STR 读后感1

Gossip is a fearful thing. It can easily make a man and then ruin his life.

Mike in the story is an ambitious journalist working in a school paper; he just exposed a great mother’s past and effortlessly destroys her life. We cannot tell from the short story whether the woman hurt the little child deliberately or not, her love for children cannot be fake.

However, even her love is true and deep, she still have to be separated from her child. It is not only because of Mike’s report but also the result of gossip. Attitude is a invisible sword, it can hurt people without force.

The expression is free, attitude to things will never been charged. It is the basic liberty and right. But at the same time, the behavior which is not restrained by law can lead to a great damage. A careless word maybe leads to a strong storm.

There is no denying that if Mike didn’t expose the woman’s past, nothing is likely to happen. However, if people around can see how the women loved her baby; if they can figure out the poor mother’s love, nothing would happen either.

Being used properly, gossip can be an assistant,




大桥小学四年级 徐文萍

读了《少年向上真善美伴我行》,我才知道真、善、美的真正含义。 科学教人求真


一个卖馒头的张大娘从不守摊,只需把摊子一放,再放一个公告牌让顾客拿了馒头自己留钱。她给人们实实在在的温暖和感动。 一个名叫黄禹锡的人,一开始被人们称为“克隆之父”,因为他培育出了许许多多克隆的生物,韩国人民以他为荣。然而不久后,韩国调查委员宣布他造假。最终调查结果证实了他只是培育出了一只克隆狗,其余全部造假。于是韩国政府免去了他一切公职,他也在电视上向韩国人们鞠躬道歉。


团结友善是人与人和谐相处的润滑剂,是心与心之间的桥梁。 17岁的郭秦姐姐家里虽然并不富裕,但她捐物长达10年之久,让我很是感动。她创作了100多部童话,收到的稿费全部捐给孤儿,自己却顾不上打扮。她被我们评为“中华爱心慈善青少年第一人”。

现在的热门话题:“老人跌倒了,扶不扶?”引发了人们的思考。有一天,一个名叫管仲培的女中学生不顾路人的阻拦,搀扶起摔倒在地的老人并将其送到医院,被网友们评为“最美中学生”。 生活教人尚美




