Tough girl 女汉子 演讲稿

Tough girl

Good morning, everyone! It is my great honor to stand here to give you a speech. At the very beginning, I want to ask the girls a question: Have you ever called yourself an “nvhanzi”. You don’t need to give me the answer. Based on my observation, only quite a few girls in my class never have this experience.

There is a joke on the Internet that people are divided into three types: Boys, girls and “nvhanzi”. It is ironical, isn’t it? But actually, nowdays, “nvhanzi” has become a commendatory term. We use it frequently, but do you know how to translate it into English? What kind of criteria to judge an “nvhanzi” and how should we evaluate the popularity of this term? It seems that most of you have no ideas about these questions, so I am here to give you an explicit explanation about these questions.

Since we are majoring in English, it would be better for us to know the translation of Chinese “nvhanzi”. There are many versions. Macho girl? Tomboy? Masculine girl? Manly girl? Some Chinese even put a hyphen between “wo” and “man” to distinguish the difference between “nvhanzi” and woman. But the one which has been widely recognized by the public is “tough girl”

What kind of girl can be defined as a tough girl? This one? This one? Or this one? Different people have different views. In my opinion, tough girl should be those who are very independent. When they have problems, they would rather solve them by themselves than turn to others for help. They dislike shopping and making up. What’s more, they are also quite intelligent but they do never know how to coquetry. But my opinion could not represent your idea, so I search the Internet and in Baidu Baike I found that there are 20 rules to test whether you are a tough girl or not. Look through it quickly and find how many of them have you ever done. If your answer is less than 10, you are a girly girl. The girl whose answer is between 10 and 15 can be called a tough-girl-to-be, and a standard tough girl should be those whose answer is more than 15.

I have no idea how many of you have paid attention to the buzzwords of 2013. The fact is that tough girl is one of them. Why more and more girls like to call themselves tough girls? From a psychological point of view, just as the doctor Yuan Yonggui from Southeast University said, “For girls, especially those beautiful girls, being masculine can increase the probability of being accepted and welcome by others. It is also a way of self-comforting and self-mockery, an indicator of good mental health.

Before I end my speech, I want to share with all of you particularly those tough

girls in my class a famous sentences said by Luo Yonghao, “A tough life needs no explanation!”




尊敬的各位领导,各位评委老师,现场的观众朋友们: 大家好!



那一刻,我真正懂得了我的爸爸,一个没有读过多少书, 一个脾气有些暴躁的男人,在过去的二十多年里倾注了多少梦想和希望在我这个并不受欢迎的女孩身上。也就是从那一刻起,我告诉自己,我一定要出人头地,我一定不能让爸爸





上女孩遭受歧视的情景,我看到遭遇暴力后女孩心碎的哭泣。 或许,大家以为我是女孩,所以才会如此关爱女孩,或许大家以为女孩正在遭受不公,我们才需要关爱女孩,可是,仅仅是这样吗?我这里有一张图片,讲的是二十四孝中唐夫人乳姑奉亲的故事。唐夫人是唐朝节度使崔南山的祖母,在她年轻的时候,看到自己的婆婆年迈已高,牙齿脱落,不能吃五谷杂粮,心疼婆婆,便用自己的乳汁来喂养婆婆,充分体现了儿媳妇对婆婆的一片孝心,旁边有个小孩,光着屁股,打着肚兜,很显然是吃奶的年龄,却被仆人用拨浪鼓给赶走了,小孩也很懂事的与母亲作别,一幅妻贤子孝的景面。上而雕刻了玉兰花代表玉堂,莲花代表清廉,牡丹代表富贵,下面还有猫雕家雀,家雀的翅膀张开就像蝴蝶一样,猫蝶取谐音为“耄耋”,我们说六十花甲,七十古稀,八十耄,九十耋,就是说只有在这们一个妻贤子孝的家庭中,才会出现玉堂清廉富贵高寿的场景,同时说明一个女人在一个家庭中的重要作用。

