The Kite Runner is the first

Kite Runner Sarina 2012221124

The Kite Runner is the first novel by Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini.It tells the story of Amir, a young boy , whose closest friend is Hassan. Hassan is a successful "kite runner" for Amir; he knows where the kite will land without watching it. Amir's father loves both boys, but is often critical of Amir, considering him weak and lacking in courage. However Amir begins to believe that life would be easier if Hassan were not around, so he plants a watch and some money under Hassan's mattress in hopes that his father will make him leave; Hassan falsely confesses when confronted by his father. Although his father believes "there is no act more wretched than stealing", he forgives him. To his father's sorrow, Hassan and Ali leave anyway. Amir is freed of the daily reminder of his cowardice and betrayal, but he still lives in their shadow. In 1979, five years later, they escape to America because of war.And then, his father died after he got married. Fifteen years after his wedding, Amir receives a call to ask him to come to Peshawar.Thus he know Hassan was actually Baba's son and Amir's half-brother. So he promiss to find the Hassan's son and plans to take him back to America and possibly adopt him in order to make up his mistake.finally, he did it. After finished reading this book, I realized the true meaning of the words—for you, a thousand times over. It is a promise, a kind of selfless dedication and a kind of loyalty to friend. There is no such parts described to move you, but after you finish reading it, you will have an uncontrollable impulse to burst into tears.


第二篇:The Kite Runner影评

The Kite Runner影评


今晚,静静地一个人坐在电脑前,开始播放改编自这部小说的同名电影时,我就知道,连日来积蓄的失落情绪和异常脆弱的情感,必定会找到一个宣泄的出口。 友谊、忠诚、背叛与心灵救赎,这些与生俱来的人性特质,只要你愿意为自己对号入座,谁都不能回避这些来自心底的渴望与感动、挣扎与恐惧。





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