



爱情是影片中永恒的主题,但将美好的爱情置于悲惨的战争之中更体现出爱情的伟大。该影片表现出爱情的无限力量。雷夫坠机入海后,唯一支撑他活下来的信念是“要活着回去与伊夫琳在一起”, 他与伊夫琳的爱情是他与死神抗争的力量。同时,丹尼和伊夫林听到失去共同的亲人--雷夫的消息后,陷入了悲痛之中,后来在悲伤中相互依靠而建立起来的真挚的爱情也是值得赞扬的。



The feeling after watched Pearl Harbor Recently, in the teacher’s recommendation, I watched a film called Pearl Harbor. The movie mainly described in the Second World War, Japan fascism raided the naval military base of U.S. at Pearl Harbor in the Pacific and the United States later air raided Japan. The film with friendship, love, war and so on many aspects as clues, described the war bring fear, panic to people. At the same time it also adopted the comparison and contrast of tactics, highlighted the great disparity between before and after war among various crowd.

Whenever, the war brought more is endless disaster to the two side people. In the attack on Pearl Harbor was showed incisively and vividly. In the film, deeply impressed was the war brought to human beings endless sorrow. After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, everywhere

were casualties of soldiers, some scenes were not fit to be seen. For instance, the captain did not forget his responsibility after his large intestine was blown out; Looking at their comrades-in-arms was stranded by a warship and choked by water to died, but their were powerless; Countless American soldiers forced fell into the water but still got the Japan fighter strafe. In the water, in hospital and in bombed warship, everywhere was wounded soldiers or civilians and destroyed naval vessel and bomber.

Love is the eternal theme in the film, but put the beautiful love in miserable war can give expression to great love. After Rafe crashed into the sea, the only belief to support he survived was "to return alive with Evelyn together." The love between him and Evelyn was the power of struggle with death. Meanwhile, after Danny and Evelyn heard of the message regarding Rafe was died, they were lost in grief. And later they built sincere love in sorrow mutually dependent also is praiseworthy. As a classic film with war background, there are many places worthwhile us to appreciate. However, in my opinion, though ending is more perfect, but still

containing trace of sadness filled with it, because war just can lead to disaster forever in a sense. Nowadays, in this compare peaceful international environment, as a part of the world, we each have responsibility and obligation to oppose war.

Cherish peace, cherish life!

Harmonious world!



电影《珍珠港》简介 20xx年最受瞩目的超级大片,通过的拍摄预算是好莱坞有史以来最高的数字—美金一亿四千万元。好莱坞最顶尖的工作人员齐聚一堂,上至导演、制片、男、女主角下至视觉特效承办公司ILM〔侏 纪公园、MIB星际战警〕在影片赚钱之前不领半毛片酬,让每一分钱都投注在重现珍珠港事件,这个二次世界大战最关键的转折点。 雷夫与丹尼是从小一起长大的朋友,两人对于飞行从小就十分有兴趣。长大后,时值二战时空,两人一同加入美军飞行队伍。受训期间,雷夫结识了军中护士伊弗琳,两人迅速入爱河。 此时美军决定派出精英部队前往欧陆,协助欧洲各国抵抗纳粹德国的侵略,雷夫自告奋勇前往参战。于是将伊弗琳托付给丹尼照顾,不久之后,欧洲传来噩耗,雷夫的座机在空战中不幸遭德军击落,生死未卜。伊弗琳与丹尼得知噩耗后,只能互相勉励对方。但是爱情的幼苗却悄悄地萌芽。 就在19xx年12月7日,雷夫突然出现在伊弗琳与丹尼驻扎的珍珠港。正当三人不知如何面对这个难题时,日军也悄悄地准备偷袭珍珠港。雷夫与丹尼这对好朋友又是情敌,还得一起并肩作战,随着二次世界大战的开打,两人只能将儿女私情暂时抛在一旁,共同为自由、正义而战。

