




——“Who are you ?”

——“Where does the world come from?”

从此,她的生活彻底改变,在一位神奇的哲学老师艾伯特的指引下,她开始思索,从苏格拉底到柏拉图,从黑格尔到马克思,从文艺复兴到浪漫主义,各位大师所思考的根本问题。 与此同时,苏菲不断收到一个自称是少校的人的神秘信件,,并托她转达给一个叫席德的人。可苏菲并不认识这个叫席德的人。世界像谜团一样展现在苏菲眼前,她运用少女天生的悟性与后天的知识,企图解开这些谜团,然而,事实真相远比她所想的更离奇,更怪异…… 在艾伯特的指引下,他们发现自己仅仅是少校写的一本为自己女儿席德生日而送的书中的人物,他们所做的一切,包括思考的一切都被少校用笔写了下来,换句话说,苏菲和艾伯特,以及他们那个世界中的一切,全部都是不存在的,是虚无的!

可就是这样一个虚构的人物,竟然也有自己的思想,他们企图脱离书本,不再受少校的摆控。 终于,在席德将苏菲的故事看到最后一页时,他们成功的逃离了书本,来到了一个叫永恒之乡的世界。此时少校和席德正在草地上仰望星空,谈人生,谈宇宙,而苏菲正在某个角落默默地注视着他们……

说实话,我长这么大都不曾对哲学有着什么了解,以前我的哲学观就是像初中的《思想品德》或高中的《思想政治》或大学的《马克思主义基本原理概论》这些书中介绍的那样。没有事先对它了解与认识的情况下开始读这本书的感觉,就像我是一个什么都不懂的小孩子进入了一个完全陌生的大人的世界中。一个全新的世界,哲学的世界。《苏菲的世界》不同于像《论语》这样以平时生活的素材来给人哲学领悟的书,它是通过介绍西方哲学史的发展来一步步使人认识哲学,从中学习哲学。而对于像我一样什么都不懂的读者来说,我从读这本书开始就像同苏菲一样一起上起了哲学课。从“Who are you ?”“Where does the world come from?”这两个看似很普通却让人深思的简短而奇怪的问题开始,跟着“神秘老师”开始了我的“哲学之旅”探索之路。

记得原本我印象中的哲学是那么的深奥,那么的遥不可及,好像并非生活中必需的知识,而是顶端的学者才有权研究的学术,像我这样的普通人只要好好学好一门工作技术,找到工作就好了。然而看完此书,我的观点改变了。应该说,生活之中哲学似乎无处不在。而我内心中模糊不定的哲学的定义一下子也变得清晰起来。在我的理解里,哲学就是关心、探索、认识我们所在的这个世界。这其实是我们每个活在这世上的人都应该去思考的。同时我们逐渐建立自己的人生观、生命观的过程,也可以是看作对于哲学的思考。这又回到了那两个哲学性的问题“Who are you ?”“Where does the world come from?”。或许有人会觉得这两个问题过于疯狂,因为他们会告诉你,“我就是我啊”或者“世界本来就存在的啊”。他们会有这样的想法对吗?事实上我在读这本书之前,也是这样的想法,我只是想当然地认为我是这样的世界是这样的。



“我思故我在” 可读完全书的我却依然很茫然,而且感觉更加迷茫似的,因为我会思考的更多了,这种迷茫完全不同于对哲学无知状态下的那种迷茫,并且我喜欢这种迷茫。我存在吗?不过是在这个时段、在这个特定的空间的相对存在罢了。试问,多年以后,一切都归于湮灭之中,甚至宇宙归于奇点,我会存在?渺小如星尘的我会存在过,或曾经存在过?真不敢相信“恐惧”竟是我读完书后的第一感觉,而且伴随而来的就是对生命的敬畏之情。我开始思考人生是什么、生活的意义是什么、还有什么事比弄清楚为何而活更重要吗?毕竟宇宙如此之浩瀚,个人如此之渺小。




第二篇:Sophie 苏菲的世界读后感 英文哟~~

20096102 王钰梅

With translations now available in over 40 languages, Sophie is a major player on the world scene. But, we may well ask, who is this Sophie? Despite her black hair, she is very much a Norwegian girl, but Sophie and her world have been subtly Americanised.

Sophie Amundsen (Sofie Amundsen in the Norwegian version) is a fourteen year old girl who lives in Norway in the year 1990. She lives with her cat Sherekan, her goldfish, a tortoise, twobudgerigars and her mother. Her father is a captain of an oil tanker, and is away for most of the year. He does not appear in the book.Sophie is the main character in Sophie's World. She is the creation of Albert Knag in order to amuse his daughter Hilde. Along with Alberto Knox, Sophie is a part of Hilde's birthday present. Sophie is to turn fifteen on June 15, the same day as Hilde. Sophie is clearly created as somewhat of a counterpart to Hilde, but she and Alberto manage to escape Albert Knag's mind and gain an existence of their own. Throughout the book Sophie learns how to be a philosopher. Early on she ponders the questions that Alberto gives her and has good thoughts about them but she really does not know how to answer them. However, as the lessons continue Sophie's mind becomes extremely acute. She remembers everything that Alberto has taught her because it is all- important to her and she is able to come up with interesting philosophical propositions of her own. Although Alberto knows more about philosophy than Sophie does, she fares better when they enter their new lives as beings of spirit existing within Hilde's world. Perhaps this is because Alberto has trained Sophie and so she has not only picked up what he has tried to teach her but also been critical of him. She was given the best education possible and uses it to the best of her abilities. Sophie figures out that she and Alberto can have an effect on Hilde's world when she dares to think that they can. Alberto disagrees with her, but Sophie has learned from him that the opinions of others should not have the power to dissuade someone from an action they believe in. Sophie is also extremely individualistic. She learns from Alberto but she thinks on her own. She is critical of him, her mother, and her friend Joanna. Sophie acts with conviction and thinks things through before she does them and that makes it difficult to fault her. After all, she is only a fifteen year old girl, and she acts extremely mature for her age.

This long, dense novel, a bestseller in the author's native Norway, offers a summary history of philosophy embedded in a philosophical mystery disguised as a children's book--but only sophisticated young adults would be remotely interested. Sophie Amundsen is about to turn 15 when she receives a letter from one 1 / 2

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Alberto Knox, a philosopher who undertakes to educate her in his craft. Sections in which we read the text of Knox's lessons to Sophie about the pre-Socratics, Plato and St. Augustine alternate with those in which we find out about Sophie's life with her well-meaning mother. Soon, though, Sophie begins receiving other, stranger missives addressed to one Hilde Moller Knag from her absent father, Albert. Norwegian philosophy professor Gaarder's notion of making a history of philosophy accessible is a good one. Unfortunately, it's occasionally undermined by the dry language he uses to describe the works of various thinkers and by an idiosyncratic bias that gives one paragraph to Nietzsche but dozens to Sartre, breezing right by Wittgenstein and the most influential philosophy of this century, logical positivism. Many readers, regardless of their age, may be tempted to skip over the lessons, which aren't well integrated with the more interesting and unusual metafictional story line.

Gaardner, a Norwegian high school teacher, has created a wonderful and readable history of philosophy. The book is weakly constructed as a philosophy course taught to 14-year old Sophie by a mysterious stranger. But it is this "novel" side of the book that is the thinnest, for Sophie and the other characters in the novel are mere cardboard cutouts tacked on to the margins of the chapters to provide context for the the real book: the philosophy course.

The course chronologically covers thirty major periods, schools of thought, and philosophers from the pre-Socratics through Aristotle, Aquinas, and Hegel to the Big Bang. Each is presented in an accessible chapter of a dozen pages, with the philosophy teacher simplifying and clarifying points for Sophie. With the philosophers presented in chronological order, readers can track the trends of thought as each builds on those who came before. "Sophie's World" is not a great novel, but it is an excellent review of philosophy, and a quick 500 pages.

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