


李镇西老师的《做最好的老师》这本书,语言朴实、诗意、形象而充满激情,字里行间处处流露出作者的真诚与谦逊。李镇西老师在书中这样说到:“从教20余年,我可以这样说,我一直在不停地阅读,这已经成了我的生存方式之一——或者干脆说,“阅读欲”就是我的“生存欲”!这种“阅读欲”源于自身的危机感。学问的功底,学识的功底,使我如饥似渴地阅读。”,李镇西老师无疑也给我指出了一条提升教师专业水平的一条“捷径” 。阅读此书,我在激动、赞叹、折服的同时,受到了激励、鼓舞,找到了前进的方向,看到了未来和希望。

李镇西老师说:“我所谓的‘做最好的老师’不是与我敬仰的于漪、钱梦龙、魏书生等老师相比??但我可以和自己比呀!也就是用今天的李镇西与昨天的李镇西相比。我今天备课是不是比昨天更认真?我今天上课是不是比昨天更精彩?我今天找学生谈心是不是比昨天更有诚恳?我今天处理突发事件是不是比昨天更机智??”。李老师所谓的“做最好的老师”,强调的是“自己和自己比——昨天的自己和今天的自己比,不断地超越自己。”也就是“做最好的自己”。这与 “没有最好,只有更好”所表达的意思是一样的,都在不断追求“更好”。“但是,能理直气壮地提出‘做最好的自己’,则表明了一种更高的人生和事业的标杆,虽然这个‘最好’永远达不到,但一个比一个的‘更好’便汇成了一个人一生的‘最好’。”

感受着这份“最好”,我开始每天审视自己,看今天的课上的比昨天进步了没有,今天处理学生的问题比昨天冷静了没有,今天为学生做得每一件事尽力了没有。同时我也引用李老师的“做最好的自己”来教育我的学生,并告诉他们凡是做一件事就必须尽心尽力,凡是做一件事就必须尽善尽美,凡是做一件事今天就要比昨天尽如人意。 “每天都不是最好,甚至每天都有遗憾,但每天都这样自己和自己比,坚持不懈,我便不断地向‘最好的老师’的境界靠拢。”要尽可能在自己的教育教学中达到自己力所能及的最好程度。









Today I read Liu Yong's" point a light heart". This book is not a classic novel, also not is what beautiful prose, not with the perfect ending to the story book, it is just an ordinary " truth story book", but in the book it is hiding 106 life. Small story,. That is true. What a little naive apprentice, eccentric old lady, Hua Tuo, stealing prescription and rich rich, be a veteran in battle veterans, including Chinese class often refer to the third person, what Lao Wang, Wen, Cao,

which will serve as your role in life and every the reader, and the plot is the life of any a turning point. And of course what the aliens, the war also is not a bad thing, the sentiment will be deeper, more able to understand the truth, because we take too much pleasure, should also feel sorrow. The author said:" from the trial promotion, in pain." there is a story that I compare myself to love: a small nun, when she was young, she goes to see her teacher, said to the master:" master! I be cynical, follow Buddhism has been for many years, a day at the castle peak among the white clouds, vegetarian ceremony, daily call to

religious life, by reading more, your heart is not reduced, but increased, how to do. She is said to her:" a point of light, so that it not only can shine on you, and don't leave your shadow, you can understand!" Decades passed, the Wan Dengan chair was small nun, but up to now, she has hundreds of disciples, but she is not happy. Because she put the light on your feet, and heads,

surrounded him or on the top of her shadow, or some, until she died when said, she realized, only one method, can make oneself clear but, have no cares. She had a heart lamp. This is a small story can experience a new morality and truth of life. -- point a light heart, will make you more love life and life, point a light heart can make you clear but, have no cares. A preface written by the author wrote: everyone can get their own interest and the conclusion, he is a door, the reader to open. After the door of the pavilions, terraces and open halls, flowers and birds, then please looking, their travel. Life's setbacks, don't regret, this is what I have read this book comes out!
