
阿拉丁神灯观后感阿拉丁神灯是一个来自阿拉伯的民间故事, 结合了印度的歌舞 , 和好莱坞大片的元素,讲述了阿拉丁神灯的故事的主人公阿拉丁被魔 法师骗到一个石洞里,魔法师要他找到洞里的一盏神灯,并带出来, 阿拉丁很听话照办了,但不小心触动了机关,洞塌陷.奇迹出现了,一 个精灵随即跳了出来,说主人有什么吩咐?接下来的情况就可想而知 了. 阿拉丁在神灯精灵的帮助下,回到了地面上.热闹的集市上,小贩 们正忙碌地招待客人,年轻英俊的阿拉丁来到街上,偷偷逃出溜出皇 宫的茉莉公主也来到集市上,她窈窕美丽的身影立即吸引了阿拉丁的 目光,为了表示对公证的倾慕, 阿拉丁拿出偷来的苹果送给茉莉.不 想公主却遭警卫逮捕,为自保茉莉说出了自己的公主身份, 阿拉丁被 捕入狱,而公主则被召回宫.被捕入狱的阿拉丁,意外地拾获了一盏神 灯,神灯中住着一个位法力无边的精灵,无论是谁拥有了神灯,都会成 为精灵的主人,而精灵会为评价实现三个愿望. 阿拉丁的第一个愿望, 就是要茉莉公证爱上自己,但精灵告诉阿拉丁自己的魔法不能左右人 类的感情.于是, 阿拉丁要精灵把自己变成一个富有的王子,他以为 公证会爱上一个富有的人,殊知,公证看不起徒有外表的人.慢慢的, 阿拉丁露出了马脚,公证知道了那个富有的王子原来就是阿拉丁,对 阿拉丁有朦胧的感情.所以最后在神灯的帮助下, 阿拉丁拥有了很多 的财富,还凭借神灯的力量,如愿心偿的娶到了天下最美丽的茉莉公 主. 其故事情节起伏迭宕,曲折离奇,一个个扣人心弦的画面都会在 观看者的意料之外出现,但是这一切有在情理之中,十分紧凑地把观 看者的眼球牵引贯穿于整个影片的始终。作为最爱欢迎的儿童电影. 影片的阿拉丁是一个敢于冒险,见义勇为,不甘于低俗,勇敢 追求自己的幸福生活的一个人物代表,茉莉公主是个温柔善良,但敢 于追求自由恋爱的一个人; 巫师贾方,心存心计,自私狡猾,虚伪奸 诈;国王,封建思想较为坚固,但老实忠厚,爱护女儿;还有阿拉丁 滑稽可爱的随从阿布; 对主人忠心耿耿的神灯精灵……这一系列的人 物无不是当时时代的代表。 也为观看者塑造了可观可感的活生生的人 物形象。 影片进行到 25 分钟左右的时候, 阿拉丁听从了一个跟自己一样关 在一起囚犯的话, (还给那个人一个牙齿的特写) 逃了出来, , 出来后, 在进入奇幻谷的时候,天空中是闪着雷电,影片中所表现出来的不知 进去后会发生什么事情,给人一种想看下去的欲望。影片中还有很多 精彩的镜头,在在埸面的设计和镜头运动方面,都处理的很好。 在影片《阿拉丁》中,经过勇敢

的小伙子阿拉丁、美丽的茉莉公 主以及神灯“精灵” ,乘坐“魔毯”历尽艰辛,与邪恶势力巫师贾方 进行斗争,演绎出一个又一个惊险紧张的镜头,最后正义战胜邪恶势 力,这为儿童揭示了正义必胜的主题,儿童在观看影片,给予了潜移 默化的感染,同时也给予了正确的人生价值观。09 多媒体 1 号陈婷 2011-4-11


第二篇:The Tale of Aladdin阿拉丁神灯

The Tale of Aladdin

演员:阿拉丁 茉莉 灯神 国王 商人 侍卫


商人:Ah, Good evening to my friends. Welcome to here today. And welcome to my shop. What do

you need today? There must be something you need today. What about this? Or look at this. Wait! Don’t go! I can see that you want something special. Why don’t you look at this? (举出神灯) This is not a normal lamp! It changed a young man’s life. His name was Aladdin. One day, he found this lamp and the story started from here…


阿拉丁:I’m hungry! I didn’t eat anything all day. Hey, what’s this? Wow! It’s dirty. (擦灯) 精灵:Who calls me from the lamp?


精灵:Who are you? And why have you called me?

阿拉丁:I didn’t call. I mean I don’t think I did. Ah… I am sorry to do this.

精灵: What’s your name?

阿拉丁:A…A… Aladdin. Please don’t hurt me.

精灵: (鞠躬) I am the genie of the lamp. I will do anything you ask.


精灵: Yes. Anything.

阿拉丁:Oh yeah!

精灵: Excuse me?

阿拉丁:Never mind. OK first I want some delicious food, then I want some new clothes .Next I

need some money. At last. I want…Wow who is that? She is beautiful! (茉莉入场) Scene3

茉莉:Well wouldn’t you?

阿拉丁:Wouldn’t I what?

茉莉: wouldn’t you cry if you were me?

阿拉丁:Oh I don’t know. I don’t think so.

茉莉:But he has such small eyes…

阿拉丁:Who? (He looks around)

茉莉:…and he has no hair. And because he is a captain in the army, my father says that I have to

marry him.

阿拉丁:Well you don’t always have to do what your father says.

茉莉:I do. My father is the King. If I don’t…(She makes a cutting sign across her throat.)

阿拉丁:Wow… I guess it not easy to be a princess. There must be something that I can do to help.

Hey, I’ve got an idea! ( 号角声)What’s that?

茉莉:Oh no… it’s my father. I shouldn’t talk with you. Hurry… Hide… Over there…

国王: I am looking for you every where. Well my daughter. Did you decide to marry the captain? 茉莉:I think so father. What else can I do?

国王: Wonderful! A wise decision. There is nothing to cry about. Ha ha…

阿拉丁:Excuse me ,sir…

国王Who are you?

阿拉丁: Ah… Aladdin sir.

国王: What are you doing here? Guards! Guards!

阿拉丁:Wait please. I came here because your daughter should have a better husband. 国王: Better than captain? Impossible!

阿拉丁:Oh yes it is sir. He is handsome, brave and strong.

国王: Hmmm… And who is he?

阿拉丁:It is me.

国王: Guards take him away!

阿拉丁:No wait! Please sir, listen to me. I can prove it!

国王: OK, if you want to marry my daughter you must pass a test. There is a monster in my

kingdom. Kill it before tomorrow evening. If you kill him, you can marry my daughter

阿拉丁: Very well sir.

茉莉: Oh Aladdin you shouldn’t do this!


阿拉丁: Boy am I glad to see you!

精灵: You look bad what happened?

阿拉丁:I fell in love.

精灵: Oh Well, I see.

阿拉丁:You said that you would do anything for me didn’t you?

精灵: Yes. I am your servant.

阿拉丁:Excellent. Come with me into the village tonight… and together we must defeat monster. 精灵: (looks a bit scared and surprised) But, I thought that you just wanted delicious food! 阿拉丁:Come on we don’t have much time!

商人:(Enters) Aladdin and the Genie went into the village later that night, and what did they see… a

big monster, with long sharp teeth and evil green eyes.

Oh my god! Ah yes. But Aladdin and his magic Genie fought with that monster. And who won? Hmm… well just watch and see.


国王: Well, it seems that Mr. Aladdin didn’t come. Probably he is dead…

阿拉丁: Father! I have passed your test sir. The monster was dead.

国王: You amaze me Aladdin. You killed the monster. I underestimated you. You shall marry my


茉莉:Oh thank you father!

国王: Come. We shall plan the wedding feast! My son!

阿拉丁: Father. Oh I almost forgot. I have a present for you.

茉莉:It’s beautiful, but it’s much too valuable.

阿拉丁:A wedding present. Marry, my prince