道

162--It's from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr Abraham Lincoln.出自 Walt Whitman 为 Abraham Lincoln 写的一首诗

163--Now in this class you can either call me Mr Keating...听好 在班上你们可以叫我 Keating 老师... 164--or, if you're slightly more daring, ''O Captain, my Captain.''或者有胆量的话就叫"哦 船长 我的船长"

165--Now, let me dispel a few rumours so they don't fester into facts.我首先要消除一些谣言 免得误人子弟

Dead Poets Society 1989 Scripts【死亡诗社】中英对照剧本 由『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理

166--Yes, I, too, attended Hell-ton and survived.没错 我也上过这所地狱学校并活了下来

167--And, no, at that time, I was not the mental giant you see before you.不过 那时候我可不是你们现在看到的思想巨人

168--I was the intellectual equivalent of a 98-pound weakling.我的智慧跟一个九十八磅重的弱智差不多 169--I would go to the beach,我到海滩念诗

170--and people would kick copies of Byron in my face.人们会把拜伦诗集往我脸上砸

171--Now... Mr Pitts?好了...Pitts

172--That's a rather unfortunate name.这名字太不幸了

173--Mr Pitts, where are you?Pitts 哪位是Pitts

174--Mr Pitts, would you open your hymnal to page 542.Pitts 把诗集翻到第五百四十二页

175--Read the first stanza of the poem you find there.念一下那首诗的第一节

176--''To the Virgins to Make Much of Time''?"劝少女们珍惜时光"

177--Yes, that's the one.对 就是那首

178--Somewhat appropriate, isn't it?对你们很合适 对吧

179--''Gather ye rosebuds while ye may."及时采拮你的花蕾"

180--''Old Time is still a-flying."旧时光一去不回"

181--And this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.''"今天尚在微笑的花朵 明日便在风中枯萎"

182--Thank you, Mr Pitts.谢谢你 Pittsie

183--''Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.''"及时采拮你的花蕾"

184--The Latin term for that sentiment is ''Carpe diem. ''这种感慨用拉丁语说 就叫"Carpe diem" 185--Now, who knows what that means?有谁知道是什么意思吗

186--Carpe diem. That's ''Seize the day.''"Carpe diem"也就是抓紧时间

187--- Very good, Mister... - Meeks.- 很好 你叫... - Meeks

188--Meeks. Another unusual name.又一个不寻常的名字

189--Seize the day.抓紧时间

190--''Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.''"及时采拮你的花蕾"

191--Why does the writer use these lines?为什么作者要写这几句话

192--- Because he's in a hurry. - No! Ding!- 因为他很着急 - 不 叮

193--Thank you for playing anyway.不过还是要感谢你的幽默

194--Because we are food for worms, lads.因为我们是蛆虫的食物

195--Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room...因为不管你信不信 在这儿的每一个人...

196--is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die.有一天都会停止呼吸 变冷 死亡

197--I would like you to step forward over here...你们到前面来..

198--and peruse some of the faces from the past.好好看看过去的面孔

199--You've walked past them many times.你们从这儿经过多次了

200--I don't think you've really looked at them.但肯定没有仔细看过

201--They're not that different from you, are they?他们和你们差别不大 对吧

202--Same haircuts.同样的发型

203--Full of hormones, just like you.充满活力 和你们一样

204--Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster.野心勃勃 和你们一样.世界在他们手中 205--They believe they're destined for great things,相信自己一定能成就伟大的事业

206--just like many of you.就象你们很多人一样

Dead Poets Society 1989 Scripts【死亡诗社】中英对照剧本 由『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理

207--Their eyes are full of hope, just like you.他们眼中充满希望 就象你们一样

208--Did they wait until it was too late...但他们是不是就曾经蹉跎而错过...

209--to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable?他们本可能成就的任何事业 210--Because, you see, gentlemen,因为 你瞧 各位

211--these boys are now fertilizing daffodils.当年的年轻人已变成了花下之尘

212--But if you listen real close...但如果仔细听...

213--you can hear them whisper their legacy to you.你们还能听见他们给你们留下的忠告

214--Go on, lean in.来吧 近一点听

215--Listen. Do you hear it?听见了吗


217--Hear it?听见了吗


219--Carpe diem.Carpe diem

220--Seize the day, boys.抓紧时间 孩子们

221--Make your lives extraordinary.让你的生命不同寻常

222--- That was weird. - But different.- 太怪了 - 但与众不同

223--Spooky, if you ask me.是吓人 要我说的话

224--Think he'll test us on that stuff?你觉得这会考吗

225--Oh, come on, Cameron. Don't you get anything?行了 Cameron.你什么也没听明白

226--What? What?什么 什么

227--Let's go, boys. Hustle up in here. That means you, Dalton!走吧 孩子们 动作快点儿.说你呢 Dalton

228--Who's up for a quick study group tonight, guys?好了 今晚几何学习小组谁参加

229--- Me. - What?- 我 - 什么

230--I can't make it, guys. I have to have dinner at the Danburrys' house tonight.我去不了了 今晚我得去 Danburry 家吃饭

231--The Danburrys? Who are the Danburrys?Danburry 家 谁是Danburry

232--Big alums. How'd you swing that?废话 关你什么事

233--Friends of my dad's. They're probably in their nineties or something.我爸的朋友 可能都九十多岁了

234--Anything's better than Hell-ton hash, Knox.总比呆在地狱学校强 Knox

235--- I'll second that. - Yeah, we'll see.- 说的没错 - 嗯 我们明白

236--You coming to the study group tonight?今晚活动你参加吗

237--Uh... no. No, I...Uh, I've got some history I wanna do.不 我...有点历史作业要做

238--Suit yourself.随便你吧

239--Ready, Overstreet?好了吗 Overstreet

240--Ready to go, sir.可以走了

241--Chet, can you get that?Chet 你去开门吧

242--- I can't, Mom. - I'll get it!- 我忙着呢 妈 - 我去开

243--Can I help you?请问你找谁

244--Hi. Knox Overstreet.嗨 我是Knox Overstreet

245--Uh, Dr Hager.Hager 博士

246--This is the Danburrys', right?这是 Danburry 家吧

247--- Are you here to see Chet? - Mrs Danburry?- 你是来找Chet的 - Danburry 太太

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248--- No. - Sorry. Thank you. I'm Mrs Danburry.- 不 - 我是Danburry 太太

249--- You must be Knox. - Yes.- 你是Knox吧 - 对

250--Back by 9:00? Please, come on in.九点前回去 进来吧 快进来

251--- Chris, come on! - Chet, I'm coming.- Chris 你在干嘛 - Chet 我来了

252--Knox. How are you? Joe Danburry.Knox 你好吗? Joe Danburry

253--- Nice to meet you, sir. - He's the spitting image of his father.- 很高兴见到您 - 他简直跟他父亲一个样

254--- How is he? Come on in. - Chris!- 他怎么样 进来吧 - Chris

255--- Great. He just did a big case for G.M.他挺好 刚办了件大案

256--- I know where you're headed.这也是你的志向吧

257--- I'm coming. - Like father, like son, huh?- 我来了 - 有其父 必有其子

258--Ooh! Psycho!神经病

259---Another game? - What do you mean?- 换个游戏玩 - 什么意思

260--just replace these numbers here with 'x, ''for 'x''and 'y. ''用X和Y替换这些数字

261--- Of course. - Of course. So what's the problem?- 当然 - 当然 那还有什么问题

262--- Wait. No. - How was dinner?- 等一下 - 吃得怎么样

263--- How was dinner? - Terrible.- 吃得怎么样 - 糟透了

264--- Awful. - Why? What happened?- 难受 - 为什么 出什么事了

265--Tonight, I met the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life.今晚 我见到了我一辈子见过的最漂亮的女孩

266--Are you crazy? What's wrong with that?你疯了吗 这有什么不好的

267--She's practically engaged to Chet Danburry.她差不多已经和 Chet Danburry 订婚了

268--That guy could eat a football.那家伙该死

269--- Too bad. - ''Too bad''?- 不好 - 不好

270--It's worse than ''too bad,'' Pittsie. It's a tragedy.这比不好糟多了 这是个悲剧

271--A girl this beautiful in love with such a jerk.这么漂亮的女孩居然爱上了那么个傻瓜

272--All the good ones go for jerks. You know that.所有漂亮妞都喜欢傻瓜 这你知道

273--Yeah, forget her.对 忘了她

274--Open your trig book and try and figure out problem five.打开你的几何书 想一下第五题 275--I can't just forget her, Cameron.我忘不了她 Cameron

276--And I certainly can't think about trig.现在也不可能做几何题

277--We got it!成功了

278--All right, gentlemen. Five minutes.好了 各位.五分钟

279--Let's go.走吧

280--- Did you see her naked? - Very funny, Dalton.- 你见她裸体了吗 - 别胡说 Dalton 281--That wouldn't be a radio in your lap你腿上不是个收音机吧

282--- would it, Mr Pitts? - No, sir. Science experiment.-Pittsie - 不是 科学实验


284--Gentlemen, open your text to page 21 of the introduction.各位 翻到前言第二十一页

285--Mr Perry, will you read the opening paragraph of the prefacePerry 你念一下序言

286--entitled ''Understanding Poetry.''"诗歌鉴赏"的第一段

287--'''Understand Poetry" by Dr J. Evans Pritchard, Ph.D."诗歌鉴赏" 作者 J. Evans Pritchard 博士 288--''To fully understand poetry, we must first be fluent..."要完全理解诗歌 我们首先必须了解..." 289--''with its metre, rhyme and figures of speech."它的格调、韵律和修辞手法"

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290--''Then ask two questions."然后提两个问题"

291--''One: How artfully has the objective of the poem been rendered?"第一 诗歌的主题是如何艺术地实现的 "

292--'And, two.: How important is that objective?"第二 该主题的重要性如何 "

293--''Question one rates the poem's perfection."第一个问题解决的是诗歌的艺术性"

294--''Question two rates its importance."第二个问题回答的是它的重要性"

295--'And once these questions have been answered..."一旦弄清这两个问题"

296--''determining a poem's greatness becomes a relatively simple matter."判断该诗的优劣也就不是个太难的问题了"

297--''If the poem's score for perfection is plotted on the horizontal of a graph..."如果把诗歌艺术性的得分画在图表的横轴上"

298--''and its importance is plotted on the vertical""把它的重要性记在竖轴上"

299--''then calculating the total area of the poem..."计算一下所覆盖的面积"

300--''yields the measure of its greatness."也就得出了它的优劣"

301--''A sonnet by Byron might score high on the vertical,"拜伦的十四行诗可能在竖轴上得分很高" 302--''but only average on the horizontal."但横向得分一般"

303--'A Shakespearean sonnet, on the other hand"而莎士比亚的十四行诗"

304--''would score high both horizontally and vertically,"可能在横向和竖向上都得分很高"

305--yielding a massive total area"覆盖的面积很大"

306--thereby revealing the poem to be truly great."也就表明它是一首优秀的诗歌"

307--'As you proceed through the poetry in this book,"阅读本书的诗歌时

308--practise this rating method.请练习这种分析方法"

309--'As your ability to evaluate poems in this manner grows"随着你用这种方法评价诗歌的能力不断提高"

310--so will... so will your enjoyment and understanding of poetry.''"对诗歌的欣赏和理解也会日益提高" 311--Excrement.屁话

312--That's what I think of Mr J. Evans Pritchard.这就是我对 J. Evans Pritchard 先生的评价

313--We're not laying pipe. We're talking about poetry.我们不是在安水管 我们是在谈论诗歌

314--I mean, how can you describe poetry like American Bandstand?我意思是 你怎么评论象美国诗人班德斯坦的诗呢

315--''I like Byron. I give him a 42. But I can't dance to it.''"我喜欢拜伦 我给他四十二分.但并不为之欣喜"

316--Now, I want you to rip out that page.现在 我要你们把那一页撕了

317--Go on. Rip out the entire page.撕吧 把整页都撕了

318--You heard me. Rip it out.没听见吗 把它撕了

319--Rip it out!把它撕了

320--Go on. Rip it out.快点 撕了它

321--Thank you, Mr Dalton.谢谢你 Dalton

322--Gentlemen, tell you what. Don't just tear out that page.各位 听我说 不只是要撕掉那一页

323--Tear out the entire introduction. I want it gone, history. Leave nothing.把整个前言都撕了 我不想再见到它

324--Rip it out! Rip! Be gone,全都撕了 撕了它 再见了

325--J. Evans Pritchard, Ph.D.!J. Evans Pritchard 博士

326--Rip! Shred! Tear!撕 扯 拽

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327--Rip it out! I want to hear nothing but ripping of Mr Pritchard!撕了它 我只想听到撕书的声音 328--We'll perforate it, put it on a roll!在上面打个孔串成一串

329--It's not the Bible. You're not gonna go to hell for this.这不是《圣经》 你们不会因此下地狱 330--Go on. Make a clean tear. I want nothing left of it.继续 撕干净点儿 什么也不要剩

331--We shouldn't be doing this.不能损坏书籍

332--Rip! Rip! Rip!撕 撕 撕

333--Rip it out! Rip!撕了它 撕

334--Rip it! Yeah! Rip it out!撕了它 对 撕了它

335--- Rip it! - What the hell is going on here?- 撕了它 - 这是怎么回事

336--- I don't hear enough rips. - Mr Keating.- 撕得还不够响 - Keating 先生

337--Mr McAllister.McAllister先生

338--I'm sorry, I... I didn't know you were here.对不起 我...我不知道你在这儿

339--- I am. - Ah. So you are.- 我在 - 对不起

340--Excuse me.打扰了

341--Keep ripping, gentlemen.继续撕 各位

342--This is a battle, a war.这是一场战斗 战争

343--And the casualties could be your hearts and souls.受害的可能是你们的思想和灵魂

344--Thank you, Mr Dalton.谢谢你 Dalton

345--Armies of academics going forward measuring poetry.学院派在不断向诗歌发起进攻

346--No! We will not have that here.不 我们不能答应

347--No more of Mr J. Evans Pritchard.让 J. Evans Pritchard 见鬼去吧

348--Now, my class, you will learn to think for yourselves again.现在 各位你们要学会自己思考 349--You will learn to savour words and language.你们要学会欣赏文字和语言

350--No matter what anybody tells you不管别人怎么说

351--words and ideas can change the world.文字和语言的确能改变世界

352--I see that look in Mr Pitts' eye...我发觉Pitts的眼神好象在说...

353--like 19th century literature has nothing to do with going to business school or medical school.十九世纪文学跟上商学院或者医学院没有关系

354--Right? Maybe.对吧 也许.

355--Mr Hopkins, you may agree with him, thinking,Hopkins 你可能也这么想 认为...

356--''Yes, we should simply study our Mr Pritchard..."对 我们应该老老实实学学...

357--''and learn our rhyme and metre and go quietly about the business...Pritchard 的理论格调韵律什么的

358--of achieving other ambitions.''然后再去实现我们的其他理想"

359--I have a little secret for you. Huddle up.我有个秘密要告诉你 靠扰来

360--Huddle up!靠扰来

361--We don't read and write poetry because it's cute.我们读诗写诗 并不是因为它好玩

362--We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.我们读诗写诗是因为我们是人类的一分子

363--And the human race is filled with passion.而人类是充满激情的

364--Medicine, law, business, engineering:没错 医学 法律 商业 工程

365--these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.这些都是崇高的追求 足以支撑人的一生 366--But poetry,但诗歌...

367--beauty, romance, love...美丽 浪漫 爱情...

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368--these are what we stay alive for.这些才是我们生活的意义

369--To quote from Whitman.惠特曼曾写道:

370--''O me, O life of the questions of these recurring."自我 生命 这些问题总在不停出现"

371--''Of the endless trains of the faithless."毫无信仰的人群川流不息"

372--''Of cities filled with the foolish."城市充斥着愚昧"

373--''What good amid these, O me, O life?"生活在其中有什么意义 自我 生命 "

374--''Answer: That you are here.答案是 因为你的存在

375--''That life exists and identity.因为你的存在

376--''That the powerful play goes on,因为伟大的戏剧在继续

377--and you may contribute a verse.''因为你可以奉献一首诗

378--''That the powerful play goes on,因为伟大的戏剧在继续

379--and you may contribute a verse. ''因为你可以奉献一首诗

380--What will your verse be?你的诗是什么

381--For what we are about to receive为我们即将获得的一切

382--may the Lord make us truly grateful.愿主让我们心存感激


384--Quite an interesting class you gave today, Mr Keating.你今天课上得很有意思 Keating 先生 385--- Sorry if I shocked you, Mr McAllister.抱歉吓了你一跳 McAllister先生

386--- There's no need to apologise.用不着道歉

387--It was very fascinating, misguided though it was.很有意思 虽然有些误导

388--You think so?是吗

389--You take a big risk by encouraging them to become artists, John.你鼓励他们成为艺术家是很冒险的 John

390--When they realize that they're not Rembrandts, Shakespeares or Mozarts等他们意识到他们不是伦勃朗 莎士比亚或者莫扎特

391--they'll hate you for it.他们会因此恨你的

392--We're not talking artists, George. We're talking freethinkers.不是让他们当艺术家 乔治.自由思想者

393--Freethinkers at 17?十七岁的自由思想者

394--Funny, I never pegged you as a cynic.奇怪 没想到你这么悲观

395--Not a cynic.不是悲观

396--A realist.是现实

397--''Show me the heart unfettered by foolish dreams他们真能不满脑子胡思乱想

398--and I'll show you a happy man.''我也就不会悲观了

399--''But only in their dreams can men be truly free.只有在梦想中 人才能真正自由

400--'Twas always thus, and always thus will be.''从来如此也将永远如此


402--No. Keating.不 Keating

403--Hey, I found his senior annual in the library.嘿 我在图书馆找到了他的记录

404--Listen to this. Captain of the soccer team.听好 足球队队长

405--Editor of the school annual. Cambridge bound.校史年鉴编辑 考入剑桥大学

406--Thigh man and the Dead Poets Society.性格温和 死亡诗人俱乐部成员

407--''Man Most Likely To Do Anything.''充满幻想 敢做敢为

408--Thigh man? Mr ''K'' was a hell-raiser.性格温和 他能把人吓死

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409--What's the Dead Poets Society?什么叫死亡诗人俱乐部

410--- I don't know. - Is there a picture in the annual?- 不知道 - 年鉴上有照片吗

411--- Nothing. No other mention of it. - That boy there,- 没有 这事别再提了 - 那边那个 412--see me after lunch.午饭后来见我

413--Mr Keating?Keating 老师

414--Mr Keating?Keating 老师


416--- Say something. - O Captain, my Captain?- 说点什么. - 哦 船长 我的船长


418--We were just looking in your old annual.我们刚看到了你的记录

419--Oh, my God.哦 天哪

420--No, that's not me.不 那不是我

421--Stanley ''The Tool'' Wilson.Stanley ''The Tool'' Wilson

422--- God. - What was the Dead Poets Society?- 天哪 - 什么是死亡诗人俱乐部

423--I doubt the present administration would look too favourably upon that.现在的学校不会认为那是个什么好组织

424--Why? What was it?为什么 那到底是什么

425--- Gentlemen, can you keep a secret? - Sure.- 各位 你们能保密吗 - 当然

426--The Dead Poets were dedicated to sucking the marrow out of life."死亡诗人致力于吸取生命的精华"

427--That's a phrase from Thoreau we'd invoke at the beginning of every meeting.这是我们每次开会前都要引用的梭罗的一句话

428--You see, we would gather at the old Indian cave...我们经常在印地安山洞聚会

429--and take turns reading from Thoreau, Whitman, Shelley... the biggies.轮流朗诵梭罗、惠特曼、雪莱等诗人的作品

430--Even some of our own verse.甚至我们自己的诗作

431--And in the enchantment of the moment, we'd let poetry work its magic.在那种痴迷的时刻 诗歌有着一种神奇的作用

432--You mean it was a bunch of guys sitting around, reading poetry?你是说那也就是一帮坐在一起念诗的人

433--No, Mr Overstreet. It wasn't just guys.不 Overstreet 并不象你想象的那样

434--We weren't a Greek organization. We were romantics.那并不是个很严密的组织 是一群浪漫主义者

435--We didn't just read poetry,我们不仅仅是念诗

436--we let it drip from our tongues, like honey.诗从我们舌间滑落 就象蜜糖

437--Spirits soared, women swooned and gods were created, gentlemen.情绪高涨 女人亢奋 灵魂驰骋

438--Not a bad way to spend an evening, eh?这么度过一个夜晚也还不错


440--Thank you, Mr Perry, for this stroll down amnesia lane.谢谢你 Perry 让我回想这么多过去的事 441--Burn that.烧了它

442--Especially my picture.尤其是我那张照片

443--Dead Poets Society.死亡诗人俱乐部


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445--- I say we go tonight. - Tonight?- 我们今天晚上去 - 今晚

446--- Wait a minute. - Everybody in?- 等一下 - 有谁参加

447--- Where's this cave he's talking about? - It's beyond the stream.- 他说的山洞在哪儿 - 就在河那边

448--- I know where it is. - That's miles.- 我知道在哪儿 - 那远着呢

449--- Sounds boring to me. - Don't go.- 我看没什么意思 - 别去了

450--- You know how many demerits we're talking?知道这会被扣掉多少学分吗

451--- So don't come. Please.那你就别去 行吗

452--Look, all I'm saying is that we have to be careful.好了 我只是说我们得小心

453--- We can't get caught. - No shit, Sherlock.- 不能让人抓住 - 当然 真啰嗦

454--You boys there! Hurry up!你们干嘛呢 快点

455--- All right, who's in?好了 谁参加

456--- Aw, come on, Neil. Hager's...行了 Neil 老师在看着呢

457--Forget Hager! No! Who's in?别管他了 谁参加

458--I'm in.我参加

459--I'm warning you! Move!我警告你们 快点

460--Me too.我也参加

461--- I don't know, Neil. - What? Pitts!- 我不知道 Neil - 什么 Pittsie

462--- Pittsie, come on. - His grades are hurting.-Pittsie 好啦 - 他功课太紧

463--- You can help him, Meeks.你可以帮他 Meeks

464--- What is this, a midnight study group?这算什么 午夜学习小组

465--Forget it, Pitts. You're coming. Meeks, your grades hurting too?行啦 Pittsie 参加吧 Meeks 你功课也紧吗

466--- I'll try anything once. - Except sex.- 什么我都不怕 - 除了女孩

467--I'm in as long as we're careful.只要小心点我就参加

468--- What about you, Knox? - I don't know, Charlie.- 你怎么样 Knox - 我不知道 Charlie 469--Come on, Knox. It'll help you get Chris.好啦 Knox.这对你追Chris有好处

470--Yeah? How?是吗 为什么

471--- Women swoon. - But why do they swoon?- 女人亢奋 - 但她们为什么亢奋

472--Charlie, tell me why they swoon! Charlie!Charlie 告诉我她们为什么亢奋

473--Okay, follow the stream to the waterfall.沿着小河走到瀑布

474--It's right there. It's got to be on the banks.就在这儿 肯定就在那儿的河岸上

475--I don't know. This is starting to sound dangerous.我不知道 我开始觉得这挺危险了

476--- Oh, well, why don't you stay home? - Hey, you're crazy.- 那你干嘛不呆在家里 - 什么 你疯了

477--For God's sake, stop chattering and sit down.看在上帝份上 别再嘀咕了 坐好

478--- Todd, are you coming tonight? - No.- Todd 你今晚去吗 - 不

479--Why not? God, you were there. You heard Keating.为什么 Todd 你当时也在 你听见他说的了 480--- Don't you want to do something about that? - Yes.- 你就不想做点什么吗 - 想

481--- But... - But? But what?- 但是... - 但是 但是什么

482--Keating said that everybody took turns readingKeating 说每个人要轮流念诗

483--and I don't want to do that.但我不想念诗

484--Gosh, you really have a problem with that, don't you?念诗对你还真有什么问题吗

485--N...No, I don't have a problem.不 没什么问题

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486--Neil, I just...I don't want to do it, okay?Neil 我只是...只是不想念 行吗

487--All right.好吧

488--What if you didn't have to read? What if you just came and listened?如果你不用念呢 如果只要你去听呢

489--- That's not how it works. - Well, forget how it works.- 但那不是正常做法 - 好啦 管它什么做法呢

490--What if... What if they said it was okay?如果...如果他们说可以呢

491--What... What, are you gonna go up and ask them?什么 你要去问他们是不是

492--No. No, Neil.不 Neil

493--- I'll be right back. - Neil. Neil!- 我就回来 - Neil Neil

494--Oh, shut up, will you?闭嘴 行吗

495--That's for my asthma, okay?那是我治哮喘的 行吗

496--Could you give that back, please?把那还给我 行吗

497--What's the matter? Don't you like snakes?什么事 你不喜欢蛇吗

498--- You're in. - Get away from me, okay?- 你参加 - 别来烦我 行吗

499--Why don't you check your pocket, huh?你干嘛不翻翻你口袋

500--- Come on. I have to brush my teeth. - Get a... Get off.- 我要刷牙了 - 走开

501--Cut out that racket in there!你们别瞎嚷嚷了


503--Go. Go.走 走

504--- I'm a dead poet! - Aw, shit, Charlie.- 我是死亡诗人 - 见鬼 Charlie

505--- Guys! Over here! - Funny. You're real funny.- 各位 就是这儿 - 别闹 别瞎嚷

506--It's too wet.太潮湿了

507--God, are you trying to smoke us out of here?你想把我们都熏跑啊

508--No, no. The smoke's going right up this opening.不 不 烟会从这儿出去的

509--You okay?你没事吧

510--Oh, God. Clowns.哦 天哪 熏死了

511--All right, forget the fire.好了 别生火了

512--Let's go, gentlemen.开始了 各位

513--I hereby reconvene the Dead Poets Society死亡诗人俱乐部今天正式恢复

514--Welton Chapter.威尔顿分部

515--The meetings will be conducted by myself and the other new initiates now present.聚会将又由我以及在座的各位新会员主持

516--Todd Anderson, because he prefers not to readTodd Anderson 因为他不愿念诗

517--will keep minutes of the meetings.将担任会议记录

518--I'll now read the traditional opening message...现在我将朗诵俱乐部会员

519--by Society member Henry David Thoreau.Henry David Thoreau所作的开幕辞

520--''I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately."我步入丛林 因为我希望生活有意义" 521--I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.''"我希望活得深刻 吸取生命中所有精华"

522--I'll second that.我同意

523--''To put to rout all that was not life."把非生命的一切都击溃"

524--''And not, when I had come to die,"以免 当我生命终结"

525--discover that I had not lived.''"发现自己从没有活过"

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526--- Keating's marked a bunch of other pages.Keating 标了其他好几页

527---All right, intermission!好了 会议休息

528--Dig deep. Right here. Right here, lay it down.往下挖 就是这儿 铺在这儿

529--On the mud? We're gonna put our food on the mud?放地上 你在说什么 放地上

530--Meeks, put your coat down. Picnic blanket.Meeks 把你衣服脱了 当野餐桌布

531--Use Meeks' coat.用Meeks的衣服

532--Don't keep anything back either.别藏藏掖掖的了

533--- You guys are always bumming my smokes. - Raisins?- 我的烟不全分给你们抽了吗 - 葡萄干 534--- Yuck. - Wait a minute!- 是啊 - 等一下

535--- Who gave us half a roll? - I'm eating the other half.- 谁给的半个面包 - 另一半我在吃呢 536--- Come on! - What, you want me to put it back?- 拿来 - 什么 你要我放回去

537--It was a dark and rainy night, and this old lady这是一个漆黑的雨夜

538--who had a passion for jigsaw puzzles这位酷爱拼板游戏的老妇人

539--sat by herself in her house at her table to complete a new jigsaw puzzle.独自一人坐在家里 在桌上摆最新的拼板

540--But as she pieced the puzzle together当她把拼板拼起来

541--she realized, to her astonishment,她惊奇地发现

542--that the image that was formed was her very own room.构成的图案就是她自己的房间

543--And the figure in the centre of the puzzle拼图中间的人像

544--as she completed it, was herself.居然就是她自己

545--And with trembling hands, she placed the last four pieces...双手颤抖着 她把最后四块放上去... 546--and stared in horror at the face of a demented madman at the window.恐惧地发现窗户上有一张疯子的脸

547--The last thing that this old lady ever heard...这位老妇人最后听到的...

548--- was the sound of breaking glass. - No, she didn't.- 是玻璃碎裂的声音 - 这不是真的 549--Yes, this is true. This is true.这是真的 这是真的

550--I've got one that's better than that.我有个故事比这还精彩

551--I do. There's a young, married couple真的.有一对年轻的夫妇

552--and they're driving through the forest at night on a long trip.他们晚上开车穿过一片森林

553--And they run out of gas, and there's a madman on the...他们汽车没油了 有一个疯子...

554--The thing with the hand?手里拿着件东西

555--I love that story!这故事才精彩

556--- I told you that one. - You did not.- 是我告诉你的 - 不是的

557--- I got that in camp in sixth grade. - Last year?- 是我六年级在夏令营听说的 - 去年

558--''In a mean abode in the Shanking Road很久以前 在山林路边

559--''lived a man named William Bloat.住着一个淳朴的农夫

560--''Now, he had a wife, the plague of his life他有个妻子 是他一生的痛苦

561--''who continually got his goat.总让他觉得生不如死

562--''And one day at dawn, with her nightshift on有一天黎明 趁妻子睡意末醒

563--he slit her bloody throat.''他掐断了她的生命

564--Oh, and it gets worse.什么玩意

565--You want to hear a real poem?想听首真正的诗吗

566---You want this? -No, I don't need...Get this outta here.-给你吧 - 不 我不用 你拿着吧 567--- What, did you bring one? - You memorized a poem?- 什么 你也带了一本 - 你还能背诗

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568--You memorized a poem?我没有背诗

569--- An original piece by Charlie Dalton.Charlie Dalton原创作品

570--- An original piece.原创作品

571--- Take centre stage. - You know, this is history, right?- 站在中间去 - 真的 这真是开天辟地 572--Wow. Whoa.哇哦

573--Where did you get that?你从哪儿弄来的

574--Where did you...你从哪儿...

575--- Whoa. - ''Teach me to love?- 哇 - 教我恋爱

576--''Go teach thyself more wit.先教教你自己

577--''I chief professor am of it.恋爱艺术属我第一

578--''The god of love, if such a thing there be恋爱之神 如果有这么种东西

579--may learn to love from me.''也得先向我学习

580--Wow. Did you write that?你写了那个

581--Abraham Cowley.Abraham Cowley

582--Okay. Who's next?好了 谁下一个

583--Alfred Lord Tennyson.Alfred Lord Tennyson

584--''Come, my friends.来吧 我的朋友

585--'''Tis not too late to seek a newer world.寻找更新的世界尚为时不晚

586--''For my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset.我决心已定 要驶过夕阳尽头

587--''And though we are not now that strength...尽管我们不再有昔日的伟力

588--''which in old days moved Earth and heaven.可以振天撼地

589--''That which we are, we are:我们仍有着

590--''one equal temper of heroic hearts...同样的英雄的心

591--''made weak by time and fate, but strong in will...时间和命运使它衰弱 但坚强意志仍在 592--''to strive, to seek, to find让我们去奋斗 去探索 去发现

593--and not to yield.''永不屈服

594--''Then I had religion, then I had a vision.然后我有了信仰 然后我有了一种想象

595--''I could not turn from their revel in derision.我被他们对嘲笑的沉迷感染

596--''Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black然后我看见刚果河从黑土地蜿蜒流过 597--cutting through the forest with a golden track.''在森林中划下一道金色的沟壑

598--- Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black然后我看见刚果河从黑土地蜿蜒流过 599--Meeks Meeks - Meeks. Meeks.

600--cutting through the forest with a golden track.在森林划下一道金色的沟壑

601--Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black然后我看见刚果河从黑土地蜿蜒流过 602--cutting through the forest with a golden track.在森林划下一道金色的沟壑

603--Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black然后我看见刚果河从黑土地蜿蜒流过 604--cutting through the forest with a golden track!在森林划下一道金色的沟壑

605--Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black然后我看见刚果河从黑土地蜿蜒流过 606--cutting through the forest with a golden track!在森林划下一道金色的沟壑

607--Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black然后我看见刚果河从黑土地蜿蜒流过 608--cutting through the forest with a golden track!在森林划下一道金色的沟壑

609--Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black然后我看见刚果河从黑土地蜿蜒流过 610--cutting through the forest with a golden track!在森林划下一道金色的沟壑

611--Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black,然后我看见刚果河从黑土地蜿蜒流过

Dead Poets Society 1989 Scripts【死亡诗社】中英对照剧本 由『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理

612--cutting through the forest with a golden track!在森林划下一道金色的沟壑

613--Cutting through the forest with a golden track!在森林划下一道金色的沟壑

614--Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black...然后我看见刚果河从黑土地蜿蜒流过 615--A man is not ''very tired. '' He is ''exhausted. ''不说一个人"很累" 而说他很"疲惫"

616--And don't use ''very sad.'' Use...不用"不开心" 而用...

617--Come on, Mr Overstreet, you twerp.来吧 Overstreet 你的高见

618--- ''Morose''? - Exactly! Morose!- 阴郁 - 对极了 阴郁

619--Language was developed for one endeavour,语言的发展只有一个目的

620--and that is... Mr Anderson?就是... Anderson

621--Come on, are you a man or an amoeba?来吧 是个男子汉 还是条变形虫

622--Mr Perry?Perry 你来答

623--Uh... to communicate.用来交流

624--No! To woo women.不 用来追女人

625--Today we're going to be talking...今天我们要谈一谈...

626--- about William Shakespeare. - Oh, God.- 威廉莎士比亚 - 哦 天呐

627--I know. A lot of you look forward to this...我知道你们很多人都象

628--about as much as you look forward to root canal work.讨厌牙科手术一样讨厌这个

629--We're gonna talk about Shakespeare...但我只会把莎士比亚...

630--as someone who writes something very interesting.当做一个写了些有意思的东西的人来谈

631--Now, many of you have seen Shakespeare done very much like this:你们很多人都看过莎士比亚这样的东西

632--''O, Titus, bring your friend hither.''"哦 Titus 把你的朋友带上来"

633--But if any of you have seen Mr Marlon Brando,但如果你们有人看过 Marlon Brando

634--you know that Shakespeare can be different."莎士比亚可以有不同的演法"

635--''Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.''"朋友们 公民们 同胞们 请听我说"

636--You can also imagine maybe John Wayne as Macbeth going...你们也可以想象 John Wayne 扮演麦克帕斯

637--''Well, is this a dagger I see before me?''"我面前的是一把剑吗 "

638--''Dogs, sir? Oh, not just now.要狗吗 先生 哦 现在不要

639--''I do enjoy a good dog once in a while, sir.我有时候的确喜欢来只狗

640--''You can have yourself a three-course meal from one dog.一只狗可以做成三道好菜

641--''Start with a canine croquette.首先是犬牙炸丸子

642--''Go to your Fido Flambe for main course.然后是火烧狗腿作为主菜

643--'And for dessert, a Pekingese parfait.甜点嘛 来道狮子狗水果冻

644--And you can pick your teeth with the little paw. ''然后还可以用它的小爪子剔牙

645--Why do I stand up here?我为什么要站到这儿

646---Anybody? - To feel taller.- 谁知道 - 感觉高一点

647--No! Thank you for playing.不 谢谢你的幽默

648--I stand upon my desk...我站到讲台上...

649--to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way.是想提醒我自己我们必须时刻用不同的眼光来看待事物

650--See, the world looks very different from up here.瞧 从这上面看世界 完全不同

651--You don't believe me?如果不相信

652--Come see for yourselves. Come on.可以自己来看 来吧

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653--Come on.Just when you think you know something,来吧 一旦你觉得自己懂得了什么

654--you have to look at it in another way.就必须换一种角度来看

655--Even though it may seem silly or wrong,这可能显得很荒唐或者愚蠢

656--you must try.但必须试一下

657--Now when you read, don't just consider what the author thinks.同样 读书的时候不要只想作者怎么看

658--Consider what you think.想想你怎么看

659--Boys, you must strive to find your own voice.同学们 你们必须努力寻找自己的声音

660--Because the longer you wait to begin,因为你越迟开始寻找

661--the less likely you are to find it at all.找到的可能性就越小

662--Thoreau said, ''Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.''梭罗说 "大多数人都生活在平静的绝望中"

663--Don't be resigned to that. Break out.别陷入这种境地 冲出来

664--Don't just walk off the edge like lemmings. Look around you.别象老鼠逃跑似的 看看你的周围 665--There you go, Mr Priske. Thank you!对了 就这样 Priske 谢谢


667--Dare to strike out and find new ground.要敢于开拓新的天地

668--Now, in addition to your essays,好了 除了写作文以外

669--I would like you to compose a poem of your own, an original work.我希望你们每人写一首诗 自己的诗

670--That's right.这就对了

671--You have to deliver it aloud, in front of the class on Monday.每个人星期一早晨都要在全班念自己的诗

672--Bon chance, gentlemen.祝你们好运 各位

673--Anderson Mr Anderson.

674--Don't think I don't know this assignment scares the hell out of you, you mole.别以为我不知道这作业把你魂都吓没了 胆小鬼

675--Take a power train in two!每两下用一次力

676--Three, keep your eyes in the boat!三号 集中注意力

677--We got it, Pittsie.成功了 Pittsie

678--Radio Free America!自由美国电台

679--# Some people like to rock Some people like to roll #

680--# But movin'and a-groovin' is gonna satisfy my soul #

681--# Let's have a party Oooh #

682--# Let's have a party #

683--# Let's spin it to the soul Let's rock and roll #

684--# Let's have a party tonight #

685--# I never kissed a bear I never kissed a goose #

686--# But I can shake a chicken in the middle of the room #

687--# Let's have a party #

688--- I found it. - You found what?- 我找到了 - 找到什么了

689--What I want to do right now. What's really, really inside of me.我想干什么 就现在.我真正真正的梦想

690--- ''A Midsummer Night's Dream.'' - This is it.- "仲夏夜之梦" - 对

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691--- What is that? - It's a play, dummy.- 这是什么 - 是一出戏 笨蛋

692--I know that. Wh..What does it have to do with you?这我知道 但是...这跟你有什么关系 693--All right, they're putting it on at Henley Hall.好吧 他们要在 Henley 会堂上演这出戏

694--Open tryouts. Open tryouts!欢迎试演 欢迎试演

695--- Yeah, so? - So!- 所以 - 所以

696--I'm gonna act.我要演戏了

697--Yes! Yes! I'm gonna be an actor!演戏 演戏 我要当演员了

698--Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to try this!很早以前我就想试一试

699--I even tried to go to summer stock auditions last year,去年我还曾想参加暑期剧团试演

700--but, of course, my father wouldn't let me.当然 我爸没让

701--For the first time in my whole life, I know what I want to do.我平生第一次知道了我到底想做什么 702--And for the first time, I'm gonna do it...也是第一次 我决心要做成...

703--whether my father wants me to or not!不管我爸同不同意

704--- Carpe diem! - Neil, Neil, hold it.- Carpe diem - Neil Neil 等一下

705--How are you gonna be in a play if your father won't let you?如果你爸不让 你怎么去演戏呢 706--First, I gotta get the part, then I can worry about that.我首先要争取到角色 然后再想这个问题 707--But won't he kill you if he finds out但如果他发现你都没跟他说一声

708--you went to an audition and didn't tell him?就去参加试演 他还不杀了你

709--No, no, no. As far as I'm concerned,不 照我看来

710--he won't have to know about any of this.根本用不着让他知道这件事

711--- Well, that's impossible. - Bullshit. Nothing's impossible.- 这不可能 - 不 没什么不可能 712--Well, why don't you just call him and ask him听我说 你干嘛不打个电话问问他

713--and m-maybe he'll say yes.也许他会同意

714--That's a laugh.简直笑话

715--If I don't ask him, at least I won't be disobeying him.如果不问他 至少我没违抗他的意愿 716--- Yeah, but if he said no before...是 但如果他以前就不同意...

717---Jesus, Todd, whose side are you on?天哪 Todd 你站在谁一边

718--I mean, I haven't even gotten the part yet.我意思是现在连角色还没弄到

719--Can't I even enjoy the idea for a little while?我就不能先在脑子里过过瘾

720--- You're coming to the meeting?你参加下午的聚会吗

721--- I don't know. Maybe.我不知道 也许会

722--Nothing Mr Keating has to say means shit to you,Keating 老师的话对你狗屁不算

723--does it, Todd?是吗 Todd

724--- Wh..What is that supposed to mean?这...这是什么意思

725--- You're in the club!你是俱乐部成员

726--Being in the club means being stirred up by things.是成员就意味着充满激情

727--You look about as stirred up as a cesspool.但你看上去象一潭死水

728--- So you want me out? - No, I want you in!- 你要我退出 - 我要你参与

729--But being in means you gotta do something, not just say you're in.但参与意味着你得做点事情 不是光嘴上说

730--Listen, Neil, I mean, I appreciate this concern,听我说 Neil 我是说谢谢你的关心

731--but I'm not like you, all right?但是我和你不一样 对不对

732--You... You...You say things and people listen.你...你...你说话有人听

733--I... I...I'm not like that.我...我...我不一样

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734--- Don't you think you could be? - No.- 你觉得你做不到 - 是

735--I...I...I don't know, but that's not the point.我...我不知道 但问题还不在这儿

736--The point is, there's nothing you can do about it,问题是 这是没有办法的事

737--so you can just butt out.所以你就别管我了

738--I can take care of myself just fine.我能照顾自己

739--All right?行吗


741--What do you mean, ''no''?你是什么意思 不


743--Give me that! Neil!还给我 Neil

744--- Neil, give that back! - ''We are dreaming of a tomorrow...''- Neil 还给我 - 我们梦想... 745--- It's poetry! - Neil!- 是一首诗 - Neil

746--I'm being chased by Walt Whitman!追我的是个 Walt Whitman

747--Okay! Okay!好了 好了

748--What are you guys doing? I'm trying...You see this chemistry...你们在干嘛 我在做..这道化学... 749--Hey. Give me...Neil, give me...把书还给我 Neil

750--Don't be immature. Come on!给我别瞎胡闹了 快点

751--- I need my... - Give it to me!- 快给我... - 还给我


753--Let me have my book. I need my...还给我 我要我的...

754--Okay, everybody on the bus.好了 全都上车

755--Let's go, boys.走了 孩子们

756--Come on. Let's go. On the bus, boys.走啦 快上车 孩子们


758--Now, devotees may argue...爱好运动的人...

759--that one sport or game is inherently better than another.可能会觉得某一种运动就是比另一种强 760--For me, sport is actually a chance...对我来说 运动只是一种让其他人...

761--for us to have other human beings push us to excel.把我们推向极至的机会

762--I want you all to come over here and take a slip of paper...每个人都到这儿拿张纸条

763--and line up single file.然后排成一排

764--Mr Meeks, time to inherit the Earth.Meeks 吸取大地的精华

765--Mr Pitts... rise above your name.Pitts 让你的名字更响亮

766--I want you to hand these out to the boys, one a piece.你把这些发下去 每人一张

767--You know what to do, Pitts!你知道怎么做

768--''Oh, to struggle against great odds, to meet enemies undaunted.''"与逆境不屈抗争 以无畏的气势面对敌人"

769--Sounds like you're daunted. Say it again like you're undaunted.听上去象你已经吓坏了 拿出点气势来再念一通

770--''Oh, to struggle against great odds, to meet enemies undaunted''!"与逆境不屈地抗争 以无畏的气势面对敌人"

771--Now go on!好了 开始

772--Yes! Next!好的 下一个

773--''To be a sailor of the world bound for all ports.''"做一个世界的水手 游遍所有的港口"

774--Next. Louder!下一个 大声点儿

Dead Poets Society 1989 Scripts【死亡诗社】中英对照剧本 由『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理

775--''Oh, I live to be the ruler of life, not a slave.''"哦 我要做生活的主宰 不是奴隶 "

776--''To mount the scaffolds."走上绞刑台"

777--To advance to the muzzles of guns with perfect nonchalance. ''"迎向行刑的枪口 我自安之如泰" 778--Come on, Meeks! Listen to the music!来吧 Meeks 听着音乐

779--''To dance, clap hands, exalt, shout, skip,舞蹈 鼓掌 兴奋 欢叫 跳跃

780--- roll on, float on!'' - Yes!- 飘飘荡荡 滚滚向前 - 下一个

781--''Oh, to have life henceforth, the poem of new joys.''让生活从此变成一首欢乐的诗

782--Come on, Charlie, let it fill your soul.快点 Charlie 让它充满你的灵魂

783--''To indeed be a god!''做一个真正的上帝

784--Charlie, I got the part!Charlie 我争取到了

785--I'm gonna play Puck!我要扮演 Puck

786--- I'm gonna play Puck! - What did he say?- 我要扮演 Puck - 他说什么

787--- Puck you! - The main part!- 帕克 - 是主角

788--- Great, Neil! - Charlie, I got it!- 太好了 Neil - Charlie 我成功了

789--- Congratulations.祝贺你 Neil

790--- Good for you! Good for you!很适合你 很适合你

791--Okay, okay, okay, okay.好了 好了

792--Neil, how are you gonna do this?Neil 你到时怎么办

793--They need a letter of permission from my father and Mr Nolan.我需要一封我爸和Nolan 先生的批准信

794--- You're not gonna write it. - Oh, yes, I am.- 你不会自己写吧 - 哦 不 我会

795--Oh, Neil... Neil, you're crazy.Neil 你疯了


797--I am writing to you...冒昧给您...

798--on behalf of...写这封信...

799--my son...是为我儿子...

800--Neil Perry.Neil Perry的事

801--This is great!太棒了

802--''To Chris.''致Chris

803--Who's Chris? Mmm, Chris.谁是Chris

804--''I see a sweetness in her smile.我在她微笑中看到甜蜜

805--''Bright light shines from her eyes.她的眼睛闪烁着光芒

806--''But life is complete, contentment is mine...但生活是如此复杂 我已满意...

807--''just knowing that...只要知道...

808--''Just knowing that...只要知道...

809--she's alive.''她还活着

810--- I'm sorry, Captain. It's stupid.对不起 我的船长 这太傻了

811--- No. No, it's not stupid.不 不 这并不傻

812--It's a good effort. It touched on one of the major themes: love.写得很好 它触及了一个重大的主题:爱

813--A major theme not only in poetry but life.不仅是诗歌的重大主题 也是生活的

814--Mr Hopkins, you were laughing. You're up.Hopkins 你在笑 你来吧

815--''The cat sat on the mat.''一只猫坐在垫子上

816--Congratulations, Mr Hopkins.祝贺你 Hopkins

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817--Yours is the first poem to ever按照 Pritchard 的评分方法

818--have a negative score on the Pritchard scale.你的诗是第一首得负分的

819--We're not laughing at you, we're laughing near you.我们不是在笑你 是在恭喜你

820--I don't mind that your poem had a simple theme.我不在乎你的诗主题简单

821--Sometimes the most beautiful poetry can be about simple things,有时候最漂亮的诗主题也很简单 822--like a cat or a flower or rain.象一只猫 一朵花 一场雨

823--You see, poetry can come from anything with the stuff of revelation in it.知道吗 只要有新意 什么东西都可以写出诗来

824--Just don't let your poems be ordinary.只是不要让你的诗太俗套

825--Now, who's next?好了 谁下一位

826--Mr Anderson, I see you sitting there in agony.Anderson 先生 你在那儿坐立不安

827--Come on, Todd, step up.来吧 Todd 站起来

828--Let's put you out of your misery.让我们结束你的痛苦吧

829--I...I didn't do it. I didn't write a poem.我...我没做 我没写诗

830--Mr Anderson thinks everything inside of himAnderson 认为自己内心的想法

831--is worthless and embarrassing.全都没有价值 都让人笑话

832--Isn't that right, Todd? Isn't that your worst fear?是这样吗 Todd 这是你最担心的

833--Well, I think you're wrong. I think you have something inside of you...那么 你错了.我觉得你内心有些东西...

834--that is worth a great deal.是很有价值的

835--''I sound...我喊出...

836--''my barbaric...我野性的...


838--''over the rooftops...站在...

839--of the world. ''世界的屋脊上

840--Uncle Walt, again.又是 Walt 的诗

841--Now, for those of you who don't know,好了 可能你们有些不知道

842--a yawp is a loud cry or yell.咆哮是一种大声的叫喊

843--Now, Todd, I would like you to give us a demonstration of a barbaric yawp.好了 Todd 你给我们演示一下什么叫野性的咆哮

844--Come on, you can't yawp sitting down.行了 你不会坐着咆哮

845--Let's go. Come on, up.来吧 快点上去

846--Got to get in yawping stance.好了 做好咆哮的姿势

847--- A...A yawp? - Not just a yawp. A barbaric yawp.- 咆哮 - 不仅仅是咆哮 野性的咆哮 848--- Right. Yawp. - Come on. Louder.- 好吧 咆哮 - 不行 大声点

849--- Yawp. - That's a mouse. Come on, louder!- 咆哮 - 那是老鼠叫 来吧 大声点

850--- Yawp. - Oh, good God, boy, yell like a man!- 咆哮 - 天哪 叫得象个男人

851--- Yawp! - There it is.- 咆哮 - 这就对了

852--You see, you have a barbarian in you after all.你瞧 你身上到底也有野性

853--You don't get away that easy. There's a picture of Uncle Walt up there.还不能这么就走 那是张 walt 的照片

854--What does he remind you of? Don't think, answer. Go on.他让你想起谁 别想 回答 快点 855--- A m-m-m-madman. - What kind of madman?- 一个...一个疯子 - 什么样的疯子

856--- Don't think about it, just answer. - A cr-crazy madman.- 不用想 只管回答 - 一个疯狂的疯

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857--No, you can do better than that. Free up your mind.你可以答得更好 解放你的思想

858--Use your imagination.发挥你的想象力

859--Say the first thing that pops into your head,说出第一个跳进你脑子的东西

860--even if it's total gibberish.哪怕荒唐透顶

861--A-A-A sweaty-toothed madman.一...一个牙齿流汗的疯子

862--Good God, boy, there's a poet in you after all!我的天哪 你还是有诗人气质嘛

863--There. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close them.好了 闭上眼睛 闭上眼睛

864--Now, describe what you see.好了 说你看到了什么

865--- Uh, I...I close my eyes... - Yes?- 我闭上了眼睛... - 还有呢

866--- uh, and his image floats beside me. - A sweaty-toothed madman.- 他的形象在我眼前见 - 一个牙齿流汗的疯子

867--A sweaty-toothed madman with a stare that pounds my brain.一个牙齿流汗的疯子瞪得我心嘭嘭直跳

868--Oh, that's excellent!哦 好极了

869--Now, give him action, make him do something.让他动起来 让他做点什么

870--- H-His hands reach out and choke me.他...他伸出手掐我脖子

871--- That's it. Wonderful. Wonderful.对了 好极了 好极了

872--- And all the time he's mumbling. - What's he mumbling?- 他一直在念叨 - 念叨什么 873--- Mumbling truth. - Yes.- 念叨真理 - 对

874--Truth is like a blanket that always leaves your feet cold.真理就象一床总让你双脚冰凉的毯子 875--Forget them. Forget them. Stay with the blanket.别管他们 继续说毯子

876--Tell me about that blanket.继续说下去

877--Y-Y-You push it, stretch it, it'll never be enough.你怎么扯 怎么拽 总也不够

878--You kick at it, beat it, it'll never cover any of us.踢也好 打也好 它总盖不住我们

879--From the moment we enter crying to the moment we leave dying,从我们哭着降生到我们奄奄一息 880--it'll just cover your face as you wail and cry and scream.它只会盖住你的脸 不管你如何痛哭 如何叫喊

881--Don't you forget this.不要忘记了

882--That a boy, Pittsie.你太嫩了 Pittsie

883--- Inhale, deeply. - My dad collects pipes.- 吸气 深一点 - 我爸收集了很多烟斗

884--- Really? - He must have 30.- 真的 - 我爸至少有三十个

885--Your parents collect pipes? Oh, that's interesting.你家里收集烟斗 真有意思

886--- Come on, Knox.Join in.Knox 来一口

887--- Yeah, Knox, we're from the government.对 Knox 我们是政府派来的

888--We're here to help. What's wrong?来帮你的.有什么事吗

889--- It's Chris! - Here's a picture of Chris for you!- 是Chris - 是Chris的照片 看

890--- Put that in your pipe and smoke it. - It's not funny.- 把它放在你的烟管里抽了它 - 这没意思 891--Knock it off. Smoke your pipes.别闹了 抽你们的烟吧

892--- Neil. - Friends, scholars, Welton men.- Neil - 朋友们 同学们 校友们

893--What is that, Neil?那是什么 Neil

894--- Duh, it's a lamp, Meeks. - No, this is the god of the cave.- 是盏灯 笨蛋 - 不 这是山洞之神

895--The god of the cave.山洞之神

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896--- Charlie, what are you doing?Charlie 你在干什么

897--- What do you say we start this meeting?开始今天的会议日程吧

898--- I need a light. Who's got a light?等等 我需要灯 谁带灯了

899--- Anybody bring earplugs?你带耳塞了吗


901--''Poetrusic'' by Charles Dalton.Charles Dalton的诗人音乐

902--Laughing, crying, tumbling, mumbling.欢笑 痛哭 跌倒 呓语

903--Gotta do more, gotta be more.必须做更多 必须是更多

904--Chaos screaming, chaos dreaming.混乱的叫喊 混乱的梦想

905--Gotta do more, gotta be more!必须做更多 必须是更多

906--- Wow. Nice. - That was great.- 哇 太棒了 - 太棒了

907--Where did you learn to play like that?你在哪儿学会的

908--My parents made me take the clarinet for years!我父母强迫我吹了好几年单簧管

909--- I love the clarinet. - I hated it.- 我喜欢单簧管 - 我恨透了

910--The saxophone. The saxophone is more... sonorous.萨克管 萨克管好听一些

911--Ooh, more sonorous. Vocabulary.更好听一些

912--I can't take it any more. If I don't have Chris,我再也受不了了 如果我得不到Chris

913--- I'm gonna kill myself. - Knoxious, calm down.- 我会自杀 - Knox 你得冷静点儿

914--No, Charlie! That's just my problem.不 Charlie.我的问题就在这儿

915--I've been calm all my life. I'm gonna do something about that.我冷静了一辈子了 我得有所改变才行

916--Where are you going? What are you gonna do?你去哪儿 你要干什么

917--I'm gonna call her.去给她打电话

918--- He's gonna call her! - Wait for me!- 他要给她打电话 - 等等我


920--She's gonna hate me.她会恨我的

921--The Danburrys will hate me.Danburry 全家都会恨我

922--My parents will kill me.我父母会杀了我

923--All right, goddam it.好了 去他的吧

924--You're right. Carpe diem.没事的 Carpe diem

925--Even if it kills me.死又怎么样呢

926--- Hello? - Hello, Chris?- 喂 - 喂 Chris

927--- Yes. - Hi. This is Knox Overstreet.- 是我 - 嗨 是Knox Overstreet

928--Oh, yes. Knox.你好 Knox

929--- I'm glad you called. - She's glad I called.- 很高兴你打电话来 - 她很高兴我打电话去

930--Listen, Chet's parents are going out of town this weekend,听我说 Chet的父母这个周末要出远门 931--and he's having a party.他想举行个晚会

932--- Would you like to come?你能过来吗

933--- Would I like to come to a party?我能不能去参加晚会

934--- Yes. Say yes. - It's Friday. - Well, sure.- 能 能 - 星期五晚上 - 没问题

935--- About 7.:00. - Great. I'll be there, Chris.- 七点左右 - 好的 我会到的 Chris

936--- Okay. - Friday night at the Danburrys'. Okay.- 太好了 - 星期五晚上 七点左右

937--- Okay. Bye. - Thank you. I'll see you. Bye.- 好 谢谢你 - 谢谢你 到时见 拜


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939--Can you believe it?你能相信吗

940--She was gonna call me.她本来就要给我打电话

941--She invited me to a party with her.她还邀我和她参加晚会

942--- At Chet Danburry's house. - Yeah.- 在 Chet Danburry家里 - 是

943--- Well? - So?- 那 - 怎么啦

944--So you don't really think she means you're going with her?那你不会真以为她是叫你陪她吧 945--Well, of course not, Charlie. But that's not the point.当然不是 Charlie 但关键不在那儿

946--- That's not the point at all. - What is the point?- 关键根本不在那儿 - 关键在哪儿

947--- The point, Charlie... - Uh-huh?- 关键 Charlie... - 呃...

948--- is... - Yeah?- 在... - 嗯

949--that she was thinking about me.她在想着我

950--I've only met her once, and already...我只见过她一面

951--she's thinking about me.而她真的在想着我

952--Damn it, it's gonna happen, guys.没错 会发生的 伙计们

953--I feel it.我感觉到了

954--She is going to be mine.她会是我的

955--Carpe diem Carpe! Carpe!

956--No grades at stake, gentlemen. Just take a stroll.跟学分没关系 各位 遛遛腿而已

957--There it is.开始吧

958--- I don't know, but I've been told.我不知道 但有人对我说

959--- I don't know, but I've been told.我不知道 但有人对我说

960--Doing poetry is cold.写诗已经过时

961--- Doing poetry is cold. - Left. Left. Left, right, left.- 写诗已经过时 - 左 左 左 右 左 962--Left. Left. Left, right, left.左 左 左 右 左

963--Left. Halt!左.停

964--Thank you, gentlemen.谢谢各位

965--If you noticed,不知你们注意没有

966--everyone started off with their own stride, their own pace.每个人开始都有自己的步伐 自己的节奏

967--Mr Pitts taking his time. He knew he'll get there one day.Pitts不着急 知道自己总有一天能到 968--Mr Cameron. You could see him thinking, ''Is this right?Cameron呢 你能看出他在想"这对吗 969--It might be right.可能是对的 我知道就是这样"

970--It might be right. I know that...Maybe not. I don't know.''也许不是 我不知道

971--Mr Overstreet, driven by a deeper force. Yes.Overstreet 有一种更深的驱动力

972--We know that. All right.这我们知道 好了

973--Now, I didn't bring them up here to ridicule them.我说这些并不是要嘲笑你们

974--I brought them up here to illustrate the point of conformity.我说这些是为了说明顺从的问题

975--The difficulty in maintaining your own beliefs in the face of others.说明坚持与众不同的信仰的困难 976--Now, I see the look in your eyes like,你们有些人

977--''I would have walked differently.''你们的眼神好象在说"我本来可以走得不同"

978--Well, ask yourselves why you were clapping.那么问问自己刚才为什么拍手

979--Now we all have a great need for acceptance.没错 我们都有一种被人接受的需要

980--But you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own.但是你们必须坚信自己的信仰是独特的 是你自己的

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981--Even though others may think them odd or unpopular.哪怕别人认为它们很怪或者很讨厌 982--Even though the herd may go, ''That's ba-a-a-a-ad.''哪怕一群人都说"那太差了"

983--Robert Frost said,Robert Frost 说过

984--''Two roads diverged in the wood and I... I took the one less traveled by."两条路在树林中分岔 我选择走的人少那一条"

985--And that has made all the difference.''这就导致了所有的不同

986--I want you to find your own walk right now,现在 我希望你们也找到自己的路

987--your own way of striding, pacing any direction.找到自己的步伐 步调 任何方向 任何东西都行 988--Anything you want, whether it's proud,不管自负也好

989--whether it's silly, anything.愚蠢也好 什么都行

990--Gentlemen, the courtyard is yours.各位 这个院子是你们的

991--You don't have to perform, just make it for yourself.你们用不着表演 完全为你自己

992--Mr Dalton, will you be joining us?Dalton 你不参加吗

993--Exercising the right not to walk.在行使不走的权力

994--Thank you, Mr Dalton. Just illustrated the point.谢谢 Dalton.要的就是这个劲儿

995--Swim against the stream.敢于逆流而上


997--- Hey. - Hey.- 嘿 - 嘿

998--- What's going on? - Nothing.- 怎么啦 - 没事

999--- Today's my birthday. - Is today your birthday?- 今天是我生日 - 今天是你生日

1000--- Happy birthday. - Thanks.- 生日快乐 - 谢谢

1001--- What did you get? - My parents just gave me this.- 收到什么了 - 我爸妈给的

1002--Isn't this the same desk set...这不是一样的文具盒...

1003--Yeah, yeah, they gave me the same thing as last year.对 跟去年送的一模一样

1004--Maybe they thought you needed another one.可能他们觉得你需要换一个了

1005--Maybe they weren't thinking about anything at all.可能他们什么也没想

1006--The funny thing is, about this, is I didn't even like it the first time.好笑的是 我第一次就不喜欢 1007--Todd, I think you're underestimating the value of this desk set.Todd 我看你低估这文具盒的价值了

1008--I mean, who would want a football or a baseball...我是说 谁会想要一个足球或者棒球呢 1009--- Or a car. - Mm-hmm, or a car--- 或者一辆车 - 或者一辆车

1010--if they could have a desk set as wonderful as this one.如果他们能得到这么漂亮一个文具盒的话 1011--I mean, if I were ever going to buy a desk set... twice,我是说 如果我要买一个文具盒...两次 1012--I would probably buy this one... both times.我很可能会买这种...两次都是

1013--In fact, its... shape is..实际上 它看上去...

1014--It's rather aerodynamic, isn't it?很有点流线形的味道 对不对

1015--You can feel it.能摸得出来

1016--This desk set wants to fly.这文具盒想飞


1018--the world's first unmanned flying desk set.世界上第一个无人驾驶飞行文具盒

1019--Oh, my! Well, I wouldn't worry.哦 天哪 不用担心

1020--You'll get another one next year.你明年还会收到一个的

1021--''To live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.活得深刻 吸取生命中所有的精华

1022--To put to rout all that was not life...''把非生命的一切都击溃

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1023--My God.天哪

1024--- Is this it? - Yeah, this is it.- 就是这 - 对 就是这

1025--Go ahead. Go on in. It's my cave. Watch your step.进去吧 是我的山洞.当心脚底下


1027--- Hello. - Hi.- 你们好 - 你好

1028--Hi, guys. Meet, uh, Gloria and...伙计们 介绍一下 格洛丽亚和...

1029--- Tina. - Tina.- 蒂娜 - 蒂娜

1030--This is the pledge class of the Dead Poets Society.他们在念死亡诗人俱乐部的誓词

1031--- How do you do? - Hello.- 你好 - 你好

1032--Guys, move. Move!伙计们 继续 继续

1033--Come on, folks, it's Friday night.来吧 伙计们 今天星期五

1034--Let's get on with the meeting. Guys, I have an announcement to make.聚会现在开始.各位 我要宣布一件事

1035--In keeping with the spirit of passionate experimentation of the Dead Poets,为了实践死亡诗人义无反顾的开拓精神

1036--I'm giving up the name Charles Dalton.我决定放弃 Charles Dalton这个名字

1037--From now on, call me Nuwanda.从现在起 叫我Nuwanda


1039--Hello? Hello, Chris?你好 你好 Chris

1040--# I crashed in thejungle while trying to keep a date #

1041--# With my little girl who was back in the States #

1042--# I was stranded in thejungle...#

1043--- Hi. - You made it! Great.- 你好 - 你来了 太好了

1044--- Did you bring anybody? - No.- 你带人来了吗 - 没有

1045--No? Ginny Danburry's here.没有 Ginny Danburry来了.

1046--Look, I have to go find Chet.听我说 我得去找Chet

1047--- Why don't you go downstairs? That's where everybody is.你干嘛不到楼下去 客人全在那儿 1048--- Yeah, but Chris, I've...但Chris 我...

1049--- Make yourself at home. - But I've...- 随便一点 - 但是我...

1050--# Baby, baby,let's make romance #

1051--# You know your old-time lover hasn't got a chance #

1052--Hey, you Mutt Sanders' brother?嘿 你是 Mutt Sanders 的弟弟

1053--Bubba, this guy look like Mutt Sanders to you, or what?Bubba 你看他象 Mutt Sanders 的弟弟吗 1054--- You're his brother? - No relation.- 你是他弟弟 - 没关系

1055--- Never heard of him. Sorry, guys.没听说过 抱歉

1056--- Where's our manners, Steve?礼貌到哪去了 Steve

1057--Here's Mutt Sanders' brother这位是 Mutt Sanders 的弟弟

1058--and we don't even offer him a drink.还不请他喝一杯

1059--- Here you go. Have some whisky, pal. - Yeah.- 给你 来点威士忌 伙计 - 好吧

1060--I, uh, I don't really drink whisky.我...我不喝威士忌

1061--- To Mutt. - To Mutt.- 敬 Mutt - 敬 Mutt

1062--To Mutt.敬 Mutt

1063--- How the hell is old Mutt anyway? - Yeah, what's old Mutter been up to?-你哥跑哪去了 - 你哥干嘛去了

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1064--I don't really know Mutt.真的 我不认识 Mutt

1065--To the Mighty Mutt.敬伟大的 Mutt

1066--- To Mighty Mutt. - To Mighty Mutt.- 敬伟大的 Mutt - 敬伟大的 Mutt

1067--Listen, I gotta go find Patsy.好了 听着 我得去找 Patsy 了

1068--- Say hello to Mutt for me, okay? - Will do.- 代我向 Mutt问好 行吗 - 好的

1069--Hell of a guy, your brother Mutt.是个人物 你哥 Mutt

1070--We gonna have a meeting, or what?会还开不开

1071--Yeah, if you guys don't have a meeting,对呀 你们不开会

1072--how do we know if we want to join?我们怎么知道想不想加入呢


1074--''Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?我该把你比做美丽的夏日

1075--Thou art more lovely and more temperate.''你比夏日更可爱 更温柔

1076--That's so sweet.太美了

1077--- I made that up just for you. - You did?- 是我写的 送给你 - 你写的

1078--I'll write one for you too, Gloria.我也给你写了一首 Gloria

1079--''She walks in beauty like the night.她在黑夜款款而行

1080--''She walks in beauty like the night...她在黑夜款款而行

1081--''of cloudless climes and starry skies.星光闪烁的天空朗朗无云

1082--''All that's best, dark and bright,黑夜和白昼的所有美丽

1083--- meet in her aspect and her eyes.'' - That's beautiful.- 都在她的身影和眼睛中汇集 - 太美了

1084--There's plenty more where that came from.我还有很多这样的诗

1085--# She sure looks fine to me What's her name #

1086--# Look out Let me call her one time #

1087--# Hey, little girl #

1088--# Gee, you sure look fine #

1089--God, help me.救救我

1090--# Ooh, baby, you're not mine #

1091--# Hey, little girl,How's about a date #

1092--Carpe diem.Carpe diem

1093--# How's about a date #

1094--# You know I'll come get you early, baby #

1095--# Won't keep you out too late #

1096--# Say, little girl #

1097--# Now how's about a kiss #

1098--# Yeah, say, little girl #

1099--# How's about a kiss #

1100--# Well, if you don't kiss me, baby #

1101--- Chet. Chet. Look. - What?- Chet Chet 快看 - 什么

1102--It's Mutt Sanders' brother.是 Mutt Sanders 的弟弟

1103--- Knox, what... -And he's feeling up your girl!- Knox... - 怎么他占你女朋友便宜

1104--What are you doing?你在干嘛

1105--- What the hell are you doing? - Chet. Chet, don't!- 你他妈在干嘛 - Chet 别这样

1106--- Now, Chet, I know this looks bad... - Leave him alone.- 听我说 Chet 我知道这不好... -

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1107--Chet, no! You'll hurt him!Chet 不 会打伤他的

1108--- Chet, stop it! Leave him alone! - Damn!- 不 求你了 快住手 - 妈的

1109--- Chet, stop it! - Bastard!- Chet 别打了 住手 - 他妈的

1110--Knox, are you all right?Knox 你没事吧

1111--Chris, get the hell away from him!Chris 别他妈理他

1112--- Chet, you hurt him! - Good!- Chet 你伤他了 - 太好了

1113--- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.对不起 真对不起

1114--- It's okay. It's...It's okay.没关系 这…这没关系

1115--Next time I see you, you die.再见到你 要你小命

1116--Go ahead. Pass it around.喝吧 都喝点儿

1117--Me and Pitts are working on a hi-fi system.我和Pitts在做一套音响

1118--It shouldn't be that hard to, uh, to put together.并不难做

1119--Yeah. Uh, I might be going to Yale.我可能会上耶鲁大学

1120--Uh, but I...I might not.但...也可能不上

1121--Don't you guys miss having girls around here?你们不想叫女孩上这儿来吗

1122--- Yeah. - Yeah.- 想啊 - 想啊

1123--That's part of what this club is about.这也是俱乐部的目标之一

1124--In fact, I'd like to announce...实际上 我要告诉各位...

1125--I published an article in the school paper in the name of the Dead Poets,我以死亡诗人的名义在校报上登了篇文章

1126--- What? - demanding girls be admitted to Welton...- 什么 - 要求学校接收女生

1127--- You didn't. - so we can all stop beating off.- 不会吧 - 所以我们都可以停止躁动了

1128--- How did you do that? - I'm one of the proofers.- 怎么可能呢 - 我是校对之一

1129--- I slipped the article in. - It's...It's over now.- 我把文章塞了进去 - 这...这下完了

1130--Why? Nobody knows who we are.为什么 没人知道是谁

1131--Well, don't you think they're gonna figure out who wrote it?但你不觉得他们会猜出来是谁写的吗 1132--They're gonna come to you他们会找到你

1133--and ask to know what the Dead Poets Society is.问你死亡诗人俱乐部是怎么回事

1134--Charlie, you had no right to do something like that.Charlie 你没有权力这么胡来

1135--It's Nuwanda, Cameron.我叫Nuwanda Cameron

1136--That's right. It's Nuwanda.没错 叫Nuwanda

1137--Are we just playing around out here, or do we mean what we say?我们是跑这儿来玩呢 还是真要干点什么

1138--If all we do is come together and read a bunch of poems to each other,如果我们只是凑到一起念几首诗

1139--- what the hell are we doing? - All right.- 我们到这儿干嘛 - 好了

1140--But you still shouldn't have done it, Charlie.但你还是不应该这么做 Charlie

1141--This could mean trouble. You don't speak for the club.这会惹来麻烦的 你不能代表俱乐部 1142--Hey, would you not worry about your precious little neck?嘿 你们别那么胆小 行不行 1143--If they catch me, I'll tell them I made it up.如果他们找到我 我就说是我瞎编的



1146--In this week's issue of Welton Honor,在本周的校报上

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1147--there appeared a profane and unauthorized article.出现了一篇私自添加的不堪入目的文章

1148--Rather than spend my valuable time ferreting out the guilty persons...我不想浪费我宝贵的时间去追查

1149--and let me assure you I will find them...但我保证我一定会查出来

1150--I'm asking any and all students who know anything about this article...我希望任何一位知道这篇文章的情况的同学

1151--to make themselves known here and now.现在就站出来说清楚

1152--Whoever the guilty persons are,不管是谁干的

1153--this is your only chance to avoid expulsion from this school.这是你避免被学校开除的唯一机会 1154--Welton Academy. Hello.Welton 中学 你好

1155--Yes, he is. just a moment.是 他在.请等一下

1156--Mr Nolan, it's for you.Nolan 先生 找你的

1157--It's God!上帝打来的

1158--He says we should have girls at Welton.他说 Welton 中学应该有女生

1159--Wipe that smirk off your face.别瞎得意了

1160--If you think, Mr Dalton,如果你觉得 Dalton

1161--that you're the first to try to get thrown out of this school, think again.你是第一个想被学校开除的人 你错了

1162--Others have had similar notions其他人也有过这种想法

1163--and have failed just as surely as you will fail.但他们想错了 就象你一样

1164--Assume the position.摆好姿势

1165--Count aloud, Mr Dalton.大声数 Dalton






1171--What is this Dead Poets Society? I want names.什么叫死亡诗人俱乐部 告诉我名字

1172--- You kicked out? - No.- 被开除了 - 不

1173--So what happened?那怎么回事

1174--I'm to turn everybody in, apologise to the school,让我把所有人供出来 向全校道歉

1175--and all will be forgiven.然后大家都没事

1176--So what are you gonna do?那你准备怎么办

1177--- Charlie... - Damn it, Neil,- Charlie - 见鬼 Neil

1178--the name is Nuwanda.我叫Nuwanda

1179--Excuse me. May we have a word, Mr Keating?对不起 能谈谈吗 Keating 老师


1181--This was my first classroom, John. Did you know that?这是我上课的第一间教室 你知道吗 1182--My first desk.第一张讲台

1183--I didn't know you taught, Mr Nolan.不知道你还教过课 Nolan 先生

1184--English. Long before your time.教英语 比你早多了

1185--It was hard giving it up, I can tell you.不教还真舍不得 说老实话

1186--I'm hearing rumours about我听传言说

1187--some unorthodox teaching methods in your classroom.你在你班上用的一些非正统的教学方法

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1188--I'm not saying they've had anything to do with the Dalton boy's outburst,我不是说这跟那个叫Dalton的学生的错误有关

1189--but I don't think I have to warn you但我想我用不着提醒你

1190--boys his age are very impressionable.他这种年龄的孩子很容易受人影响

1191--Well, your reprimand made quite an impression, I'm sure.你的惩罚对他很有影响 我肯定

1192--- What was going on in the courtyard the other day? - Courtyard?- 那天在院子里是怎么回事 - 院子

1193--- Boys marching, clapping in unison. - Oh, that.- 孩子们一起走 一起拍手 - 那个...

1194--That was an exercise to prove a point: dangers of conformity.那是为了证明一个观点:顺从的危险 1195--Well,John, the curriculum here is set.John 这儿的课程是固定的

1196--It's proven. It works.已经过检验并很有效

1197--If you question it, what's to prevent them from doing the same?如果你有疑问 也不该随随便便乱改

1198--I always thought the idea of education was to learn to think for yourself.我始终认为教育的根本在于学会自我思考

1199--At these boys' age? Not on your life!在他们这种年纪 开玩笑

1200--Tradition,John. Discipline.传统 纪律

1201--Prepare them for college, and the rest will take care of itself.送他们上大学 其余的就不用管了 1202--He starts walking around towards my left.他当时正朝我左边绕过来

1203--'Assume the position, Mr Dalton, '' which means...摆好姿势 Dalton.也就是说...

1204--All right, gentlemen.你们好 各位

1205--- Mr Keating. - Mr Dalton.- Keating 老师 - Dalton

1206--That was a pretty lame stunt you pulled today.你今天的表演很拙劣

1207--You're siding with Mr Nolan?你跟Nolan 老师站一边

1208--What about carpe diem and sucking all the marrow...那Carpe diem和吸取生命中所有精华

1209--- out of life and all that?是怎么回事

1210--- Sucking the marrow out of life...吸取生命中所有精华...

1211--doesn't mean choking on the bone.不是叫你胡来

1212--There is a time for daring, and there is a time for caution.有时候要大胆 有时候要小心

1213--And a wise man understands which is called for.一个聪明人知道什么时候该怎么做

1214--But I thought you'd like that.我还以为你会喜欢呢


1216--You being expelled from school is not daring to me. It's stupid.在我看来 被学校开除不是勇敢 是愚蠢

1217--'Cause you'll miss some golden opportunities.因为你会失去很多大好的机会

1218--Yeah? Like what?是吗 比方说

1219--Like, if nothing else, the opportunity to attend my classes.比方 不说别的 听我的课的机会 1220--Got it, ace?明白了 英雄

1221--Aye, aye, Captain.唉 船长

1222--Keep your head about you.做事用点脑子

1223--That goes for the lot of you.你们也都一样

1224--- Yes, Captain. - Yes, Captain.- 是 船长 - 是 船长

1225--Phone call from God.上帝来电话

1226--If it'd been collect, it would have been daring.如果由受话人付款就称得上勇敢了

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1227--- All right. Go on, boy. - No.- 好吧 继续 - 不

1228--We're trying to rehearse, okay? Go.我们练习一遍 好吗 开始

1229--A good persuasion, therefore hear me, Hermia.我有个想法 所以请听我说 Hermia

1230--Wait, wait. The excitement.我感觉不到任何的激情

1231--I don't hear any excitement about this play.我没有听到任何一句有激情的话

1232--Now take her hand, bring her downstage...拉住她的手 领她下来

1233--and stop and ''Fair, gentle Hermia.''然后说:"美丽 温柔的Hermia"

1234--Okay? Try again.行吗 试一下

1235--What's for dinner?晚饭吃什么

1236--- Spaghetti and meatballs! - Food!- 空心粉和肉丸子 - 吃饭啦

1237--Save some for me.给我留点儿

1238--''But, room, fairy! Here comes Oberon.''快走 小仙女 Oberon 来了

1239--- Father. - Neil.- 爸爸 - Neil

1240--Wait a minute. Before you say anything,等一下 您先别说...

1241---please let me ex... - Don't you dare talk back to me.- 请听我解释... - 你居然敢跟我顶嘴 1242--It's bad enough that you've wasted your time...你浪费时间去演什么破戏...

1243--with this, this absurd acting business,已经够意思了

1244--but you deliberately deceived me.但你居然故意欺骗我

1245--How...How...How did you expect to get away with this?你以为能逃脱得了

1246--Answer me.回答我

1247--Who put you up to it?谁唆使你干的

1248--- Was it this new man? Keating? - No.- 是那个新来的老师 叫 Keating 的 - 不

1249--Nobody p... I thought I'd surprise you.没人唆使 我只是想给你个惊喜

1250--I've gotten all A's in every class.我每门课都得了A

1251--Did you really think I wasn't going to find out?你真以为我发现不了

1252--''Oh, my niece is in a play with your son,'' says Mrs Marks.Marks 夫人说:"我侄女和你儿子在演一出戏"

1253--''No, no, no,'' I say."不 不 不" 我说

1254--''You must be mistaken. My son's not in a play.''"你肯定搞错了 我儿子没在演戏"

1255--You made a liar out of me, Neil!你让我成了个骗子 Neil

1256--Now, tomorrow, you go to them and you tell them that you're quitting.好了 明天你去找他们 告诉他们你不演了

1257--No, I can't.不 不行

1258--I have the main part. The performance is tomorrow night!我演的是主角 明天晚上就上演 1259--I don't care if the world comes to an end tomorrow night,就是世界明天晚上毁灭 我也不管 1260--you are through with that play!那戏你不能去演

1261--Is that clear?明白了吗

1262--Is that clear?明白了吗

1263--Yes, sir.明白了

1264--I made a great many sacrifices to get you here, Neil,我付出了很大的牺牲才把你弄到这儿来 1265--and you will not let me down.你不能让我失望

1266--No, sir.知道

1267--It's open.门开着

1268--Neil, what's up?Neil 怎么啦

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1269--- Can I speak to you a minute? - Certainly. Sit down.- 我能和你谈谈吗 - 当然 坐吧 1270--- I'm sorry. Here. - Excuse me.- 对不起 给你 - 很抱歉

1271--- Get you some tea? - Tea? Sure.- 喝杯茶 - 茶 好的

1272--- Want some milk or sugar in that? - No, thanks.- 要加点奶或者糖吗 - 不用 谢谢 1273--Gosh, they don't give you much room around here.他们给你的房间够小的

1274--It's part of the monastic oath.修行生活的一部分

1275--They don't want worldly things distracting me from my teaching.他们不想让世俗的东西让我分神 1276--- She's pretty. - She's also in London.- 她很漂亮 - 她也在伦敦

1277--Makes it a little difficult.所以有些不方便

1278--- How do you stand it? - Stand what?- 你怎么忍受得了 - 忍受什么

1279--You can go anywhere.你哪儿都可以去

1280--You can do anything.什么都可以做

1281--How can you stand being here?你怎么能忍受呆在这儿呢

1282--Because I love teaching. I don't want to be anywhere else.因为我喜欢教书 我不想去其他地方 1283--- What's up? - I just talked to my father.- 怎么了 - 我刚和我父亲谈过

1284--He's making me quit the play at Henley Hall.他要我退出那场戏的演出

1285--But acting is everything to me.但演戏对我很重要

1286--I mean...But he doesn't know. He...我是说...但他不知道...

1287--I can see his point.我明白他的意思

1288--We're not a rich family like Charlie's.我们家不富裕 不象Charlie.

1289--I mean...我是说...

1290--But he's planning the rest of my life for me.但他想替我安排我的将来

1291--And he...he's never asked me what I want.他从来不问我想什么

1292--Have you ever told your father what you just told me?你跟你父亲说过你刚跟我说的话吗 1293--About your passion for acting? Have you showed him that?你对戏剧的热爱 告诉过他吗 1294--- I can't. - Why not?- 我做不到 - 为什么

1295--I can't talk to him this way.我不能这么跟他说话

1296--Then you're acting for him too.那你在他面前也在表演

1297--You're playing the part of the dutiful son.演一个听话的儿子的角色

1298--I know this sounds impossible,我知道这听起来好象不可能

1299--but you have to talk to him.但你必须跟他谈

1300--You have to show him who you are, what your heart is.必须让他明白你是什么人 你的心在哪儿 1301--I know what he'll say.我知道他会说什么

1302--He'll tell me that acting's a whim and I should forget it.他会说演戏是一时心血来潮 我不要再想了

1303--They're counting on me.说他们就指望我了

1304--He'll just tell me to put it out of my mind for my own good.告诉我不要再想这些了 为了我自己好

1305--You are not an indentured servant.你又不是个雇来的仆人

1306--It's not a whim for you.那不是你心血来潮

1307--You prove it to him by your conviction and your passion.用你的坚定和激情向他证明这一点 1308--You show him that, and if he still doesn't believe you...让他明白这一点 如果他还不相信你... 1309--Well, by then, you'll be out of school, and you can do anything you want.那时候你也毕业了 想干什么都可以了

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1311--What about the play? The show's tomorrow night.那这戏怎么办 明晚就要上演

1312--Then you have to talk to him before tomorrow night.那你就得在明晚之前跟他谈


1314--- Isn't there an easier way? - No.- 我有没有容易点儿的办法 - 没有

1315--I'm trapped.我走投无路了

1316--No, you're not.不 你不是


1318--Chris! Chris Noel. Do you know where she is?Chris Noel 你知道她在哪儿吗

1319--- Um, I think she's in Room 111. - Thanks.- 好象在111号房间 - 谢谢

1320--I know.我知道了

1321--Excuse me. Chris...对不起 Chris...

1322--Knox, what are you doing here?Knox 你到这儿来干嘛

1323--I came to apologize for the other night.来为那晚的事道歉

1324--I brought you these and a poem I wrote for you.这送给你 我还给你写了首诗

1325--Knox, don't you know that if Chet finds you here,Knox 你不知道如果 Chet 发现你在这儿 1326--he'll kill you?他会杀了你吗

1327--- I don't care. I love you, Chris.我不管 我爱你 Chris

1328--- Knox, you're crazy.Knox 你疯了

1329--Look, I acted like a jerk, and I know it.听我说 我表现得象个傻瓜 我知道

1330--- Please accept these. Please.请你接受 求你了

1331--- No. No, I...I can't.不 我...我不能

1332--Just forget it.别这样

1333--- Knox, I don't believe this.Knox 我不相信

1334--- All I'm asking you to do is listen.我不求别的 只要你听

1335--''The heavens made a girl named Chris...上帝的杰作 女孩Chris...

1336--''with hair and skin of gold.肌肤如雪 金发如丝

1337--''To touch her...伸手可触...

1338--would be paradise. ''已是幸福的极致

1339--Get out of here. Cameron, you fool.滚出去.Cameron 你个笨蛋

1340--Hey, how'd it go? Did you read it to her?怎么样 念给她听了吗

1341--- Yeah. - Wow. What'd she say?- 是 - 她说什么

1342--- Nothing. - What do you mean, nothing?- 没说 - 没说是什么意思

1343--Nothing. But I did it.没说 但我做了

1344--Well, what did she say? She had to say something!她说什么 她肯定得说点什么

1345--- Hey, Knox! - Seize the day!- 嘿 Knox - 抓紧时间

1346--- Did you talk to your father? - Uh, yeah.- 跟你父亲谈了吗 - 谈了

1347--He didn't like it one bit, but at least he's letting me stay in the play.他很不高兴 但至少他让我把戏演完了

1348--He won't be able to m-make it. He's in Chicago.他不能来看演出 他在芝加哥

1349--But, uh, I think he's gonna let me stay with acting.但是我想他会让我演下去的

1350--Really? You told him what you told me?是吗 你把昨天的话跟他说了


1352--He wasn't happy.他不高兴

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1353--But he'll be gone at least four days.但他要出门至少四天

1354--I don't think he'll make the show, but...我想他不能来看戏 但...

1355--I think he'll let me stay with it.但我想他会让我演下去的

1356--''Keep up the schoolwork.''别拉下功课


1358--- Oh, baby. - Beautiful baby.- 哦 宝贝 - 漂亮宝贝

1359--- I am... - Excuse me.- 我... - 对不起

1360--Just a moment. Yes. You're so good.马上就好.嗯 很帅嘛

1361--Come on, Todd. I'm trying to fix this.别闹 Todd 好不容易梳好

1362--Come on, Nuwanda, we're going to miss Neil's entrance.快点 Nuwanda 不然看不到Neil上场了 1363--He said something about getting red before we left.他说什么走之前要我们弄红点儿

1364--- ''Getting red''? What does that mean?弄红点儿 这是什么意思

1365--- I... You know Charlie.谁知道 你知道Charlie

1366--So, Charlie, what's this 'getting red''bit?Charlie 弄红点儿是怎么回事

1367--W-What is that?那是什么

1368--It's an Indian warrior symbol for virility.印地安武士雄性的象征

1369--Makes me feel potent, like I can drive girls crazy.让我觉得很来劲儿 能让女孩们发疯

1370--Oh, come on, Charlie. The girls are waiting.快点 Charlie 女孩们等着呢



1373--What are you doing here?你怎么在这儿

1374--- Gentlemen, let's go! - Go ahead, guys. I'll catch up.- 先生们 走吧 - 你们先走吧 我马上来 1375--Yeah. Come on, guys.好 走吧 伙计们

1376--Chris, you can't be in here.你不能呆在这儿

1377--- If they catch you, we're both gonna be in big trouble.如果让他们发现 我们俩麻烦就大了 1378--- Come on.拜托...

1379--- Oh, but it's fine if... - Shh, shh. Chris.- 那你... - 嘘 嘘 Chris

1380--It's fine for you to come barging into my school and make a fool out of me?那你跑到我学校去让我那么难堪就好啦

1381--I didn't mean to make a fool out of you.我没想让你难堪

1382--Well, you did. Chet found out.结果是那样 Chet知道了

1383--It took everything I could do to keep him from coming here and killing you.我费了很大劲儿才没让他到这儿来杀了你

1384--- Knox, you have got to stop this stuff.Knox 你以后别干这种傻事了

1385--- I can't, Chris. I love you.我做不到 Chris 我爱你

1386--Knox, you say that over and over.Knox 这话说了很多遍了

1387--You don't... You don't even know me.你根本还不了解我呢

1388--Will you bejoining us, Mr Overstreet?你们上车吗 Overstreet

1389--Go ahead, Captain. I'll walk.你们走吧 我走过去

1390--Knox. Knox, i-it just so happens...Knox Knox.如果我...

1391--that I could care less about you.根本就不喜欢你呢

1392--Then you wouldn't be here warning me about Chet.那你就不会到这儿来提醒我当心Chet 1393--I have to go. I'm gonna be late for the play.我得走了 看戏要迟到了

1394--- Are you going with him? - Chet? To a play?- 跟他一起去 - Chet 去看戏

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1395--- Are you kidding? - Then come with me.- 你开玩笑吧 - 那就跟我去吧

1396--Knox, you are so infuriating!Knox 你怎么这么烦人哪

1397--Come on, Chris, just give me one chance.好啦 Chris 就给我一次机会

1398--If you don't like me after tonight, I'll stay away forever.如果过了今晚你不喜欢我 我绝不再打扰你

1399--I promise. Dead Poets honour.我以死亡诗人的名义保证

1400--You come with me tonight,你今晚跟我去

1401--and then if you don't want to see me again, I swear I'll bow out.然后如果你不想再见到我 我发誓我会退出

1402--- What would happen if Chet found out?如果Chet知道了 会发生什么吗

1403--- He won't know anything.他不会知道的

1404--We'll sit in the back and sneak away as soon as it's over.我们坐在后面 戏一完就溜出来 1405--And I suppose you would promise that this would be the end of it?你真的保证这是最后一次 1406--- Dead Poets honour. - What is that?- 以死亡诗人的名义 - 这是什么意思

1407--- My word. - Hmm.- 誓词 - 嗯

1408--You are so infuriating.你真的很讨厌

1409--Hey, there he is! Hey, hey, hey, hey!嘿 他出来了

1410--Shh, boys.嘘 同学们

1411--Either I mistake your shape and making quite...要是我没看错的话...

1412--or else you are that shrewd and你就是那个名叫 Robin Goodfellow

1413--knavish sprite called Robin Goodfellow!的机灵狡猾的捣蛋鬼

1414--Thou speak'st aright.你说对了

1415--I am that merry wanderer of the night.我就是那个快乐的夜游人

1416--I jest to Oberon and make him smile...我跟 Oberon 开玩笑逗他开心

1417--when I a fat and bean-fed horse beguile.我装成一匹高大的马

1418--Neighing in the likeness of a filly foal.却学小母马叫

1419--Sometime lurk I in a gossip's bowl...有时候我躲在大酒杯里

1420--in very likeness of a roasted crab.装成一只烤熟的螃蟹

1421--And when she drink, against her lips I bob...她端起酒杯 我就窜到她嘴上

1422--and on her withered dewlap pour the ale.吓得她把酒灌进脖子里

1423--- The wisest aunt telling the saddest tale. - He's good. He's really good.- 闹她个大笑话 - 演得好 演得真好

1424--Sometime for three-foot stool mistaketh me.有时候我装成一条三足凳

1425--Then slip I from her bum,然后从她屁股底下溜走

1426--down topples she and ''Tailor'' cries...弄得她一屁股摔倒

1427--and falls into a cough.不停地咳嗽

1428--And then the whole quire hold their hips and laugh...然后所有人都捧腹大笑

1429--and waxen in their mirth nee-e-e-eze...笑得前仰后合

1430--and swear.说...

1431--A merrier hour was never wasted there.从没有过这么开心的时候

1432--But, room, fairy.快走 小仙女

1433--- Here comes Oberon.是 Oberon 他来了

1434--- And here, my mistress. Would that he were gone.还有小妞 来得真不是时候

1435--Then by your side, no bed-room me deny.只要能躺在你身边 再好的卧室也不能让我离开

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1436--For lying so, Hermia, I do not lie.我没有说谎 Hermia

1437--Lysander riddles very prettily. Much beshrew my manners...我没有说你说谎

1438--and my pride if Hermia meant to say Lysander lied.那样的话我也太失敬爱和礼貌了

1439--But, gentle friend, for love and courtesy...不过 我的朋友 出于敬爱和礼节

1440--lie further off, in human modesty,请躺远一点 按礼敬的标准

1441--such separation as may well be said becomes a virtuous bachelor and maid.这样的距离才适合一对品行纯洁的单身男子和姑娘

1442--Good night, sweet friend. Thy love ne'er alter 'til thy sweet life end.晚安 亲爱的朋友.愿你的爱终身不渝

1443--Amen. Amen to that fair prayer, say I.阿门 愿你的祈祷成真

1444---And then end life when I end loyalty.我结束了忠诚也就结束了生命

1445--- Neil. That's your cue, Neil.Neil 该你上了 Neil

1446--Come on, Neil. Here's your crown. Let's go.快点 Neil .你的帽子 走吧

1447--If we shadows have offended...如果我们的出现冒犯了各位...

1448--think but this and all is mended.请原谅我们的过失

1449--That you have but slumber'd here while these visions did appear.就当我们出现的时候 你们在这儿睡了一觉

1450--And this weak and idle theme, no more yielding but a dream.这场小小的闹剧只不过是一场梦境 1451--Gentles, do not reprehend.各位 请不要过于怪罪

1452--If you pardon, we will mend.如果允许 我们会悔过

1453--And as I am an honest Puck, if we have unearned luck,我是一个诚实的小鬼 如果我们有幸逃过惩罚

1454--now to 'scape the serpent's tongue,我们会很快改过自新

1455--we will make amends ere long; else the Puck a liar call.不然你就叫我是个骗子

1456--So, good night unto you all.好了 祝各位晚安

1457--Give me your hands if we be friends,请把手伸给我 如果我们是朋友

1458--and Robin shall restore amends.再次请求你们的宽怨

1459--Carpe diem Yawp! Carpe diem!

1460--That was great!太棒了

1461--Excuse me. I'm Neil's father. I'd like to see him, please.我是Neil的父亲 我想见见他 行吗 1462--Neil, your father.Neil 你爸找你

1463--- What did you think? - You were all just wonderful!- 你认为怎样 - 你的表演真实太精彩了 1464--Excuse me, please.对不起 请让一下

1465--- Excuse me. Excuse me. - Neil! Back here! Neil!- 对不起 请让一下 - Neil 过来

1466--Neil, Neil, you were great! Come back, Neil.Neil Neil 太棒了 回去吧 Neil

1467--- I can't, guys. - Neil.- 不行 伙计们 - Neil

1468--Excuse me.对不起

1469--Neil. Neil. You have the gift.Neil 你有这个天才

1470--What a performance. You left even me speechless.演得真好 我都看呆了

1471--- You have to stay with... - Get in the car.- 你一定要坚持... - 上车吧

1472--Keating, you stay away from my son.Keating 离我儿子远点儿

1473--Neil! Neil! Mr Perry, come on!Neil Perry先生 求你了

1474--Don't make it any worse than it is.别把事情越弄越糟

1475--Do you want to take the other car?你想做另一辆车吗

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1476--Is it okay if we walk back?我们走回去行吗


1478--- Knox? - What?- Knox - 什么

1479--We'll be home about 11:30.我们11:30的时候就会到家

1480--We're trying very hard...我们一直在想你为什么

1481--to understand why it is that you insist on defying us.偏偏要违背我们的意思

1482--But whatever the reason,但不管是什么原因

1483--we're not gonna let you ruin your life.我们不会让你毁了自己一生

1484--I'm withdrawing you from Welton and enrolling you in Braden Military School.明天我就让你从这个学校退学 上 Braden 军校

1485--You're going to Harvard, and you're gonna be a doctor.你要上哈佛 你要成为一个医生

1486--But that's ten more years.那还要十年

1487--- Father, that's a lifetime! - Oh, stop it!- 爸爸 那太漫长了 - 闭嘴

1488--Don't be so dramatic. You make it sound like a prison term.别夸张了 听上去象关你监狱似的 1489--You don't understand, Neil.你不明白 Neil

1490--You have opportunities that I never even dreamt of!你有很好的机会 我做梦都没想过的好机会 1491--- I am not going to let you waste them! - I've got to tell you what I feel.- 我不会让你错过 - 我要告诉你我是什么感觉

1492--- We've been so worried about...我们很担心 要是...

1493--- What? What? Tell me what you feel!什么 告诉我你的感觉

1494--What is it?什么感觉

1495--Is it more of this-this acting business?是不是又是演戏这回事

1496--Because you can forget that.你就别想了




1500--Well, then, let's go to bed.那好 那就睡觉吧

1501--I was good. I was really good.我演得很好 真的很好

1502--Go on, get some sleep.好了 睡觉吧

1503--It's going to be all right.没事的 会没事的

1504--What was that?怎么回事


1506--- That sound. - What sound?- 那声音 - 什么声音


1508--What is it?怎么啦

1509--What's wrong?出什么事啦


1511--Tom, what is it?Tom 怎么啦

1512--What's wrong?出什么事了


1514--- Neil? -I'll look outside.- Neil - 我到外面看看



1517--- Oh, Neil! Oh, my God! - Oh, my God. Oh, no, no.- Neil 哦 天哪 - 哦 天哪

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1518--- Oh, my son! My son! My poor son! - He's all right.- 我的孩子 我可怜的孩子 - 不 他没事

1519--- He's all right! - Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.- 他没事 - 好啦 好啦

1520--Stop it! Stop it.好啦 好啦

1521--Todd. Todd.Todd

1522--Charlie Oh, Charlie.

1523--What is it?怎么啦

1524--Neil's dead.Neil死了

1525--It's so beautiful.真漂亮


1527--- It's okay, Todd. - Calm down.- 别这样 Todd - 冷静点

1528--It's all right, Todd.好啦 Todd

1529--- Todd, it's okay. - It's okay, Todd.- Todd 别这样 - 别这样 Todd

1530--It's all right. It's all right.好啦 会没事的

1531--- He wouldn't have done it. - You can't explain it, Todd.- 他本不会这么做的 - 这没法解释 Todd

1532--- It was his father! - No!- 是他父亲 - 不

1533--He wouldn't have left us. It's because he...他本不会离开我们的 是因为...

1534--He wouldn't have.他本不会的

1535--- His dad was... - Todd.- 他的死... - Todd

1536--His-His father did it. His father killed him.是他父亲逼的 他父亲杀了他

1537--He made him do it.他父亲杀了他


1539--Leave him be.让他静静吧

1540--#...All my life #

1541--# Shall surely #

1542--# Follow me #

1543--# And in God's house #

1544--# Forevermore #

1545--# My dwelling place #

1546--# Shall be #

1547--# Amen ##

1548--The death of Neil Perry is a tragedy.Neil Perry 的死是场悲剧

1549--He was a fine student,他本是个好学生

1550--one of Welton's best.本校最好的学生之一

1551--And he will be missed.我们会怀念他的

1552--We've contacted each of your parents to explain the situation.我们已和所有的家长联系过解释这件事

1553--Naturally, they're all quite concerned.当然 他们都很关注

1554--At the request of Neil's family,根据Neil家人的请求

1555--I intend to conduct a thorough inquiry into this matter.我打算深入调查这件事

1556--Your complete cooperation is expected.希望你们全都合作

1557--- You told him about this meeting? - Twice.- 你跟他说聚会的事了吗 - 两次

1558--That's it, guys. We're all fried.伙计们 看来我们全被卖了

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1559--- How do you mean? - Cameron's a fink.- 你什么意思 - Cameron是个叛徒

1560--- He's in Nolan's office now, finking.他现在就在 Nolan 办公室告密

1561--- About what?告什么

1562--The club, Pittsie. Think about it.俱乐部 Pittsie 想想吧

1563--The board of directors, the trustees and Mr Nolan.校董会 评议员 还有Nolan 老师

1564--Do you think for one moment they're gonna let this thing just blow over?你以为他们会让这件事就这么过去了吗

1565--Schools go down because of things like this.学校跨台就因为这种事

1566--They need a scapegoat.他们要找个替罪羊

1567--What's going on, guys?出什么事了 伙计们

1568--You finked, didn't you, Cameron?你去告密了 是不是 Cameron

1569--''Finked''? I don't know what the hell you're talking about.告密 我不知道你都在说什么

1570--You told Nolan everything about the club is what I'm talking about.我在说你把俱乐部的事都告诉了Nolan

1571--Look, in case you hadn't heard, Dalton, there's something...可能你没听说过 Dalton

1572--called an honour code at this school, all right?学校有条信誉准则 知道吗

1573--If a teacher asks you a question,如果老师问你个问题

1574--you tell the truth or you're expelled.你得说实话 不然就得开除

1575--- You... - Charlie!- 你... - Charlie

1576--He's a rat! He's in it up to his eyes,他是个叛徒 他脱不了干系

1577--so he ratted to save himself!所以就去告密 想救自己

1578--- Don't touch him, Charlie. You do and you're out.别动他 Charlie 不然你就被开除了

1579--- I'm out anyway!我已经开除了

1580--- You don't know that. Not yet! - He's right there, Charlie.- 你怎么知道 还不一定 - 他说得对 Charlie

1581--And if you guys are smart, you will do exactly what I did and cooperate.如果你们聪明点儿 你们会照我的做跟他们合作

1582--They're not after us. We're the victims.他们并不想追究我们 我们是受害者

1583--Us and Neil.我们和Neil

1584--What's that mean? Who are they after?这是什么意思 他们在追究谁

1585--Why, Mr Keating, of course. The ''Captain'' himself!当然是 Keating 老师 船长本人

1586--You guys didn't really think he could avoid responsibility, did you?你们也并不认为他没有责任 对不对

1587--Mr Keating responsible for Neil?Keating 老师对Neil的死有责任

1588--Is that what they're saying?他们是这么说的

1589--Well, who else do you think, dumb ass? The administration? Mr Perry?那你以为还有谁 笨蛋? 校董会? Perry先生?

1590--Mr Keating put us up to all this crap, didn't he?是 Keating 把我们灌输成这样的 对不对

1591--If it wasn't for Mr Keating, Neil would be...如果不是他 Neil 还....

1592--cozied up in his room right now, studying his chemistry...舒舒服服地呆在屋里学化学

1593--- and dreaming of being called ''Doctor''!梦想成为一个医生

1594--- That is not true, Cameron!不是这样的 Cameron

1595--You know that! He didn't put us up to anything.这你知道 他没灌输我们什么

1596--- Neil loved acting.是Neil自己喜欢演戏

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1597--- Believe what you want,你爱怎么想怎么想吧

1598--but I say let Keating fry.反正我说 Keating 有责任

1599--I mean, why ruin our lives?干嘛毁了我们自己呢

1600--You just signed your expulsion papers, Nuwanda.你已经被学校开除了 Nuwanda

1601--And if the rest of you are smart, you'll do exactly what I did!如果你们其他人够聪明 就照我的做 1602--They know everything anyway.反正他们也全知道了

1603--You can't save Keating,你们救不了 Keating

1604--but you can save yourselves.但可以救你们自己

1605--Knox Overstreet.Knox Overstreet

1606--- Meeks. - Go away. I have to study.- Meeks - 走开 我要学习

1607--What happened to Nuwanda?Nuwanda 怎么了


1609--What'd you tell 'em?你跟他们说了什么

1610--Nothing they didn't already know.都是他们已经知道的东西

1611--Todd Anderson.Todd Anderson

1612--- Hello, son. - Hello, darling.- 嗨 儿子 - 你好 宝贝


1614--Have a seat, Mr Anderson.请坐 Anderson

1615--Mr Anderson,Anderson 先生

1616--I think we've pretty well put together what's happened here.我想我们已经很清楚发生的事了 1617--You do admit to being a part of this Dead Poets Society?你承认你是死亡诗人俱乐部的一员吗 1618--Answer him, Todd.快回答 Todd

1619--Yes, sir.是的

1620--I have here a detailed description of what occurred at your meetings.我这儿有一份你们聚会的详细情况

1621--It describes how your teacher, Mr Keating,里面谈到你们的老师 Keating

1622--encouraged you boys to organize this club...是怎么鼓励你们组织这个俱乐部

1623--and to use it as a source of inspiration for reckless and self-indulgent behaviour.并把它作为一个煽动鲁莽任性行为的中心

1624--It describes how Mr Keating, both in and out of the classroom,还谈到 Keating 老师是如何在课内课外

1625--encouraged Neil Perry to follow his obsession with acting...鼓动 Neil Perry 去演戏

1626--when he knew all along it was against the explicit orders of Neil's parents.尽管他一直都知道这是违背他父母的明确规定的

1627--It was Mr Keating's blatant abuse of正是 Keating 老师滥用了他

1628--his position as teacher...作为一个老师的影响力

1629--that led directly to Neil Perry's death.才导致了 Neil 的死亡

1630--Read that document carefully, Todd.仔细看一下这份报告 Todd

1631--Very carefully.好好看看

1632--If you've nothing to add or amend, sign it.如果没什么要补充的 签个字吧

1633--What's gonna happen to Mr Keating?Keating 老师会怎么样

1634--I've had enough. Sign the paper, Todd!我已经受够了.快签字 Todd

1635--Grass is gramen or herba.草叫 gramen 或者 herba

1636--Lapis is stone.石头叫 Lapis

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1637--The entire building is aedificium.一幢楼叫 aedificium


1639--I'll be teaching this class through exams.这学期的英语课由我来上完

1640--We'll find a permanent English teacher during the break.假期的时候再找一个正式的英语老师 1641--Who will tell me where you are in the Pritchard textbook?谁能告诉我 Pritchard 的课本学到哪儿了

1642--Anderson Mr Anderson?

1643--- Uh, in the, in the Prit... - I can't hear you, Mr Anderson.- 呃 学到... - 我听不清 Anderson

1644--In the, in the, in the Pritchard...Pritchard 的课本...

1645--Kindly inform me, Mr Cameron.你告诉我吧 Cameron

1646--We skipped around a lot, sir.很多地方都跳过去了 老师

1647--We covered the romantics and some of the chapters on post-Civil War literature.学了浪漫主义诗人还有内战后文学的几章

1648--- What about the realists? - We skipped most of that, sir.- 现实主义作家呢 - 差不多全跳过去了

1649--All right, then, we'll start over.好吧 那我们从头学起

1650--What is poetry?什么是诗歌


1652--Excuse me.对不起

1653--I came for my personals.我来拿我的东西

1654--Should I come back after class?要不要我下课再来

1655--Get them now, Mr Keating.现在就拿吧 Keating 先生

1656--Gentlemen, turn to page 21 of the introduction.各位 翻到前言第二十一页

1657--Cameron Mr Cameron,

1658--read aloud the excellent essay by Dr Pritchard...把 Pritchard 博士...

1659--on ''Understanding Poetry. ''这篇题为"诗歌鉴赏"的文章念一遍

1660--That page has been ripped out, sir.这一页被撕掉了 老师

1661--Well, borrow somebody else's book.那就借一下别人的

1662--They're all ripped out, sir.他们全都撕了 老师

1663--What do you mean, ''They're all ripped out''?你是什么意思 全都撕了

1664--- Sir, we...Ac... - Never mind.- 老师 我们... - 没关系


1666--'Understanding Poetry' by DrJ. Evans Pritchard, Ph.D."诗歌鉴赏" 作者J. Evans Pritchard博士 1667--''To fully understand poetry, we must first be fluent..."要完全理解诗歌 我们首先必须了解..." 1668--''with its metre, rhyme and figures of speech.它的格调 韵律和修辞手法"

1669--''Then ask two questions. One:"然后提两个问题.第一"

1670--''How artfully has the objective of the poem been rendered?"诗歌的主题是如何艺术地实现的 " 1671--''And, two:"第二..."

1672--''How important is that objective?"该主题的重要性如何 "

1673--''Question one rates the poem's perfection."第一个问题解决的是诗歌的艺术性"

1674--''Question two rates its importance."第二个问题回答的是它的重要性"

1675--'And once these questions have been answered,"一旦弄清这两个问题"

1676--''determining a poem's greatness becomes a relatively simple matter."判断该诗的优劣也就不是个

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1677--If the poem's score for perfection"如果把诗歌艺术性的得分

1678--is plotted on the horizontal of a graph...''画在图表的横轴上 把它的重要性..."

1679--- Mr Keating! They made everybody sign it.Keating 老师 是他们逼我们签字

1680--- Quiet, Mr Anderson!安静 Anderson

1681--- You've got to believe me. It's true. - I do believe you, Todd.- 请你相信我 是真的 - 我相信你 Todd

1682--- Leave, Mr Keating. - But it wasn't his fault!- 走吧 Keating - 这不是他的错

1683--Sit down, Mr Anderson!坐下 Anderson

1684--One more outburst from you or anyone else,你再说话或者有谁敢说话...

1685--and you're out of this school!就开除谁

1686--Leave, Mr Keating.走吧 Keating

1687--I said, ''Leave, Mr Keating.''我叫你走 Keating 先生

1688--- O Captain, my Captain.哦 船长 我的船长

1689--- Sit down, Mr Anderson.坐下 Anderson

1690--Do you hear me? Sit down!听见没有 坐下

1691--Sit down!坐下

1692--This is your final warning, Anderson.最后警告你一次 Anderson

1693--How dare you. Do you hear me?大胆 听见没有

1694--O Captain, my Captain.哦 船长 我的船长

1695--Mr Overstreet, I warn you!Overstreet 我警告你

1696--Sit down!坐下

1697--Sit down!坐下

1698--Sit down! All of you! I want you seated!坐下 全都坐下 我叫你们坐下

1699--Sit down! Leave, Mr Keating.坐下 走吧 Keating 先生

1700--All of you, down! I want you seated!全都坐下 快坐下

1701--Do you hear me?没听见吗

1702--Sit down!坐下

1703--Thank you, boys.谢谢 孩子们

1704--Thank you.谢谢你们
