

1、 避而不译,绕过难点;

36计走为上计:make oneself scarce 2、 用异语文化替代原语文化;

班门弄斧: Teach one's grandmother to suck eggs

3、 直译加注,传达形象;

东施效颦:"Tung Shih imitaging His Shih" * His Shih was a famous beauty in the ancient kingdomof Yueh. Tung Shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her ways." 4、 直译,保持形象;

姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩:Like Chiang Tai Kung fishing, they have case the line for the fish who want to be caught. 5、 直译加意译;

象藏着神灯的山洞为阿拉丁打开了门。 What a door of an Aladdin's cave it seemed to be..

6、在正文中引出典故情节. 英语数字的翻译

英语中的有些数词在汉译时可以等值翻译。但是,也有不少数词在汉译中不能等值翻译,或者完全不译出来。这种翻译处理方法是为了使汉译句子能符合汉语的表达习惯。以下分别举例说明。 (1)等值翻译:

a drop in the ocean沧海一粟 within a stone's throw一箭之遥

ki11 two birds with one stone一箭双雕 A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit..吃一堑,长一智。


at sixes and sevens乱七八糟 on second thoughts再三考虑

by ones and twos两两地,零零落落地

Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮。

--Can you come down a little? --Sorry, it's one price for all.

你能便宜一点卖吗?对不起,不二价. He had one over the eight after be drank only half bottle of

the wine。他才喝了半瓶酒就醉得七歪八倒了。


One man's meat is another man's poison.人各有所好。

I'll love you three score and ten.我会一辈子爱你的。

Ten to one he has forgotten it.很可能他已经忘了。

His mark in math is second to none in the class.


She is a second Lei Feng。她是雷锋式的人物。

I always believe my sixth sense。我总相信我的直觉。

He talks about you nine times out of ten when we have a chitchat.


The parson official1y pronounced that they became one。牧师正式宣告他们成婚。 I used to study in France in the year one。我早年曾在法国学习。


A fool and his money are soon parted. A good beginning makes a good ending. A miss is as good as a mile. A rolling stone gathers no moss. A stitch in time saves nine.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Actions speak louder than words. All that glitters is not gold. All's well that ends well. Ask and you shall receive.

Ask no questions and hear no lies. Birds of a feather flock together. Don't burn your bridges behind you. Don't change horses in midstream.

Don't cross the bridge till you come to it.

Doubt is the beginning, not the end, of wisdom.

Every man has a price. Faith will move mountains.

Familiarity breeds contempt. Forewarned is forearmed.

Good fences make good neighbors. Half a loaf is better than none.

He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.

History repeats itself. If the shoe fits, wear it.

If you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

It's an ill wind that blows no good. It's not over till it's over.

It's the early bird that gets the worm.

It's the empty can that makes the most noise. It's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. Make hay while the sun shines. Many hands make light work. Nature abhors a vacuum.

Never judge a book by its cover.

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Opposites attract.

Out of sight, out of mind.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Still waters run deep.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

The pen is mightier than sword. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Truth is stranger than fiction. Two heads are better than one. Variety is the spice of life. Waste not, want not. What will be, will be.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

You can't tell a book by its cover.

You cannot teach an old dog new tricks. 错译分析

第二节 言内因素和言外因素均可引致的错误 一 错解原意


You cannot choose your battlefield. The gods do that for you,

But you can plant a standard where a standard never flew. (Nathalia Crane: The colours) 一个大学英语专业三年级的学生译成: “你不能选择你的战场, 神灵已为你做了选择,, 然而你能树立一种规范,


原诗中的standard和colors都指“军旗”,但该学生对这两个词表示“军旗”的意义都不熟悉,且又未能结合上下文分析意思,抓住battlefield , fly这些词的暗示,因而错解了整节诗的意思。再如台湾电视台有一欢转播美国电视台直播的”三位宇航员升空的实况。宇航员说: “We are in good shape.”(我们情况良好。)台湾电视台的解说员乌龙却把这句话译成:“我们的'三围’很好”,并且还自作聪明地妄加按语,说美国宇航员真够幽默,上了太空还说笑话等等。懂英语的电视观众听罢为之哗然,纷纷往电视台打电话质询,闹成了一个大笑话。①下面是译者没有吃透原文的意思而造成了错译的例子:

Many a friend will tell us our faults without reserve, who will not so much as hint at our follies. (Lord Chesterfield :《Letters》, July l,1748)(许多在我们做蠢事时连提醒都不提醒我们一下的朋友,却会毫不客气地指出我们的过失。)”许多朋友愿意无保留地向我们指出错误,可是却不会同样地暗示我们的愚蠢。


This is some war! (这是一场大战!)”这是某种战争!

lcalI that some poem,(这可是首好诗。)”我把它叫作一种诗口 在更多的情况下,错解原意是由言外因素造成的。例如:本世纪20年代,当西方文学

和俄苏文学大量译成白话文介绍到我国时,英语中的drawing-room (客厅,即withdrawing room是客人饭后withdraw into的地方。)一词曾被译成“图画室”,这显然与当时西式建筑在中国仍属少见,译者不熟悉这种房间的用途有关,因为中国旧式民居中类似于客厅的堂“屋既是接待客人的地方,又是主人和客人用餐的地方。本世纪80年代的一位译者由于对基督教的《圣经》缺少最起码的常识,也曾把Old Testament和Holy Land分别译成“古代的塔斯曼”和“赫利兰”。②英国政府各部的首脑称Secretary of State(大臣)。在某些事务繁多的部,另设Minister (of State)(国务大臣),为副职,辅佐大臣工作。不熟悉这种制度的译者很可能会把Minister of Foreign and Commonwealth Office(外交和联邦事务部国务大臣)译成“外交和联邦事务部大臣”。 原语和译语文化在思维模式上的差异常使译者不假思索地犯下理解错误。例如,汉语里“上”一般同时间上的"早"、”先”相联系,(“上辈”、“上半夜”、“上去”等)而在英语里,“上”则正好相反,是同时间上的“晚”、“近”联系在一起的。有人把upper pa1eolitbic(旧石器时代晚期)误译成“旧石器时代早期”,就是因为末注意到这种差异的缘故。

文本间相关的性质与译者对原丈的理解之间有着密切的联系。例如:英国剧作家德鲁登(John Druten)的剧本《The Voice of the Turtle》在一家晚报上彼译成《乌龟的声音》。其实剧名中的Turtle是“turtle dove”的简称,整个剧名暗指《旧约·雅歌》第2章第II~12节:“因为冬天已往,雨水止住过去了。地上百花开放;百鸟鸣叫的时候已经来到,斑鸠的声音在我们境内也听见了。”所以该剧应译成《斑鸠之声》或《春到人间》才不悖原意。英国保守党前副主席、小说家Jeffrey Arche,的名著《The Prodigal Daughter》的书名也与《圣经》中的典故有关系,它仿拟the prodiga1 son(浪子)。因此应译成《浪女》才对,但却曾被错译成《豪华之女》。


There was nothing mass produced about the school, but if it was individualistic,it also had discipline。 (Agatha Christie:《Cat Among the pigons》),这所学校并不是大量出人才的。但如果说这所学 校强调个性,可是它也注意纪律。mass produced指“批量生产”,在注重个性的西方文化里含有某种贬义,译者错把它译成褒义的“大量出人才”,这中间不能说没有强调集体主义和数量的中国文化价值观在起作用。 二 使生误解


我国翻译界一直存在着一个非常普遍的问题,这就是违反“名从主人”的原则,音译专有名词的词尾,使得同一个专名有好几个译名,致使读者无所适从;有时甚至使人们本来熟悉的专名变得面目全非。例如,古希腊有一个山区叫Doris (多里斯)。按理说,这个山区里土生土长的部落应该叫“多里斯部落”,这个地区特有的一种柱式建筑应该叫“多里斯柱式”才对;可是许多译者却按英语Deris的形容词形式,把两者分别译成了“多里安部落”(Derian tribes)和“陶里克/多里克式”(Doric Order);意大利中西部的古国Etrusia (埃特鲁西亚)的人(Etruscans)被译成了“埃特鲁斯坎人”,再也看不出他们同自己生息之地的关系; Sassanid Persians (萨珊王朝彼斯人)被译成“萨萨尼德波斯人”;法国西北部地区Brittany (布列塔尼)的农民(Breton peasants)被译成“布列东的农民”。中世纪欧洲的一个国家Flanders (法语为la Flandre包括现比利时、法国、荷兰等地区), 14世纪初即为法国所占, 15世纪时成为勃良第公国领地。英法为争夺它打了“百年战争”,以法国战胜而告终。因为它长期处于法国统治之下,故应依照名从主人原则,按法语读音译成“佛兰德”,而不应按英语读

音译成“法兰德斯”。它的形容词和表示人的名称也应是“佛兰德的”和“佛兰德人”,而不应是法语的弗拉芒(Flammand )更不应该是英语的“佛来米”(Flemish)。然而,迄今为止,这三个不正确的译名仍在各种报刊书籍中混乱不堪地使用着。


Wesleyan这个形容词的词尾-an。Wesleyan College是为了纪念英国圣公会牧师、与其弟同创卫斯理宗的约翰·卫斯理(John Wesley, 1703-1791)而创立的一所女子大学。由于“卫斯理宗”这一译名已经约定俗成,所以该校应译成“卫斯理女子大学”才对。

使生误解的翻译有时是由译者对原语对象的性质缺乏了解造成的。例如:中外闻名的敦煌壁画常被译成the Dunhuang frescoes。其实fresco主要指文艺复兴时期意大利画家画的“湿壁画”,而敦煌壁画中并没有真正的湿壁画,因此,这种译法是错误的,正确的翻译应为the Dunhuang murals。

绝大部分让读者误入歧途的译文之所以产生,乃是因为译者不知道该译法在译语里的确切意义。试看以下的例子: 你的建议值得商榷。

正确译法:Your suggestion is open to question。

错误译法:Your suggestion is worthy of discussion( deliberation).


正确译法:They don't have much complaint about our work.

Or: They have no great opinion of our work. 人民文学出版社19xx年出版的《儒林外史》英译本中,“纸钱”(spirit money)被误译为paper money,而在英语中,paper money 指

的是“钞票”、“支票”、“汇票”等无息票据。 一家商店的英文广告把“人造裘皮服装”译成了human fur garments(人皮服装),也曾令顾客惊诧不已。 怎样问生肖或属相 --您是属什么的?

—Under what animal sign (or symbol) were you born?

or—What animal sign were you born under? —我属猪。 — Mine is Boar.

orI was born in the year of the Boar. ——明年是什么年?

—— What is next year's animal sign?

It's the Tiger.


