
Review on “Frozen”

“Frozen” is a beautiful movie ,it has all the glorious settings, the storybook characters, and songs fit for a classic musical, ice has never looked so good . You may feel cold when you hear the name ,but after you finish watching you will not feel cold any more ,but feel warm . The movie tells the story of princess sisters from separation to get together again.

The film opens with two young sisters playing in their spacious residence. One , Elsa, can creat ice, frost, and snow from her bare hands, a power that keeps the younger Anna highly entertained. One day, she accidently hurt Anna (Elsa’s little sister) for she could not control herself while playing. Their parents, the king and queen of Arendelle, bring the injured girl to stone trolls, who can help her but decide it’s best to remove any memory of her sister’s power. The two girls grow up with more distance between them than either would like, for Elsa has to keep her borned magic a secret.

However, while the girls grow up, their parents die for an accident at sea.When Elsa comes of age, the kingdom prepares for her coronation. During the party, Anna meets Prince Hans of Southern Isles and they talk for a long time. Then they feel they are fall in love with each other. Anna tells Elsa that she wants to marry with Hans which makes Elsa very angry. During the quarrel, Elsa can not control her power and exposes her ability. Then her motion makes the summer turned ino winter and frozen a lot of things. She runs away and bult her own palace in ice. Anna wants to find her sister and meest mountain man Kristoff and his reindeer Sven. They help each other and with Olaf’s(a snowman made by Elsa and Anna when they were small)help,they finally find Elsa. However, Elsa hurts Anna inadvertently again and only acts of real love can save her.All the people think Hans’kiss can save Anna. But, Hans wanted to kill she and then he can became the king. So lucky, Elsa’s love saved Anna ,it called family love.

As always, love is the solution to everything. When it seems as if nothing can melt the icy heart of the frightened Elsa, love proves everyone wrong. But in this case, it’s sisterly loyalty and devotion rather than romance.







当艾莎出走来到雪山之巅的时候,她所演唱的那曲《LET IT GO》是影片最震撼的时刻。忍受了多年的孤独,艾莎在这一刻抛弃了她所有的烦恼与顾虑,解除了一切身心束缚,决定做回自己,当她用魔法创造了一个通往山顶的阶梯的时候,当一座冰雪城堡随着音乐的旋律奇迹般搭建起来之时,每位观众似乎也都把自己心中那些来自生活中种种的压抑与不快给抛开了。



一边是各式各样的冰雪,一边又是暖意融融的亲情。《冰雪奇缘》带给观众完全相反的奇妙感受,影片中处处体现的“追寻自我”、“做回自己”、“真情消融冻结的心”等元素,令观众心有触动。“真爱”不仅仅限于男女之情,还包括我们的亲情、友情。只有真爱才能化解一切!也只有心存真爱,幸福的生活才能够由此开始!它唱出了真正的亲情,唱出了人与人之间真正的爱!Let it go,让什么寒冷的冰雪都飘走吧,现在降临在世界上的,应该是暖暖的真爱。

