
Hello everyone,my time is now. I'm JuYaoyao.Today is my great honour to stand here and attend the ellection for class committee. First ,I sincerely tank you for giving me this rare opportunity to

participate in our class with the commiust youth league cadres.Tank you very mch.

Sat below to see a few compain competitive speeches,I found

everyone are all outstanding ,energic and vibrant.Of course, They gave me some pressure. But wholehearted enthusiasm for the job I resisted this pressure, I believe that my wholehearted enthusiasm and diligent work of

pragmatic work style, competent class Communist Youth League functions. So I am confident.

Now,I com to talk about my blief of runing our class .As you can see ,we are all the best ,then I think we should do our best once we want to do.So I dream of making our class become the strongest class in shandong university.I do not be able to say that I'm the most capble. but if I was electe. to the class

communist .Youth lague. I'll do my best. When our classmates were in trouble I'll try my best to help you in no time.And in class work,I have three word to involue my thoughts about it .that is effiency,oreation and couperation. As we all know,cooperation is most importance in class work, so if I was elected,I'll do a good,trouble-shooter.so that our classmates more unity.

By this way,Our class will become more and more greater.

Finally,regardless. the out come,everyone are success,But I juse want to say,a word,give me a chance,I'll also give you a satisfied!

Thanks for listening.









