


一个新颖、生动、恰当而富有吸引力的题目有以下三个作用。第一,具有概括性。它把演讲的主题、内容、目的全面地反映出来。如毛泽东的《反对党八股》、《为人民服务》等演讲题目,一讲出来就让人明白内容和主题。第二,具有指向性。题目一讲出来,听众就知道你要讲的是哪方面问题,是政治性的、学术性的还是伦理道德的。第三,具有选择性。题目能在未讲之前就告诉听从你要讲什么。听众可以据此进行选择听或不听。 那么,应该根据哪些标准来选择题目呢?

标准之一,演讲的题目应能揭示主题。如,曲啸的演讲题目《心底无私天地宽》,一听就知道演讲的中心思想和主题是什么。 标准之二,演讲的题目应能提出问题。如,鲁迅的演讲题目《娜拉走后怎样》、《未有天才之前》等,听众听讲就可以一种浓厚兴趣进行思考,听时自然就容易理解。





英国一位演讲家曾讲过,一个好的题目是属于“怎样?”“是什么?”“为什么?”三方面。如:《学校怎样开设演讲课》,这属于“怎样”的,是解决疑难的题目;《为培养新人而努力》,是属于“是什么”的,是指出目的和办法的题目;,指出目的。初学者选题时按这个要求去检查,题目就容易有吸引力和积极意义。 第二,题目要有适应性。其一,要适应听众的实际。即选题考虑听众思想修养、文化水平、职业特点、阅历等,这样才能有的放矢。其二,要适应自己的身份。即要选择与自己所从事的工作性质、专业、知识面接近的题目,因为自己熟悉的东西容易讲深讲透,容易收到好效果。其三,要适应演讲的时间。即是要按规定的时间选择题目。如果规定的时间长,题目就可大些;时间短,题目就可小些。


第四,题目要有情感色彩。演讲者的演讲总是充满强烈的情感色彩,并把这种强烈的爱憎情感注入到题目里去,从而打动听众有一种情感的导向作用和激发作用。如鲁迅的《流氓与文学》、马克.吐温的《我也是义和团》等,其爱憎情感都是很鲜明的。 第五,题目要有生动性。演讲题目生动活泼,就能给人一种亲切感、愉悦感。像前面举的《老而不死论》、《象牙塔与蜗牛庐》等,都非常生动活泼。当然,生动活泼与否主要由主题和内容而定。严肃的主题和内容就不宜用活泼的题目,用了反而会冲淡和破坏演讲的战斗性和严肃性。



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Informative Speech Topics,

Remember these are ideas for informative speech topics, so you just want to inform your audience not to persuade them to take an action or try to convince them that something is "good" or "bad". You are just letting them know the facts.

1. the reality show phenomenon

2. stress and its effects

3. how traditional marriages have changed since the 60's

4. marriage rituals around the world

5. how humor heals

6. different meanings of gestures in different cultures (handshakes, hugs, kissing, etc

7. social impact of aids

8. the emotional aspects of going blind/deaf

9. seven deadly sins

10. compare/contrast dogs and cats

Persuasive Speech Topics

Remember these are ideas for persuasive speech topics, so you want to not only inform your audience but convince them to take an action or change their way of thinking. You are not just letting them know the facts.

1. video games do/do not promote violence

2. juveniles should/should not be tried as adults

3. adoptees should/should not have the right to know who their birth parents are

4. luck is/is not a matter of chance

5. exams give no real indication of ability

6. volunteering (it's a win/win situation)

7. love is more powerful than hate

8. parents should/should not be allowed to choose the gender of their children

9. marriage is/is not an outdated institution

10. force should/should not be used to protect human rights

11. assisted suicide should/should not be legalized

12. boarding school is/is not beneficial to children

13. cameras should/should not be placed in courtrooms to televise criminal proceedings

14. Hollywood has a positive/negative impact on society

15. governments should/should not censor material on the internet

16. the government should/should not impose a mandatory retirement age

17. the Olympic dream is/is not dead

18. parents should/should not be held legally responsible for their children's actions

19. schools should/should not require students to wear uniforms

20. it is/is not crucial to develop a career before marriage

21. animals should/should not be used in medical research

22. college students should/should not join a political organization of their choice

23. all farmers should/should not go organic

24. why we should/should not recycle

25. stop making excuses - be the success you can be

26. needle exchange programs should/should not be encouraged

27. become an activist

28. energy medicine should/should not be integrated into mainstream medical institutions

29. tobacco use should/should not be legal

30. unemployed people should/should not be made to work for their money

Controversial Speech Topics

Remember these are ideas for controversial speech topics, so you don't want to just inform your audience of the subject. You need to pick a side and make an argument that your view on the topic is the right one.

1. condoms should/should not be offered in universities

2. parental consent should/should not be required for underage pregnant women to have abortions

3. couples should/should not be banned from adopting children overseas

4. age discrimination should/should not be made illegal in the workplace

5. the sale and consumption of alcohol should/should not be illegal

6. assisted suicide should/should not be legalized

7. beauty contests are/are not harmful

8. corporal punishment is/is not a justifiable method of punishing children

9. violent video games should/should not be banned or restricted

10. alcohol has a greater negative impact on society than marijuana does

Good Impromptu Speech Topics

1. What moral issue best defines you?

2. What is the biggest effect of the internet?

3. Describe your worst experience

4. Discuss the most memorable event in your life

5. Is knowledge more important than wisdom?

6. Is a glass half full or half empty? Explain your choice.

7. Why are humans so fascinated with understanding the universe?

8. Does technology live up to its promise?

9. Three keys to a happy life

10. Reality TV shows

11. Beauty

12. You are what you eat/read

13. Love is a choice

14. Professional athletes are overpaid

15. Dogs are better than cats

16. Importance of communication

17. Speed dating

18. Your favorite holiday

19. Good grades matter

20. Everyone should be a volunteer

Funny Speech Topics

1. My Most Embarrassing Moment

2. Funniest Childhood Memory

3. A Time I Got Caught

4. How to Flunk Out of College

5. What Not to Say on a Date

6. What Not to Wear

7. Unbelievable but True!

10. Why Good Girls Love Bad Boys

11. Unhappily Ever After

14. How to Kill Your Creativity

15. How to Lose the Guy of Your Dreams

16. An Idiot's Guide to Cooking Frozen Dinners

17. Get Rich Quick

19. Out of the Mouth of a Child

21. My 15 Minutes of Fame

23. Michael Jackson/……: A Role Model for Today's Youth

25. A Time I Ran Away From Home.

31. Best Excuses for Missing Work

32. How to Cheat on a Test

33. Practical Jokes

34. April Fool’s Day

35. How to Screw up a Job Interview

36. How to Ruin a Good Thing

38. How to Fail at Dieting

40. How to Succeed in College without Attending Class

42. How to Survive on Minimum Wage

45. Blind Dates

47. How to Catch a Cheater

48. Everything I Needed to Know in Life, I Learned in Kindergarten

49. Guaranteed Ways to Ruin Your Credit

50. The Strangest Person I Ever Met
