
The DaVinci Code

The DaVinci Code is a popular suspense novel that written by Dan Brown . Let us go to see the wonderful story together . The is a tale of mystery and suspense . Midnight , the elderly curator of the Louvre Museum have been killed in the great gallery of art . In the final moment of life , the curator stripped his clothes and then lie on the floor like the famous painting The Vitruvian Man of DaVinci . There was a elusive code next to his body . Langdon is a expert in code and he is the elderly curator’s good friend . Sophie is a genius expert to decipher code and she is curator’s granddaughter . Sophie wants to find the truth of her grandfather’s death , so she ask Langdon to help her to decipher the code which beside her grandfather’ body . When they were processing these strange code they found that actually a series of clues were hidden in DaVinci’ s paintings . Langdon and Sophie found the curator is a member of a mysterious and the mysterious was always looking for a ground-breaking secret of history . It is a secret which could give people inspiration but also very dangerous . Langdon and Sophie started a battle of wits with a behind the mysterious . They toured extensively all over Paris and London , pursuit by police and a secret killer. Fortunately , they were finally unlock the secret that Sophie is not the curator’ s really granddaughter , in fact , she is Jesus’ s descendants .

I always do not like something about secret of religion before.

On the whole , this book is worth to read because it full of suspense , detective , religion struggle and so on .

The most important clue in the book is the Holy Grail.The Holy Grail isn't a real cup,but a woman named Mary Magdalene who is Jesus's wife.The

statement that she is a whore is to hide their true relationship and inhibit female worship .The church tries its best to erase the evidences that he is a man instead of god.For many ages ,lots of people die for the question whether Jesus is a man or not.

In my opinion,Jesus is great enough to be the soul of Christianity.With the passage of time,he becomes more and more divine through the beautification of later generations.what I say doesn't slander Jesus at all.God isn't a kind of absolute existence in the world.Ancient people fantasy god because they can't explain many natural phenomenon.So for me,Jesus is a man.

The Da Vinci Code gives us a fresh new recognition of God and makes us think carefully about what we really believe in.






DAN BROWN写<<达芬奇密码>>, 却用反叛的眼光要告诉大家, 一切都是有组织,有预谋的. 一切都是男性为夺取女性权力处心积虑设下的阴谋.隐瞒, 清洗, 抹杀, 谎言重复一千遍终于变成事实. 起初的被迫现在成为自愿, 自然, 甚至进入潜意识, 成为超自然---神是这样先被人造, 然后才有了自己的生命. 假如抹大利真是基督教女传人, 又没被男性对手夺权, 我老人家觉得男女不平等的历史也不会被改写. 男胜女败,是历史必然,看看没受基督教影响的其他文化就知道了...裹小脚虽然比剿巫温和一点, 打击面更大. 佛教思想算是最接近自由平等的, 一与世俗相结合, 也立刻成为性别统治的工具. 东方文化好在没有一神独尊,当然小说毕竟是小说,总某种程度上都是虚构的,尽管写得如此真实,但是书中的观点早在六○年代就被提出,美国大型的科幻节目《Discovery 》也报到说这个纯粹是某个疯子的恶作剧,当然人们都说历史是不能改写的,但历史毕竟是人记录下来的,所以改写是有可能的,所以会出现很多野史,但是它门毕竟不入主流通常会被遗忘掉。耶酥地位毕竟在基督教稳固了几个世纪,要是能用一本小说推翻真是太荒谬了,但抛开这些小说还是写得很精彩的丝丝入口虽然没有大量文学词汇,但是却让人欲罢不能!



小说的结尾处从探寻苏菲爷爷的密码筒,找到圣杯后裔所在之处,变成了苏菲的寻亲。有点小小突兀,但是那种皇室血统的流传还是给人以神秘的气息。每每想到这本书不仅能在脑海中想起人物们逃亡寻密的画面还能在自己心中似有似无的感觉到一种信仰的光芒,虽然宗教自古以来就和权利有着千丝万缕的关系,但是每当遇到困难和痛苦时,总是不自觉的想起自己的信仰,如同书中兰登在落入井中后,一直在祈祷上帝,希望能救他。信仰是一种力量,是一种自己给以自己的支持,一种精神的永存。因此,当信仰掌握在自己手中,握紧拳 头感谢那些力量,就就是一种潜意识的坚持以及抗争。我希望宗教只是那么一种纯粹的精神,但每个人对于自己的信仰有不同的对待方式,无论对与错,只要不偏执激化都是感谢自我感谢信仰。

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