《 当幸福来敲门》观后感

《 当幸福来敲门》观后感



CHRIS 是一名推销员,妻子在工厂做工,每日16小时的工作量。两人生活窘迫,且经济状况及不稳定,不但孩子不能上好的幼儿园,而且还经常面临交不上房租的尴尬。对于这种生活,妻子颇有微词,对此CHRIS只能默默忍受,努力工作,直到得知一个招聘证券经纪人的信息出现在他眼前,他决定为了更好的待遇更好的生活奋力一试.

谁知要获得这个职位需要经历三个月的免薪实习,实习结束还要经历竞争激烈的考核,在此期间,由于经济上的入不敷出生活的重负,妻子选择了仍下丈夫孩子离开。面对此状,CHRIS 没有放弃,而是决定背水一战,一边承担着照顾孩子的重任,一边面临着争取工作中的压力,他咬牙坚持着。无处过夜,住厕所,争取进收容所,没有钱吃饭他卖血。为争取公司客户的信任与亲崃他真心付出拿出诚意的行动去感化。








The Pursuit of Happiness

I was fortunate to see this movie The Pursuit of Happiness in a screening. I really enjoyed it, and felt that it lived up to the teary and heartwarming trailer. While the movie has an uplifting "go for your dreams" message, the deepest theme is that of family. Will Smith did a great job as the father trying to protect his son from their circumstances of becoming homeless as much as he can, while at the same time trying to work in the competitive world of stocks as an un-paid intern. Jaden Smith was outstanding as the preschool-aged kid who knows things are going wrong and tries to have a stiff upper lip, but just can't do it all the time.

The Pursuit of Happiness is a simple inspirational movie. It is not pretty actors, no fancy pictures, no touching music, but can also attract you read on law-abiding, because it has good enough story, plain but not mediocre!

Based on a true story, The Pursuit of Happiness has all the right ingredients, plus Will Smith's performance is not only perfect but probably the best of his career. He may not choose his films very wisely but the man can definitely act. for instance, there's a very emotional scene towards the end of the movie, It lasts less than a minute but it is some of the finest acting I've seen lately. The on-screen chemistry between Will Smith and Jayden Smith is great and makes the viewer really care and root for the characters. Overall its a great story of hope, of working hard to achieve things,of not giving up... I dare you to watch this movie and not feel like you can do more in your life, that you can and should go after your dreams and not settle for anything less.
