








Calling for peace isn’t enough

As we all know, there’re many wars breaking out in our world almost everywhere. Some are just contradictions between people of two towns, but some can be wars invading another country like the Iraq War started by America, which left a great many of the buildings ruined and millions of civilians homeless.

Of course, wars can bring about much destruction to all the countries involved. Human in the world, especially children, is against wars and calling for peace. But just calling for it isn’t enough at all

Let me take the example of the Iraq War. When the President Bush declared the war towards Iraq, not only did the Americans argue about it, but most countries announced they wouldn’t support the USA’s military action. Although the US listed many reasons for the invasion such as defending humanism for Iraq’s people, searching for and arresting terrorists hidden in Iraq and so on, it’s generally agreed that this war is a waste of money and more essentially , is a war of hegemonism , invasion, unjustice and damage. But America’s warcrafts still dropped bombs over the sky of Bagdad. And not until December , 18th, 2011 did the American army withdraw.

Why can America behave like that in face of so much pressure?

And why do many countries just speak but not prevent this from happening? Of course, it’s because the USA is absolutely the strongest of the world.

Everyone is disgusted at wars , and many countries condemn the Iraq War. But we can do nothing. It’s possible that America wrote this war as a just war in their history book. The winner is always right. Faced with so many challenges around us , China should be aware that only if you are stronger can you have the power to stop war and actually call for peace. We youngsters also ought to have a sense of crisis. Managing to make yourself stranger is essential to protect our country and the whole world. And peace is meant to come naturally at that time.
