



刚开始时候,演唱和伴奏从轻和慢逐渐明亮化,就说明Jean 时尚在犹豫之中,不知道自己该如何面对这两难的局面,接着管乐开始加入,和弦乐的伴奏形成两个声部的互相推动,暗示他的内心斗争达到了一定的艰巨时刻,最终全部管弦乐一起再次推出《Who Am I》的主题时,表明他的光明一面已经战胜了怯懦的一面,完成了精神上的升华。令人影响深刻的是当描述工厂里有一个叫芳汀的女工时,音乐片段用的是《At the End of the Day》,这首曲子的节奏很快,演员们的词也都很多,但同样的曲调、同样的节奏在两类人的演绎下表现出了不同的感觉。而她们几个人与跟风起哄的女工们的一唱一和——一句独唱一句合唱相间的安排,则把女工们急于赶走芳汀之心暴露无遗。另一类人就是孤独的芳汀。虽然还是一样的曲调,一样的节奏,但演员那略带哭泣的唱腔、委屈无奈的表情则表现出了芳汀孤独无依的窘境。芳汀一个人还辩驳不上几句,就被女工们更多更大声的无理指责给压了下去。同样的快节奏,放在芳汀身上,与其说是表现其有力地反驳,倒不如说是表现其在众女工以多欺少的情况下艰难无奈地抓紧仅有的一点喘息之机进行反驳。


12化本2班 2012364208 黄玲



The Miserable World is a historical culture legacy reflecting the tragic life and destiny of the human in the middle of nineteen century in France. The original indication of the name of this novel was “people who’re suffering from great difficulty”, it attaches importance on the tragedy and position of the impoverished people, by doing this, Hugo was able to stress on the main idea of the novel, which is most exciting and attentive aspect, leading all of the readers to deep thinking. We notice that in the preface, Hugo pointed out “As long as the social restrictions caused by laws and customs still exist, the human society would be turned to be a hell and people will suffer from inevitable disasters. If we couldn’t get rid of the following three issues existing in this century – men are getting down because of poorness, women are turning to be degenerate because of starving, children are becoming weak and helpless because of pervasive darkness of the world. In a boarder sense, if there are still foolish and impoverish in this world, the books with the character similar to this book will be conductive. “In the society of Hugo’s book, the labour are living the miserable life and exploited by the factories, the conscience of the human are disappearing because of the poverty, and people’s body and soul are distorted and afflicted by the prison. The misfortune of Valjean and Fantine is just the condensation of the destiny of the poor.

The Miserable World reveals the sin and villainy of the vice aspects of capitalism institution by telling the stories of the tragic life of Valjean and Fantine who were persecuted by the cruel world. The story strongly tells us the fact that the tragedy people are suffering is exactly the tragedy of the whole society. At the same time, Hugo putted a lot of emphasis on displaying the strong will and hardship of the individual through describing the internal agony and obsession of the main characters. The underlying reason why and how the whole miserable world take place is complicated and it needs fundamental analysis which given by Hugo on the basis of a democracy and humanism. He came up with the view that the country was out of rule of law, and the empty and hypocritical law, social injustice and inequity are the criminal result in the miserable life of the people as well as the whole society. Hugo went to great length to disclose the darkness, to protest the violence and injustice, to pursue the human right and democracy, the book shows great concern about the people and love. This novel is outstanding and valuable because it has surpass the history and reality, people in modern society can be influenced by it under theme of crucial issue of human life, people in our age will get sustainable progress in seeking our completion, perfect and harmony.

Victor Hugo , as a humanist , pays the most attention to the combat of human natures , not the struggle of classes in Les Misérables. He describes the changing of the hero from human to devil and then to angel , expressing his expectation of good human nature and progress in civilization. He reflects on the history of mankind in various aspects and criticizes the actual world in the name of future and human.
