

《诱拐》一书借一个十七岁少年的口吻,娓娓叙述了以个扣人心弦的故事。苏格兰孤儿戴维?巴尔福为了家族的遗产去找自己的叔父,可谁想,他被心狠手辣的叔父诱拐到了一条奴隶船上。船在海上触礁沉没,他孤身一人漂上孤岛,历经艰辛刚脱险,又因为在丛林中目睹一起谋杀事件,被士兵们当做凶犯追杀。在流亡途中,他巧遇铜川的苏格兰高地人艾伦,两人结伴而行。最后,在艾伦以及其他朋友的帮助下,戴维用智谋从狠心的叔父手中夺回自己应得的财产。 戴维?巴尔福是一个不同寻常的孩子,他有拼搏到底的勇气,有超乎常人的胆识,还有坚强的意志和过人的智谋。他年仅十六岁就经历了如此之多的非人的磨难,和重大的打击,可他却咬着牙一步一步地挺过来了!可是,当他在雨林里奔波、穿行时,我们却在空调房里吃喝、享受;当他在与歹徒进行殊死搏斗时,我们却为了一点小事而撒泼、哭闹;当他在深林中忍受疾病的折磨时,我们却为一些小伤小痛而向父母撒娇;当他







The kidnapping I read one breath.


I like to see Stevens's work, reading his novel I will produce a sense of passion, reading his novel I can feel the justice of the gas, reading his novel I as if in experience, when people were forced on the wall after?

那段小戴维黑夜里到伯父家塔楼上拿文件的历程,令人心惊胆战,也令我觉得身处其中。 That little David went to uncle’s home on the course of tower, take documents, a thrill, also makes me feel that are there.


That he and 15 sea of seafarers battle on board, is frightening, then whatever David on the island's experience, and in the way of his island, escape to the highlands to the bushes scenario, My heart follow David in beat fiercely.


If no country life from practice a good body, if no 17 year old green flavor, if no friends help, if there is no god's care, he has already been killed, even so, the tribulations, he have chosen had to give up his own life several times, he battered down for illness.


After saw "kidnapping" , I felt the importance of physical exercise , the exercise is good for oneselves’ body, it can cultivate their ability and make them survive in the wall.


True love shows itself in time of trouble, this saying yes.


David and Allen’s experience to life and death is the plot of the unforgettable I pay, when he saw the two of them work together, created a miracle, win over one enemy, I pleased.


When I see their friendship to low tide, disagree at each other, my mood is very dark, if I have Alan such a friend, my life must be very exciting!