

《狮子王》讲述了在非洲大草原上,万兽群集,荣耀欢呼,狮王穆法沙和王后沙拉碧产下的小王子辛巴。所有人都在为辛巴的诞生而欢呼,只有穆法沙的弟弟刀疤对小辛巴的出生仇恨不已。 为了登上王位,刀疤联合几只鬣狗利用不懂事的辛巴害死了狮王,辛巴从此逃离了王国,在外面,它认识了猫鼬丁满和野猪彭彭。时光飞逝,辛巴变成了一只强壮的雄狮。在朋友的劝说和父亲神灵的教导下,辛巴决定回去夺回王位,回到王国,辛巴得知是刀疤害死了父亲,愤怒的辛巴与刀疤进行决斗,卑鄙的刀疤战败,辛巴终于执政掌权。

片中安排人物角色具有独到之处。首先,穆法沙作为百兽之王,能治国齐家,使这个动物王国安定和谐。其次,刀疤——狮王穆法沙的弟弟,不甘只让哥哥统治王国,正是它们非比寻常的关系使刀疤产生嫉妒的心理,嫉妒必定产生邪恶,有了邪恶必将做出天理难容的事,刀疤的性格为整个故事的发展埋下了伏笔。再者,辛巴,一个动物王国的王子,天真善良、活泼可爱。这样的性格固然是好,但是在平时生活中我们知道,善良是一个人的优点,但坏人往往就是利用人的善良达到他们的目的。《狮子王》中,刀疤正是看到了辛巴这一点,从而利用辛巴加害狮王,最终阴谋也得逞了,因此让故事达到一个小高潮。另外老狒狒巫师拉法奇和辛巴儿时的伙伴娜娜具有很强的责任感,在辛巴失踪后,是他们担负起寻找王国希望的任务,他们会给别人灌输爱与责任的知识,并给予鼓励,虽然他们不是主角,但在剧中担负着不可缺少的角色,如果没有他们,整个故事的味道将变得平淡、乏味。《狮子王》还有两个令人难忘的角色,那就是猫鼬丁满和野猪彭彭,他们对辛巴的成长来说是关键因素,但是在剧中达到更好的效果是他们两个的语言,幽默、诙谐。当故事到了让人有点紧张的时候,他们便展现出拿手的 搞笑功夫,让效果达到另一种境界。整个人物的关系和性格特点使《狮子王》的情节跌宕起伏,达到最能打动观众的一道亮点。

《狮子王》中最精彩的故事段落是在狮王穆法沙死的那一刻,影片把声音、气氛和感情控制的相当好。当看到最亲、最爱的人离自己而去,一切挣扎都过去时,那一片死寂是多么催人下泪。辛巴沙哑的声音也恰到好处——还未散去的恐惧,哽咽。“爸,起来,你一定要起来!”但却得不到回应,无助、伤感、恐慌,表现的淋漓尽致。 《狮子王》是一部探究有关生命中爱、责任与学习的温馨作品。它的电影音乐洋溢着浓厚的世界乐风,成功地营造出了片中非洲大地自然和谐安定的生命气息。进入《狮子王》里,它向我们展示了一个新生的壮阔世界,让我们体验到爱与冒险的生命感动。让我们看到,连大自然的动物都知道什么叫爱,什么是责任,作为人类的我们也许并没有它们那么纯洁,我们应该互相学习,了解人生的真谛,让人与人和睦相处。营造一个充满爱的世界。



An Essay on The Lion King

Abstract: The Lion King is a marvelous work, and spectaculars who have watched it

will certainly get a lot of useful and impressive things from it, not only the story, the scene, the background, but also the deep enlightenment, because what it has given us is so influential and thoughtful. Although the lion king is made in America, in fact its theme spreads every corner of this world, inspecting of any kind of culture and faith.

Key words: the Lion King, Simba, movie, pride rock

The Lion King is a nice film, and it concludes a very deep connotation- everything in the world has its own rules to live, and they must follow these rules, no matter what they are. So do our human beings. It also tells us a lesson that every one will unavoidably make mistakes during their growing period, but we should not get rid of them, because this measure will make no effect to help solve the problem, so the only way is facing the past bravely, no matter what mistakes you have made before.

Let me take Simba for example, he is the king Mufasa’s son who is very naughty and knows nothing about the world. As a cub, he is both excited and anxious to become king. One day, he is easily inveigled by his uncle Scar and runs to a valley to practice howl, but he is threatened by the running wildebeest herd, in order to save him, his father dies (actually Mufasa is killed by Scar). After that, Simba feels very sorry for his father’s death, and Scar convinces that he should be responsible for his father’s death. He also thinks it is his own fault. However, he doesn’t have enough courage to face the cruel fact, and runs far away from the kingdom, with great scare and sorrow. While this is what Scar wishes all the time, he has been waiting for this day for a long time, because he wants to become the king. Now since Mufasa has died, Simba has gone away, Scar take the throne for grated. Though Simba has gone far away from the kingdom, he still does not get rid of his compunction, and become extremely depressed. After that, he meets his friends Pumbaa and Timon, who are

both very optimistic, under the enlightenment of these two friends, Simba starts to live a happy life, just like what Timon tells him “Ha Ku La Ma Ta Ta” is their motto, means “no worries”, and “if the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world”. Later, for a incidental chance, Simba meets his best playmate of his childhood-Nana, and gets to know that after Scar became king, all of them live a terrible life, there is no food, no water to eat. Nana persuades Simba to go home to become the king, every there needs him, but he refuses, because he is still not brave enough to be responsible for his past vital “fault”, he just wants to live his present simple life. Nana feels very disappointed about him, just like how his father felt about him before.

What is the reason that makes Simba later become so brave to challenge Scar to become the real king? Use Simba’s own words to say, it is because he finally gets some sense, besides that is his kingdom, if he doesn’t fight for it, who will? When it comes to Simba’s change, the most contribution should be attributed to the wise wizard- mandrill Rafiki, I think. Because he uses the ingenious way to arouse Simba’s will to fight against Scar, and let Simba to realize that he is the real king, he should be responsible for his kingdom, for everybody there. Simba’s change and returning to his kingdom tells that justice will defeat evil at last.

Now I want to analyze the images of the roles in this film. First, let’s look at the king of Pride Rock- Mufasa. As the king of Pride Rock, Muffasa is full of wisdom, intelligence, righteous and courage, he knows how to govern his land and get along well with his subjects-the other kinds of animals. When Mufasa takes Simba out to show him the extent of the kingdom, he tells Simba the law of nature, “A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new king.” “Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures-- from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. ”After that, Simba asks him, “But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?” Then Mufasa continues to say, “Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life. ”What Mufasa says

to his song is full of persuasion; actually he is using his wisdom to teach Simba how to be a king in the future. Mufasa is sophisticated, he knows his brother Scar’s wild ambition well, and he will do what he can to protect his land and family, therefore he is a model king, and even after he dies, his soul also exists and acts as a bright lamp to guide Simba how to face the life. So this makes me think that a person only hold his own righteousness in his heart can he live in this complex world. Even if we don’t have the style of Mufasa, we can learn his estimable spirit, and use it in our daily life. Talking about Mufasa’s courage, everybody gets a deep impression, I think. Mufasa's younger brother, Scar, is displeased with the birth of this heir. As a young cub, Mufasa teaches Simba about being king. Later that day, Scar tells Simba that the shadowy place is in fact an elephant graveyard. Simba's curiosity is piqued, and he convinces his best friend Nala, a female lion cub, to come with him. Sarabi sends Zazu to keep an eye on the two cubs, but they soon leave him behind. They finally reach the elephant graveyard, where they come upon three spotted hyenas, Shenzi, Banzai and Ed. The hyenas chase after the cubs, but at that key moment, Mufasa rescues them. He shouts to the hyenas, “If you ever come near my son again...” , then Shenzi , Banzai and Ed run away like a arrow. On the way home, Mufasa gives a lesson to Simba, he says he is very disappointed in Simba, because Simba has gone against his order. When Simba says, “I was just trying to be brave like you.” Mufasa replies, “I’m only brave when I have to be. Simba, being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.” For Mufasa’s answer, we can not delay he is really brave, even he says to Simba this time he is scared, that is because he is afraid of losing Simba! So the love of a father to his son has represented obviously from Mufasa’s behavior.

The second time Mufasa saves Simba’s life is in a gorge, while what a big pity, he loses his own life this time. On Scar's orders, the hyenas stampede a large pack of wildebeest into a gorge and Simba runs away. Mufasa learns of Simba's predicament, rescuing the cub. However, as Mufasa attempts to flee by climbing the gorge's walls, Scar throws him back down the gorge to his death. Scar tricks Simba into thinking that Mufasa's death resulted from the cub's carelessness. Ashamed, Simba flees the Pride Lands, intending to never return. In Simba's absence, Scar steps forward as

Mufasa’s rightful heir and become the new king.

Of course, compared with Mufasa, his brother Scar is so cunning and evil, his heart is filled with some undefeatable dark force, he only has deep revenge in his mind, in order to get what he wants, he even uses any kind of means. He hates Mufasa very much, also feels extremely furious to the litter cub-Simba’s birth. Because Simba’s birth is a great threat to him, will make his king dream break. So in order to make his beautiful dream come true, he decides to kill Mufasa and Simba. Firstly, he tempts Simba to go to the forbidden place and put the two small cub into great danger, the three hyenas even eat Simba and Nala mostly. Thanks to Mufasa’s timely arrival, the two small cubs are rescued. After this, Scar gets much angrier, he combines all of the hyenas to fight against Mufasa. This time, he also uses a dirty trick to ask Simba to practice hawing in a gorge, at the same time, Scar lets the hyenas stampede a large pack of wildebeest into the gorge, then goes back to tell Mufasa that Simba is in danger. Scar wants to kill them at the same time, how terrible he is! After the wildebeest run away, Simba is saved, while his father dies in this accident. What more, Scar tricks Simba into thinking that Mufasa's death resulted from the cub's carelessness. The little Simba feels so sorry, scared and ashamed; he flees the Pride Rock, intending to never return. Because of Simba's absence, Scar steps forward as Mufasa’s rightful heir and become the king of Pride Rock.

However, Scar’s evil behaviors are far more than these. Before, he promises that, as a king, he will make everyone live a happy life. While on contrary, after he rules Pride Rock, everyone lives a terrible life, there is no water, no food, and even nothing usable left. Look at what Scar has done! He has made the land a dead place, he is just a evil, how can this kind of person to be a king? In the modern time, if people choose a governor like Scar, we can not imagine how our life will be! Therefore, when we choose a leader, we should certainly select a person just like Mufasa, not Scar (even when hear the name of “Scar”, I can imagine he is not a kind person, so will not do any good to people).

Next, I’d like to talk about Pumbaa and Timon, the two lovely guys who saves Simba from the crowd of hawks. They two have one thing in common that is always

holding an optimistic attitude to life. Pumbaa is a warthog and Timon is a mongoos. Pumbaa is very kind-hearted and honest to his friends; and Timon is coward but very smart. When they find Simba lying on the dry land, Timon wants to run at the first time, he says to Pumbaa ,“Jeez, it's a lion! Run, Pumbaa! Move it!”,because he thinks Simba is a lion, he may eat them. While Pumbaa says,“Hey, Timon. It's just a little lion. Look at him. He's so cute, and all alone! Can we keep him?” after his persuadeion, Timon agrees. Because the clever Timon gets a good idea, he says, “Hey, I got it! What if he's on our side? You know, having a lion around might not be such a bad idea.” After they rescue Simba, they torture a lot to bring Simba up, acting as his parents. Pumbaa and Timon also tells Simba to be happy to enjoy, they use their motto Ha-ku-na Ma-ta-ta (which means “no worries”) to tells him don’t worry about life, just enjoy it.

From my point of view, we should learn the optimistic life attitude from Pumbaa and Timon, there is no absolute smooth way in our life, and everyone is doomed to come across different kinds of obstacles, no matter what happens, we should hold our faith, goal and dream, show a optimistic attitude to life! Besides these, there are also many meaningful things we can learn from The Lion King, every time when I watch it, I can get some new enlightenments.


Gleiberman, Owen (1994-06-24). “The Lion King Movie Review”,

Entertainment Weekly.

Hinson, Hal (1994-06-24). “The Lion King Review”. The Washington Post.

In the Realm of Marketing, “The Lion King” Rules, Los Angeles Times, By SALLIE

HOFMEISTER, Published: July 12, 1994.
