


喜欢书中的故事,真挚而感人,欣赏作者的灯喻,发人深省;爱上书中的学生,率真而灵动,期待故事的重演,温馨而感人。一个个生动而形象的故事,就像那一盏盏灯,指引着的我班级管理与教学。感动我的,不仅仅是作者的智慧,还有学生那天真烂漫的身影。书中的每一个故事,都是作者精挑细选的案例。我在感动中收获爱与美好。也正是这些生动而形象的案例,让学生在他的童年时期,遇到了不一样的教育。也正是这样富有智慧的教育,或许,会成为孩子成长过程中最温馨的回忆。那么多的故事,让我又该从何说起,从何思考。只能一个个故事,一点一点地去体会、品悟。于是,好多的感悟,好多的收获,便俯首可拾。 刚刚又随手再翻了翻这本书,目光再次瞥到了《她从不穿裙子》的故事上。一个看似普通的例子,却是在作者真性情的引导下展开。完全没有太多矫揉造作的煽情。我的心境也随作者的心情而不断起伏变化这。从最初的不解、再到之后的生气、再到后来的克制与温柔、直至最后的感慨与感动。每一个过程都是如此的真切而自然,每一次的变化都是如此的贴切。是呀,当我面对这样的学生,可能我也会像作者那样,由不解到生气。可是,我能做到作者那样克制与温柔吗?扪心自问,似乎自己差的,就是那份耐心与宽容。诚然,任何事情都会有起因与结果。我们谁都不能凭着自己主观判断地处理这些问题。尤其是当我们在面对那些尚在成长中的孩子,似乎更应该多一份信任与宽容。而不是非常武断地去给学生的行为下定义。或许,我们再等等,我们再看看,我们就会发现这些看似生气






Today I read Liu Yong's" point a light heart". This book is not a classic novel, also not is what beautiful prose, not with the perfect ending to the story book, it is just an ordinary " truth story book", but in the book it is hiding 106 life. Small story,. That is true. What a little naive apprentice, eccentric old lady, Hua Tuo, stealing prescription and rich rich, be a veteran in battle veterans, including Chinese class often refer to the third person, what Lao Wang, Wen, Cao,

which will serve as your role in life and every the reader, and the plot is the life of any a turning point. And of course what the aliens, the war also is not a bad thing, the sentiment will be deeper, more able to understand the truth, because we take too much pleasure, should also feel sorrow. The author said:" from the trial promotion, in pain." there is a story that I compare myself to love: a small nun, when she was young, she goes to see her teacher, said to the master:" master! I be cynical, follow Buddhism has been for many years, a day at the castle peak among the white clouds, vegetarian ceremony, daily call to

religious life, by reading more, your heart is not reduced, but increased, how to do. She is said to her:" a point of light, so that it not only can shine on you, and don't leave your shadow, you can understand!" Decades passed, the Wan Dengan chair was small nun, but up to now, she has hundreds of disciples, but she is not happy. Because she put the light on your feet, and heads,

surrounded him or on the top of her shadow, or some, until she died when said, she realized, only one method, can make oneself clear but, have no cares. She had a heart lamp. This is a small story can experience a new morality and truth of life. -- point a light heart, will make you more love life and life, point a light heart can make you clear but, have no cares. A preface written by the author wrote: everyone can get their own interest and the conclusion, he is a door, the reader to open. After the door of the pavilions, terraces and open halls, flowers and birds, then please looking, their travel. Life's setbacks, don't regret, this is what I have read this book comes out!


洛城街道 留吕初中七年级四班 刘丽君

