
Last week we learned a fable about the ant and the grasshopper, which brought us the useful lesson that in an imperfect world industry is rewarded and giddiness punished. Perhaps someone cannot agree with this point, but I think the ant is very admirable, and, in my life, I will learn to the ant. As the truth gave by my family, “no pay, no gain” “there is no such thing as a free lunch”. In my opinion,studying is our role. In order to meet all kinds of different challenges of society, we should achieve knowledge as much as possible, we should enrich ourselves. On the contrary, if we learn to the grasshopper which sing and sing all day, we will probably end in the gutter. ( I think Tom just has a good luck or he will end in the gutter, too. In the world, I believe there are few person like Tom except the one born with a silver spoon in one's mouth )

学院:土建学院 班级:英语三班 学号:20149189 姓名:段飞

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