
雅思口语八大魔鬼话题之一: 艺术

Recently, art is a very popular and hot topic in IELTS Oral English. And most of the students are having a hard time to answer questions related to it because most of them do not have any knowledge or idea about it. Actually, art is a creative way of expressing oneself and it is also the highest expression of every culture. There are many kinds of arts such as literature, visual arts, music, dance, and drama.

All of these kinds had become part of the IELTS Oral English questions today.

For example:

1 Is beautiful handwriting important nowadays?

2 What kind of music do you like?

3 Should children learn to draw or paint?

To be able to deal with these topics and questions, students should know variety of information about art such as:

●Art helps people to understand and empathize with the living conditions people have endured at various times and places

●Art provides an opportunity to create and do, which can be a refreshing break from studying or working.

●Art teaches how to interpret different forms of communication. It teaches how to understand figurative things and the meanings of color. ●Art provide opportunities for self-expression

●Art can improve academic achievement -- enhancing test scores, attitudes, social skills, critical and creative thinking.

After knowing different meanings and knowledge about art, students now have adequate information to use in answering the question in IELTS Oral test. Below are the examples of question and answer of the test with the topic of ART.

Part I

1 Do you like arts? Why?

Absolutely, this is because art is a link to the past. It provides an enjoyable perspective from which people can examine the history. And also, art encourages imagination. It shows people how they might express their own feelings and experiences through different kinds of arts such as painting and drawing.



2 What kind of art do you like?

I don’t have any particular favorite when it comes to art because I am appreciative of each work of art that I see. I like looking at abstract and colorful paintings as much as I like looking at portrait paintings. I also enjoy looking at clay sculptures the same way that I enjoy looking at ice sculptures. Each work of art has its own reason, background and history.


Part II

Describe a sculpture you have seen.

What kind of sculpture it is?

Where did you see it?

Did you like it?

Explain why you think this sculpture is special

I could never forget the ice sculptures of the different Disney characters that I saw way back the early nineties. I saw the beautifully done sculptures inside a newly opened amusement park. We were entering a snow zone area in the park that was why we wore winter coats at the entrance area, but I never expected to see the Disney characters in there. I was surprised and in awe of everything that I saw in that area that my mouth swung open without me noticing it.

The charming gentleman beside me had to embarrassingly tell me to

close my mouth. We entered the snow zone area in batches of 10 so I ended up going in with strangers as my friends were all counted in the next batch. I was expecting snowman, snowballs, hollow block style ice and the like but I never expected to see such creative sculptures.

I not only like it, but I really love it. Perhaps I would not have appreciated it that much if it were not an ice sculpture. The fact that I am a big fan of Disney characters is another factor why I appreciated it more.

Also, it was really my first time to be able to see such beautiful

masterpieces. I could just imagine how meticulously those figures were done. I kept on thinking how it would look like if the whole thing melted.

I was wondering how many degrees Celsius it took to preserve the whole thing. That was the first and the last time that I was able to see ice sculpture.

But just last month, as I passed through the open area of our school

campus, I saw some students from one of the school organizations conducting ice sculpture seminar. I could not believe my eyes and my luck as I saw it. I stared in disbelief, but this time, I was mindful not to let my mouth left opened wide again.

I almost volunteered myself to join the organization so that I would be able to try making my own ice sculpture.

As I was approaching the organization head, I realized that I may love art, but apparently, art does not like me so I headed to the opposite direction instead.

Part 2要求描述的是曾经见过的一尊雕塑,考生应从雕塑的类型,在哪里见过它的,是否喜欢以及解释你认为此雕塑很特别的原因等方面出发讲述。如范例中作者阐述另她印象最深刻的是不同角色的迪斯尼冰雕,地点是在一个开放性的展览馆里,接着讲述她们进去的过程以及当时的心情,在描述过程的时候作者提到她看到了雪人,雪球等,以及另她更加欣赏其的原因是她是迪斯尼的超级粉丝,此次冰雕也是其见过的最杰出的作品,并且另作者感叹与激动的是学校里巧好有一个冰雕研讨会的机构,作者也加入了此机构并且尝试着制作自己的冰雕,这让她感受到自己是多么热爱艺术以及艺术的重要性。

Part III

1 Why do you think art is beneficial to children?

该题要求考生回答认为艺术对小孩有益的原因。考生可从艺术可以潜意识地让孩子表达他们的想法和情感,还能促进他们的创造性等方面出发描述,再进行扩展,如开发孩子的左右脑等,再进行总结它是对于人的大脑开发是有益处的。 Art is definitely beneficial to children because it is where they can

subconsciously express their hidden thoughts and emotions. It not only allows them to express themselves, but it also enhances their creativity. If a child uses his left brain more, doing art and music allows him to use his right brain. It is definitely a lot better if children utilize their time by doing art than by watching too much TV or playing too much video games. Art is healthy for both the mind and the emotion of any child or adult.

2 Do you think the government should invest more funds in building art museums?

Government should encourage their country’s citizens towards arts appreciation. Investing more funds in building art museums would mean attracting more and more tourists which would be helpful to the country’s reputation and economy.

Through art museums, the country?s culture are introduced thus they educate not only the local citizens but the foreigners as well. Art museums must be well preserved and kept clean at all times. If there is a need to, it would be good if the government can upgrade or improve existing art museums for their betterment.



雅思口语八大魔鬼话题之二: 法律

在早期的雅思考试当中,我们并没有看到非常多的关于法律方面的考题。这可能 是出于学生知识面的考虑:因为大多数的考生依然是以高中生为主,这些人群对 法律知之甚少,即使是用母语,恐怕也无法能够很好的表达他们自己的思路。然 而,自法律话题从20xx年在雅思口语和写作同时出现,便引起了很多烤鸭们的恐慌。


1 学生在这方面的知识积累非常有限,从而导致很多时候,考生们的答案要 么是偏离主题,要么是千篇一律,缺乏originality;

2 学生在这方面的词汇非常的少,可以说大多数学生几乎没有什么这方面的 语言基础,所以,在表达时无法用英文表达。

即使说个别反应灵活的考生能够快速的进行paraphrasing 从而来避免生词的困 扰,但是在表达时却有可能因表达不当从而引起不必要的困扰。所以,这里,我们会将雅思口语考试当中,所考到的所有的法律方面的话题进行一个小结,根据题目的解读,思路,关键词汇以及范例的形式展开,希望能够给各位即将参加雅思考试的烤鸭们起到一定的帮助。

因为法律的话题难度较大,因此在第一部分鲜有法律话题的出现(如果有考生在 第一部分就被直接问到此类方面的话题,那么恭喜你,因为考官认为你的英语水 平非常高。所以,这里我们会更加针对雅思考试第二,第三部分的话题进行讨论。 在这里,我们一共总结了自这个话题出现以来,两道在第二部分问到的关于法律 的题目,以及八第三部分问到的题目。希望考生们在准备这类的题目时能够得到 一些启发。

Part 2

1 Talk About A Good Law In Your Country

其实,这个题目应该是雅思考试当中问法律有关的话题中最为频繁的一个了。在 这里,我们的专家们指出了这么几个很多学生在备考此类话题时共有的误区:

1 一谈到法律,很多考生就会根据惯性的思维,去讲一些未成年人保护法, 刑法等。其实,这就好比考生给自己找了个套,然后钻了进去。因为这类法 律所涉及的内容非常的广泛,而且很多时候考生根本就不清楚这些法律所涉 及的内容,或者说所保护的人群,从而导致自己说不了几句,就没有思路了。 然后,到最后,因为国内外法律的巨大差异,考官不仅不明白,自己也非常


2 这个题目的关键词是?Good?.所以在回答这个题目的时候,考生并不仅仅要介绍这样的一个法律,而且还应该将重点集中在为什么说这条法律好,好在哪些方面,这条法律具体针对的是什么问题,这个问题怎么严重,这项法律出台之前是怎样的,这项法律出台之后这个情况得到了怎样的改善。



Restricting the use of plastic packaging


塑料袋(plastic bags or plastic packaging) 白色污染(white pollution)

环保袋(environment-friendly bags) 生物可降解(biodegradable)

能源消耗(energy consumption) 不可再生资源(non-renewable energy resources) 出台法律(roll out/introduce/ put forth/pass the law)

在整体的答案的思路上,考生们可以先讲到这条?限塑令?是中国政府什么时候公布的,这条法令针对的现象就是随着消费品的种类以及数量的增加,对塑料带 的需求也越来越大,白色污染问题非常严重。接着,考生可以稍微列举一个数据 或例子,说中国每年生产塑料带所耗的能源就有多少,造成了什么样的环境破坏。 (注:这个问题要少说,控制在一至两句话之内,以避免喧宾夺主。

因为这个题目重点还是在法律这个点上。这也是大多数考生所会犯得错误)。接 下来,考生就可以讲一下自从限塑令出台后,就很好的抑制了塑料袋的使用,因 为需要付费买环保塑料袋,所以很多人就养成了随身携带购物袋的习惯,避免了 浪费。最后,结合个人,谈谈你自己对这条法律的体验。相信只要考生掌握上述 的生词,然后按着这样的一个思路说下来,分数上自然就会理想。

2 Describe an Interesting Law

这个题目的重点就在interesting 这个词上面。很多中国学生对interesting 这个词的理解非常的片面。大多数学生认为interesting 这个词的意思仅仅的局限于有意思,会令人发笑的。其实,这只是interesting 这个单词一个层面的意思的解读。这个词还表示独特的,反常规的。比如说,It is interesting that you mentioned it because what you did yesterday was totally contradicting what you just said.

看到很多考生都会去寻找一些令人发笑的法律。这是非常难的,因为法律都带有 一定严肃性。当然,一些学生可能会去说一些国外的奇怪的法律。如果这样的话, 考生首先要去看清楚这个题目是否有in your country 这样的词汇的限制。再者, 考生除非去过那个法律所存在国家或地区,否则的话,就更像是客观的描述,这 样一来,这条法律与自己的联系就很少。所以,建议不要这样讲。



Intellectual Property Right Law


正版(authentic/real/genuine copy) 盗版(pirated/fake copy)

下载(download) 下载文件链接(download link)

打击(crack down on/stamp out) 在线观看(online video streaming)

睁一只眼闭一只眼(turn a blind eye to)

完善的体系制度(well-established system)

这个题目的探讨价值,换句话说,它为什么interesting,就在于中国其实是有知识 产权,或者说版权法的,但是盗版现象依然非常严重,没有相关的政府职能部分 去负责这个问题,而且全中国人几乎都是在大量,大肆的下载。所以,这个问题 是值得讨论的。在作答过程中,考生首先可以先将解释一下,中国有此法律。然 后阐述这个法律应该起到的作用和在现实生活中的强烈对比。最后,考生可以讲 解一下自身的感受,你认为盗版问题严重吗,盗版是否会消失,为什么人们都买 盗版,猜测以后政府是否会对这方面的法律进一步加强。

Part 3

1 Do you think it is necessary to create a law?

除非考生能有什么非常独到的观点能够让考官眼前一亮,一般来说,我们建议考生还是回答yes.然后,考生可以先说如果没有法律的约束(deterrent forces of laws and regulations),那么,不可避免的(inevitably),社会就会变的非常的混乱(chaotic, disorderly),人们以自己的意愿作为支配,造成对其他人以及整个社会的伤害(do harm to).然后,考生可以举两个例子,来支持自己的观点。所以,得出结论,法律的存在是非常的有必要的。法律能够保障每个人的权益(interest),是文明进步的一个标志。

2 Do you think the law is fair?

很多学生看到这个题目的时候,脑子都会很乱,感觉无从说起。所以,针对这种 非常广泛抽象的题目,最明智的选择就是分情况而定。比如说,首先上来,考生 能说的就是政府在制定(introduce/devise)法律的时候,都是以政府的利益(interest) 为出发点,因此这要看情况而定。这时候,考生就可以举出两种法律;这两个法律是如何保证了(safeguard)政府的利益,而同时少数人的利益会有所损失。 3 Do we have to be punished if we don?t follow the law?

答案是肯定的。考生们可以说如果我们违反了法律( violate the law),而同时又没有受到任何的惩罚(punishment),那么法律的意义就失去了(defeat the purpose of the existence of law), 人们因此会不顾法律的存在。然后,考生可以从惩罚的方式上开始做文章。这样一来,这个题目就变成了雅思写作里面非常popular 的题目。(should criminals be sent to prison or receive education and job training?), 学生们可以参考自己写作中的内容。如果对于那些想拿7分以上的考生来说,你们还可以参考一下以前我写过的关于死刑(capital punishment) 的讨论。因为这类话题非常难,建议水平不是非常好的学生勿尝试。

4 What?s the difference between a police officer and a lawyer?


首先呢,考生应该先说police officer 和lawyer 都是在法律和惩罚这个大话题下的

重要的所能涉及到的人。然后,区别的话,我们的专家们建议老师从下面这么2个方面来说。1.他们在真个法律维护的过程中所担任的角色不同。Police officer 更多的是要担负起抓捕罪犯的责任,而这个罪犯是否有罪是由法院和律师说的算。律师更多的是为代理方争取最大化的利益。2.这两方的工作目的在很多时候是相反的。当police officer 将罪犯逮捕归案,被告方律师却要相方设法将罪犯的责任解脱掉。所以,两方的利益在某种程度上来说又是冲突的。(当然,这里在讲的时候不要太过学术)。





艺术向来纷繁复杂,门类繁多。一般我们谈到艺术总少不了dance, music,

craft, design, drawing, opera, painting, sculpture, fashion 等,谈到中国,我们通常还会想起calligraphy, Chinese opera 和martial arts。说到modern and contemporary art,collage 是非常有名的。我们通常说的美术叫做fine arts,最为人熟知的就是drawing, painting。绘画的工具也非常多样, 简单的有pencil, pen and ink, wax color pencil, 如果是Chinese painting 那当然会用到ink brush。经过艺术家的生花妙笔,一幅幅美轮美奂的画作都会在paper, canvas 上呈现出来,作者借此来express ideas。

除了美术之外, 人们喜欢欣赏的还有performing arts。acrobatics, comedy, dance, magic, music, opera, martial arts 等都属于表演艺术。在舞台上,艺术家们用他们自己的body, face, presence 等为人们奉献出一场场精彩的表演。

音乐也始终都是流行和时尚中少不了的话题,人们的耳朵上除了耳环之外恐 怕就是连着music player 的headphone, earphone 了。也有很多人会选择去concert hall 接受orchestra 的熏陶。孩子们从很小就开始学习musical

instrument,比如trumpet, saxophone, flute, piano, violin, guitar, harp等。不同

的人会喜欢不同的音乐,年青人着迷于rock, rap, pop,上了些年纪的更容易倾向于classical, jazz, country, gospel 等。

但是随着网上音乐下载量的不断攀升,Internet music piracy 的问题也开始走进人们的视野。它对legitimate music sale 的影响也一直是人们关注的焦点。为数众多的人正在download music illegally online,CD sales 却在不断减少。不过网络的发展也给了更多的人机会去produce and distribute music。

关于舞蹈的考题也曾难道过不少的学生。有那么多的极具民族特色的folk dance。waltz, tango, salsa, jazz, tap 都是享有盛名的舞蹈种类。年青人会狂热于disco, hip-hop。

说到时尚,有一个不可不提的就是中国国粹,有一个享誉盛名的,那就是京剧。在雅思的考题中也出现过相关的话题,可见京剧在海外的知名度之高。这可是我们的national opera,其中包含了太多的cultural fact。在京剧表演中,有story, painting, costume, gesture 和martial arts 等多种艺术形式的结合。通常在舞台的左侧有band,他们使用的乐器有drum, bell, Erhu, Huqin, Pipa 等。京剧的facial painting, changing faces 都极为特色。可是随着越来越深入的influence of foreign cultures,现在京剧在年青人中满满失宠,而更多的传统剧种则面临着失传的威胁。这时,hi-tech 给我们提供了有力的保存和传播的工具。政府开始致力于set up a national database,这些audio recording 和video recording 都能很好的保存这些traditional Chinese opera。舞台的表演变成了digital products,然后被put on the Internet以更好的在国内外传播。

此外,在第三部分中我们经常会被要求谈论艺术的重要性。每个人都应该有 opportunity to experience the arts。很多艺术都需要专注力,所以在学习的过程中可以改善attention span 和comprehension。学习艺术的过程中我们的身体也得到了锻炼,可以帮助学习者develop eye-hand coordination, develop

dexterity。艺术都是reflect society 的,所以人们能借此improve cultural and historical understanding。艺术需要各方面的协调,可以帮助人们integrate mind, body and spirit。很多艺术都是group art project 需要完美的配合来呈现,因此可以develop independence and collaboration, enhance social skills,

appreciate the individuality of others。艺术是一种载体,一个媒介,借此人们可以express themselves。艺术是最具创造性的,能够enhance creative thinking, develop thinking skills, develop their imaginations。在舞台上,可以得到

self-confidence, self-discipline, self discovery 和persistence。每次表演的成功可以create a sense of achievement。

对于一个社会来说,发展艺术也是非常必要的。艺术能cut across racial, cultural, social, educational and economic barriers , 所以能够帮助exchange culture, enhance cultural appreciation and awareness。生活在其中的人们也会be more tolerant and open。


宝。artisan 们可以化腐朽为神奇,wood, clay, glass, textile, metal 等到了他们的手里, 都成了一件件精美的handicraft 。今天的pottery, earthenware, lace-making, shoemaking, weaving, knitting, floral design, paper cutting,

seal-cutting, wood carving, stone carving 都是这些艺术家们留给我们的宝贵文化财产。

但是这些folk art, traditional skill 正在逐渐的消失,有不少还become extinct。对于一个国家来说,这将是一个非常严重的损失。tourism industry会受到影响,人们也少了很多的leisure activity。更为重要的是,这些艺术都是intangible cultural heritage,都maintain the character and culture, mark an area as special。 当务之急,政府一定要take steps 对这些文化遗产做好有效的保护。所以,保护措施也是烤鸭们进考场之前一定要准备好的内容之一。如果来preserve the traditional skills, safeguard intangible cultural heritage,使得这些技能得以be passed down。skills training 是非常重要的,要encourage a better

understanding,让更多的孩子了解这些艺术。还要给folk artisan 提供financial aid。而这些艺术的传承者也要努力create new shows 以不断的创新来adapt to the modern tastes。



雅思口语考试中关于advice 的问题,一般只出现在part 2和part 3的环节中, 卡片题的内容通常是“describe some good/useful advice you received”,

而随后的part 3中,考官会从各个方面就advice 设臵问题进行提问,内容主要 涉及young people,professionals 等,问题较为抽象并且深入,在考试中难免给考生们带来压力。在本文中,我们将主要就part3当中常出现的典型问题进行探讨,并给出一些实用建议以供考生们参考。

一. Advice常见问题之young people

关于young people 的问题是此类话题中使用最为频繁的,涉及的方面也比较 丰富,通常包括以下几个方面:

1. 意愿

★ 真题重现:Are young people more inclined to accept advice from their friends or from their parents?

★ 题目解析:

☆思路:选择型的问题,回答时在思路方面考生可以选择其中一个方面进行展 开,也可从多个角度进行探讨。

☆词汇:关于“friends”和“parents”特点的词汇,如understanding, experienced…

☆句型: 意愿: 偏好:

1) X is willing to… 1) X prefers…to…

2) X would…if X should… 2) X would prefer to…

3) X is reluctant to… 3) X would rather…than…

4) X is inclined to…

5) X is unwilling to…

★ 回答演示:

Well, most of the young people would prefer to ask their friends for some

advice, I guess, especially when they have problems about school or personal relationship,you know, it?s easier to communicate with someone their own age, but when they need help about something like future career, they would rather turn to their parents for help, because parents are usually more experienced about that …


★ 真题重现:What do you think is the main difference between older people and young people when someone gives them advice?


☆ 思路:典型的对比异同(Comparing similarities and differences)型的问题, 回答时以语法为基础,要有明显的进行对比的框架来支撑答案,同时要有充足的细节来支持观点。

☆ 词汇: (young people)open minded , curious…(old people) careful, conservative…

☆ 句型:

1) X is (a lot, a great deal of, slightly, a bit…) bigger than Y.

2) X is quite (totally, completely) different from Y.

3) X and Y are different in everyway.

4) One of the differences between X and Y is that…

5) In comparison to B, A is quite big…

★ 回答演示:

Well,I have to say that they are different in many ways. But the main one is that young people are more likely to accept advice that are different and

exciting, you know,young people are usually curious and adventurous, they would like to try new things. In comparison to the young,most of the older people are conservative and careful,so usually they would take the more practical advice,I think.


★真题重现:What do you think are the good ways for older people to give advice to young people?


☆ 思路:types方法种类型问题,在回答时可先总体概括,然后突出最有特点 的一项展开回答,并给出细节信息。

☆ 词汇:effective, teaching lessons, set a example, understanding… ☆ 句型:

It is obvious that there are plenty of ways…

______________But I believe the most effective way would be to… Like for instance, if…

★ 回答演示:

It is obvious that there?re plenty of ways to give advice to young people and it varies from people to people, like talking, writing and things like that.

But I believe the most effective way would be to actually show them how to do something, you know, like setting a good example, instead of only teaching lessons. Like for instance, if parents would like their children to study more, they should do it themselves instead of watching TV while the children are studying. Besides, trying to understand the young people before giving them advice is also a good way.


★真题重现:If you were to give one piece of advice to young people, what would it be?


☆ 思路:建议型问题,给出正面回答后,适当补充细节信息。(需要注意的是: 需要在答案中加入虚拟语气的表达,这是得分的一个关键点。同时,考生要了解suggestion与advice的一些不同:suggestion为可数名词,通常泛指一种想法,如:I suggest we eat out tonight ; advice为不可数名词,通常指'the best thing to do',意思更为深入和抽象,如:I advise you not to waste too much of your time on playing PC games.)

☆ 句型:

1) I'd .... (suggest, recommend, say, tell him/her/them) ....

2) Maybe/perhaps/possibly ... + could / should...

3) It might/may help if ....+past tense form of verb

4) It would probably + (be a good idea, be useful, help) if + past tense Form of verb

5) I .... (suggest, recommend, say) ....

★ 回答演示:

Well, possibly I would advise them not be afraid to make mistakes and never give up their dreams. You know,when people are young,they have plenty of time, so if they made mistakes they would have chances to correct them.

二. Advice常见问题之professionals


★ 真题重现:In your community, what various kinds of people give advice and what kinds of advice do they give?


☆ 思路:types方法种类型问题,在回答时可先总体概括,然后突出最有特点 的一项或两项展开回答,并给出细节信息。

☆ 词汇:“in your community”="in your neighborhood", "around you", "in your hometown" or "among the people you know" ;consultants ,doctors,

psychologists, religious leaders, lawyers, accountants…

☆ 句型:

1) It is obvious that there?re plenty of…

2) But I believe the most…would be…

3) Like for instance, if…

★ 回答演示:

Well, among the people I know, there are various kinds of people who give advice, such as, doctors, psychologists, travel agents and so on. But I suppose the most well- known professional consultants would be doctors and tutors. You know people today really care about their health condition and their children?s studies.


★ 真题回顾:In the future, what kind of advice do you think people will be giving each other?


☆ 思路:speculating about future预测未来型问题+ types方法种类型问题,思路同以上问题,注意使用预测未来的句型。

☆ 词汇:the internet,science and technology,globalization,global warming…

☆ 句型:

1) I imagine / suppose / guess ...

2) There?ll probably / possibly be ...

3) We might see/have…

★ 回答演示:

Well,I think the advice people give each other in the future would change a lot , compared to now. Like for instance, people will probably be advising each other buy more things and study more on computers because of the development of Internet. As well as that,people might be advised to learn more than one foreign language, because, you know, we are facing the globalization and people will be interacting with foreigners a lot more.

综上所述,我们的专家建议:在应对advice 问题时,考生需要综合思路,词汇以及句型等方面的信息,才能做到fluency,coherence,vocabulary,grammar 等评分要求,拿到比较满意的成绩。


成功,是口语卡片题四类(人物、地点、物品、事件)常考题型中的事件题,又 被称作经历题。该题的难点在于较为抽象,难以选材。我们建议考生,如果能将“成功”具体化,其难度则大大降低。考生往往把成功二字想得过于高大显赫,总结自己似乎一直经历平平,并没有明显起伏,于是败下阵来,举足无措。殊不知,其实成功的理解可以有多方面,对于该话题的回答也可以灵活多样。



先看前一种,我们将其细化,可以是由于德、智、体、美、劳任意一方面的突出表现,获得了相应的奖励。以智、体、美为例,可以选择的话题如下: 智:











以上都是针对学生时代的话题,当然也可以稍作修改,变成工作中的成功案例。 智方面就是工作表现,一次获得晋升的经历,或是自己的成功创业故事,体和美 可以是公司组织的体育或才艺竞赛活动。

再看后一种,可以把a success(一次成功)看作是successfully did sth. (成功地做成了某事),那么难题便迎刃而解。如果思路够宽,还有意外的收获,准备成功的话题可以为其他话题储备素材,可谓一石二鸟。我们给出的建议如下:

成功戒烟/戒酒/戒游戏/减肥/克服羞涩(近似于a change in life)

成功指导或帮助别人戒烟/戒酒/戒游戏/减肥/克服羞涩(素材可用于人物题 的故事插入)

成功地维权(素材可用于物品题,something you bought but you were not happy with,讲买的东西有质量问题,不满意,要求索赔,最终成功)

成功地脱险(近似于an unforgettable event)


成功地与病魔抗争(素材可用于a change in life, a happy moment, a piece of good news)



Describe a success in your life.

You should say:

What was it?

When did you get this success?

How to get it

And explain with whom/what you did in this success

分析:该题要求描述过去的一次成功经历,以上所述话题准备的内容均适用,注 意时态的正确选用,讲清楚成功的来龙去脉即可。

Sample Response:

Well, what has been the big success that makes me proud of in my life? Indefinitely goes to my weight loss story.

I grew up as an overweight kid. I was always tired and had very little energy to do anything. I was depressed and became a person with low self-esteem. As I got older, I knew I had to make some changes.

So I made a weight loss plan when I was in junior high school,

adhering to it and couldn’t be happier when I found it worked after two years’ trying.

The plan was actually quite simple, eat less and exercise more. I went on a very strict nutritional regimen. I cut out all empty calories from my diet (fast food, sweets, soda, etc.) and really focused on only eating clean nutrient dense foods. On top of that, I went jogging every morning, be it chilly winter or hot summer.

The changes were incredible; I lost ten kilograms within two years.

What’s most important is, I am healthier than ever before. I feel much more athletic now. I have an overall sense of well being that I never experienced when I was heavier. I have so much more energy and I sleep better also.

I feel especially flatted when others can hardly believe I was a much bigger girl. It was really a success.


Describe a particular success you would like to achieve (in the near future). You should say:

·what it is

·how difficult you think it will be

·what you should do to prepare for this

And explain why you want to succeed in doing this

分析:该题与上题的区别在于时态上的限定。话题依然适用,只不过用不上过去 式,更多的是条件句和虚拟语气的使用。

Sample Response:

Well, I’ve always had this dream that one day I could be a successful businesswoman. I mean, start my own business and become the boss of my own.

I am totally aware of the difficulty that I will encounter in the process. Lacking capital is the biggest headache. Without money, you can’t hire, you can’t pay yourself, and you can barely eat. But if I started to do it, I would hang in there until I succeed. I believe refusing to give up is a spirit needed

when chasing one’s dream. It gives you the kind of strength to conquer.

Another challenge might be how to balance work and life. It is not easy for a woman to run a successful business, largely due to the fact that

women, more often than not, share a larger responsibility in taking care of the family. But I don’t see that’s a problem as long as you keep everything organized and under control.

The reason why I wanna be a self-supported boss is simple: I am tired of working for others. It would be great to run a business in my own way. So I am gonna keep my dream in mind and try the best I can to make it come true. As I always tell myself, “Never spend a day off without doing anything that can make your dream comes true.”


语言类话题在雅思口语考试里通常被归到四大类话题( Person, Object, Place, Event ) 中的Object 一类, 相对于同一类别中的其他话题如 magazine & newspaper, film & TV program, sports activity & game

等来说,它的考查频率并不算高,但要中国考生用本就不是最熟悉的英语来 回答关于语言的话题,这本身就是一个挑战,考生应考时不免会产生紧张情 绪。所以要能在考场上从容应对此类话题,首先还是要对其有充分的了解和 准备。


Part 1

第一部分一般较少会考查到语言类的题目,考查范围由小到大来看,可以大 致分为以下两种情况。事实上这也是各部分所有语言话题的考查范围。

1 关于雅思本身考查的语言—English:

既然来考雅思,对英语的学习必定会有自己的一番体会和感悟,考官把英语 作为考查对象是最理所当然的。也是因为考生对英语的熟悉度,回答这些问 题只要充分借鉴自身经验,照实回答就能很好的应对。来看以下真题: ① How long have you been learning English?

② Did you learn your English well?

③ Why do you learn English?

④ What do you think is a good way to learn English?

我们提醒考生,即使是回答最简单的”yes or no”问题如第②题,也绝不是一个单词那么简单。回答除了要完整成句以外,还一定要有适当的扩充,甚至为避免较


Well, I think I’ve tried my best to learn it anyway, but I’m not sure whether I learned it well or not. That’s why I am taking IELTS

examination now to get my English language level.

2 关于第二语言或一门外语—The Second Language/A Foreign Language: 这类题目的范围看似更广,但很多题目的回答仍旧可以借鉴英语,因为对中 国考生来讲它是包含在此范围之中的。所以如果是一些基本的语言问题,考 官只是想了解一些考生对语言的掌握情况以及学习语言的意愿等,考生都可 以把英语作为答题的基本参考,或者作为答案的一部分。如以下真题: ① What languages do you speak?

② What languages do you want to learn? Why?

③ Have you learned a second language before? What is it?

当然对个别的题目language 一词并未有过多修饰,也可以开发一些有个性 的答案。如第②题,很多考生可能会把去国外工作或学习,需要掌握当地语 言以便更融入当地生活作为理由来回答。同样的原因其实也可以用于学习本 国的方言(dialects),这样思路就又开阔许多。

方言也是语言的分支,更因为中国方言众多,东西南北差异较大,所以也可 以把对方言的掌握和学习作为答题的参考:北方人到南方,内陆人到沿海, 为生计为学习都有掌握当地语言的必要性。另外,为了通过语言了解文化或 为了丰富娱乐生活而学习语言等原因都可以顺理成章套用其中。

说明:鉴于目前的一种考试趋势是口语第一部分的题目偶尔还会涉及到后面 两部分较深入一些的内容,形式上类似第三部分,如对比和比较形式的问题, 这部分内容参见后面对第三部分问题的解析。考查过的真题如:

① What?s your suggestion on language learning?

② What?s the most difficult part of language learning?

③ Who can learn a foreign language better? The elderly or the young? ④ Do girls learn a foreign language more quickly than boys?

⑤ What do you think is the difference between a language and a culture? 我们提醒考生,即便出现这样的问题,考生要切忌把它们当成第三部分的问题来展开,回答要适可而止。

Part 2

纵观历年雅思口语考试真题,语言题目在第二部分cue card 中的数量有限, 反复出现的有以下几道:

① Describe another language that you would like to learn. You should say:

·what this language is

·how you would learn it

·what difficulties you think you would have (or, might have) when

learning this language.

And explain why you would choose to study this language.

② Describe a foreign language you want to learn (besides/except)


③ Describe something useful for your English learning.

④ Describe a useful way to study English.

⑤ Describe a useful tool that helps you learn other languages.

⑥ Describe something that will help you to learn foreign languages.


1 对某一非英语的外语语种的描述,如①②题:

虽然第①题没有明确说明except English,但肯定不宜以英语来发挥。考生 在备考时一定要对另一种其它语言做充足的了解和准备。但万变不离其宗, 就其具体内容而言,不论是学习语言的方法还是困难,考生们在描述过程中 仍然可以借用英语学习过程中的经验。

2 对具体的语言学习方法和学习工具的描述,如③④⑤⑥题:

这样的题目更加具体化,但展开的方向也有很多:学习方法可以从用形象记 忆法记忆单词到观看原声电影培养语感,学习工具可以从最原始的字典到与 最新科技相结合的电子产品。考生们可以准备的题目有限,但是思路是较为 开阔和明朗的。

Part 3

第三部分的题目通常是延续第二部分的内容,而相对于第一部分深度和广度 上则会有所增加。除了前面两部分也会涉及的内容以外,对比比较类问题的 出现,把语言话题与其他话题相结合等便是这一部分最大的特点。根据这些 特点,我们将第三部分相对有扩展性的题目划分成以下几类:

1 对语言学习本身及学习过程的讨论:

这类题目内容跟第二部分的切合点更紧密,考查的题目数量最多,题目出现 频率也最高,考生要越加重视,备考时可作为第二部分卡片描述的延续。其 中包括学习第二语言或其它外语的重要性、必要性、益处、弊端,学习语言 过程中可能会遇到的困难、最有用的方法,哪门语言是你觉得最有用的、将 来会最受欢迎的又或者除英语以外最重要的等等。

① Is learning a second language important? Why?

② Is it necessary to learn a foreign language?

③ What are the benefits of learning a foreign language?

④ Are there any drawbacks in learning a new language?

⑤ How do you learn a new language?

⑥ Would games be helpful to learning a foreign language?

⑦ Which language you have learned is the most useful one?

⑧ In your opinion, which languages will become more popular in the future? ⑨ Which language is important for you beside Chinese and English?

2 对全球性语言的讨论:

这是一个现在普遍讨论的话题,在经济全球化的影响下,语言是否需要全球 化?使用全球性语言是否又会推进经济全球化?此重任又应当由何种语言来 担当?在雅思写作考试中也有类似的考题,所以深度可想而知。考生不妨把 两门考试结合起来准备,但注意口语和书面语稍加区别即可。

① Do you think it's important (or, a good idea) to have one main world language? (= “a universal language”)

② What would be the advantages and disadvantages of having a global language?

③ Which language could become global language?

④ Is that useful for future globalization?

⑤ Is that important to business?

3 语言学习能力的比较:

这是现在第三部分题目较常出现的一种提问方式,在语言类话题中尤其对语 言学习能力及学习方法的差异提问较多,其中不同年龄、不同性别及不同天 分的人之间的比较都有。所谓没有比较就没有结果,对比较类的提问方式考 生应试着分别从比较的两个对象入手分析,回答就会更丰富一些。

① Why do you think some people are better than others at learning a foreign language?

② Who do you think is better at learning a language, boys or girls?

③ Are there any differences between the way the young and the elderly learn a language?

④ Why is it easy for some to learn a foreign language whereas hard for others?

⑤ Why some children learn language faster than others?

4 语言与教育的结合:

因为涉及教育的方面,所以这里的语言教育基本限定在英语,多数也用比较 的方式来提问,例如在教授英文时外教与中教的区别,父母与学校所肩负的 幼教英语的责任孰轻孰重等等。回答的切入点同上。

① What is the difference between foreigner teacher and Chinese teacher in teaching English?

② Who is responsible in teaching children English? The parents or the school?

5 语言与文化的结合:

语言本身就是文化的一部分,所以把语言结合文化来提问也是十分自然的。 下面两个问题仍然是简单的”yes or no”问题,但回答的关键在于如何用较浅 显易懂的例子将抽象的文化与语言的关系具体化。

① Do you think it's possible to learn a foreign culture without learning the language?

② Will the learning of a new language change your understanding of local culture?




? 电视节目种类

比较多见的有game show, soap opera, talk show, TV drama program,还有news。电视对我们的影响:我们plan our lives around TV,对于孩子,电视则会affect schoolwork。而在没有电视的年代,一家人会在晚饭后play family games,比如chess, card, board game。

? 电影的种类:

comedy, animation, horror film, thriller, action, romance, classic, mystery, science fiction, drama, documentary。

? 对于电影的评价:

wonderful, fabulous, fantastic, marvelous, outstanding, fascinating, awful, disgusting, dreadful, horrible, terrible, stupid, absurd, dumb, ridiculous, silly, strange, bizarre, odd, unusual, weird。

? 电影的组成要素:

crew, leading actor, leading actress, plot, story, race car scene, chase scene, shootout和action scene。现代的高科技电影中,special effect是一定不能少的,这能stun audiences。除此之外,一部好的电影还需要好的soundtrack,它的photography必须是real,不能一看上去就是fake的。如果再有个surprising ending就太完美了。一定能够成为一个blockbuster, hit, top grossing film,

commercial success。顶级的电影当然是角逐Oscar Awards,或者nomination的热门。 其实电影的制作着实不易,每个scene都要film, shoot好几次,还会shoot from different angels直到完美。有机会一定要去studio看看电影的拍摄过程。一般的电影主题都是积极健康的。宣扬的都是growing up, friendship, love, good against evil,能够win our hearts。

? 书本分类:

fiction和non-fiction。novel就是最为典型的fictional book。小说有几个要素是必不可少的,它们是plot, setting, theme和character。小说可以是whimsical, serious也可以是controversial的。一本好的小说会有surprising ending,故事情节要紧凑,要move along fast。还有配上illustration的comic book是小朋友的最爱。non-fiction包括almanac, encyclopedia这些reference book,这些书中有很多in-depth article。书的封面也有很多种,较多的就是hardcover book和paperback book。

? 报纸的种类:

daily, weekly, morning paper, evening paper。还可以按内容不同分成tabloid, broadsheet newspaper等。tabloid的特色是specialize in news about people通常比较sensational,语言则较为simple,里面会有很多half-truth,观点也时常是biased的,总的来说是为了娱乐大众的,比如里面会有一些关于皇室成员或名人明星的slander。而broadsheet newspaper,它的版面比较大,是multi-section newspaper。它比较serious,文字也较为difficult,作者多为well-informed

journalist。这些制作精良,内容严肃认真的报纸也被称为quality newspaper。但是无论是哪份报纸,front page和headline都是吸引眼球的重点。

? 报纸会有很多column和section:

比如news section,其中包括home news, foreign news还有analysis of the major events。当然,hot news和exclusive news都是销量的保障。此外很多报纸都设有specialized section,其中的内容各不相同。有些会包含news review section,在这个板块中有大量的editorial comment,是编辑对于实事要闻的评论,有时也会抨击政府政策。除此了这个板块之外还有arts section, business section, book section, film review, comments on life等等。有些报纸为了增加趣味性还会加上配有caption的cartoon。




? What type of book is it?

? What?s the title of the book?

? Who?s the author?

? What other background information about this book do you know? ? How did you get hold of it?


? What is this book about?

? Why do you like this book?

? What awards has this won?


? What other books has the author written before?



? What?s the title of the movie?

? When was the movie aired?

? What?s the type of the movie?

? Who are the famous actors and actresses starred in this movie? ? Who directed this movie?


? What?s the movie about?

? Why do you like this movie?

? What other movies have the actors been starred in?

? What?s the moral behind the movie?

? Has this particular movie won any awards?

此外,关于广告的问题也是多次出现在最近的考场中,如:describe an advertisement that you saw on TV。从主题来看,描述的重点应该是落在

species,content,duration及解释之所以选择this advertisement的原因上。我们建议考生选择一个自己相对熟悉的advertisement进行备考,并对它的ad slogan (广告语)进行了解,如The ad slogan of Nokia is Connecting People. 由此再进行扩充。

在对advertisement还会问到一些关于广告监督的问题。考生可作出肯定或否定的回答,并指出原因,如(These said advertisements were prohibited from being shown to the public because…)。



雅思口语考试中很少直接问到关于“传统”(tradition)的考题,但“传统”之所以作为八大魔鬼话题的最后一个出现在我们的备考清单上,其原因就在于该话题具备了三大特性:隐蔽、广博、深度。首先,隐蔽是指涉及传统的考题往往用其它话题来隐藏自己,或者换句话说,很多其它话题中会隐含有传统的意味。举例来说,关于history, culture, arts,甚至关于wedding, handicraft, food 的话题中,都有可能藏有“modern vs. traditional”的对立。

其次,广博的意思是该话题涵盖的领域极为宽泛,无论是谈论人物、描述事物、 还是论证原因、阐述规律,tradition 都是一个很活跃的展开点。比如要谈论老年人(old people),那么老年人具有的传统观念(traditional views)及固定思维模式(fixed mindsets)是一个必讲的要点;再比如谈论教育类的话题,传统教育模式(traditional teaching methods)和远程教育(distance learning)之间的差异和互补就是一个较好的切入点。

至于传统类话题的深度,可以说是不言而喻的— 没有一定的词汇根底、没有驾 驭复杂句型的能力、缺乏对社会现状的思考,这样的考生是很难把该话题说好的, 不少人甚至都没有想到传统竟然可以作为一种有效的答题思路。下面,我们将针对这三大特性进行一一列举,给出真题实例及参考答案,并指出“传统”在其中扮演的角色。



【真题实例】Why do you think people nowadays dislike visiting a historical site?

【答题思路】该题问的是为什么现在的人都不喜欢去参观历史古迹。由于历史古迹本身就是一种文化遗产(cultural heritage),因此参观历史古迹其实是对传统的一种继承形式。可以从两方面找原因:一是现代科技的发展速度过快,导致人们产生“重科技、轻人文”的思维倾向;二是对历史古迹的保护力度不够,其本身已经丧失了吸引力。

【参考答案】Well, that?s right. Less and less people nowadays are showing interest in visiting a historical site. I think one reason is that modern science and technology is developing with a faster pace than ever before. So many high-tech products and devices are available for modern consumers that they

tend to think science and technology is what life is all about, and they tend to care less and less about the humanities, histories and traditions. Another

important reason is to be found in historical sites themselves, which are being damaged or even ruined due to the lack of protection and preservation. For many young people like me, these places no longer hold any appeal.

很显然,该回答把人们不爱去参观历史古迹的原因归结为“科技发展VS 人文传 统”的两元对立。于是,在我们阐述原因的同时,就很巧妙地把隐藏在深处的 humanities, histories and traditions 推到了台前,显示出讲话者的人文关怀。而在谈到年轻人不再对历史古迹感兴趣的时候,也折射出对于传统文化渐渐式微的一种忧虑之心。


“传统”的广博性既体现在一些较为学术的考题中,也体现在许多生活类的题目 里面。请看下面一道关于人们阅读习惯的问题:

【真题实例】Do you think people?s reading habits have changed in recent years?


【参考答案】You bet they are! From my point of view, the most significant change is in the way people read. Thirty years ago, most people used to read newspapers and magazines and books as a lifetime habit because they didn?t have a TV or computer. But nowadays, few of us are doing this. Instead, we have got used to surfing the Internet for quick news and downloading

mini-novels to our cell phones or iPods. In short, traditional reading habits are being replaced by modern ones that focus on speed and quantity rather than quality.

为了阐明人们阅读方式的改变,我们把30年前的读书、看报、看杂志和如今的网上新闻及手机迷你小说进行了鲜明的对比。(请大家特别关注其中used to 和get used to 的用法。)最后一句画龙点睛式地指出传统的阅读习惯正在被取代,并一针见血批判了现代人只重速度和数量、而不重质量的阅读习惯。类似的批判风格及批判话语可以用于很多其它考题,比如education, shopping, friendship 等等。


深度的含义并不仅仅局限于考题本身的深度或难度,它更在于我们如何把一道貌 似平凡的考题的深度挖掘出来。以下这道其貌不扬的口语题目就是一个很好的例 子:

【真题实例】What kind of skill do you think is the most important for young people?


容易陷入俗套的考题— 如果你甘愿随大流地去讲什么掌握电脑技能、学好外语、甚至学会开车等,就毫无新意可言,更不用说深度了。相反,如果你从传统的角度入手,会很容易发现该题所蕴含的深度。

【参考答案】Young people today generally don?t have traditional social skills, which may include writing letters, giving a presentation and maintaining friendships. This is understandable because they have grown up in the

so-called Information Age. But the importance of these skills can be seen in many aspects of our daily lives. For example, if you know how to give a

powerful speech at a meeting or how to write a persuasive letter to your boss, your chances of getting promoted are much higher than those of your colleagues.

该回答彻底抛弃了俗不可耐的“现代必备技能”的窠臼,从传统的角度另辟蹊 径,找到了traditional social skills(传统社交技能)这一崭新方向,并成功地开辟了writing letters, giving a presentation, maintaining friendships 三条拓展道路。



Stage One:

1. Yourself

1) What's you full name?

2) What shall I call you?

3) Can I see your identification please?

3) Are there some special meaning of you name?

7) Have you ever change a name? Why?

8) Do you like you name?

2. Educational Background

Do you have a job or are you a student?

A. student

1). What is your major?

2). Why did you choose this major?

3). Can you describe your study habits?

4). What will you do in future? What will you do when you graduate?

B. employee

1). Where do you work?

2). What is you typical day like?

3). Are you satisfied with your current job?

4). Which kind of job do you want to get?

3. English study

1) Could you give some ideas how to study English?

2) How do you think of English? / Do you think English is important?

3) When did you begin to study English?

4) Did you have any difficulties in studying English?

4. Hometown

1) Where do you come from? / Where do you live?

2) When did you move there? / How long have you been living there?

3) Can you tell me something about your hometown?

Can you tell me about some famous landscapes/ scenic spots in your hometown?

4) Do you like your hometown?

5) What are the advantages and disadvantages of living there?

6) Do you want to move to other cities? Why?

5. Accommodation

1) Do you live in a house or a flat?

2) Compare advantage and disadvantage of house and flat?

6. Family

1). Can you tell me something about your family?

7. Food

1) What do you like to eat?

2) What can be regarded as healthy food?

3) Do people now pay more attention to the healthy food?

8. Spare time

1) What do you do in you spare time?

2) Which part of a day do you like?

3) Which weekend night do you prefer, Friday, Saturday or Sunday? Why?

4) Do you think weekend is very important for you?

9. Shopping

1) Do you like shopping? Why?

2) Do you often go shopping?

3) When you go shopping? Who always go with you?

4) Which kind of things you like to buy?

5) Who do the main shopping in your family?

6) Who prefer shopping, men or women? / Who prefer shopping, boy or girl?

7) Which places where young people like to go shopping now?

8) What kind of places people like to go for shopping?

10. Fashion

1) Do you like fashion? Why?

2) What is the meaning of fashion?

3) What is your opinion about the trend of fashion?

4) Which kind of clothes do you like to wear?

5) Do you like to buy clothes? Why?

6) What are the differences between people wearing now and in the past?

7) What is your favourite colour? And why? What colour did you like when you were a child? Do you think colours have any meanings?

11. Music

1) What kind of music do you like? Why?

2) When do you listen to music?

3) Have you ever play some instruments?

4) Should children learn to play an instrument?

12. Watching TV

1) Do you watch TV?

2) What TV program do you like to watch?

3) Do you parents let you watch TV as you like?

13. Reading

1) Do you like reading?

2) Which kind of books do you like to read?

3) How much time you will take a day to read?

4) Where do you read books?

5) What is the meaning of reading for you?

14. Sport

1) Do you like sports?

2) Do you do some sports in school?

3) Which kind of sports do you like? Why?

4) Do Chinese like sports?

5) Which kind of people like sports? Which dislike?

6) Which kind of sports do people in your hometown like?

7) Do you think sports have some benefits to young people?

15. Photos

1) Do you like to take photographs?

2) Which kind of photos you like to take?

3) How do you arrange your photos?

4) Are there some photos on you home's wall?

5) Do Chinese people like to take photographs?

6) Do you collect anything?

16. Travel

1) Do you like travelling? Why?

2) Do you like travelling alone or with other people?

3) Have you got a chance to go overseas?

4) Are there any benefits in travelling?

7) What can you learn from travelling?

17. Transport

1) Which kind of transport do you like? Why? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

2) Which kind of transport you take when you travel? Advantages and disadvantages?

3) Tell me something about the transportation in future?

18. Friends

1) Do you have close friends?

2) How often do you get in touch with your friends?

3) What do you do with your friends?

4) Are friends important to you?

19. Computer

1) Do you use computer?

2) What do you use computer for?

3) How did you learn to use computer?

20. Seasons

1) Tell me about the climate in your hometown?

2) Tell me about the seasons in your hometown?

3) Which season do you like? Why? What do people do in this season?

Stage two:


Describe your favourite TV program

what is it? Which channel?

When and where do you usually watch it?

What kind of program is it? What's it about?

Explain why you like it?


Describe a sports star that you admire

who she/he is

what sports he/she plays

What he/she has achieved

Explain why you admire this star?


Describe an important/recent success in your life

What did you achieve

When and where it happened

How did you make it

Explain why it is important to you /what impact it had on your life


Describe a child you are familiar with

Who is he/ she / how old

How did you come to know him or her

His appearance and personality

Explain why you like him/her


Describe your best friend.

How you became friends

her/ his appearance or personality

How you spend time together

Explain why he/she is your best friend


Describe your favourite song

Name of song

What type of music it is

What it is about

Explain why it is your favourite

<7> TOY

Describe your favourite childhood toy

What was it

Who gave you this toy?

What was it like

Explain why you like it

<8> PARK/garden

Describe your favourite park or garden

Where is it

How often do you go there

What kind of people often go there

Explain why you like it


Describe your ideal house or department /job Where you would like to live/to work

Outside/inside? /when you would like to work

surrounding? /what kind of conditions wish to have Explain why this is ideal


Describe an exciting period in your life

When is it

What did you do during that time

Who are the friends you made during that time Explain why it is exciting


Describe the features of four seasons in you country What the seasons are

Features of each season

What activities can people do in each season? Which season you like best?


Describe a piece of equipment you think it is useful What it is

where can you get it

How it is used

Advantages and disadvantages

<13> TRIP (A CITY)

Describe a exciting trip you made

When did you take it?

How did you get there? By what transport? Introduce that trip. What did you see there? Who do you with?

Explain why you liked it.


Describe a book/story you read before

Name of the book/ story

When and where did you read it

What is the book or story about

Explain what influence it had on you

<15> NORMAL COMMODITY== equipment

Describe a normal commodity in Chinese family?

What it is

How it is used

Advantages and disadvantages

Note: This topic is similar to the “EQUIPMENT” topic



For this topic, you can combine the “HOLIDAY” of PART 1 and the “TRIP” topic to answer it.


Describe an interesting city you would like to visit

Where it is

What you can do there

Its general features

Explain why you would recommend someone to see it.


Describe your favourite room in your house

What room is it

What furniture does it have

What you usually do in this room

Explain why it is special to you

<19>A FILM

Describe a film you enjoyed a lot

What's the name of the film

When and where you saw it?

What the story was about?

Explain why did you enjoy it?


Describe a thing you made yourself

What did you make

When did you make it?

Why did you make it

Explain why did you particularly prefer it?

<21>A GIFT

Describe a gift that you have received which you feel special

What the gift is?

Who gave it to you?

Why the person gave it to you?

Explain why the gift means so much to you?

<22>JEWELERY or clothes

Describe the clothes (jewellery) you wear in special occasions?

What type of clothes/ jewellery will you choose in a special time? What do you look like when you wear it?

How do you feel when you are wearing them?


Describe a school you studied before

Where is it?

When did you study there

What are the features of the school

Explain why you remember this school more than elsewhere


Describe a change (positive) in your life?

What was it?

When did it happen?

Why did you make this change?

Explain what impacts it had on your life


Describe a famous person that you would like to meet

Who the person is and where he/she lives

What the person does

For what he/she is famous

Explain why you want to see him/her


Describe an old man you are familiar with.

Who he/she is?

Where does he or she live

How you get to know him/her?

Explain what influences he/she has on you?


Describe your favourite means of transport?

What is it?

How often do you use it?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?

Explain why you prefer it


Describe a teacher who influenced you a lot Where did you meet him/her

What subject did he/she teach you What’s special about him or her?

Explain what influence he/she had on you.

<29>a special day

Describe a special in your life

Which day is it?

What happened?

How did it make you feel

Explain what impacts it had on you?

<30>a lake/river/sea you visited

Describe a lake or river or sea you visited Where is it?

When did you go there?

What is the landscape there

Explain how you feel about this place


Describe a place you’d like to go to. Where would it be

What kind of landscape does it have What will the weather be like there Explain why you would like to go there


Describe an advertisement that you like What is the product

Where did you see it

What is the advert about

Explain why do you like it

<33> A PHOTO

Describe a photo that you like

Whose photo it was?

When did you take it?

Why did you take it?

Explain why do you like it?

<34> FAVOURITE TIME OF THE DAY Describe your favourite time of the day

when is it?

what do you usually do during that time?

Explain why this is your favourite time?


Describe your favourite shopping centre

where is it?

How often do you go there?

What do you usually buy there?

Explain why this is your favourite place.

Also: favourite animal

favourite dish

Stage 3 is it more difficult to make friends now than when you were young? 童年时交友是否比现在容易?

Do Chinese people make friends in the same way as westerners?


What is the impact of internet on making friend?


what qualities should a friend have ?


What do friends mean to you?


what are the main differences between children’s lives today and in your time? 现代儿童生活和你小时候有什么不同?

Do you think children are happier than in the past?


How does the pressure from schools and parents affect children?


What do you think of the primary schools in china?


What do you feel is the most effective method of education?


What improvements have been made in education in china?


Who should take more responsibility in teaching children, school or parents? 小孩教育是父母的责任还是老师的责任?

do younger people and elder people see life differently?


what is the main problem facing elder generation in china


Have Chinese government done something for the elder generation?


Are there any organizations in china which are helping old people?


do your classmates also like him?


Do you think it is fair that athlete’s earning a lot of money?


What do you think of advertising in sports?


Do men and women like different sport in china?


Can you talk about the advantages and disadvantages of Beijing’s holding 2008 Olympics? 中国承办20xx年奥运会的利与弊。

Do you want to be famous?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?


How do the media react to famous people?


will children of famous people be affected ?


what are the differences between evening and morning programs?


What are the effects of TV on children?


What are the differences between TV program today and past? (What do you think of the media in china?)


how do you think that many people buy DVD and watch films at home rather than going to the cinema ?


how is the music development in china?


Differences between western and Chinese?


Do you think children should learn to play an instrument?


What are the benefits and problems of music?


What would life be like without music?


what are the differences of toys today and past?


Do boys and girls like similar toys in china?


What is the role of toy in children’s growth?


Is there any relationship between toy and education?


importance of preserving old buildings


architectural differences between the west and china


Compare new building and traditional building (the features of traditional architecture) 现代建筑和传统建筑区别?

Going alone or travelling with a group?


Advantages and disadvantages of tourism


what is the future of Chinese tourism

How can china attract more people?


What do you think about the environment problem in china?


when do Chinese people give gifts?


Do people give different gifts now from the past? 以前送礼和现在送礼有什么不同?

Future gifts?


Has gift become more commercialized?


Qualities of a good teacher


Do you want to be a teacher, why and why not?


Compare single-sex school and mixed-sexed school? 比较男女同校和单性别学校的优缺点?

is creativity important to the society?


Do you think school should encourage more creativity?

学校是否应该鼓励创造力?(例如多一些美术课,手工课) do you think exams are killing students’ creativity? 考试是否有害于学生的创造力?

Do you think machine will take over human beings? 机器会不会代替人?

Water and oil, which is more important?


How can we solve water shortage?


Compare water transportation and land transportation? 比较水陆交通方式?

people’s opinions on ad?


What do you think of brand?


Advantages and disadvantages of advertising?


Problem of piracy?


Reading books or watching a film?


What kinds of films are popular in china?


western films and Chinese films?


Main factors of successful film?


development of Chinese films


Current problems with transportation? (Is the traffic getting worse or better?) 目前存在的问题?

Government policy on these problems and what's your solution to these problems 政府为此采取了什么政策?你有什么解决办法?

the trend of buying cars


future transportation


Traffic situation in your hometown and solution


Compare different kind of transport, which one do you prefer?


impact of technology on people’s life


will the technology used today still useful in 50 years time?


Do you think we are depending too much on technology?


what are the advantages and disadvantages of technology?


Problems a modern city is facing?


Solutions to these problems?


Advantages and disadvantages of city life?


Development of china over the past 10 years, and future?


How do you think of country population shifting to city?


qualities that make you successful


importance of having a goal


What do you think of the competition between individuals? 你如何看人与人之间的竞争?

Is money the main proof of success?


compare house and flat


Importance of garden?


Compare modern house and traditional house


Living with parents or alone?


What kind of house do Chinese people prefer?


what is the legal age in china?


What can you do once you reached legal age?


At what age can people get married?


why people don’t read as much any more? (贵,忙,电视和读书) 为什么读书的人越来越少?

library facilities in your home town


The importance of library?


Should people read to learn or read for fun?


is shopping online popular in china?


men’s and women’s opinion on fashion?


Fashion tells something of personality?


Compare big store and small store?


the advantage and disadvantages of uniform?


People pay more attention to fashion today?


how do you balance work and family?


How do you organize your spare time?


is it good to have routine?


Do modern people spend too much time on work and not enough with family? 现代人是否工作的时间比和家人在一起的时间多?

how china has changed over the past 10 years?


Changes to Chinese family structure?


Changes to family member’s status?


how has people’s eating habit changed in china over the past 30 years? 中国过去30年饮食习惯的变化?

Compare traditional food and fast food?


Compare Chinese food and western food?


What do you think of healthy food?

你如何看待healthy food ?

Do you agree with gm food?


1. Describe an old thing you own.

You should say:

What is it?

Who bought it?

When was it bought?

And explain why you keep it?

Further question:

What kind of things is passed on from generation to generation?


Do you think people will care about these old things? / How do people look at these things?


Why do you think museums keep these old things? / What is the value of these old things?


2. Describe a kind of book you read when you were a child.

You should say:

What's the name of the book

How did you get it

What is it about

And explain what influence it brings to you

Further questions:

At what age will Chinese children start reading? What kind of books do they usually read? And why?

中国儿童一般从几岁开始看书?读什么书? 为什么?

Do Chinese children play any game to help improve their reading skills?

中国的儿童做什么game 来帮助他们阅读?

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of early reading? How to avoid the disadvantages?

很早就开始阅读对儿童有什么好的/坏的影响?有什么办法解决这些问题? What kind of impact does the internet have on reading?


Do you prefer reading on the internet or reading a book?


What can people do to make reading more enjoyable?


Do you think people will change their habit of reading in the future? How will it change? 想象一下在未来人们的读书方式是否会有改变?怎样的改变?

Do people?s habit of reading change with time? What kind of books do you think you

would like when you are older?


3. Describe you favourite (wild) animal.

You should:

What animal is it?

Where did you see it?

What do you know about it?

And explain why you like it?

Further question:

Do you have a pet? What is your point of view on keeping a pet? What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping a pet?


What do Chinese generally think of keeping pets?


Are there any wild life conservation areas in China?


What should be done to improve the zoo in China?


4. Describe a kind of relaxation method?

You should say:

What is it?

How often do you do it?

How do you feel when you do it?

And explain why you think this is a good method?

Further question:

What do your friends do to relax?


Do men and women relax in different ways?


How do most people do to relax? Why?


What is the traditional way of relaxation?


Do modern suffer more stress than they did 50 years ago?


How do you view the problem of stress?


Why is it so important for people to relax?


In your life, what are the main causes of stress?


Do you think competition between friends is one of the reasons of stress?


Would stress become more serious in the future? How can we deal with it?


What kind of pressure would you probably experience when you go abroad? 你认为出国以后会有哪些方面的压力?

5. Describe a popular sport.

You should say:

What kind of sport is it

When and where you can do it

How do you play it?

And explain why you do like this sport so much.

Further question:

Do people of your generation view sports differently from the elder generation? How? Why?


What do you think are the main purpose of sports? For friendship or for fitness? 你认为运动是为了友谊还是锻炼?

What do you think of injuries caused by sports?


Do you prefer exercise alone or with others?


Can you compare indoor and outdoor sports?


What kind of role does sports equipment play? What are the advantages and disadvantages?


6. Describe a subject you like.

You should say:

what is it?

Where is it taught?

How is it taught?

And explain why you like it.

Further question:

Do your friends also like it?


What are the qualities of a good teacher?


Is it better to learn theories when one is younger or older?


What kind of changes has taken place to facilities in schools in China over the past twenty years?


7. Describe a kind of newspaper or magazine you like to read.

You should say:

which is the name of the magazine.

How often do you read it?

What is it about?

And explain why you do like this magazine?

Further question:

what are the main differences between newspapers and magazines? What are their advantages and disadvantages?


Why do people read newspaper?


What kinds of people prefer reading newspaper?


Is it different to be a journalist for newspaper and for magazines?


How to be a good reporter?


Should newspaper have to right to write anything they want? Should they be allowed to criticise the government? Should there be censorship?

是不是现在报社有权利什么都写?是不是可以批评政府?报社是不是需要受到限制? Do you think there would be fewer people buying newspaper in the future? Why? 你是否认为报纸将会在未来失去很多的购买者?为什么?

Is newspaper important to people?s life?


How can people obtain information?


Can you compare the internet and the newspapers?


Will internet replace newspaper?


What do you think of internet?


8. Describe a tool of communication.

You should say: what is it?

How often do you use it?

What are the advantage and disadvantage of it?

Further question:

What are the differences between modern communication and the traditional face to face way?


How to improve the communication?


What is the disadvantage of modern communication?


Part 1


How do you feel about living in the same place for a long time?


Do you wear watch normally?


How do you think of being late?


How do you think of being on time?


When do you feel that time is going slowly?


What other kind of jobs do you wish to do?


Talk about interesting things to do in your hometown or a change that took place?


Do you love animals? Why? What are the wild animals in China?


Do you keep a pet? Why or why not?


If you could make changes to your hometown, what would you do?


Do Chinese want to lose weight? Are they mostly women or men? Why is that?


How do Chinese think of wedding? Why


What kinds of exercise are popular in your country?

在你住的地方人们做什么KEEP FIT

How do people keep fit?


Do you take photo to recall the past things?


When do you take photo?


Why people like to take photos




Clothes you like


Do you feel fitness is important?


Is fitness popular in yr country?


Fitness is important for men or for women...


Do you buy any souvenirs? Where and why?

part 2一个人生重大决定

1. Describe an important decision you have made

What was it?

When you made it?

How do you make it?

Explain the impact of this decision

Parents influence in children's future, do they offer choices to them?

What is the difference between parents and grant-parents?

Do the parents in countryside differ from those in urban area?

Is the education system ok or not?


2. Describe an important present you gave to sb

Who you gave it to?

When you gave it?

Why you gave it?

What occasions will people give presents in your country?

What do you think the effects of advertising a present on the TV or internet?

Advantages & disadvantages.

Try to compare the gift you received in your teenage with the gift children received

now. And just image the gift in the future children will receive.

3. Describe a subject in your school


4. Describe a person who helped you



你, 但当别人寻你的帮助时你却不愿意的事情。

5. Describe a produce in your country or area

What is it?

Where you can buy it?

How people advertise it?



你认为本地在未来会大力发展哪个产业? 为什么?

6. Describe an exercise people around you do most,

What is it?

Where do they do it?

When they usually do it?

exercise 和health 的关系

7. Describe a recently visit u have received from a friend.

Who is this friend?

When he visited you?

What you did with your friend?

How do you think of the importance of mutual understanding of different culture? If a foreigner came to china, what will u show him?

The differences of visit between relatives and friends;

What gifts we take;

How people welcome the foreigners

8. Describe an interesting building in you country

What is it?

Where is it located?

What is it used for?

Explain why you think it is the most interesting?

9. Describe your latest travel in detail.

Where did you go?

Who did you go with?

What did you do there?

Explain why did you make the trip?

10. Describe a music player or band that you like?

11. Describe a newspaper you enjoy reading?

What is it?

What is the content?

Where do you buy it?

Explain why you love it?

Why people buy a newspaper?

What type of information do people get in newspaper?

Why people like magazine?

What merits or demerits should a reporter has or shouldn't have?

Do you think reporter needs some special skills?

A gift

A city

A website you often visit

A special family event

A happy event in your childhood

An important decision

A wedding you've been to

An advertisement

Wild life

A pet

Old person

A building

A relaxation method

River or lake you have visited

A special meal

A happy person

A card or letter you received

A story you heard in childhood

A teacher who taught you

An exciting experience

A family event you took part in

Your personality



“Places” 类话题


“Feelings and experiences”

1.A work of art 一件艺术作品

2.A book you want to write 想写的书

3.Birthday 一次生日晚会

4.building in your school or university 学校中的建筑物

5.Character 电影中角色

6.Child 儿童

7.City 一个重要的城市

8.Clothes or jewellery 特别场合你的一件衣服或珠宝

9.Company 朋友家人工作的公司

10.Difficult thing 你做成的难事

11.exciting experience 一次刺激的旅行

12.expensive thing 你想拥有的昂贵东西

13.Family event 家中的高兴事

14.Family member who influenced you/You admire 你崇拜的家人

15.A past family member who led an interesting life 生活有趣的过世家人

16.First day at school 开学的第一天

17.Free day/time 自由的一天

18.Garden/park 喜爱的花园或公园

19.Gift 礼物

20.Good at 你擅长的技能

21.Happy childhood 快乐童年

22.Happy person 幸福的人

23.Help 你得到的一次帮助

24.Historical Place 历史古迹

25.House 理想中的房子

26.Neighbor 邻居

27.Newspaper or magazine 报纸或杂志

28.Project 你与别人合作的事情

29.Positive change 人生中的好改变

30.Product 当地的一种产品

31.Relaxation 放松的方式

32.Room 最喜爱的房间

33.Season 四季

34.Special meal 你吃的一顿特别饭

35.Store 常去的商场

36.Story in childhood 童年听过的故事

37.Successful person 成功的人

38.Toy 玩具

39.TV program 电视节目

40.Vehicle 你想买的一辆车,要了解车的性能,价格,颜色等等

41.three-day holiday 三天假期

42.sth you learned from culture 另一种文化

43.wild animal 野生动物

44.adventurous person 一个冒险的人

45.small business you want to have 想从事的小生意

46.center 体育或某种中心
