
Fighting For What We Females Want

I have seen the film named The Joy Luck Club when I was a middle school student. But then I didn’t deeply think about what the film reflect. Until recently, in the advise of my teacher, I read the novel. It takes me some nights to accomplish. And now I am greatly touched and shocked by the novel. The novel contents so many things that it is impossible to express all of them in a few lines of words. The gap between the generation, behavior and attitude of women, and the difference between tradition and modern are all the themes the author try to deliver to readers. And there is no doubt she has been successful for expressing.

Female consciousness change along time is vividly described in the novel. As mentioned in it, Yingying encourages her daughter Lena to escape an unhappy marriage, not repeating the same mistakes she made in her first marriage. Things are just like that in modern times we females should hold our own destiny and struggle for the women to fight for equity. And the fighting should begin with the consciousness of self-worth that we are not the weaker ones and equal. Only holding this positive attitude, can women liberate themselves in the true sense.

Almost every of we females will be a mother later in our life, how to educate children seems so crucial. Too stricting in their childhood may lead to harm and sorrow. So steering her to find the hobbies and realize herself in her inner heart and let her know what is her really wanting. When it comes to this, I think about all mothers. They are so difficult. They fight for their own destiny as well as for their daughters. Now I would like to express my respect to them, all mothers around the world. For we females, there is still a long uneven way to go .however, there is no doubt the future is bright.

Then, at last, I quote the words of the novel to encourage all mothers and daughters, “I know who I am, and I promise that I will never give up.”





华裔文学作品已经逐渐赢得了西方文学评论家的认可,这些很大程度上归功于华裔女性作家的作品。最近,我重温了华裔著名作家谭恩美的一部极具代表性的作品《喜福会》,其中探索了四位ABC(American Born Chinese)女儿们与母亲们的文化冲突,以及母女关系的转变。 喜福会这个名字是四位第一代华人移民的四个母亲,在生活工作之余组成的麻将小组名字。小说分别描写了,这四位各自走出命运阴影的母亲们漂洋过海来到异乡的国土,为了适应新环境,不得不在传统的中国文化上形成自己的人格,但是在骨子里渗透着的还是几千年来传统的教育和思想;而同时,第二代ABC女儿们虽然有着同样的黄皮肤、黑头发的东方特征,他们从小的教育环境为他们注入的是西方的文化气质。这些反差使母女之间产生了不少隔阂,无论是在教育、生活、工作还是婚姻上都出现了诸多冲突。有趣的是,在种种因素的促成下,特别是传统文化的诱因下,母女关系得到了改善,真正走上了相知相容。 其中,最主要的原因是母亲和女儿们成长的环境背景的不同。母亲们生长在解放前的旧中国,深受中国传统文化的影响,各自背后都有一些不为人所知的痛苦经历。虽然来到异乡,但是内心的保有的仍然是中国传统女性的特性——相夫教子、贤惠守理。相反的,女儿们却生活在女权运动的美国社会,倡导的是男女平等、自由开放,在这样的欧美文化占主流的社会中,他们不可避免地认同这种文化,因而在看到家庭、工作等问题上与传统的母亲们截然想法。其次,生活在白人社会的美国,黄皮肤黑头发的女儿们虽然内心认同西方的文化,但是外貌特征的不同,让他们多少产生些许身份认同的困惑,他们心中视美国为自己的祖国,竭力想摆脱华人身份,成为地道的美国人。这些促使他们反抗母亲强加给他们的中华文化价值观,努力工作融入西方社会主流。特别表现在在择偶婚姻上,她们更倾向于嫁给金发碧眼的白人,而不是中国人。对于母亲们一直提到的中国,感到的只是陌生和不解。可以说,母女的关系冲突,更多的是中国传统文化价值观和西方主流价值观之间的碰撞。


