


台湾有个年青人,经过数年的拼搏后赚了不少钱。他准备到欧州旅游,入住一酒店,第一天早上醒过来,听到一阵敲门声。门一打开后有个侍应生很热情地跟他说:“good morning sir。”他没听懂。按照中国人的惯性思维,他在想:“是不是问我叫什么名字。”

于是他大声在说:“我叫陈阿土。”第二天早上他又听到一阵敲门声,门一打开后又见昨天的侍应生,这个侍应生又跟他说了一句:“good morning sir。”他有点生气了,“怎么这么笨呢?”于是他更大声地说:“我叫陈阿土。”

第三天早上令人恐惧的事情还是发生了。他又听到一阵敲门生,这个侍应生又跟他说了一句:“good morning sir”,他非常气愤地说:“我叫陈阿土。”当天晚上他睡不着了,他想弄个明白。于是他问旅游团的团长。团长说:“你才是笨蛋呢?人家问你早上好呢!”

他突然觉得很羞愧,我赚了那么多钱,怎么文化水平这么低呢?于是他准备学英语,他学的第一句话就是:good morning sir。第四天早上他在焦急地等待侍应生的敲门,因为他要把这句话用出来。所以当侍应生一敲门,门一打开后他立刻对侍应生说:“good morning sir”,侍应生听完后立刻说:“我叫陈阿土。”

这是为什么吗?因为在这个世界上不是你影响了别人就是别人影响了你。成功需要无比坚定的信念。信仰没有正确与否,只要适合你的,就是最好的。 我要送给大家第一句话,这句话是一个信念,那就是今天我必须成功。记住,是今天,不是明天,更不是高考。因为所有人生的成功,只能今天成功了,人生才有可能成功。“养兵千日,用兵一时”,千日折合起来正好是三年,高中三年的风风雨雨,酸甜苦辣,我们一同走过;用兵一时的胜利是我们流泪、流汗、流血后的期盼。



越来越临近的高考决定着同学们一生命运的成败荣辱。牵系着万千家长望子成龙、望女成凤的强烈期盼;也关联着学校发展的机遇和创名校的进程。 为了梦中的理想,为了一生的成功,我们没有借口,我们没有理由;我们只有努力,只有奋斗。为了理想而奋斗的人生是无悔的人生,相约无悔的青春,聆听高考的脚步


第二篇:演讲稿 关于心态

We should use positive attitude towards


Ladies and gentlemen I am delighted to have the opportunity to present this presentation.

Several days ago, I saw a passage about a story --- a bottle had fallen down, with half of its water pouring out. To this scene, what do you think about it? In my opinion, there are two different react about the scene. Some people, feeling extremely sad, his hand covering his face, said “All is gone, so bad!” but others run happily to raise up the bottle and said with great gratitude “There is some water left .” Actually, a fallen bottle is a symbol of difficulty in life. In the face of life difficulty, in my view, we should adopt an optimistic attitude. Numerous examples can demonstrate the power of positive outlook. Of all ages, a lot of the famous people tell us: we should use positive attitude towards difficulty. The famous strategists Zhouyu and Zhugeliang faced the Caocao’s the great army, they don’t fear the difficulty and use the positive attitude towards it. Finally the famous strategists wined the battle which is the battle of red cliff. And we would never forget the day---12th May 2008. When the people covering the soil faced the disasters they used the positive attitude to think that they will be save next minute or next second. As well as the famous people in the world Hocking. Although he has the serous

disease, he still used the positive attitude towards the difficulty to study. Although he has the serous disease, he still used the positive attitude towards the difficulty to write.

In the whole life, life is not always full of smiles and flowers. We will face a lot of difficulties, maybe about work, maybe about friends, maybe about family. Although misfortunate can cause obvious losses, it also brings hidden opportunities which are only open to people with optimistic mind. For example, being laid off is a disaster for many employees, but for people, it is a reminder of necessity for an urgent improvement in their personality or expertise. Sensing the signal for change, those people will more quickly complete personal growth, a growth which provides a guarantee for healthier career development in the future . Have a rest to think about your career or life. Like myself: The first TEM 4 has finished, while the mark was a sad in my heart. And only one people passed the TEM4 in my class. Although I lose the first opportunity, I find the shortage about English study. I will find a better way to change my study ways. In common saying tomorrow is another day! I will try my best to study hard to get the TEM4 in 2013. Confront difficulties with joyful energy and enthusiasm, and you will find as the difficulties are really not as hard as they appear and they will disappear in due course.
