

驯龙高手 - 影片资料




配乐赏析:开场曲《这就是贝克岛》(This Is Berk)融合了《怪物史莱克》和《功夫熊猫》的引子乐章在叙事构架上的优点,营造出循序渐进的铺陈和急转直下的切换交相辉映的戏剧落差效果,一下子就把人们的情绪调动了起来。如果说好的开始就是成功的一半,那么这段开场曲无疑为整个影片的配乐奠定了一个非常坚实有力的亢奋基调,使得每分每秒都给人带来一种难言的爽快感。富有典型地域色彩的音乐元素运用是《驯龙记》的配乐一个最令人称道的优点。为了营造出故事本身应有的维京文化背景,约翰还运用了不少居尔特民间音乐元素,而第一次在影片中对配乐中的这种居尔特音乐元素产生非常强烈的存在感,是主人公和一种同龄人首次进入训练唱参加降龙术训练一幕时所用的曲子《降龙训练》。带有浓郁居尔特风味的风笛进一步弥漫着古老欧陆的风情,放在动作段落中听来




在这部《驯龙记》中也有着广泛的应用。开场的第一段动作重头戏乐章《龙之战》(Dragon Battle),就是这种风格的典型代表,《红色娘子军》、《海港》之类中式管弦乐作品那种恢宏瑰丽到近乎夸张程度的号角在这段乐曲中有极为精湛的还魂。







The comments of the movie How to Train Your Dragon

First of all ,i want to give you the plot summary for "How to Train Your Dragon"

Long ago up North on the Island of Berk, the young Viking, Hiccup, wants to join his town's fight against the dragons that continually raid their town. However, his macho father and village leader, Stoik the Vast, will not allow his small, clumsy, but inventive son to do so. Regardless, Hiccup ventures out into battle and downs a mysterious Night Fury dragon with his invention, but can't bring himself to kill it. Instead, Hiccup and the dragon, whom he dubs Toothless, begin a friendship that would open up both their worlds as the observant boy learns that his people have misjudged the species. But even as the two each take flight in their own way, they find that they must fight the destructive ignorance plaguing their world.

In the film, the Vikings have a long time between nationals and dragon , long connection to each other through violence to sanctions. Thus, Hiccup also succeeded the tradition of the Vikings, hoping to prove himself through killing the Dragon, and to get his father's esteem and blue eyes. Because of Hiccup body weak, he was always making mistake. However, more and more failures inspired Hiccup to do many movements of killing dragons, until he hit the Toothless accidently.

The film touched me the most is the Hiccup outstretched hand to the Toothless. The queue too long between the hate and divide, resulting in a Hiccup and Toothless meeting will be tense, nervous atmosphere. Actually discard the queue to see our world, and people then why not this predicament. Impatience of the world is a little bit of invasion of crimes, a sense of trust between people less and less. In fact, we have to, just automatically hand out

Story was told a shallow reason, but just using 100 minutes of stunning images to make a deep impression on the viewers. The superb of DreamWorks is to carefully written about the process of the ice, between the dragon was about the human emotional development understatement. Just a Few pen, we see the friendship between them impregnable. Hard to love easy to get along, get along easily break the ice than done.

In addition to the main line, there are many flash movie wisdom. For example, conflict between Hiccup and his father, is that they only have to listen a little more condensate; example of Hiccup girl Astrid complaints, in fact, just want to know a little bit. When these flashes of wisdom hidden in the great epic movie picture, the audience's heart soar along with the Dragon has nine north wind fluctuations unconventional, they are only bits and pieces of the early Guanghua. This no lack of narrative tension method , resulting in change of DreamWorks. In addition to the Shrek and effort fired Black Panda, DreamWorks animated image of a new surface, there was deep in my mind

to remember the precursor. Do not get too happy, however, Pixar have long been films like Wall-E sits, DreamWorks temporary or only hold a candle. In any event, this year's How to train your dragon, relatively carry tripod for DreamWorks, Pixar and Disney, the face of the truculent oncoming Toy Story3, Train Your Dragon leader first , and intimate knowledge.

Clearly, the DreamWorks film was beyond the audience's expectations??It shines in Guilin, one of this year's animated films . Whether intended to break the height from the film, the plot level to ease the consequences of still images, the DreamWorks are using How to train your Dragon highlights his growth, no wonder everyone says, "DreamWorks will be telling stories."

In short,it is really a good movie that's worthy of being watched.
