职场实用商务英语口语:演讲时如何避免冷场?(二) via安格英语




A: Aren’t you going to give us a training workshop next week? How are things going on your preparation for the presentation?


B: I’m having trouble narrowing down my topic for the training. I want to speak about how to improve our sales technique, but there is so much to say, it’s hard to get organized.

B: 我很难把培训的题目缩小。我想讲讲如何提高我们的销售技巧,可是要说的话太多,很难组织。

A: Our training group won’t be very large, so you will have more time to focus on more areas. We can cover a lot of ground in an hour and a half, if everyone is participating and paying attention.


B: I want to focus on some suggestions about making sales calls, and I was hoping to throw in a few role plays so that people get practice implementing the things I’m going to talk about. Do you think people will go for the role playing?

B: 我想重点对打推销电话提一些建议,而且我也希望再增加一些角色扮演活动,这样大家能把我要讲的内容实际应用一下。你认为大家会喜欢角色扮演吗?

A: I think some people may be a little shy to do role playing in front of the class… but if you are enthusiastic about your topic, you can help everyone to feel more at ease and willing to give it a try.



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在线英语培训领导者 为自己的演讲预留下一些Q&A环节多多操练。更多职场实用商务英语口语学习资料,可访问安格英语在线学习网站(/forum/forum.php)。

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第二篇:职场必备商务英语口语:如何传达坏消息 via安格英语





A: I got an email from our supplier yesterday about this quarter’s order…It

doesn’t look so good. Here, take a look.


B: “Dear Mr. Hardy, I am sorry to inform you that your shipment will be

delayed. Due to circumstances beyond our control, our warehouse has been temporarily closed. There has been a problem with fire hazard violations in our

industry and government officials have closed several warehouses without warning.” Wow, that’s a bummer.


A: So that means that we’ll be late in getting our order…


B: Did they say how long we have to wait until the order is filled?


A: Keep reading…

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B: “We deeply regret any inconvenience this has caused you, we apologize for this unexpected delay in the shipment of your order. We can assure you that this will not happen again. We expect normal shipment service to resume soon. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help in the meantime. Sincerely.” Looks like they don’t have a date for us when the order can be filled.


A: They say “soon”, but who knows how soon “soon” will be.


在本篇文章中,作者用到了诸如“I am sorry to inform you that”、“Due to

circumstances beyond our control” 、“It doesn’t look so good”等常用的来描述坏消息的句型。除了上文中用到的这些表达,安格英语老师还提供了一些常用句型,建议大家学习起来:

1. I am afraid there is more bad news.

2. I hate to tell you this, but…

3. I wish I could tell you differently, but what has happened has happened.

4. We can assure you that this will not happen again.

5. We are truly sorry to inform you about the results of your test.


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