



这是一个关于艺术,理想,生死的电影,主人公1900孤独的一生、逝去的生命和放弃的才华,是我从第一次看时为之掩面的原因。而我再一次被触动,则是从最后那一段独白开始的:“It wasn’t what i saw that stopped me. Max.It was what i didn’t see.”

也许我们就是生活在一个NO END 的世界里,整日奔忙,却看不见下一条路该往哪走,没有方向,没有尽头,看不见命运在前方以什么样的面目等着我们,太多的可能性,我们眼花缭乱,我们迷茫,纠结。在1900的心里有一艘船,一个家,那是他全部灵魂的寄托,是最能带给他安全感的地方,所以他宁愿死也不愿离开那里把自己投向未知。包括主人公之所以叫1900,也许就是隐喻着在那个世纪更替的时代人们对未来的焦虑和不安吧。但是电影毕竟是艺术,我们生活在社会化的世界里,不可能像1900那样完全生活在自己的精神世界。可是当我们迷茫恐惧时,有没有那样一艘船可以让我们稍稍抽离现实而回归真实的自己呢?





这个是老师的作业 在网上索罗整理的

A Film Review―The Legend of 1900

1900, an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship, Virginia. 1900 was the year which the crew discovered the baby, thus, the boy was named 1900. The crew dies several years later and at that time, 1900 is entirely isolated. He is a genius and he knows how to play the piano without being taught. He gets his own style and wins the applause of passengers. However, he isn’t happy at all. What he is searching for is love and care, yet he cannot find them. In this essay, I will examine how 1900

suffers from loneliness and how he is afraid of changes.

The only companion of 1900 is the piano; he gets used to expressing his feeling via music. Yet, can the piano share with him? Can the music be the tonic for his loneliness? The poor guy has no choices; he was born to be lonely. Maybe it’s his fate. 1900 always wants to attract people by his absorbing performance. Though there is, in fact, nearly no conversation between them, they even don’t know one another. He still wants to be surrounded by the crowd. 1900 doesn’t want to be alone; he enjoys the time being accompanied by people. This can explain why he feels so

disappointed, frustrated and he stops playing the piano when the crowd leaves as the destination is reached. 1900 has to become solitary again! One of the passengers admires his talents very much and tries to talk to him. The farmer shares with him about his misfortune and loneliness. 1900 knows the feeling better than anybody does as he has been suffering for 27 years! He hasn’t disclosed his feeling to others; he just says that he gets a friend sharing the similar situation. It’s a paradox that on the one hand, he wants to speak out his own feeling, which has buried in his heart for a long time, and shares with people; on the other hand, he can’t pluck up his courage to mention his situation in front of people. Maybe it is of no use to tell others or 1900 doesn’t want anyone to sympathize him.

Loneliness makes him afraid of contacting strangers, lack of

confidence and shy while communicating with strangers. When there’re two

strangers coming to inform him the competition, he runs away and hides himself. Poor 1900 is afraid of being hurt. With no doubt, loneliness

adversely affects his personality. On the shipboard, a young, pure, beautiful girl has caught his attention. He loves the girl and wants to send her a gift. He doesn’t know how to initiate the conversation. 1900 practices again and again in the cabinet. He is too timid to send the girl his record. His

personality makes him miss a chance. 1900 is very unhappy and breaks the record. Again, he just keeps his mouth shut and never shares with the

others. It is obvious that he no longer wants to share, he is too tired to find opportunities to air his feeling.

Changes make 1900 scared, he wants his everyday life remains the same. For 27 years, he stays on board and never treads on land. Although his crews always persuade him to get off, he is reluctant to try. Several months after the girl had left, 1900 suddenly wants to tread on land. His reason is that he wants to listen to the voice of the sea as he can only hear it clearly on land. However, it’s true that he wants to find the girl and

expresses love to her. 1900 hides his feeling again. Yet, when he is on the halfway of the ladder that leads to the land, he stops. He stands there to look at the city in front of him. 1900 gives up treading on land and returns to the ship.

1900 can live safely on the ship as he can see the ends of the ship. Many years later, as the ship is too old and it needs to be exploded to

pieces. One of the crew knows that he will be still on the ship. He tries to find him. Before his death, 1900 tells the reasons for not treading on land when he’s walking down the ladder. “ I’m not afraid of what I can see, I’m afraid of what I can’t see”, 1900 is frightened as he can’t see the end of the city. “ Where is the end of the world?” Moreover, there’re only two thousand passengers on broad at a time. It’s a fixed number and it will not change. It can explain why 1900 prefers staying on board.

He takes the piano as an example, “ There are finite keys on the piano”, and he can make “infinite music” out of it. However, the world is a piano that is too big for him. There are infinite keys in the world, how can he make music out of it? It implies that there are so many changes in the world; he can hardly face the challenges. “There are thousands of streets in the

city…which one should I choose to die?” It shows that 1900 is scared by the ever-changing world and he is too tired to choose. He thinks that he can’t adapt to the changes as “ the world has passed me (him) by”. In addition, fame, fortune, girl can’t make him tread on land. 1900 chooses to die on the ship rather than getting off. It can be seen that how deeply he is afraid of changes. The marvelous life of 1900 makes him become the legend.


Reflection:It's a simple movie, with a simple story and a simple main character - and thats what makes this film so good. It wasn't made to be great and big; it just want to tell the story of a

man who was left behind and raised in the Ocean. He never set foot on land and that's the only thing that makes him special. That and all its consequences. Visually the movie is beautiful and its a proof that special effects have nothing to do with a beautiful image - they are beautiful because you feel it. And it's a story that will make you want to meet the main character in person. The ending is wonderful and it's very well put (so hard to find a good ending these days). Tim Roth is excellent as 1900, but the two biggest actors in this movie are the "ship" and the "ocean". Both seem to have a life of their own. This is not only a movie that is worth to watch, it's a movie everybody should watch - it's the living proof that a movie doesn't have to be great to be good. In fact, it can be excellent.
