


《鼠来宝2》的主角虽然是3只花栗鼠,可是它不是一部动物电影。这些精灵、古怪的花栗鼠不但会说人话,而且有着人的思维方式,是披着花栗鼠皮的人。毕竟,他们的身高和人相差太远,可是他们“特立独行”,在“做人”方面,许多时候还是人们的老师,想人所不敢想,做人所不能做。除了爱学习、讲团结、重友情这些值得尊敬的传统意识外,影片处处体现者快乐,快乐无敌啊。以下就是这些角色所带给我们的快乐。 影片中的三个主角分别是艾尔多,西尔多,侄子宅男托比










Alvin and the Chipmunks depicts a revealing story that with the help of three chipmunks, David successfully makes his way to become a renowned composer. Huge profits have been being flooded into Jack Recorder. However, the greedy Jack is far from satisfying. In an attempt to make a full schedule for chipmunks free from David’s

intrusion, Jack manages to alienate chipmunks from David by taking advantage of their naivete. Finally, being monstrously stressed out from constant working forced by Jack, chipmunks return to David.

What tremendously enlightens me is the frailty of sense, more often than not dominated by sensibility with subtle efforts. The three chipmunks and David together share “a really happy time: David writes songs for them, takes care of them, and they celebrate

Christmas together. They are like a family.” So engaged to each other are they that their binding relationship seems as solid as a rock.

Nevertheless, a few slanders form Jack that “David calls you rats” are enough to destroy all the close attachment. Sensibility all of a sudden reigning over sense, the chipmunks cast no suspicion towards Jack, bear nothing in mind of David’s kindness, and without hesitation

depart from David “who used to treat them like a dad”. Exhausted by concert after concert, they eventually shed light on the ins and outs of the intrigue and reunite David.

As a matter of fact, we’ve been struggling in the battle of sense and sensibility for a long run, best exemplified in literature. The

Chinese parable that a wise man suspects his neighbor instead of his own son of stealing based solely on sensibility has been employed to instruct generation to generation. “Beauty is in the eye of the

beholder” is highly advised to be replaced by Shakespeare’s “Love looks not with the eyes, but with mind”. Christian in John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress withstands the persuasion of his wife and children and resists the temptation from Vanity Fair, governed by sense, he eventually reaches Heaven. Elinor from Jane Austen’s

Sense and Sensibility balances the two and deserves a happy ending. These are examples worth following.

All in all, sense is just like a compass, leading the ship to the right direction even in stormy weather. When confronting dilemma, do keep it in mind that let sense directs sensibility.