China dream

China dream , my dream

Hi,my dear teacher,my little buddies,ladies and gentlemen.I’m the third speakers,my name is ×××,I come from medical school and my major is

Pathology.Today my lecture is about China Dream My Dream.

Just on this Friday, my good friends told me she would go to Seattle. I'm not surprised, she has

prepared for it almost 2 years. While I still was very sad, I would lost another intimate friend. For going to America, she doesn't like the actress in the movie of Finding Mr. right has conceived, she just wants to find a new different her, so I just only gave her my best wishes.

To the most young people in China today,

they are full of yearning of the US. Some of them think they can have a good future if they can stay a good atmosphere, meanwhile the US owns all. More important they have find people that are ordinary

aroud them realize their dreams in America and the dream called the American dream. It's marvellous.

In 2012, Xi Jinping general secretary led the Chinese new leadership to visit the national

museum of China "the road to revival " exhibition site, put forward the "China Dream ". He said the essential connotation of "Chinese dream " is to achieve prosperity, revitalize the nation, and bring about the happiness of the people. Soon afterwards, it causes a huge response in all sectors of

society.Some people support and some people

keep silent. I have remembered that one of the most popular 90s author Jiang Fangzhou writed one article and talked about this, she said the China Dream is not chinese dream, is only a dream of our country, because it doesn't focus on the real

common in china. It is thought-provoking. I believe some folks hold on different opinions. I just want to say that making you become better is also a contribution to our country.

Now let me talk about my dream. Like Martin Luther King, I also have many dreams, but don't like his so grand, they are ordinary. For example, I want to become the general, have my own team, and also

have a dream, I want to be the No. 1 at this

competition. In different stage of life, I have different dreams.I think it’s the dream which makes our life much better and let us be brave. So no matter your dream is big or small ,have one is much better than have none. While only having a dream is not

enough ,you must take action.Some people in our country always envy the successful men ,but they don’t want to do anything to change their

situation,the same as the people who always envy other countries but don’t want to do anything to

make contributions to their own country. The country is a big family, and we are the members of it, so everyone has responsibilities and obligations to make our country much happier. I think our china dream will come true if everyone of us make our best to do the things they should do. And my dream at this time today is telling everybody around me just do what you should do and let us have a look what will happen in the future.

Thank you !


第二篇:China Dream的通知


“China Dream”英语演说大赛的通知


为了满足当今社会激烈的竞争,增强学生自我学习意识,促进学生学习发展,拓展学生学习途径,积极营造良好的外语学习氛围,提升学生外语技能。外国语学院团总支、学生会讲举办“China Dream” 英语演说大赛。







初赛:4月2日 决赛:4月8日

四、活动方式 初赛

初赛为2分钟演说,形式均由选手自定(可选形式:演讲、朗诵、讲故事等),题目为China Dream热按评委根据选手演讲的语言、内容等多方面进行评分,得分最高的前十名进入决赛。(如果报名人数低于12人的,直接进入决赛) 决赛





备选题目:How to Define China Dream(如何定义中国梦)

How to Make China Dream Come True(如何实现中国梦)








2、如对比赛有疑问,可与外国语学院学生会学习部联系。联系人:朱小海158xxxxxxxx 请各班级、团支部接到通知后,按照通知及规则精心组织,认真落实,确保本次比赛取得圆满成功。

