


男女: Good evening ,ladies and gentleman ,welcome to the English speaking contest held by 157english association

男女: 尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的各位同学们,大家晚上好。欢迎来到157英语协会演讲比赛现场。

男:first , let’s me introduce the hostess ,a pretty young lady ,yinmeng, who is from college

首先,请允许我介绍一下今天的漂亮女主持人,她的名字叫殷梦,来自护理学院。 女: standing here beside me is wu zhipeng. 现在站在我旁边的是吴志鹏 男女: We are honored to co-host this speaking contest .

男女: 很高兴我们来主持今天的演讲比赛

女: Now ,let’s introduce the judges of this contest .They are Luo dongsshan, Hu lili , qiu jin ,wang yayun and zhang qiang

男: 现在向您介绍一下我们的评委老师,公共课部英语教研组组长罗东山老师,公共课部胡丽丽老师,邱谨老师,张蔷老师,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。

女: Next, let’s introduce these honorable guests : the president of student’s association union ,zhang li and the associate president of student’s association union ,li guoxin , and so on. .

男: 现在介绍到场的嘉宾,他们是社联主席张理 副主席李国新.

女: let’s give you a brief account of grading method and scoring results :there are 100 points in grading ,contestants .do away with a maximum score and a minimum score ,the final score is the averaged caludation of three figures summing up .

男:听完 精彩的致辞,下面简单介绍一下评分原则:总分100分,每位评委会根据各位选手的表现来打分,去掉一个最好分和最低分,最后的三位评委所打的平均分。

女:Okay ,since you’ve already known these , I think it’s tine to begin ,so let’ get started. 男:现在你已经了解了这些,我们开始吧!

女:Now .let’s invite the first contestants ,she will lead us to a colorful college .


女:Thank you ! now let’s welcome contestant no2

男: 谢谢第一位选手的精彩演讲,现在,让我们有请2号选手。

男:Wow wonderful performance ,now let’s welcome contestant no3


女:OK ,good ! now let’s welcome contestant no4

男: 谢谢3号选手的精彩演讲,下面有请4号选手。

女: Thank you Four charming girl have led us to a dreamful campus life .It’s well known that we have much more free time ft college than those days in high school .what will you do in your spare time ? let’s welcome contestant no5

男: 谢谢4号选手。以上4位迷人女孩带我们走进了一个梦幻的大学生活。我们都知道进入大学,我们有更多的业余时间,在你空闲的时候,你会做些什么呢?让我们有请5号选手。

女;Thank contestant No5. Now let’s have a relax .let’s warmly welcome a soft music.

男: 现在放松一下,让我们来享受一首美妙的轻音乐。


I will announce the score of contestant No1 is …No2..No3…No4….No5….congratulations , Now, let’s welcome contestant No6.

男:感谢5号选手。现在我公布一下以上选手的得分。1号选手 分 .2号选手 分. 3号选手 分. 4号选手 分.5号选手 分. 现在让我们有情6号选手。

女:Everyone has its dream . only by planning it specifically can we made our dream come come true ,After this plan, let’s step into next program .let’s welcome contestant7 .


女:Thank you !

男: 谢谢7号选手。

女:now let’s welcome contestant no 8


女: Thank you .now welcome contestant no 9, she will show us how to spend our time at college .

男:感谢8号选手。现在有请9号选手,她将带来的是在大学里怎样度过闲暇时间。 女:Thank for contestant no 9 .now let’s welcome the last contestant.

男: 感谢9号选手,现在让我们有请最后一位选手,10号选手。

女:Let’s have a shot break and wait for the final results . For this

Period ,let’s welcome our English teacher to give us comments on this speaking contest. 男: 现在我们休息一下,静待最后的结果,现在,有请英语老师点评一下此次演讲比赛。 女: Ladies and gentleman ,welcome back to the English speaking contest .now let’s announce the results of the latter group .The score of contestant no 6 is ……the score of no 7 is …. And the score of no 10 is ….

男: 女士们,先生们,现在回到英语演讲比赛。现在我们公布的是后一组的结果。

6号选手得分是….. 7号得分是…… 8号得分是……9号得分是……10号得分是……

女:Now ,the most exciting moment is coming .


女: Now ,I will announce the three honorable mention winner ,No No and No 男: 现在公布的是3位优秀奖获得者, 号选手 号选手 号选手。

女: the four best winner ,the best cristing award ,No ,the best expressing award ,No….the best creative award ,No…the best optimum mien award ,No …

男: 最佳奖获得者 ,最佳实力奖, 号选手 最佳表达奖 号选手 最佳创新奖, 号选手,最佳风采奖 号选手,让我们一热烈的掌声送给她们。

女: the third prize winner ,No …

男; 三等奖获得者, 号选手。让我们以热烈的掌声祝贺她。

女: The second prize winner .No…

男:二等奖获得者, 号选手,让我以热烈的掌声祝贺她。

女:The first prize winner .No…Congratulations!

男:现在公布的是本次演讲比赛一等奖获得者, a号选手。让我们以热烈的掌声恭贺她。 男女: Now ,let’s welcome our teacher to give them awards.现在让我们欢迎老师为他们颁奖。 女: First ,let us invite Miss zhang to give the three winners awards .

男: 首先,有请张蔷老师为三位优秀奖获得者颁奖。

女: Next , let’s invite Mrs wang to give the four winners awards .

男: 有请汪雅云老师为四位最佳奖获得者颁奖。

女:Now , let’s invite Mis Qiu to give the third prize winner

男: 现在让我们请邱谨老师为三等奖获得者颁奖。

女:Next ,let’s invite Mis Hu to give the second prize winner awards .


女:At last , let’s invite Mr luo to give the first prize winner awards .

男: 有请罗冬老师为一等奖获得者颁奖。

男女:Our speaking contest is over , thanks for you coming .

男女; 现在我们的演讲比赛就要结束了,非常感谢大家的到来。下面请老师和嘉宾先行退场,学生后退场。




(比赛前,英文广播电台主持人在幕后提醒:比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!) X: Good morning(evening) ,ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Fifth Yuncheng University English Speaking Contest.

Y: 尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家(合)早上(晚上)好!欢迎来到运城学院第五届大学生英语演讲比赛的比赛现场!

X: First of all, please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today. I’m …from .… 首先,请允许我来个自我介绍。我是今晚的主持人— 来自……的……

Y: I’m …from .…我是今晚的主持人— 来自…的…

X: Sponsored by the Students Affairs Division of Yuncheng University , this Competition is undertaken(organized) by College English Teaching Department .There are all together 28 contestants to compete in today’s English Speaking Competition, representing 13 different departments respectively.


X: Now , let's introuduce today's honorable leader and guests.

Professor Li Baoping from the Office of Academic Affairs

Y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是:教务处处长李宝平教授 1

X: Mr.…….

Y: ……


Y: ……女士

X:Professor…… .

Y:…… 教授

X: ……

Y:…… 教授




X:Once again let's welcome all the teachers and students. Now Please welcome professor…… to give us a speech.


X:Thank you ,professor Li. Let's welcome the head of College English Teaching Department ,associate professor Wang Yingjie to give us a speech. Let's welcome.


X: Thank you, professor Wang.

X: And this competition will be mediated by a panel of … judges. Also 2

on the panel are “question masters” who will be responsible for raising questions of today’s contestants. Now, I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges.

Y: 此次比赛我们邀请到了…名评委,…名评委中有两名是“提问评委”,这两名“提问评委”将对每位选手进行提问。好的,我很荣幸地向大家介绍一下我们的…位评委。


X: Professor …



Y: …副教授

X:Mr.… from College English Teaching Department


X:Our Question master are …and …(决赛时有提问评委)

Y:提问评委有 … and …

Y:非常感谢各位评委的到来! X: Welcome! Thanks for you coming!

X:OK, after introducing our judges, now let’s go over the rules and grading standards of the competition.

Y: 好的,介绍完我们的评委之后,让我们来看看今天的比赛规则和评分标准吧。

X: Each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech . 3

During the prepared speech, a staff member will raise a yellow board as a signal that there is half a minute left. Then, at the end of 3 minutes, a red board will be raised to let the speaker know that the time has run out. If your speech is more than 3 minutes ,30 seconds or less than2minutes,30 seconds, you'll be deducted 0.1 score. So, please raise the red board. Thank you!

Y: 每位选手要进行3分钟的命题演讲,在命题演讲环节,在选手的演讲时间还剩下半分钟的时候,我们的工作人员将会举一块黄颜色的牌子示意。超过3分30秒,或不足2分30秒扣0.1分。当3分钟时间一到,我们的工作人员会举一块红色的牌子示意时间已到。现在,请工作人员示意一下下。 X: Now, let's look at the grading standards for the judges. Each contestant has 3 minutes for their prepared speech. The full score for the prepared speech is 10, the judges will give their scores independently on the spot according to the contestants' content of their presentation, as well as their language skills and their spiritual style. The judges are required to give their scores to two decimal places(or: to the nearest hundredth division). Y: 下面我们看一下评分标准。定题演讲,时间为三分钟,满分为十分,评委将按照选手演讲的内容,技巧,语言能力及精神风貌等方面给选手打分。要求评委老师打分时保留小数点后两位小数。评委在前三位参赛选手演讲结束后开始分别亮分。

X: Ladies and gentlemen, the top 6 winners today will be able to attend 4

the University Final to be held on ….

Y: 女士们,先生们,今晚比赛的前六名选手将可以参加…院里的决赛。)

X: Now the topic for today’s prepared speech is "Hunting for a job or establishing a business? "

Y: 今天的命题演讲的题目是:找工作还是自主创业?

X: Now, please welcome contestant NO.1......Contestant NO.2 please get ready.

Y: 比赛正式开始,下面有请一号选手,请二号选手做好准备。 X: Thank you for contestant No.1, now let’s welcome contestant No.2.

Y: 谢谢1号选手的演讲。接下来,让我们有请我们的2、3号选手。 X:Thank you for contestant No.2 (3). Here, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.1 is …. Congratulations! Now, let’s welcome contestant No.4

Y: 谢谢我们的2号选手。女士们,先生们,下面我宣布1号选手的最后得分是:…分。恭喜!接下来,让我们有请我们的3号选手。 X:And now, let’s have a short breath and wait for the final results. For this period, let’s welcome ...... to give us a comment on this competition. Y: 现在,让我们稍作休息等待比赛的最终结果。在这段时间里,让我们有请......老师(教授或者外教)来给本次比赛作个点评。欢迎! X: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the English Speaking Competition . After our judges’ discussion, the exciting moment is 5


Y: 女士们,先生们,欢迎回来。您现在看到的是运城学院第五届英语演讲比赛。经过我们评委老师的讨论之后,激动人心的时刻到了。 X: Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winner. Ladies and gentlemen, the first winner of the competition is contestant No. (). Congratulations!!

Y: 首先,我要宣布的是本次比赛的第一名。女士们,先生们,本次比赛的第一名就是我们的...号选手。让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎她上台领奖。

X: Till now, our competition has come to an end. Thank you for your coming! See you in the University Final competition.

Y: 本次比赛初赛到此结束,再次感谢各位的光临,谢谢,我们英语演讲比赛决赛再见!

