






出版日期:20xx年7月第1版 印次:20xx年6月第2次印刷 书号:ISBN 978-7-80206-481-2

初次读这本书的时候我还只不过是一个朦胧的孩子,也可以说那是我初中时代寥剩无几的记忆了,很久以后的今天怎么也想不起当初为什么会选择读这本书了?是对一片属于成人世界的好奇;还是一颗无污染的心灵在寻找着未知生活区的洗礼?忘了…… 只知道相信柏拉图式爱情的存在,追崇存在于真实世界之外的真理的年代读过这本书后,落在书页上的那几滴淡淡的泪也许正是给予主人公悲惨命运最大的慰藉!

这部小说对于我来说就是这样的走了进去,之后每当看见《苔丝》出现在眼前的时候都会毫不犹豫的对自己说:“我已经看过了,主人公的命运很惨,不用再看了”。 就是这样曾经无数次的与它擦肩而过,再也没有想过去重新品味它的苦与涩!直到前些时候老师要求我们去看《野性的呼唤》、《海狼》、《马丁〃伊登》、《苔丝》、《名利场》、《嘉莉妹妹》的时候,其中《海狼》、《苔丝》、《名利场》都比较熟悉,也许是因为曾经都多多少少的看过点。可回想到《苔丝》的时候突然感



《苔丝》这部小说以苔丝的经历为主线,共分7部(1 妙龄少女、2 清白难留、3 振作精神、4 终身大事、5 女人总是吃亏、6 皈依宗教者、7 完结) 共59章。



争取更高的荣誉感,最后它胜了,可它又得到了什么呢?万丈的悬崖也许更是它胜利的句号。对于杰克〃德贝菲尔来说爵士世家也许可以成就他些什么,可现实会允许他就这样轻易的把自己埋入德伯维尔武将的祖坟吗?这样的荣誉又能给他家带来些什么呢?当那个贵族也是冒牌的时候,苔丝·德贝菲尔离开冒牌的贵族,回到家乡的消息,以及关于她与冒牌贵族之间的关系,很快就传开了。人们对此议论纷纷,苔丝就连教堂都不敢上了。(第2部分 13章 书41页)这也许正是生活的公平所在,你也许在一些方面得到了些什么,可你肯定会在另些方面失去点什么。也许这正是苔丝悲惨的人生的一个开场语,亚雷克也许并不是苔丝悲惨命运的真正元凶,在资本主义刚刚开始袭击农村生活的年代,亚雷克更多扮演的也许只是现实生活的一个表演者。


可我还是没有做到。今儿早上,当你在楼梯口提出我们要相互坦白过错的时候,我也没有能讲出来——我真是个罪人哪!可是现在,我看到你这么深情严肃地坐在这儿,我一定得讲了。我不知道你还不会宽恕我?”(第4部分 34章 书103-104页)这些美丽的谎言对一个没有故事没有过往的苔丝来说也许就不是谎言了,现实往往也是谎言的最大掀秘者,可虽然如此,苔丝还是有着她独具特色的纯净。安机正是因为苔丝独具特色的纯净才爱上她并向她求婚。可是当苔丝向她所爱的人坦白她那受伤的过去时,克莱尔犹豫了,对爱人的不理解和对感情的不坚定让她最终选择了离开。苔丝心碎了,当她帮她的伤口小心翼翼的展现在所爱的人的面前时,她希望的是理解,是原谅。可是爱人却狠心的在弱小的苔丝的伤口上洒了一把盐。这些也许上天早已注定,只不过天真的苔丝在和命运做最后的较量。人生不如意十之八九,可对于脆弱只能被人欺凌的苔丝来说也未必太苛刻,一波未平一波又起的苔丝人生,对于一个这样的弱女子来说也许只能是接受这样残酷的现实,如此荒谬的现实人生,最后的逼迫也只能作为别人的情妇飘摇于世。想如今灯红酒绿的胭脂巷内的人们,难道她们生来就情愿如此吗?没有谁愿意顶着臭名甘为第三者吧?平常人家的生活被追寻了千世万年。所谓“小河流水人家”不令人向往吗?也许这些克莱尔都可以给予苔丝的,可是他自私了,也许不是他自私了,是所有的人都自私了,扼杀苔丝的人永远都是那些站在远方看着故事感动的哭的人。



“可我那亲爱亲爱的丈夫回来找我了??而我却不知道!??你一直残酷的愚弄我??老是不肯罢休——是的——老是不肯罢休!你总说我妈妈需要什么,我弟弟妹妹需要什么——总说用这些话打动我的心??说我丈夫永远也不会回来了;一辈子也不会回来了????”(第7部分 56章 书182页)也许这正是苔丝的心声吧!现实面前她妈妈要的东西对于她来说也许就是天上的星,她弟弟要的东西也许就是井底的月,可是淳朴美丽善良的苔丝是一个孝女,所以她在牺牲自己,为自己的母亲摘天上的星,拥有着自然给她塑造的慈善的心也促使着她要下井为弟弟捞月……!已经被熏黑的现实腐蚀了心灵的人们,谁又曾来关心过这个被大自然遗弃的女儿呢?这无疑正是古老的宗法制农村在资本主义势力侵蚀下瓦解的佐证!


离别......,等待......,彷徨......,后悔...... 虽然苔丝和克莱尔最后度过了五天美好的时光,可是,为爱复仇的苔丝结局依然悲惨。爱是伟大的,是无私的。如果你深爱一个人,就应该接受她的过去,因为过去也是她的一部分,是她心灵的一部分。如果你不能接受她的过去,就永远无法走进她的内心,她那颗深爱你的心。情到深处是理解,爱到深处是包容,因为爱,可以让我们的心像蓝天大海一样宽广,一样无私。因为爱的温度能溶化一切。因为,爱是我们生活在这个世界上唯一的理由。





Rebellion and Cowardice

--------On Tess of the d’Urbervilles

Thomas Hardy , novelist and poet, is one of the representatives of English critical realism at the turn of the 19th century. And Tess of the d’Urbervilles is one of his most successful novels. Hardy cannot solely be labeled as a Victorian novelist,nor can he only be categorized as a Moderist. As a traditional writer, Hardy was determined to explode the conventions of nineteenth-century literature and built a new kind of novel in its place. In many respects, Hardy was trapped in the middle ground between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, between Victorian sensibilities and more modern ones, and between tradition and innovation.

1.Brief Introduction

Tess of the d’Urbervilles was published om 1891. It is generally regarded as Hardy’s tragic masterpiece, and certainly it is his most ambitious tragic novel.

As a pure , loyal , intelligent, strikingly attractive young woman, Tess is the central character of the novel. At the begining of this story,Tess lived in a small village peacefully. Tess’s father was a poor countryside hawker , who was lazy and constantly excessive drinking . Tess’s mother was a dairymaid ,whose mind was very simple. They were pitiful creatures who were always feeling after the vanity. Just as such terrible parents became the setter of Tess’s tragedy. Incidently, Tess’s father discovered a link to the noble of the d’Urbervilled. Therefore, Tess was sent to work at the d’Urbervilles mansion. And then,Tess was seduced by a so-called gentleman----Alec. Unfortunatelly, her ideals cannot prevent her from sliding further and further into misfortune after she becomes pregnant.

Forced by the gossips and the church’s blame, Tess thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past, she decided to go to a distant diary farm but still thought she was of guilty. Maybe God didn’t approve of this, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart----Angel Chare. They loved each other deeply.Somehow, Tess agreed to marry Angel. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess. She sat and told her past to Angel, and hoping to be forgiven. But she was wrong and Angel didn’t listen to her explanation at all .

Without Angel’s love, nothing meant anything to her. Alec found Tess again and forced her to stay with him. At last, Tess couldn’t bear it and killed Alec. Everything was changed. Tess was arrested for her murder eventually. And this story was ended with the death of Tess.

2.Tess’s rebellion

Tess is a rebelled girl. First of all, she never yeilded to pressure from the society. The contest between corruption and innocence takes place not only in a field, but also in the human’s heart. In Tess’s life, there are two men----Alec and Angel. Both of them have a great influnence to change her fate. Tess is a pure girl tangled up to the tragedy web which is delineated by the imposed fate. That is too unfair to accept by anyone. But Tess never gives up.

Alec is a devil young man who does everything he can to seduce Tess when she works for his family. And he does not try to hide his evil. At the begining of this book, he

promises to provide for the family that brings Tess to “sell” herself to him. It is Alec who not only ruins Tess’s virginity, but also destroys her happy life. Alec is not only sensual, but also arrogant and physically strong. He believes that winning a woman requires force, not affection and love. Disregarding Tess’s revolution, Alec considers women as carnal objects rather than as equal human’s worthy of affection. Then, he believes he is different from the ancestors, since he has power over her while they do not but in fact he is just like them, using his power like a God although his is quite hollow. He promises empty advantages to her, like the wealth she eventually receives from him, that can never be more important than love. Facing Alec’s force, Tess trys her best to rebel him. And, after the seducing, Tess decided to leave Alec and work for a distant diary farm. She uses her action to prove her rebellion to the world.

Secondly, Tess kills Alec at last. This thing shows her rebellion again. When Tess refuses to marry Alec despite the social advantage the match would give her, and refuses his offers of help because she does not sincerely love him, we see her as more than an unwitting victim: her integrity and courage make her heroic. Thus, in the latter part, as Angle returns with renewed loyalty and love for Tess, it becomes apparent that Alec’s trick has considerably broken down Tess’s loyalty to Angle. Torn apart, her shame and grief cause her violent side to explode; Tess now kills her lover in a murderous rage out of love for her husband. Whether intentional or not, Tess has fulfilled Angle’s proclamation that they cannot be together as long as Alec is alive. Her newfound activity may not save her; indeed, her punishment for the murder, presumably death by hanging, will snap her neck

just like she snaps the necks of those pheasants. Nevertheless, it may be preferable to her earlier passivity, providing her with a nobler way to face her fate.

In a word, Alec of the representatives of the bourgeoisie, he has a bourgeois state apparatus, law, and ethics, as a backup. Wealth can rely on the law and not easily bullied and on the playing Tess. Tess and his contradictions, it can also be said that the workers are oppressed and the specific performance of the entire capitalist social contradictions. Tess beginning of his attitude is very clear, she publicly declares his obnoxious. Later, at a farm, she puts up a struggle to him. Finally, she curses him to ruin her life. She ignores the bourgeois legality and morality, on the feelings of great anger to kill him. Her reaction is a heavy attack to the dark society.

3.Tess’s cowardice

Tess has a definitely rebeled charactor. at the same time, she is coward. This charactor is also showed on two aspects. First, her love for Angel. In great contract to Alec, Angel wins Tess’s heart by sweet words and kindness. In fact, he is a more complicated person. As a typical nineteenth century progressive representative, Angel rejects the values handed to him, and sets off in search of his own. His disdain for tradition which is an independent spirit contributes to his aura of charisma and general attractiveness. He thinks of this at the time of the British bourgeoisie humanitarian and historical conditions, bourgeois rule in a very brutal, very tragic life of the peasant class, a certain progress is meaningless. However, it must be pointed out is that he has not really jump out of his area against the old moral values, He has not really despised from the class prejudices. He decides to stand for the bourgeois ideology and his inevitable departure from the selfish interests. Although he goes

to the farmers to learn farming techniques, but his real purpose is to the future. Although he claims to be independent judgment opinion, once the thing is a very crucial stage, he is still upholding the decadent bourgeois social customs and moral hypocrisy.

Angel loves Tess because he thinks that she is sweet and pure. Tess’s denial of him shows she is concerned about her past. To Angel, her denial seems to signify that Tess is even more virtuous than he thinks of. Somehow Tess agrees to marry him. She is so afraid to lose her husband that makes her life restless all the time. Later on, when she knows a similar error in Angel’s past “eight-and forty hours” dissipation with a stranger in London, she securely makes her confession and hopes to get Angle’s forgiveness. Tess has thought although Angel didn’t find the letter under the carpet he can forgive her and then they will live a happy life together. But Angel, who proves himself more judgmental and inflexible than his parent, is blind by his failure to accept Tess for who she really is. He takes Tess’s transgression as a personal attack on him, which makes him unable to see her clearly. The idealized, pure vision of Tess is destroyed. Angel has the same past as Tess’s, but he cannot forgive Tess as Tess forgives him. He no longer sees the woman he once has seen and has married only hours ago. For him, the lover who’s beloved has been transformed in his mind from the embodiment of purity into the tarnished reality of a fallen woman.

Second, her second stay with Alec also presents her cowardice. While enduring the abanded life, as Tess struggles with Alec’s temptation , her need for Angel, becomes more and more desparate. If Angel were to return to her and do his duty as her husband, her problems would greatly diminish. She writes to Angel and pleads that he not judges her on her irretrievable past. Tess’s situation thus makes her very vulnerable to Alec’s persuasions.

She is obviously heartbroken and needs to be loved more than ever. She is also distraught by her family’s ever-worsening financial situation. Alec’s reasoning seems more valid to Tess than it has in the past. In a way, Tess and Alec are similar in that they have both fallen and ask for forgiveness for their indiscretions. After a long wait for Angel’s reply, but nothing, Tess begins to realize that Alec may be her only hope. She gives up all hopes and becomes Alec’s mistress for the sake of her family.

Tess’ love is not given the spirit of transcendence and physical beauty, but with the loss of self-emaciated blind and miserable, unrealistic to imagine that there is no hope with the chessboard, and all are attributable to the self - destiny of the fate and helplessness. Her life is not worthwhile to an attachment that her man and this is a profound tragedy. When she feels the opinions of all the sacrifices so insignificant, as all acts of levity, finally decides to angrily rebel. Of course, Tess once expressed her plainness angrily by the last letter to Angel under a completely disappointed condition.


Tess of d’Urbervilles is a great work. Tess is one of Hardy’s most sympathetic protagonists. She is as likeable as a literary charactor found in all of English literature. Readers come to understand her plight and her acceptance of the seemingly inevitable things that happen to her. Not once during the novel does Tess exhibit any traits that take away from Hardy's portrayal of her as a good person. As a result, by the end of the novel, we wish for a happy ending for Tess and Angel, but we know that not all stories end on a positive note. Nowadays women’s situations have become much better. Some are

because of the change of society and some are because of civilization. Just let those poor painful women like Tess be just a memory.
