
《 国 家 宝 藏》 影 评




景点有林肯纪念碑、美国的独立厅、华盛顿。。。。。。可以说始终在宣扬美国的文化,向观众展示了美国的强大。《国家宝藏》采用了大胆的手法,全剧以“藏宝图”为道具,采用“理智与情感并重”的渲染,不仅没有因为贴近现实而失去神秘感,反而更加激动人心。谁能想到《独立宣言》后面会有秘密,谁又能想到细微处会有那么惊人的秘密,一部《国家宝藏》将这些展示的淋漓尽致。剧中人物的表演也算是轰轰烈烈,好人坏人之间的明争暗斗为本剧添加的几分刺激感,让人不禁捏了几分冷汗,但这正是本剧的亮点之一。但是凡事都不是十全十美的,其中就有几穿帮的镜头,例如:在地下场景中,接触到火把火焰的蜘蛛网被熔化,而事实上,真实的蜘蛛网遇火会燃烧;当莱利下到国家档案馆的地铁车站时,经过的列车明显是纽约地铁列车;当盖茨被FBI探员擒获并压在车上之后,切斯和瑞利看到盖茨被擒获匆匆离开。而彼得(FBI长官)与盖茨打招呼时就已经出现在彼得身后。。。。。。 此剧以完美收尾通过重重考验(其中有和伊恩再一次假合作)找到宝藏,也免去了偷《独立宣言》的罪名坐牢,而找到替罪羊伊恩去坐牢。最后本和切斯相爱,瑞利分得了百分之一的财富,买了法拉利还有一套房子。总之,该剧故事流畅,节奏紧张,充满了相向的乐趣,看完后轻松、愉快。排除穿帮的情节,本片无论是剧情还是任务的演技方面都可以算是一部很好的冒险、寻宝影片。



The Book of Secrets

Thieves are always despised. If someone asked previously me:” in which circumstance will you respect thieves?” I am certain to say:” Impossible.” In my opinion, in no circumstance will thieves be respected. But after seeing a movie, I changed my mind. I like the movie star Nicolas Cage very much, so I often movies that he acts the leading role. Recently I saw a movie that he acts the leading role, it's name isThe Book of Secrets.The movie is an adventure and action movie that is product by Buena Vista Pictures. Jon Turteltaub is the director, and Jerry Bruckheimer is the producer, and there are also Diane Kruger and Jon Voight as the protagonists.

Ben Franklin Gates (played byNicolas Cage) is an adventurer. When he was young his grandfather had told him a big secret about treasure. The treasure wasmilitary expenditure that wasprepared for American Revolution. And the treasure was buried by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin in somewhere.Finally America won the war, but the military expenditure had not been cost, up to now no one knows where the treasure is. Ben and his partner Ian successfully solve that puzzle and found a ship. However, the ship gave him only another clue, the answer is on the back of the Declaration of Independence. Ian wanted to steal it, but Ben refused so Ian tried to kill Ben. However, Ben escaped. Ben wanted to stop Ian, but nobody believed him and no one

wanted to help him. He had to steal it himself to protect it. Unfortunately, he and his friend Riley were discovered by the curator of the National Archives. Ben had to take her with him to find that treasure. But it was not so easy because Ian is always behind them. And the FBI tries to arrest him. With the help of each one Ben and his partner found the treasure and FBI knew the truth. Finally the treasure is protected and Lan is arrested.

In this movie Ben is a thief, and he is not a simple “thief”, he “steel” the national treasure. But everyonerespects him. It is no doubt that the movie is a very great movie. Everyone can learn a lot from it. As for me, it shows me a Hero image. It tells me Everyone should do what he can do when his country is threatened, as one member of the country we all need to protect our country.
