
Ideal and Faith Ideal is defined as the valid and reasonable imagination of the things of future. And faith is the persistence of pursuing this imagination. The two aspects combine to form the chance of success. One person cannot succeed without having them.

Leo Tolstoy said: “Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction;Without direction, there is no life.”

Man with ideal is like bird with wings. Throughout the history, an uncountable number of men possess and struggle for their dreams lifetime long. The great chairman Mao had ideal and grand ambition since he was young. He revealed his dream by writing a poet to his father before leaving for study. The poet confessed his ambition because he would not return to hometown unless he achieves his goals. Embracing his ideal and working hard for his dreams, finally Mao became a wise leader. And our dear premier Zhou, who said “study for the raise of China” during his study time, astonished others at his ambition. His great ambition let he stand out from a wide range of students, and made his life extraordinary. The great people are great, because they possess dreams and make every effort to reach the goal. Songling Pu said: “Where there is a will, there is a way.” His words inspired many great people.

Ideal is not the only thing one should have in life. Besides, firm faith is a

must. Faith supports one’s life; it is difficult to imagine one’s life without the faith. The famous human rights movement leader Martin Luther King relied on persistent faith to oppose the racial discrimination, and strive for the equal rights for black people. The faith is the key leading to success. It is the most precious thing one can ever have. And the most terrifying thing is that one loses his faith. Belief is the air that one breathes, the water of a traveler, the sun in one’s heart. The faith leads to miracles, and the determination and courage to encounter every difficulty. However, not only the great ambition can be defined as ideal. Ideal does not matter on its greatness. Even for a little dream, as long as you move towards a direction, it can be called the ideal. And faith does not depend on its importance. Even for a little pursue, as long as you insist on it, it can be regarded as persistent faith. Ideal and faith are both essential. One man, with his ideal, and depend on his faith towards the goal, can he succeed on his brilliant life.





19xx年秋,日伪军3000多人对我狼牙山地区进行疯狂大扫荡。“红一团”在奉命转移外线作战。9月25日,我连六班马宝玉、葛振林、胡福才、胡德林和宋学义五位战士,为了掩护部队主力和人民群众转移,将敌人引向狼牙山绝顶,与数千日寇浴血激战一整天。在子弹打光后,面对汹涌而至的敌人和疯狂的叫嚣,五壮士临危不惧,宁死不屈,毅然砸碎枪支,在“中国共 产 党万岁!”“打倒日本帝国主义!”的口号中,纵身跳下悬崖,谱写了中国革命斗争史上一曲气壮山河的动人悲歌。战争年代,“五壮士”用鲜血和生命书写着爱党忠诚的革命信念。如今,传承“五壮士”精神,就是要听党话,跟党走,始终坚定忠诚于党的理想信念。 回顾党的光辉历程,感受祖国繁荣昌盛、欣欣向荣的今天;联想自己身边的变化,回首往事,思绪万千。深刻体会到党的伟大,党的政策英明。没有共 产 党,没有中国特色社会主义,就没有我们的今天。










忠诚, 一个永恒的信念,




