演讲稿 关于心态

We should use positive attitude towards


Ladies and gentlemen I am delighted to have the opportunity to present this presentation.

Several days ago, I saw a passage about a story --- a bottle had fallen down, with half of its water pouring out. To this scene, what do you think about it? In my opinion, there are two different react about the scene. Some people, feeling extremely sad, his hand covering his face, said “All is gone, so bad!” but others run happily to raise up the bottle and said with great gratitude “There is some water left .” Actually, a fallen bottle is a symbol of difficulty in life. In the face of life difficulty, in my view, we should adopt an optimistic attitude. Numerous examples can demonstrate the power of positive outlook. Of all ages, a lot of the famous people tell us: we should use positive attitude towards difficulty. The famous strategists Zhouyu and Zhugeliang faced the Caocao’s the great army, they don’t fear the difficulty and use the positive attitude towards it. Finally the famous strategists wined the battle which is the battle of red cliff. And we would never forget the day---12th May 2008. When the people covering the soil faced the disasters they used the positive attitude to think that they will be save next minute or next second. As well as the famous people in the world Hocking. Although he has the serous

disease, he still used the positive attitude towards the difficulty to study. Although he has the serous disease, he still used the positive attitude towards the difficulty to write.

In the whole life, life is not always full of smiles and flowers. We will face a lot of difficulties, maybe about work, maybe about friends, maybe about family. Although misfortunate can cause obvious losses, it also brings hidden opportunities which are only open to people with optimistic mind. For example, being laid off is a disaster for many employees, but for people, it is a reminder of necessity for an urgent improvement in their personality or expertise. Sensing the signal for change, those people will more quickly complete personal growth, a growth which provides a guarantee for healthier career development in the future . Have a rest to think about your career or life. Like myself: The first TEM 4 has finished, while the mark was a sad in my heart. And only one people passed the TEM4 in my class. Although I lose the first opportunity, I find the shortage about English study. I will find a better way to change my study ways. In common saying tomorrow is another day! I will try my best to study hard to get the TEM4 in 2013. Confront difficulties with joyful energy and enthusiasm, and you will find as the difficulties are really not as hard as they appear and they will disappear in due course.





英国著名文豪狄更斯曾经说过:“一个健全的心态比一百种智慧都更有力量”。这句不朽的名言告诉我们:有什么样的心态就会有什么样的人生,那么一个人要想成就一番事业,首先就必须树立成就的心态。也就是说,先要立志。要敢于去梦想,这样才有实现的可能。 首先是要激发起自己成功的欲望,在内心深处认定自己就是一个老板,既然认定自己就是一个老板,就要从言谈举止、学问见识、交际礼遇等方面来提升自己,完善自己,最后成就自己。

成功的起点在于相信自己,成功的终点在于坚持到底。一个人最大的敌人不是别人,而是自己,只有战胜了自己,才能向别人挑战。 别人能成功的事,自己肯定能成功。一个人如果没有了自信,那就跟死了一样,只不过还有一个躯壳而已。




