




教师职业是崇高的,教师职业是无价的。 有人把教师比做红烛,燃烧着自己,明亮了别人,甘作人梯,呕心沥血,献身教育,他们在各自的岗位上默默奉献着智慧的年华,培养造就出一代又一代国家栋梁和社会主义接班人。。同学们,师恩难忘,难忘师恩,在教师节来临之际,让我们为老师们送上自己内心深处最真诚的祝福吧,也许是简简单单的几句温馨话语,也许是自己亲手制作的教师节卡片,也许是集体为老师们开一个简短晚会。赶快动手吧,用自己的话语送去发自内心的祝愿,让鸿雁带走我们的祝福,飞往我们亲爱的老师的心中。拥有一颗感恩的心,我们会懂得去关心他人;拥有一颗感恩的心,我们就会拥有快乐,拥有幸福。相信同学们多姿多彩的想法,可以为这个特殊的节日增添更绚丽的色彩,让我们用同一旋律,谱写同一个心音:老师,您好!




Thanksgiving teacher

Flowers gratitude, because rain drops moist it grow. An eagle gratitude acrothe vast sky let it fly; because Alpine gratitude, because the earth; let it towering I'm thankful, many people... I'm grateful for my teacher.

From the beginning YiYaXueYu elementary children to open pupil, from the eager young to soar adults, from the layman to professionals from human knot rope chronicle until today the advent of the information age, the role of teachers gladne throughout the whole proceof human civilization. Just as one that consensus: social development on education, education development depends on teachers. The teacher's silent hardship changed vitality of human civilization.

The teacher's love, called the teachers and students emotion. This kind of feeling is the greatest serious affection. When I make a mistake and punished when I taught is teacher; When I met a difficult solution of a problem and sweat, for my careful interpretation is teacher. A praise of look in the eyes, make me extremely happy, Sentence warm greetings, make me feel the second kind of affection.

A teacher once remarked: we don't need too much honour and praise, we only like "teacher" this two word... These si-mp-le words is undoubtedly teachers common wishes, is their inner world the most true feelings outpourings. We thank teachers, Thanksgiving education hard in their inculcation, however, no more words of praise, admire flourishes, can compare with us with love and action to Thanksgiving teacher.

When I first with fear heart school, the teacher you stride in the sunshine smile to me. You will I comfort heart who fear brought to the school, brought to the rich and colorful campus, also taking into the palace of learning.

When I with doubts heart facing a problem for you patience careful to me about solving thinking. You will be those tiny confused, blocking the psychological brought to the questions, brought to the extrapolate trains of thoughts, also brought into 转载自百分网,请保留此标记gout infinite universe mathematics. When I with shame heart facing mistakes, you meaningful taught me the truth that be an upright person. You will those tiny little, ignorant heart brought to the correct truth, and brought me into my future should correctly with the wrong belief that brought from errors in the right direction in life.

When I face the failure with lost heart when you angel came to my side give me courage and hope. You will be those tiny injured and discouraged heart brought to the "confidence" "sky", bring into the vastneof the "ocean", also brought into after the door to success.

When I harbor the joyful heart treat success, your well-meaning remind give me by modest. You will those tiny proud, blundering heart brought to the lofty mountain ", "bring into the aspirant" water ", also brought into the world of self-improvement.

When I...

No matter what happens, I will you come with me face. Teacher, in my eyes you are fantastic. My heartfelt thanks to you, "thankful you, my teacher, Thanksgiving everything you have done for me!" Then, what is Thanksgiving? "Thanksgiving" is a person innate nature, is a person indelible conscience, but also the modern social successful personage health personality of performance, 1 even gratitude all doesn't know people must be is has a sincere heart callous terribly cruel. Will never become a contribution to society. "Thanksgiving" is a kind of grace grateful says, are each does not forget others who will entreat haunted heart emotion. Learn Thanksgiving, is to polish dust mind without numb, learn Thanksgiving, no thought to be submitted to the intravenous drip pay ever inscription in heart.

Thanksgiving teacher, does not need us to do something big. It displays in daily life the dribs:

Class, a firm's eyes, a gentle nod, proved your devote yourself, you in lectures attentively, this would be thankful;

After class, in the hallway see a teacher, a pale smile, a sound polite "teacher good", this also is gratitude












