Reading Report 《飞鸟集》英文读后感

Reading Report

——Stray Birds

Stray Birds is one of Tagore’s collected poems. It includes about 300 poems .Tagore is an excellent poet and artist. During his life he wrote a lot of poems, like Stray Birds, the Crescent Moon, the Gardener, Flying Fire and so on. Most of them have the same theme: love, nature and thinking about life.

Poems in Stray Birds are not long, and some of them are just a sentence. The first time you read these poems, just like in the early summer morning after a storm, and you open the bedroom window, you would feel a pure and peace world. Everything is so fresh and beautiful, but the meaning in these poems is so profound that you can’t stop thinking it again and again. Day and night, streams and oceans, freedom and betrayal, have become one under Tagore’s pen.Those short sentences show a profound philosophy of life, and lead the world to explore the source of truth and wisdom.

“Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.” I do not remember how many times when this text drift into my mind. There is always a somewhat inexplicable moved. Short sentence and few words, from them you can find a really comfort and warm in this boring and noisy world.

From Tagore’s words, I feel his attitude to love and thinking of love.

“You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.”It shows the deep love. Without doubt, Tagore’ inspiration comes from life, but they are higher than life.

I like listen some light music when I read the “Stray Birds”. Just imagine I were a bird, flying in the blue sky freely. Thanks Tagore left us so beautiful and wisdom thought.




时间:2013-09-06 09:17 来源:好词好句网 作者:好词好句








自然是纯洁的,但它一旦有了思想,就在也不可能纯洁。《飞鸟集》中除了有明亮的清晨,温柔的黑夜,还有孤独的黄昏,飘摇的风雪。我们站在人类这一边,脑中灌满了忧思和寂寞。“我们看错了世界,反而说它欺骗了我们。”泰戈尔在诗中这样说。他亦是一个诗人。自由活在遥远的彼端,被束缚的灵魂浸透忧伤与孤独。不完满的过去和背叛是他挣不开的枷锁。纵使他智慧超群,看清万物本身,终抵不过一场苦心积虑的猜疑与指控。当夏天的气息漫延至每一个角落,几只飞鸟掠过,骨骼作响,声带微不可见振动,开始歌唱。渐渐的有什么东西苏醒。诗人的风,穿越海洋和森林,找寻它自己的歌声。(中国作文网) 呼应结尾

他是一个诗人,诗人爱着世界。即使这个“世界”仍存在着阴暗、自私、欲望、背叛与肮脏。即使只有小小的飞鸟肯为他停留,歌唱者“我爱你”,却已经足够让他虔诚地瞻仰整个世界,深信不疑。一如泰戈尔曾说的“我相信你的爱。” 也让这句话作为我的结束语。

