
随着?开心农场?等娱乐游戏风靡互联网,?偷菜?遂瞬间蹿红网络,席卷网民生活。于是,?你‘偷’了吗??便成为大家见面的招呼语。很快,数百万都市白领都参与其中,每天在?偷?与防?偷?中乐此不疲,甚至定闹钟半夜起床?偷?菜。不少网络上的玩家还总结出?开心农场?带来的若干条启示,比如说:?不遵守时间是要付出代价的?;?当有人告诉你快去某某的菜地偷菜时,不要把他当成最亲密的战友,因为当你的菜成熟的时候,他也一定会这么告诉别人?。这些启示看似游戏中的小窍门,但颇有几分生活写照的韵味。 游戏给出了偷菜的功能,在游戏中偷菜,在偷菜中作乐,你偷我偷大家偷,偷的就是一个开心。 有的人认为从中找到了乐趣,而有的人则觉得这无聊的游戏让人迷失。首先?偷菜?只是农场类游戏里的一个功能,游戏还包括给小兔子喂萝卜、给作物浇水施肥等许多内容,这些都是寓教于乐,而且要经营好自己的农场,还需要一定的规划,这是有启迪思维作用的游戏中种菜、浇水、施肥等功能确实能为青少年等网民提供一个充满自然情趣的虚拟网络平台。有人认为?偷菜?互动游戏,泛滥至极,老少沉溺其中,消磨人的意志,误导青少年正确人生观的形成,社会负面作用远远超出愉悦身心的游戏初衷。 我觉得玩是可以玩,但是不能够沉迷其中,只要有个限度,不会浪费时间、影响作息,也没有关系。



Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:

I remembered vividly when my uncle visited the US several years ago. I had asked him to bring me a pair of Nike shoes. To be honest, having a pair of Nike shoes was an every kid’s dream at that time. It will be especially cool to have a pair from the US. However, when my uncle returned, I found the shoes were made in China. I was a bit disappointed of course. And this made me puzzled for quite a long time, an American brand made in China! Is it what we now call the globalization? Well, nowadays, we often see Chinese youngsters walking down the street with dyed blonde hair(染了的金发), wearing a New York Yankees sweater, trying to be cool like those American kids. With more and more cultural exchanges and technological developments, our generation has become more westernized. Some has described us as a generation coming of age with personal computers, digital videos, and general material prosperity(数字视频、一般的物质繁荣). The world, for us, is getting smaller and smaller. Through the Internet and mobile phones, the world is literally at our fingertips(世界简直就在我们). We can contact our friends around the world, we can travel from place to place, and we can even know what is happening on the other side of the world at the same moment. This is the benefit globalization has brought us.

Indeed, we have been given more opportunities than our parents have dared to dream. But what’s interesting is: globalization has offered us opportunities to accept and win over challenges, as well as challenges we can win to gain opportunities. This runs an enduring circle until we gain something absorbed. So what do we actually learn from those foreign countries, just their appearances, or their essence? A teacher of mine who used to work in the US told me once she drove from Chicago back to Washington, and she was caught in a traffic jam. There was an emergency line beside the regular route for the emergencies or the ambulances. But no one drove his or her car on it. I happen to recall a likely situation here that when we need to stay in a queue and waiting for a long time, everyone would be so hurry and get so close to each other that we even can hear people breathing or smell the flavor(味道) in his mouth! Why we are doing the same way while our younger generation has already looked more westernized? I suppose we are just learning or copying the shell (壳)of the advanced country from the western world. That makes our every effort to reach the essence of culture superficial and useless(肤浅和无用). But does this mean we just fetch the core of that culture out and directly plant it into our culture?(但是这是否意味着我们只抓取这种文化的核心直接印在我们的文化

中呢) As far back as a couple of years ago, great thinkers and philosophers both in the East and the West had dreamed of and anticipated the brilliant concept of “One World ”-----a world for all humans, without boundaries, all people living in harmony, peace and prosperity prevailing in every corner on earth. But does this mean all of the people should look the same or act the same way? I believe we need a combination, a combination of the advanced quality of those foreign countries and the traditional customs of ourselves. China is a country with more than 5,000 years history. We have plenty of ancient maxims(格言) that directed us morality, charity, and humanity(道德、慈善、人性). It is our duty to keep those customs for a long and never forget them. It is also challenges for us to combine the western culture with our traditional culture and make the combination with Chinese characteristic. Every single step will be a great progress toward that dream, a dream of our younger generation, to build the “One World”, to make it an integrated (综合)world for ourselves and for all generations to come.
