

——This is a frightening time for people but all anyone has to do is exercise reasonable precaution. 虽然最近人心惶惶,但大家目前需要做的就是采取合理的预防措施. ——We are all as safe as we want to be. 我们就能保障自己的安全。

——You’ve got to stop him doing that. He’s making us look like idiots. 你得阻止他这么胡闹,搞得我们像傻瓜。

——I got shot. 我中了枪。

——Who’d want me for a flatmate ? 谁愿当我室友呢?

——You are the second person to say that to me today. 今天也有个人和我这么说。 ——I refreshed it a bit. 我想换换形象。

——Bit different from my day. You have no ideal. 有点时过境迁的感觉.岂止如此。 ——There is no signal.手机没信号。

——It was a big improvement. Your mouth is too small now.我到觉得效果很好,不然你嘴看起来太小。

——Potential flatmates should know the worst about each other. 未来的室友应该彼此了解最坏的情况。

——I must be a difficult man to find a flatmate for. 我这种人肯定很难找室友。

——Got my eye on a nice little place in central London.在伦敦市中心,我看中一处不错的房子。 ——We ought to be able to afford it.我们应该可以付得起。

——Sometimes I don’t talk for days on end. Would that bother you? 有时候我会连续几天一言不发,你会介意吗?

——We don’t know a thing about each other.我们一点也不了解对方。

——He’s aways like that. 他就这德行。

——Yes. I think so, my thoughts precisely.我完全同意。

——Soon as we get all this rubbish cleaned out. 只要把这些垃圾清理了就好。

——Well, obviously I can straighten things up a bit.好吧,显然我可以稍微收拾一下。 ——Don’t worry, there is all sorts round here.别担心,这楼里什么人都有。

——The mess you’ve made.你看你这么乱。

——What’s new about this one? You would’t have come to me otherwise.这次有不同,不然你不会来找我。

——Billian!Yes! 太棒了!万岁!

——Your haircut, the way you hold yourself says military.你的发型,站立的姿势说明你是军人出身。

——But your conversation bit different from my day.但你说的话,有点时过境迁的感觉。 ——Your limp’s really bad when you walk.你走路跛得厉害。

——Your face is tanned.脸晒黑了。

——You would’t treat your one luxury item like this.你不会这样对待自己的奢侈品。

——He gave the phone to you, so he wants you to stay in touch. 他把手机给了你,说明想跟你保持联系。

——You’re looking for cheap accommodation, but you are not going to your brother for help.你在找便宜住所,却不去向自己兄弟求助。
