

《三大傻大闹宝莱坞》是一场关于有理想的人的追梦旅程。故事以两个好朋友在寻找多年不见的好兄弟兰彻的过程中展开的回忆:讲述十年前兰彻顶替他人来到皇家工程学院ICE 的故事。这是一所印度传统的名校,这里的检验学生的唯一标准就只有成绩第一,成绩不好就意味着没有未来!而兰彻却不随波逐流,他用他的善良、开朗、幽默和智慧影响着周围的人。他用所学的物理知识来教训野蛮的学长,他用智慧打破了学院墨守成规的传统观念。最后他用智慧成为了印度科学界的一位天才科学家,具有400多项专利,他实现了自己的梦想,也做回了真正的自己。这部电影涵盖了众多领域:亲情、友情、爱情、家庭、学校、教育、社会、婚姻、信仰、智慧、德行。所以我觉得有必要花一些时间来阐述我对这部电影的理解。









整部电影,给我印象最深的一句话是“All is well”(一切安然),这也是兰彻最常说的话。“心很脆弱,你得学会去哄他,不管遇到多大困难,告诉你的心‘一切顺利’ ”,是啊,遇到不如意的事,就对自己说“All is well”,这虽然不能解决问题,却能给我们勇气,坚定我们的信心。这也是最激励我的话,不管生活多么艰难,我们都不要失去向上的信心。总而言之,对于我们即将离开菁菁校园的莘莘学子而言,有一个好的心态,找到自己的兴趣爱好顺势而为借势而生!



中国教育制度是一个杯具。 其实我自己也是一个很独立自由的人,我并不怕什么,抨击中国教育制度,现在很多人都这样,也不少了我,所以我不怕。当代有“韩寒”,我喜欢我顶,那个时候我们有自己学习的“鲁迅”,我们还过的文章有“血馒头”,而今天我也必须那玩意来好好的装饰一下中国教育,中国教育现在就是一个“四不像”而形象代言是“草泥马”这个宠物名字,其实在上面我就提到了中国应试教育的弊端,而我们都成为了中国应试教育的牺牲品,国家也不断的出台什么政策,但是总感觉没怎么大的动静。他们肯定会说,我们从一个国家的角度去改变的,而不是一下子能够转变过来的。而我想要说的是:观念思想的改变,而真正我写到这里,我发现,这也不是中国教育的全部责任,这是“中国全民文化素质”不高的原因。所以要更新,而更新怎么做,我不说,你们都懂的。理性的思考一下,(抨击了也要维护嘛,毕竟我是中国人嘛!)其实中国的教育制度并没有那么悲观,只是好多人,像我们这种“实验品”就痛恶,所以才这样极力的抨击。其实在咱们国家的教育制度下,能走出来的人确实不多,但是不代表它就是失败的,不理性的;也不代表我们就要去抨击它。因为在这种变形的制度下,如果真的存在这样一种人,他(她)能适应它,接受它并且从这种制度下走出来,那他一定是世界级最优秀的不可多得的人才。游戏规则,就是优胜劣汰;因为这种人需要比其他国家的人才多许多大的智慧,他会更加辩证,更加成熟,认识问题更加知性,并且更加柔和中庸。很多人说国外好,好在哪里呢?还不是同一个太阳,同一个月亮!国外的很多科学家,数学家都是精神病。这种社会分工的极端化,在咱们东方人的思维来看,还是不能接受的。所以,说明中国的教育制度不是落后,不是封建,它是最适应当代中华人民共和国国情的,最适应中国生产力的发展速度的一种培养人才的制度,它凝聚了更多的深层智慧,代表了更难,更有趣的游戏规则。懂得游戏规则的人,他(她)就会站在顶峰。



Now more and more children can't do your own thing, since the childhood by parents give a lot of pressure, such as we have to do, you will find out more money in the future, and live a comfortable life. If they do not listen to parents' words, thought to the child not filial piety, given the title of bad children, in fact not exactly like this, although some children is definitely to bad development, but as long as we be reasonable, according to our own ability, good at study, play our director, after all, the interest is the best teacher! Don't force yourself to do the thing out of the ability, and several parents is willing to listen to the child's voice? Why parents teacher didn't want to listen to the child's voice? From the movie to see be social competition is too big, the teacher all parents see only now most lucrative industry, don't want to want to their children like it or not, until their child force no choice, and the choice of suicide, they also didn't realize own is indirect killer... Also cannot say that they think is all wrong, actually in their view is good for children, but three hundred and sixty line, line do have a master, as long as the director of the child play, learn each line can also make money, maybe they experience tell yourself, be sure to let the children learn their lessons, and their thoughts to impose children, in fact you also know, although learning is necessary but you to do so can the child when machine, in addition to eat, sleep is to learn, killing the child's naive, let the child to you when they are older can not have a memorable happy childhood,That they have no friends, worry and happiness are not share, perhaps you will say that there are you, and for children to them is the machine, you is how can you exchange with operator? You also don't want to think when you are arranged do you don't like the work of the mood? You need help find person appears despair ah!!!!! You think only of stronger, but never thought other people's mood. Although for children to learn is necessary, but we also want to give children the free time to show children of France, and guide the children to play their talent, until they have certain knowledge base to let them after good at the direction of development, don't let them and their body, graduation for I don't know what you like, learn what, do what, there are parents GanReNao blindly, think now what major good money will force their children to learn, this really don't reason, do not measured in money their children is not useful, want to know that the interest is the best teacher, to learn which doors can do, we advocate original not retrograde boating, want to know who can carry boat and the fingers, parents, teachers should guide and help children to the angel of the travel farther direction!!!!!As the play as college students, we also just so so! But in many are limited to the expectations of parents and teachers as they have three different college students, they ar

e iron brother, good elder brothers, they blame, win together, you would stand up in when, regardless of his personal gain or loss not potential and the spirit really worth we pursue, this friendship where to find? So we need to have a friend sincerely give each other and help!!!!! But they are all positive direction to instead of negative, is it necessary for us to learn from them many things. Which, in their country when they learn that the professional is the most lucrative but are not they like, of which only a like engineering, have a like photography, there is a love, but their family circumstances also and bad, all parents to let them to change your fate, but the two children no matter how effort than like the professional good children, they can let the teacher parents collapse, but in adversity they finally toward their like career development and all win, win the teacher thumbs up!The movie movie gives me the greatest inspiration is to learn what I like, do me good at things, don't get bogged down in the fund, as long as the positive can turn to its development, more taxes sincere friends, friends and mutual help and do what I can, and friends to create their own a piece of earth and heaven!!!!!Now more and more children can't do your own thing, since the childhood by parents give a lot of pressure, such as we have to do, you will find out more money in the future, and live a comfortable life. If they do not listen to parents' words, thought to the child not filial piety, given the title of bad children, in fact not exactly like this, although some children is definitely to bad development, but as long as we be reasonable, according to our own ability, good at study, play our director, after all, the interest is the best teacher! Don't force yourself to do the thing out of the ability, and several parents is willing to listen to the child's voice? Why parents teacher didn't want to listen to the child's voice? From the movie to see be social competition is too big, the teacher all parents see only now most lucrative industry, don't want to want to their children like it or not, until their child force no choice, and the choice of suicide, they also didn't realize own is indirect killer... Also cannot say that they think is all wrong, actually in their view is good for children, but three hundred and sixty line, line do have a master, as long as the director of the child play, learn each line can also make money, maybe they experience tell yourself, be sure to let the children learn their lessons, and their thoughts to impose children, in fact you also know, although learning is necessary but you to do so can the child when machine, in addition to eat, sleep is to learn, killing the child's naive, let the child to you when they are older can not have a memorable happy childhood,That they have no friends, worry and happiness are not share, perhaps you will say that there are you, and for children to them is the machine, you is how can

you exchange with operator? You also don't want to think when you are arranged do you don't like the work of the mood? You need help find person appears despair ah!!!!! You think only of stronger, but never thought other people's mood. Although for children to learn is necessary, but we also want to give children the free time to show children of France, and guide the children to play their talent, until they have certain knowledge base to let them after good at the direction of development, don't let them and their body, graduation for I don't know what you like, learn what, do what, there are parents GanReNao blindly, think now what major good money will force their children to learn, this really don't reason, do not measured in money their children is not useful, want to know that the interest is the best teacher, to learn which doors can do, we advocate original not retrograde boating, want to know who can carry boat and the fingers, parents, teachers should guide and help children to the angel of the travel farther direction!!!!!As the play as college students, we also just so so! But in many are limited to the expectations of parents and teachers as they have three different college students, they are iron brother, good elder brothers, they blame, win together, you would stand up in when, regardless of his personal gain or loss not potential and the spirit really worth we pursue, this friendship where to find? So we need to have a friend sincerely give each other and help!!!!! But they are all positive direction to instead of negative, is it necessary for us to learn from them many things. Which, in their country when they learn that the professional is the most lucrative but are not they like, of which only a like engineering, have a like photography, there is a love, but their family circumstances also and bad, all parents to let them to change your fate, but the two children no matter how effort than like the professional good children, they can let the teacher parents collapse, but in adversity they finally toward their like career development and all win, win the teacher thumbs up!The movie movie gives me the greatest inspiration is to learn what I like, do me good at things, don't get bogged down in the fund, as long as the positive can turn to its development, more taxes sincere friends, friends and mutual help and do what I can, and friends to create their own a piece of earth and heaven!!!!!As the play as college students, we also just so so! But in many are limited to the expectations of parents and teachers as they have three different college students, they are iron brother, good elder brothers, they blame, win together, you would stand up in when, regardless of his personal gain or loss not potential and the spirit really worth we pursue, this friendship where to find? So we need to have a friend sincerely give each other and help!!!!! But they are all positive direction to instead of negative, is it necessary for us to

learn from them many things. Which, in their country when they learn that the professional is the most lucrative but are not they like, of which only a like engineering, have a like photography, there is a love, but their family circumstances also and bad, all parents to let them to change your fate, but the two children no matter how effort than like the professional good children, they can let the teacher parents collapse, but in adversity they finally toward their like career development and all win, win the teacher thumbs up!The movie movie gives me the greatest inspiration is to learn what I like, do me good at things, don't get bogged down in the fund, as long as the positive can turn to its development, more taxes sincere friends, friends and mutual help and do what I can, and friends to create their own a piece of earth and heaven!!!!!Now more and more children can't do your own thing, since the childhood by parents give a lot of pressure, such as we have to do, you will find out more money in the future, and live a comfortable life. If they do not listen to parents' words, thought to the child not filial piety, given the title of bad children, in fact not exactly like this, although some children is definitely to bad development, but as long as we be reasonable, according to our own ability, good at study, play our director, after all, the interest is the best teacher! Don't force yourself to do the thing out of the ability, and several parents is willing to listen to the child's voice? Why parents teacher didn't want to listen to the child's voice? From the movie to see be social competition is too big, the teacher all parents see only now most lucrative industry, don't want to want to their children like it or not, until their child force no choice, and the choice of suicide, they also didn't realize own is indirect killer... Also cannot say that they think is all wrong, actually in their view is good for children, but three hundred and sixty line, line do have a master, as long as the director of the child play, learn each line can also make money, maybe they experience tell yourself, be sure to let the children learn their lessons, and their thoughts to impose children, in fact you also know, although learning is necessary but you to do so can the child when machine, in addition to eat, sleep is to learn, killing the child's naive, let the child to you when they are older can not have a memorable happy childhood,That they have no friends, worry and happiness are not share, perhaps you will say that there are you, and for children to them is the machine, you is how can you exchange with operator? You also don't want to think when you are arranged do you don't like the work of the mood? You need help find person appears despair ah!!!!! You think only of stronger, but never thought other people's mood. Although for children to learn is necessary, but we also want to give children the free time to show children of France, and guide

the children to play their talent, until they have certain knowledge base to let them after good at the direction of development, don't let them and their body, graduation for I don't know what you like, learn what, do what, there are parents GanReNao blindly, think now what major good money will force their children to learn, this really don't reason, do not measured in money their children is not useful, want to know that the interest is the best teacher, to learn which doors can do, we advocate original not retrograde boating, want to know who can carry boat and the fingers, parents, teachers should guide and help children to the angel of the travel farther direction!!!!!
