Ice Age 4 观后感

Ice Age 4 观后感

Let’s think of it: an adventure of a mammoths, two sloths and a saber tiger. In the trip, they met windstorm, terrifying sea creature, and what’s even worse is a large “company” of pirates. Seems that it was almost impossible for them to finish the trip but the case is that, they finished it and achieved their goal—to meet their family members.

The group might be a joke—they have different species, and some of them always lead the team to trouble, especially Sid—the sloth who always brings trouble to his mates, but sometimes gain something important accidentally. No matter what tries to stop the group from family reunion, they’ll never give up. The team leader—Manny, stays calm no matter what kind of trouble they meet, as he is confident that they can solve the problem. The group is pretty weird, but also adamant. That’s why they could meet their friends and families again.

The glaciers melted, and the continents were drifting. The group got far apart with their families, what made them never give up is kinship, love and belief. All over the ocean, they’ll never give in to destiny, that’s because they are a family. In this aspect, I can say, they are an awesome family. Manny—the team leader, moved me the most. He is a father, a great father, and also a great friend. To save his family, he risks his life struggling to the continent. That’s why he is loved by his friends.

In addition to happiness, the film brought us movement and inspirations—kinship is the most valuable treasure.




第二篇:Ice Age 3

Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs 《冰河世纪:恐龙的黎明》-Manny: its happening!快了快了!-Sid: Wait up guys!wait up: 停下来等候 Guy: 家伙 大家等等我啊。-Manny: The baby is coming! The baby is coming! I'm having a baby.have a baby: 生孩子宝宝要生了!我要当爸爸了!-Crash: Code blue, code blue, Or pink if it's a girlcode blue: 紧急救命蓝色警报,蓝色警报了,要是女孩就是粉色。-Manny: Coming up baby! Coming up baby! I'm coming, Ellie!come up: 出现生宝宝了!生宝宝了!Ellie,我来了!-Crasj: We got it.get it: 理解瞧我们的。-Manny: Ellie, Ellie, Where are you, Where am I ? Manny!EllieEllie,你在哪,我这是到哪儿了?Manny!-Ellie: Manny,I told you! It was just a kick.kick: 踢Manny,我说过了,只是宝宝踢了一下而已-Manny: Ohh right! Right, oh wow.哦,对啊!对啊,哈哈。Ohh you really gave daddy a scare! Daddy got silly.scare: 惊吓 silly: 愚蠢的你可真把你老爸吓死了!瞧老爸傻的。Daddy fall down cliff and go, boom, boom, boom. Silly daddy. fall down: 落下 cliff: 悬崖 boom: 隆隆声老爸我从悬崖上溜下来然后就嘣,嘣,嘣!傻老爸。Sorry, folks. False alarm. It was just a kick.folks: 人们 false: 错误的 alarm: 警报抱歉了,各位,虚惊一场,宝宝只是提了一下。-Man: Do you know who I want to kick? 你知道我想踢谁嘛?–Woman: That's the third false alarm this week.你这周都已经"虚"了三次了。-Sid: All right shows over... break it up, break it up!break up: 结束好了,没啥好看的,都散了吧,散了吧!Oh I see someone else who has a bun in the oven?have a bun in the oven: 怀孕哦~瞧瞧谁的小肚子也有小宝宝了。-Woman: I'm not pregnant!pregnant: 怀孕的我没"有"!-Sid: Too bad, you'd make a wonderful mother.wonderful: 极好的真可惜,你会是个好妈妈的。-Ellie: Manny I know your excited, I am too, but your getting a little carried away.excited: 兴奋的 be carried away: 十分激动Manny,我知道你很高兴,我也是可你这样也有点太激动。-Manny: Okay, okay, Boy, your starting to sound like Diego.sound like: 听起来像好了,好了,听你这口气越来越像Diego了。Wait a second... Where is Diego?wait a second: 稍等一会儿等等…Diego哪去了?-Man: My hooves are burning, baby! They are burning!hoof: 蹄脚 burning: 燃烧我可是蹄下生风啊,宝贝儿!蹄下生风!Oh, look at this; I got to tip-Toe! I got to tip-Toe! Eat my dust, dingo!tip-toe: 踮起脚 dust: 灰尘哦,瞧这儿啊,我踮脚跑,我踮脚跑!你就吃灰去吧,哈哈!-Ellie: Huh, can I look now? 现在能睁眼了嘛? –Manny: Easy, don't freak out the baby.freak out: 吓坏了别太激动哦,小心伤着孩子。-Ellie: The baby is fine. It's

the freaked out daddy I'm worried about.worry about: 担心孩子好得很,我现在倒是担心他老爸。-Manny: Ah-Uh-Uh, No peeking.peek: 偷看嘿,别偷看。Voila! Playground for junior...voila: 瞧 playground: 操场 junior:少年瞧!游乐场在此…-Ellie:Ohh wow!哇!It's amazing.amazing: 令人惊异的太美了。Ohh Manny... manny…-Manny: I made it myself, our family.这是我做的,我们全家。-Sid: Hey why aren't I up there?为什么这上头没我的份?-Crash: you can be on ours. You'd fit right in. fit in: 适合你可以上我们这得全家福,肯定很合适。-Sid: Thanks!谢谢。-Manny: Of course it's still work in progress. Few rough edges, here and progress: 在进行中 rough: 粗糙的 edge: 边缘 here and there: 到处当然了,这工程还没完工还有些边边角角要处理。-Ellie: I don't believe it, your trying to baby proof nature.proof: 验证 nature: 自然界 真不敢相信,你这是要给孩子另造一个天地。-Manny: Baby proof nature? Get outta here.get outta here: 离开另造一个?哪有。That's ridiculous.ridiculous: 荒谬的那也太扯了。-Ellie: Manny, this is the world our baby's gonna grow up in. You can't change that.grow up: 长大Manny,我们的孩子以后肯定会在这里生活,你可改变不了冰川世纪。-Manny: Of course I can, I'm the biggest thing on earth.on earth: 在世界上我当然可以,谁让我是地球上个儿最大的呢。-Ellie: Okay big daddy, I can't wait to see, how you handle the teen years.can’t wait to: 等不及要 handle: 处理 teen: 年轻人好吧,大块头老爹,我真想看看你能怎么应付小娃娃。-Manny: Come on, Sid. I don't want you touching anything. This place is for kids.touch: 接触跟上,Sid,别乱碰东西这地方是给孩子们玩的。Are you a kid? Don't answer that.你是小孩吗?不用答了。Diego, there you are. You missed the big surprise.surprise: 惊奇Diego,原来你在这啊刚刚你可错过了一份大惊喜。-Diego: I'll check it out later. check it out: 仔细讨论是嘛,我待会再看吧。-Manny: Okay, see ya.Ya: =you仅用于口语好嘞,回见。-Ellie: You know, I think there's something bothering, Diego.bother: 烦扰我觉得,Diego好像有心事。-Manny: No, I'm sure everything's fine.怎么会,肯定没事的啦。-Ellie: you should talk to him. 你该去和他聊聊。-Manny: Guys don't talk to guys, about guy problems.guy: 男人男人可不会聊,男人的事。We just punch each other on the shoulders.punch: 殴打 shoulder: 肩膀我们互相捶一下肩就好了。-Ellie: That's stupid!stupid: 愚蠢的那也太蠢了!-Manny: To a girl, but for a guy, that's like six months of therapy.therapy: 治疗对女人来说,是滴;可对男人来说那可顶的上六个月的心理治疗

。Okay, Okay I'm going.好了,好了,我去就是了。-Manny: Hey.嘿-Diego: Oww!喂!Why'd you do that? 你干嘛呢? -Manny: I don't know.我也不晓得。So listen, Ellie thinks theres something bothering you...是这么个事儿,Ellie觉得你有心事…-Diego: Actually, I've been thinking, that soon, it might be time for me to head out.head out: 出发说真的,我是在想,可能,很快,我就该出发了。-Manny: Okay, so I'll just tell her that your fine. It was nothing.哦,那我就跟她说你没事了,嘛事没有。-Diego: Look, who are we kidding, Manny? I'm losing my edge. I'm not really built for chaperoning play-Dates.kid: 开玩笑 lose edge: 失去战斗力 be built for: 为…而建造 chaperon: 陪伴 play date: 玩[plans made with friends to hang out.—from Urban Dictionary]我们能哄得了谁呢,Manny?我越来越不像只剑齿虎了。而且,我也不适合整天帮你看小孩。-Manny: What do you talking about?talk about: 讲你说什么呢?-Diego: Having a family, that's huge. And I'm happy for you, but...huge: 巨大的成家生子,这是大事,我很为你高兴,可是……It's your adventure, not mine.adventure: 冒险这是你的探险故事,不再是我的。-Manny: So you don't want to be around my kid? be around: 来访你是说你不想和我一起带小孩?-Diego: No, no, no, t-Thats... your taking this the wrong way.take the wrong way: 理解错误不是这个意思,你…你误会我说的话了。-Manny: No go, go find some adventure. Mr. Adventure guy!别,你去吧就,探险去吧,大探险家!Don't let my boring domestic life hit you on the bottom, on your way out.domestic: 家庭的 hit: 打击 on the bottom: 底部 on one’s way out: 在出去的路上,别让我家这点破事搅了你的兴致,拖你后腿。-Diego: Isn't Ellie supposed to be the one with the hormonal imbalance?be supposed to do: 应该 hormonal: 荷尔蒙的 imbalance: 失调荷尔蒙失调的原来不止Ellie一个?-Sid: Manny, wait! No one has to leave.Manny,等下!大家都不用走啊。-Ellie: So? 怎么样?-Manny: That's why guys don't talk to guys. 跟你说了男人就不该聊。-Ellie: Why what happened..怎么回事。-Manny: Diego's leavingDiego要走了-Sid: Whoa, whoa, this should be the best time of our lives. We're having a time: 最佳时机喂,喂,现在可是咱们的黄金时代了,我们都快有宝宝了。-Diego: No, Sid. They're havin' a baby错了,Sid,是他们要有宝宝了。-Sid: Yeah but, we're a herd. We're a familyherd: 群体可,我们是一起的呀,我们是一家人呀。-Diego: Look things have changed. Manny has other priority's now.priority: 重要的问题今日不同往昔了,Manny有其他事情要操心。Face it, Sid. We had a great run, but... now it's time to move on.have a gre

at run: 很美妙的事 move on: 继续前进接受现实吧,Sid,我们有过快乐的过去,可现在…是时候分道扬镳了。-Sid: So it's just the two of us.那,就是说,只剩下我们两个了。-Diego: No, Sid. It's not the two of us.又错,Sid,不是两个。-Sid: Crash and Eddie, are coming with us?Crash和Eddie也跟我们一起?Just, Crash? Just, Eddie?就Crash?Eddie?-Diego: Goodbye, Sid.别了,Sid。-Sid: Okay, calm down. Calm down. I'm good at making friends.calm down: 平静下来 make friends: 交朋友好了,冷静,冷静交朋友是我的拿手好戏。I'll make my own herd. That's what I'll do!我自己招一帮子人。对,就是这样!Hey! "Me amigo's. Que pasa?"amigos: 朋友 Que pasa: 你好吗嘿!大家玩的怎么样啊?Well, at least you still got your looks.好吧,至少我长的还很帅。Ohh great!!哦,这下可好。Anybody here?有人在吗?Hello?嗨~?Oh poor guys, I know what it's like to feel abandonedabandon: 遗弃哦,可怜的小家伙,我知道被人抛弃的感受。Don't worry, you're not alone anymore.别担心,你们不再孤独了。There you go.乖乖呆好。Stay here! You take care of your brother now, momma's coming right back.呆在这!照顾好你弟弟,妈妈马上回来。Momma's coming, baby!宝宝,妈妈来了!I got you.接到了。What did I just tell you kids?我刚才怎么跟你说的?倒霉孩子!Ohh, thank you, thank you, thank you!哦,谢谢,谢谢!Bad eggs, rotten eggs. A heart attack you almost gave me.rotten egg: 讨厌的家伙 heart attack: 心脏病发作坏蛋,大坏蛋,你们真快把妈妈吓出心脏病了。Ohh I'm sorry darling, it's just that I love you so much.Now I want you to meet your uncle Manny and aunt Ellie.哦,对不起,小宝宝,我只是太爱你们了,好了,来见见你们Manny叔叔和Ellie婶婶。-Sid: Hello!你好呀!I'd like to present, Eggbert, Shelly and Yoko.present: 提出我给你们介绍,蛋蛋,蛋壳,蛋黄。-Manny: Sid, whatever you're doing. It's a bad idea!Sid,不管你在干什么,都不是好主意。-Sid: Shh!My kids will hear you. 嘘!孩子们会听到的。-Manny: They're not your kids, Sid. Take them back.take back: 拿回他们不是你的孩子,Sid,哪拿的放哪去。You're not meant to be a meant to: 应该是,希望是你不适合当家长。-Sid: Why not?凭什么?-Manny: First sign: stealing someone else's eggs.sign: 迹象 steal: 偷首先,你偷蛋。Second sign: one of them almost became an omelet.omelet: 煎蛋其次,有个差点成了煎蛋。-Ellie: Sid, someone must be worried sick looking for worried sick: 非常担心 look for: 寻找Sid,蛋妈妈肯定在急着找他们呢。-Sid: No, They were underground, in ice.underground: 地下的不可能,他们是

在地下的,冰洞里。If it wasn't for me they'd be... Egg sickles.sickle: 镰刀状细胞要不是我发现了,他们早就成…冰蛋蛋了。-Manny: Sid, I know what your going through. You're gonna have a family too someday.go through: 遭受 be gonna: =be going to打算Sid,我知道你有多难受,总有一天,你会成家立业的。You gonna meet a nice girl, with... with low standards, no real options, or sense of smell...standard: 标准 option: 选择 sense of smell: 嗅觉你会遇上个好女孩…她要求不高,也没的挑,或者有点味道…-Ellie: what Manny means to say is... Manny的意思是…-Sid: No, I get it. I'll take them back.别说了,我明白,我送他们回去。You have your family and I'm better off alone. By better off: 更舒服你们去过两人世界,我自己一个人。A fortress of solitude.fortress: 堡垒 solitude: 孤独呆在我的"孤独城堡"里。In the ice, for ever!for ever: 永远永远呆在冰天雪地里。Alone, lonely loner..lonely: 孤独的 loner: 孤独的人一个人,孤单寂寞…-Manny: That's a lot of aloners.一个人还真不少。-Sid: Precisely!precise: 准确的没错!-Ellie: Sid, wait. Sid,等下-Manny: No, no, it's ok.不用叫他,没事的。He'll bounce back, it's one of the advantages of being Sid.bounce back: 向后跳 advantage: 优势他会自己蹦回来的,这也算是Sid的一样特异功能。-Sid: Why should I take you back. I love kids.我为什么一定要把你们放回去呢,我喜欢小孩子。I'm responsible, loving, nurturing. What do you think?responsible: 有责任的 nurture: 养育我又有责任心,又有爱心,还有细心,你们说呢?I knew you would agree.agree: 同意我就知道你们也这么想。Oh oh, don't cry! I'll find a dry place.dry: 干燥哦,别哭哇,我给你们找个干燥的地方。Let me just dry you off.dry off: 弄干我帮你擦擦干。I don't know, being a parents, a lot of work.怎么办呢,当家长,责任太大了。Maybe I'm not ready.也许我是没准备好。-Dignousour babies: Mamma, mama, mama!妈妈,妈妈,妈妈!I'm a mommy.我当妈咪了!-Sid: Where's mommy?妈咪在哪里?Here I am!在这里!There you go, nice clean faces.这就对了,把小脸洗的干干净净。I got it! I got it!我来接,我来接!Stop it, no.停下,别舔了。Hey, no biting!bite: 咬嘿,不准咬!I'm sorry, no, it's okay, it's okay. Don't cry! Why you still crying?对不起,哦,没事了,都没事了,别哭哇,怎么还哭。Are you hungry? Maybe your hungry. I know just the thing.你们饿了吗?应该是饿了,我知道上哪儿找吃的。...this is animal. I am your baby and this is my milk.牛妈妈在这里,我就是你的牛宝宝,来吃奶奶了~~~Ahhhh!!! I thought you were a fema

le!female: 雌性啊!!!!我以为你是母的!I'm sorry, but you can't go in. Manny says, It's just for kids.抱歉哦,可你们不让进的 Manny说,只给小孩子玩。Wait a minute... You are kids!等下…你们就是小孩子呀!Just don't break anything!break: 弄破记得别碰坏东西!-Boy: The Sloth says the playground's open! sloth: 树懒 playground: 操场树懒说游乐场开放了!-Sid: No, wait. Not for everyone!!嘿,等等,不是全部开放!No, no. Don't touch that!别,别碰那个!-Woman: what are they? Who cares? Their fun!他们是什么动物?管他呢,有趣就是了!-Son1: Mommy, his not sharing.share: 分享妈咪,他占着这个不让我玩。 -Mother1: Aren't you gonna do something.你是不是该说说。-Sid: Why, my kid had it first.说什么,本来就是我家孩子先抢到的。-Son1: Did not! 不是!-Sid: Did to!就是!liar, liar, pants on fire.liar, liar, pants on fire: 糟糕的谎言[to lie so badly that, theoretically your pants will burst into flames. popularized by the kindergarten chant, "liar, liar, pants on fire!".—from Urban Dictionary]骗人骗人,没羞没羞。-Mother1: what is the matter with you?你哪根筋不对啊?-Sid: I'm a single mother with 3 kids.single: 单身的我可是带着三个娃娃的单身母亲。I could use a little compassion.compassion: 同情你给点同情会死人啊。-Son2: No don't! 别那么玩!-Ronald: No, don't! Stop.别玩了!停下!-Mother Ronald: Ronald! Ronald!-Sid: Whoa! That's insane.insane: 疯狂的哇,太炫了!-Audience: Stop! Stop! Stop!停下,停下!-Jonny’ mother: Hold on, Little Johnny!hold on: 坚持坚持住,小强强!-Jonny: I'm trying!我在坚持!-Sid: You know, experts say that you should let the kids eat whatever they 专家知道不,专家说过,孩子想吃什么,就该让他吃什么。-Ellie: Do you think my ankles look fat? ankle: 踝 你觉得我脚脖子粗吗? -Manny: Ankles. what ankles?脚脖子,在哪里?-Manny: Ronald, Where did you come from?Ronald,你从哪飞来的?Oh No!!哦,不!-Sid: Okay come on spit him out! If you don't spit out, Little Johnny,come on: 别这样 spit out: 吐出好了,快点,吐出来!你要是不把小强吐出来。We're leaving the playground this instantly, one...instantly: 立刻地我就带你走了,立马带走。...two .. Don't make me say three.2…可别逼我数3哦。there We are, a picture of health.picture: 景象 health: 健康这不出来了,活蹦乱跳的。-Johnny’s mother: That's not little Johnny.他不是小强。-Sid: Well better than nothing. 有总比没有强嘛。-Madison’s mother: Madison!Madison!-Sid: Come on, barf him up!barf: 吐出来快点,吐出来。-Manny: Sid!Sid!-Sid: Hello, Ma

nny. 嗨,Manny-Johnny’s mother: Little Johnny!小Johnny!-Manny: Oh wait... No! No!哦,别…不要啊!-Sid: Oh I'm really sorry.真对不起。-Crash: This place is totalled. And we didn't reck it. We're losing our touch bro!total: 总共 reck: 相干 lose one’s touch: 失去能力这地儿全毁了,可跟我没不相干,咱们没机会破处(女地)了!-Sid: The important thing is that no one got hurt. Except for that guy.except: 除外最重要的是,没人受伤,除了这个。And, and those three... and her.那三个…还有她。-Manny: I told you to take them back, and you kept them! Now look what they've done.我让你把他们带回去可你却留着!看看现在这团糟!-Sid: Okay granted, We do have some discipline issues.granted: 即使 discipline: 纪律 issues: 问题 好吧,我同意,他们是有点不听话。-Manny: Eating kids is not a discipline issue.吃人家小孩可不止是不听话。-Sid: But he spit them out! 可他也吐出来了啊!-Manny: Well that's super, lets give him a gold star!gold star: 金星奖章那真了不起啊,再给他发奖章吧!They don't belong here, Sid. Whatever they are wherever you found them, take them back.belong: 属于他们不属于这里,Sid 我不管他们是什么,也不管从哪儿来,你给我送回去。-Sid: Manny, I'm not getting rid of my kids!get rid of: 丢弃Manny,我可不会抛下我孩子!-Madison’s mother: Earthquake!earthquake: 地震地震了!-Sid: It's Okay, It's okay, mamma's here!没事没事,有妈妈在!-Crash: Do earthquakes, shriek?shriek: 尖叫地震还会叫唤吗?-Ellie: I thought those Guys were extinct. extinct: 灭绝的我以为这些家伙都灭绝了。-Manny: Well then, that is one *angry* fossil. Sid!fossil: 化石那这家伙,就是头发飙的活化石了,Sid!-Sid: Come on, inside, inside, inside.inside: 里面的快,进去,都进去。-Manny: Nobody move a muscle!move a muscle: 动一下谁都别动!-Sid: No, no, no, don't cry.别别,别哭啊。We are poor little lambs who have lost our way.lamb: 羔羊 lose one’s way: 迷路我们是迷途的小羊羔。-Manny: Sid! Give them to her. She's their mother.Sid!把孩子们还给她,她才是妈妈! -Sid: How do I know, she's their mother?我怎么知道,她不是冒牌的?-Manny: What do you want, a birth certificate? She's a *Dinosaur*!certificate: 证书 dinosaur: 恐龙你还想怎么,看出生证吗?她是头恐龙! -Sid: Well I've put in the, blood, sweat and tears to raise them.put in: 花费(时间,精力) blood: 血液 sweat: 汗 tear: 眼泪 raise: 养育我含辛茹苦,一把屎一把尿地把他们拉扯大。-Manny: For a day! Give them back, you Lunatic!lunatic: 疯子拉扯了一天!快把孩子还给她,疯子!-Sid: Look these are my kids!别动,

这是我的孩子!And your gonna have to go through me to get them!想抢孩子,先过我这关。-Ellie: Sid! Sid!-Sid: Help!救命啊!-Man: Run! 跑路啊! -Diego: Don't you have anything better to do?你吃饱了撑的吗,这么没追求?-Sid:Help! 救命啊! -Diego:Sid?Sid?-Manny: Sid must be down there. Sid肯定是被带下去了。-Crash: Well, his dead! Real shame.shame: 遗憾好吧,他肯定是完了,真可惜。he will be missed. 我们会想念他的。-Ellie:Oh No, No, no. Not So fast.别这么早下定论。-Manny: Okay. Ellie, this is where I draw the line. You, Crash and Eddie back to the village.draw the line: 到此为止 village: 村庄好了,到此为止吧,你,Crash,Eddie回村子里去。-Ellie: Yeah that's gonna happen. 想都别想。-Manny: Ellie! You saw That thing? This is gonna be dangerous.dangerous: 危险的Ellie!你没看到那玩意吗?这一路会很危险。-Ellie: Talk to the trunk. trunk: 象鼻你就说给我鼻子听吧。-Manny: Oh great, after we save Sid! I'm gonna kill him.哦,太棒了,等我们救出Sid,我非宰了他不可。-Crash: Ladies first! 女士优先。-Eddie: Age before beauty!先老后美。-Crash: No pain no gain!pain: 痛苦 先苦后甜。-Eddile: what pain?什么苦?-Ellie: Sid? Sid?Sid?Sid?-Manny: Oh no, no, no! Not good. Not good.哦,不妙啊不妙。Ellie! Ellie! Wait up!Ellie!Ellie!等下!Okay look, if you feel anything, even if it's nothing. You gotta tell me. 先说好,你要是觉得不对劲就算是错觉,也一定要告诉我,-Manny: And we're outta here.我们就立马出去。We need a code word. Yeah, something that says, "the baby's coming."code: 代码 咱得先想个代号嗯,来表示"要生孩子了"-Ellie: Hmm. How about, "Aaah! The baby's coming!" How's that?嗯,这个怎么样,"啊!要生了!"-Manny: Nah, too long. We need something short and punchy, like, uh... "peaches"!punchy: 强力的不成,太长了,我们得想个短小精悍的比如…呃…"桃子"!-Ellie: Peaches? 桃子? -Manny: I love peaches, they're sweet and round and fuzzy.fuzzy: 绒毛的我喜欢桃子,它们又甜又圆,还毛茸茸的。just like you.就跟你一样。-Ellie: You think I'm round?你说我长得圆?-Manny: Uhh... Round is good. Round is, foxy!foxy: 性感的啊…圆的好啊,圆显得,性感!-Manny: Stay close.都跟紧了。-Ellie: Are you guys havin' the same dream I am? We've been living above an entire world.dream: 梦 entire: 全部的你们是不是在跟我做同一个梦?原来我们的脚下,一直还有另一个世界!And we didn't even know it.却根本不知道。-Ellie: Run for it! Hurry.hurry: 匆忙快跑,快。-Manny: Diego, what are you doing here?Diego,你怎么在这?-Diego: Sight seeing. Looking for Sid,

same as you!sightseeing: 观光观光呢,找Sid,跟你一样!-Manny: Well aren't you noble. noble: 高尚的你还真是高尚。-Ellie: This is not the time guys. We need all the help we can get!现在不是拌嘴的时候,我们需要人手!-Diego: never mindnever mind: 没关系我还是算了吧。-Ellie: Here, boy. Here, come on!到这儿来,真乖乖!快过来。-Manny: Are you nuts! We're not getting on that thing!nut: 疯狂的人 get on: 登上你疯了吗!我们可不会爬在那东西上!-Ellie: It's either this dinosaur, or that one!要嘛是这头恐龙,要嘛就是那头,自己挑!-Ellie: Pregnant lady, wants a lift. Yabba, dabba, Do!pregnant: 怀孕的 yabba dabba do: 比博普爵士乐孕妇来也,借个路!-Manny: Don't ever, yabba, dabba, do that again!以后别再这么干!I feel so... puny. puny: 微小的我觉得自己好…小啊。-Ellie: How Do you think I feel?那你知道我现在怎么想吗?-Buck: Take cover!take cover: 找掩护 cover: 掩护找好掩护!-Crash: Dude, you're awesome! You're like the brother I never had!awesome: 十分尊敬的老大,太崇拜你了!你就是我亲哥哥!-Eddie: Me too.我也这么觉得!Can we keep him?我们能收下他吗?-Buck: Buck. Buck.-Manny: What?啥?-Buck: The name's Buck. Short for, Buck-Minster.short for: 是…的缩略我叫Buck,是" Buck-Minster "的简称。Long for, buh!是"吧!"的全称。A little dull.dull: 迟钝的有点钝了。what are you doing here? 你们来这干什么? -Ellie: our friend was taken by a dinosaur.我们一朋友被恐龙抓了。-Buck: Well, his dead. Welcome to my world. Now, uh, go home.是嘛,他挂了,欢迎来到我的世界,然后,嗯,回家去吧。Off you pop! pop off: 走开就不送了! -Ellie: Not without, Sid.不找到Sid,我们就不走。-Manny: Ellie wait, maybe the deranged hermit has a point.deranged: 疯狂的 hermit: 隐士 have a point:: 有道理Ellie,等等,或许这个秀逗家伙说的有理。-Ellie: Manny! We came this far, we're gonna find him. Manny!我们都走了这么远了,一定能找到他的。-Diego: I got tracks.track: 踪迹我发现线索了。-Ellie: Let's go.走吧。-Buck: If you go in there, you'll find your friend... in the AFTER-LIFE!after-life: 晚年如果你们进去了,等找到朋友就已经是…下辈子的事了!-Crash: How do you know? Oh great and wisely, weasely one.wise: 明智的 wease: 黄鼠狼你怎么知道?这位伟大智慧的黄鼠狼。-Buck: Mummy dinosaur carrying three babies, and some floppy green thing?floppy: 软软的恐龙妈妈叼着三只小恐龙还有一个软绵绵的绿东西?-Manny: Yeah, we're friends with the floppy green thing. 对啊,那个软绵绵的绿东西就是我们朋友。-Diego: you got all That from the tracks

?你光看脚印就知道这么多?-Buck: No, not really. I saw 'em come through here earlier. She's headed for Lava Falls.head for: 朝…方向走去 lava: 熔岩错,我之前看到他们经过,她往"熔岩瀑布"去了。That's where they care, for the newborns.newborn: 新生儿他们在那养小恐龙。To get there! You got to go through the jungle of misery.jungle: 丛林 misery: 悲惨要想到那儿,你就得穿过"悲惨森林"。Across the chasm of death.chasm: 峡谷横渡"死亡峡谷"。To the plates of wow. 直抵"惊呼之地"。-Crash,Eddie: Wow!!!哇!!!-Manny: Okay! Good luck with the slow decadence to madness, we're gonna go now.decadence: 颓废 mad: 发疯的好了,你就自己慢慢疯吧,好运,我们走了!-Buck: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Whoa! What, you-You think this is some sort of tropical getaway?sort: 种类 tropical: 热带的 getaway: 旅游嘿,嘿,嘿!你以为你们是来热带旅游吗?You can't protect your mate! Mate!protect: 保护 mate: 妻子,老兄你根本保护不了你老婆!老兄!What are you gonna do with those-Those flimsy tusks..?flimsy: 脆弱的 tusk: 牙你能干什么,嗯?就靠这些脆生生的小象牙?When you run into the beast?run into: 撞上 beast: 野兽你要是碰上那头怪物呢,怎么办?I call him "Rudy".我叫他"Rudy"-Manny: Oh good. Good. I was worried it was something intimidating, like, Sheldon or Tim.intimidating: 给人以威胁的哦,就这样啊,我还以为会更吓人点,比如"小强","小黄"之类的。-Eddie: Wait! You mean there's something *bigger* than Mommy Dinosaur..?等等!你是说,有什么东西比母恐龙还大?-Buck: Aye!正是!-Crash: Aye? 真的?–Buck: Aye! Aye!正是!He's the one that gave me *this* 我的这个,就是拜他所赐。-Crash: Whoa. he gave you that patch?patch: 眼罩哇,这个眼罩是他给的?-Eddie: For free? That's so cool. 免费的?太酷了!-Crash: Yeah, maybe he'll give *us* one, too!说不定,他也会送给我们一对!-Manny: Welcome to my world.欢迎来到我的世界。-Buck: Abandon all hope, he who enters there! abandon: 放弃 enter: 进入擅闯禁地者,全无希望! -Manny: Alright We Get it.好了,知道了。Doom and despair. Yadda, yadda, yadda.doom: 命运 despair: 绝望唯有厄运与绝望相伴…-Crash: Sounds like a jungle of misery to me.听起来,还真是个"悲惨森林"-Ellie: Hold on.hold on: 等会儿等下。-Manny: Why, what's wrong? Peaches?怎么了,出什么事了,是来"桃子"了吗?-Ellie: No, it's just I got a funny feelingfunny: 古怪的不是,我只是觉得有点怪怪的。-Manny: You're hungry. Low blood sugar!hungry: 饥饿的 blood: 血液 sugar: 糖你饿了吧,哦,低血糖!There's some fruit.那儿有果子。-Ellie: No, Manny!

Manny,别去! -Diego: I wouldn't do that, if I were you.我要是你,可不会乱摘东西。This isn't exactly your playground. exactly: 完全地 playground: 活动场所这里可不是你熟悉的地盘。-Manny: Like I'm going to be afraid of a pretty afraid of: 害怕 pretty: 漂亮的说得好像我会怕小花小草似的。-Diego: Bet you didn't see that coming? bet: 打赌你刚才可没料到这个吧? -Ellie: Manny?Manny?-Diego: For the record, I blame you for this.blame: 责备郑重申明,这全都怪你。-Crash: Stop eating our friends, plant!plant: 植物不准吃我们的朋友,大花怪!-Ellie: That's it, I'm tearing it up, from the roots.Tear up: 撕毁 root: 根够了,我要把你连根拔起。-Buck: Do that and it'll clamp-Shut forever.clamp: 夹紧 shut: 合拢的要这么干,花瓣就会一直合着。-Buck: Alright, preggers. Don't get your trunk in a knot.pregger: 怀孕的 trunk: 象鼻 in a knot: (结成)一个结好了,孕妇同志别吓的鼻子都打结。I'll have them out of there before they're digested. digest: 消化 我来把他们弄出来,乘还没被消化。They'll be nothing but bones in 3 minutes.bone: 骨骼过个三分钟,他们除了骨头可就什么都不剩了。Well maybe 5 for the fat one! 那个胖的可能得五分钟。-Manny: I'm not fat!我不胖!-Diego: I feel tingly.tingly: 兴奋我怎么觉得有点酥麻啊。-Manny: Don't say that, when your pressed up against 紧贴别说这种话,你还贴着我呢。-Diego: Not That kind of tingly. 不是那种酥麻。-Manny: I can feel it too. 啊,我也酥麻了。-Manny: Help, someone help us!救命,来人啊!-Ellie: Hurry!快!-Buck: It's time to get... Buck wild.wild: 非凡的看我Buck的手段!-Manny: Who's fat now?现在知道谁胖了?-Ellie: No!不要!-Buck: Tourists. 一群观光客。-Eddie: Puked on by a plant. Awesome!puke: 呕吐 awesome: 真了不起被朵花吐了,太炫了!-Ellie: say something.快说话呀。-Manny: Thank's for saving 解救谢谢你救了我们。-Ellie: will you help us find the floppy green thing? floggy: 软软的你能帮我们找那个"软绵绵的绿东西"吗? -Manny: That's not necessary.necessary: 必要的我们用不着。-Ellie: Yes it is.我们需要。-Buck: Alright I'll help ya. But I got rules. Rule number one:Ya: (=you)你 rule: 规则好吧,我帮你,可我有规矩,第一:Always listen to Buck. Rule number two:永远服从Buck,第二:Stay in the middle of the trail. Rule number three:走路只走路中间,第三:He who has gas, travels at the back of the pack.gas: 气体 travel: 行进 pack: 一群爱放屁的,自觉到队尾去。Come on then, chop, chop! chop: 插入好了,都插进去。-Manny: We should all have our heads

examined.examine: 检查我们真该去查查自己还正不正常。-Buck: That's rule number four. Now, let's go find your friend.那是第四条现在,去找你朋友先。-Sid: Oh it's okay, it's okay. Don't worry, we're gonna be fine.哦,好了,好了,别担心,我们都会没事的。Please swing a little more to...?swing: 摇摆麻烦能不能晃得轻点…?See, she's putting us down...put down: 放下瞧,她放我们下来了…No! I'm too young to be eaten.不!我这么年轻,不该被吃掉啊!Wow! Nice mucus. And I don't care for, everyone.mucus: 黏液 care for: 关心哇!这鼻涕长得真有型,可不是人人都有啊。Listen these things get complicated. Maybe we can work something out.complicated: 复杂的那个,这些事情是很复杂啦,也许我们能商量个办法。I can have them on Sundays to Tuesdays? Wednesdays to Fridays? Weekends!周日到周二我带?或者周三到周五?周末就够了!It's Okay, mommas okay!没事,妈妈没事!If you eat me, it will send a bad message.message: 启示你要是吃了我,对孩子们影响不好。Ha! Score one for the sloth!score: 得分 sloth: 树懒哈哈!看看孩子们护着谁,我得一分!And the scores all tied up.tie up: 纠缠现在就算打的难解难分吧。-Crash: Do you think the beast will find, Sid?beast: 野兽 你觉得那个怪物会不会找到Sid? Or more importantly, us?最主要是,会不会找到,我们?-Buck: Rudy? Are you joking? He's relentless. He knows all, sees all eats all.joke: 开玩笑 relentless: 坚韧的Rudy?开玩笑,他可是不知疲倦的,他洞察一切,吞噬一切。So that's a, yes.也就是说,会了。Hey, get off my lawn! Go on shoo!!get off: 离开 lawn: 草坪 go on: 继续 shoo: 发出嘘声赶走嘿,从我家草坪上滚开,走!I knew that guy when he was a caterpillar. You know, before he came out.caterpillar: 毛虫那家伙,他还是毛毛虫的时候我就认识,你知道的啦,就是他还没变态的时候。-Diego: So your just living down here by your wits! All on your own, no responsibilities?wit: 智力 on one’s own: 独自地 responsibility: 责任这么说,你就这么靠智慧生存!孤身一人,了无牵挂?-Buck: Not one! It's incredible. No dependence, no limits, the greatest life a single guy can have.incredible: 难以置信的 dependence: 依赖 limit: 限制 single: 单身的就我一个!岂不妙哉,没有依赖,自由自在,真是每个单身汉的梦想。-Diego: Did you hear that? This is my kind of place.你听到没?这就是我想呆的地方。-Buck: Hello? No... No I can't really talk right now... I'm trying to recover a dead sloth.recover: 取回 sloth: 树懒喂?不行啊,现在不方便说话…我得去给个死树懒收尸。Now, They're following Me! I know! They think I'm craz

y.follow: 跟随 crazy: 疯狂的这会,那帮人还跟着我呢!就是说!他们还以为我疯了。O-Okay... We're going into the Chasm of Death, I'm gonna lose you. I love you too.chasm: 峡谷好了…我们快到"死亡峡谷"了信号不好,快断了,我也爱你。Alright, goodbye. Goodbye, bye. Okay, follow me!好了,再见,拜拜,嘿,都跟上!-Manny: That's you in three weeks.那就是你三个星期以后的样子。-Eddie: So, Why Do They call it the chasm of death?那个,他们干嘛管这个叫"死亡峡谷"? -Buck: Well we tried, 'big smelly crack',crack: 裂缝我们也试过"大臭坑"。But... uhh, That just made everybody giggle. giggle: 吃吃地笑,咯咯地笑可是…别人一听就笑。-Manny: Well now What?接下来怎么办?-Buck: Madam... 夫人… -Manny: She is Not doing that.她可不能上这玩意。-Buck: Rule number one.军规第一条。Come on, mammoth. You supposed to have a good memory.mammoth: 长毛象 be supposed to: 应该 memory: 记忆想想吧,大猛犸,你们应该挺有记性吧。-Ellie: Always listen to Buck.永远服从Buck。Now! Eyes forward. Back straight... and uh, yes,forward: 向前的 straight: 笔直的好了!目视前方,腰板挺直…嗯,好了。Breathe in the toxic fumes and you'll probably die. breathe in: 吸进 toxic: 有毒的 fume: 臭气要是吸入有毒气体,你估计就没救了。-Ellie: toxic fumes.有毒气体?-Buck: just another day in paradise.paradise: 天堂又一个阳光灿烂的日子。-Manny: Wait!等等!-Buck: Geronimo!geronimo: 安全下滑装置(美国伞兵跳伞时会喊这么个词)出发喽!-Manny: Ellie! You okay?Ellie!你没事吧?-Ellie: you have to try this.太好玩了,你们快来啊。-Buck: Alright now pile on everyone, couldn't be easier.pile on: 堆积好了,一个一个上,再简单没有了。Don't panic! Just some, technical difficulties. Keep holding it in boys.panic: 恐慌 technical: 技术的 hold in: 忍住别慌!只是出了点,技术故障,各位坚持住先。-Crash: I can't take it anymore. 我憋不住了。-Eddie: He breathe it. And now I'm breathing it.他吸气了!哦,我也吸气了!-Crash: Hey we're not dead. 嘿,我们没挂。-Eddie: you sound ridiculous.ridiculous: 可笑的你听起来可真滑稽。-Crash: Me? You should hear you.我?你真该听听你自己。Alright, alright. And one, and two...准备好了,好了,1,2……Christmas, Christmas time is 圣诞节圣诞节~圣诞节~ -Manny: Are you crazy?你们疯了吗?-Diego: It's not poison.poison: 毒药这不是毒气。-Eddile: It's so disturbing.disturbing: 烦扰的现在麻烦大了。-Buck: Stop laughing, all of you! 不准笑,统统都不准笑!-Crash: "Stop laughing, all of you!""不准笑,统统都不准

笑"。-Manny: What's rule number one?第一条军规是嘛呀?-Ellie: They're just laughing, what's so bad about that? 他们只是笑一笑罢了,有那么严重吗? -Buck: They died laughing.这些家伙就是笑死的。-Ellie: Stop laughing! 别笑了! -Manny: Do you know what's funny though?though: 但是你知道什么最好笑吗?We're trying to save Sid and now we're all gonna die!我们还想去救Sid 可自己却先死翘翘了!-Crash: And I don't even like Sid. 我甚至都不怎么喜欢Sid。-Eddie: Who does? He's an idiot!idiot: 白痴有谁喜欢呢?他是白痴!-Diego: Thank's for getting me into this mess. It's the most fun I've had in years.get into: 陷入 mess: 乱七八糟多谢你啊,拖我搅这趟浑水,这么多年了从来没有这样刺激过。-Manny: Thank you, for deserting the herd. That was totally super.desert: 放弃 herd: 群体 totally: 完全谢谢你啊,玩单飞,真是牛逼!-Buck: Stop that! Don't you see? We're all gonna die.停下!还没明白吗?我们都要翘辫子了。-Ellie: We gotta do everything, huh?什么都得靠我们自己,对不?-Crash: Sometimes I wet my bed. 我有时候会尿床。-Eddie: That's alright. Sometimes I wet your bed.没事了,有时候我会尿你的床。-Manny: I'm not sure how much of that you could hear? 不知道你听到多少? -Ellie: Oh I heard all of it.哦,我听得真真的-Eddie: you wet my bed? 你在我床上尿床? -Crash: That was, gas talk dude!.dude: 伙伴哎呀,中毒时候说的话,怎么能当真。-Manny: Well, We better Get moving.好了,我们还是赶紧赶路吧。-Diego: Aren't we forgetting something?我们是不是忘了点什么?-Buck: I'm so lonely.我好寂寞哦。-Sid: Okay. Here you go guys... Muncher, muncher.muncher: 大声咀嚼好了,开饭饭了…吃吧,吃吧。What! Your not gonna eat your vegetables? How you going to become big and strong, dinosaurs?vegetable: 蔬菜 怎么!你们不吃蔬菜?那怎么能长成强壮的大恐龙呢?No... I raised them vegetarian. It's a healthier lifestyle I mean look at me.raise: 养育 vegetarian: 素食的 lifestyle: 生活方式不行…我要把他们教育成素食主义,这样更健康,我就是个最好的例子。Excuse me. I'm trying to have a conversation here.conversation: 谈话拜托,我跟你说话呢。No, no, no! That's not for us kids. Way to feathery and fleshy and.feathery: 生有羽毛的 fleshy: 肉的不行,不行!我们的孩子不能吃这个这个太毛太油了,而且…...and alive!alive: 活着的还是活的!No, no, no, we do not eat live animals, period.period: 就是这么回事不行。不行,我们不能吃活的动物,没得商量。Now go, fly. Be free.好了,快飞吧,你自由了。Little, flightless bird.flightless: 不飞的不会飞的小小鸟

。my bad. 是我不好。Hey, Where you going?嘿,你去哪?This is how you resolve a conflict? No wonder your single.resolve: 解决 conflict: 矛盾 no wonder: 难怪你就是这么解决矛盾的?难怪到现在也没人要。Oh come on. Am I talking to myself here? I say they're vegetarian, you say, 'Grrrr' .vegetarian: 素食的嘿,拜托,我是在自言自语吗?我说他们要吃素食,你说"吼"。I say can we talk about this? You say, Grrrr. I don't call that communication.communication: 沟通我说我们能谈谈吗?你说"吼" 酱紫算什么沟通嘛。See, that's your answer to everything.瞧,你解决问题就这么一个老路子。What are you afraid of? You're the biggest thing on, Earth.你还怕什么?你是地球上最大的了。Aren't you?不是吗?-Buck: They'll never survive, it's dangerous by day! But it's even worse at night.survive: 生还他们肯定活不成,这里白天就够危险,晚上就更凶险了。Plus the guide is a lunatic! What you mean, Buck? Oh his 并且 lunatic: 疯子 whack: 怪癖的人而且向导是个疯子!说谁呢?Buck?哦,他可是疯的没救了。I am not. Totally bonkers! And his feet smell. Shut up! You shut up!bonker: 疯子 shut up: 关闭我不是疯子,彻头彻尾的疯汉子,而且还有香港脚!闭嘴!你闭嘴!Oh you little...你个小混蛋…-Manny: He's strangling his own foot. Shouldn't we get moving?strangle: 束缚他在和自己的脚打架,我们是不是该上路了?-Buck: And give, Rudy a midnight snack? Not likely. the skulls right, take a load of mammals.midnight: 午夜 snack: 点心 skull: 头骨 a load of: 许多 mammal: 哺乳动物去给Rudy当夜宵?门都没有,这骨头说的没错,他一顿得吃N头大象。We'll camp here. Now, who's hungry? I am. You don't need the calories!camp: 露营 calory: 热量我们在这露营,好了,谁饿了?我!你又不需要热量!There I was... My back against the wall. No way out.当时…我的背紧贴着墙,周围没有出路。Perched on a razor's edge of oblivion. Staring into the eye, of the great white beast.perch on: 位于…之上 razor’s edge: 危险边缘 oblivion: 忘却 stare: 凝视我栖在深谷的边缘,突然,看到了一双眼睛,一头白色庞然大物的眼睛。-Crash: were you killed? 你死了吗?-Buck: Sadly, yes. But I lived!悲惨的是,我死了,但是,我又活了!Never had I felt so alive, than when I was so close... To death.我从未如此强烈地感受到生命,直到我如此近距离地接触…死亡。Just before, Rudy could suck me down his gullet.suck down: 吸入 gullet: 咽喉转眼间,Rudy就会把我咽下喉咙。I grabbed hold of that, roast pink fleshy thing that dangles at the back of the throat.grab: 抓住 roast: 烘烤的 pink: 粉红色的 fleshy: 肉的 dangle:摇晃地悬

挂着 throat: 喉咙我紧紧地抱住那个,悬在喉头的,软软的,粉粉的,肉肉的东西。I hung on to that sucker, and I swung back and forth, back and forth.hang on to: 紧紧抓住 swing: 摇摆 back and forth: 来回地我死死地抱着那玩意儿,并且前后摇摆,向后向前。Back... and forth and back. Until finally I let go and shot right out of his mouth.finally: 最后 shot: 射击向后…向前…向后最后,我放开手,从他嘴里直直地射了出去!I may have lost an eye that day. But I got this.那一回,我是瞎了一只眼,可我也得到了这个。-Eddie: Rudy's tooth...Rudy的牙齿…-Buck: It's like the old saying: "An eye for a tooth". A nose for a chin. A butt for a"...就像老话说的"以牙还眼",以下巴还鼻子,以屁股还…It's an old saying. But uh, it's not a very good one. 这也是个俗语,算了,真的很俗。-Crash: you are super weasel.weasel: 黄鼠狼你真是超级黄鼠狼。-Eddie: Ultra weasel.ultra: 过度的终极黄鼠狼。-Diego: Diesel weasel.diesel: 柴油机超能黄鼠狼。What? He is.怎么了,他就是。-Buck: Now let me tell you about the time I used to sharpen, clam-Shell to turn a T-Rex,sharpen: 变为锐利 clam-shell: 海蚌 T-Rex: 霸王龙接下来,我给你们讲,当年我是怎么用这把锋利的齿刀,把一头霸王龙Into a T-Rachel 治得服服帖帖。-Crash: Yes master.好的,大师。-Manny: Wow, that's enough fairy-Tales for one night.fairy-tale: 童话故事哇,今晚的故事就到此为止吧。Come on, Ellie. you should rest now... 来吧,Ellie,你该休息了… -Ellie: Pff..Life at the party.唉,快乐的时光总是过得太快。-Buck: Alright, you guys get some shut-Eye, I'll keep watch. shut-eye: 睡觉 keep watch: 看守好了,你们去合合眼,我来守夜。-Crash: Don''t worry,' Buck, We got this.别担心,Buck,有我们呢。Night time is possum time. Yeah, We own the Night baby.possum: 负鼠黑夜就是负鼠的天下,没错,瞧好了吧,宝贝儿。-Buck: Good night, Rudy.晚安,Rudy。-Sid: Wait, wait. What about me?等等,我怎么办?Sleep well, kids. We have a busy day tomorrow. Forging, Hunting...forge: 锻炼晚安,宝贝,明天有得忙呢,锻炼,捕猎…Missing my friends. Probably are not missing me.probably: 大概想念朋友,估计他们不会想我。What..?怎么…?Your a real softie. You know that?你可真是个软心肠,知道嘛?-Ellie: Manny?Manny?Crash? Eddie?Crash? Eddie?Manny?Manny?What's going on? Are you okay?怎么回事?你没事吧?-Manny :I'm sorry. I just wanted to keep you safe, and抱歉,我只是想保护你。Now you're in the most dangerous place in the world.可如今,却害你困在这么危险的地方。-Ellie: This isn't your fault. It's bigger than both of us. We

have to get, Sid.fault: 过失这又不是你的错,那只恐龙比我们两个加起来还大,我们必须去救Sid。-Manny: Yeah, but If I had been a better friend to him... we wouldn't be here.嗯,可如果当初我这个朋友能当得更够格,我们也不会在这儿了。-Buck: Better friend? Are you plucking my whiskers?pluck: 猛拉 whisker: 胡须更够格?你开什么国际玩笑?You risked your life, your mate and your baby to save your buddy!risk: 冒…的危险 buddy: 好朋友你冒着你自己,你老婆,还有你孩子的生命危险,去救你这朋友。Not the best husband or father, but... a damn good friend.damn: 该死的或许算不上好丈夫或者好父亲,可是做朋友…够意思。Everybody stop!大家都停下!I smell something.我闻到点什么。Hmm, it smells like a buzzard's butt fell off.buzzard: 秃鹰类 butt: 屁股嗯,有点像秃鹰的尾毛。And then got sprayed on by a bunch of, skunks. spray on: 喷射 a bunch of: 很多 skunk: 臭鼬又被一群臭鼬放屁熏了一遍。-Diego: That's, Sid.就是Sid没错。-Buck: Mammal's, we have ourselves a crime scene.mammal: 哺乳动物 crime: 犯罪 scene: 情景各位,我们找到犯罪现场了!Half eaten carcass! Hunk of...oh, no!carcass: 尸体 hunk: 大块一撮臭烘烘毛,一根吃剩下一半的骨头!还有一坨…啊!不妙!Broccoli!broccoli: 花椰菜菜花!Here's what I think happened: Dinosaur attacked Sid, Sid, fights back with piece of broccoli.attack: 攻击 fight: 对抗我认为,事情是这样的:恐龙袭击Sid,Sid用菜花反抗。Leaving dinosaur, a vegetable. 把恐龙,打成了植物龙。-Diego: are you nuts?你傻了吗?Sid's not violent, or co-Ordinated.violent: 暴力的 co-ordinated: 同等的Sid可没那么暴力,也没这本事。-Manny: Yeah and where's the dinosaur? 对啊,还有,恐龙呢? -Buck: Alright, alright. Good point.好了好了,算你们有理。Theory two:theory: 理论场景重现2:Sid's eating broccoli. Dinosaur eats Sid. Dinosaur steps on broccoli.step on: 踩踏Sid在吃菜花,恐龙吃掉Sid 恐龙踩过菜花。Leaving broccoli, a vegetable. 菜花就这样,成了一坨。-Manny: Buck, when exactly Did you lose your mind?lose one’s mind: 神经错乱Buck,你脑子到底什么时候开始脱线的?-Buck: Umm... 3 months ago. I woke up one morning married to a pineapple.wake up: 醒来 marry: 结婚 pineapple: 菠萝呃…三个月前,我一觉醒来,发现自己和一个菠萝结婚了。An *UGLY* pineapple.ugly: 丑陋的还是一只巨丑无比的菠萝。but I loved her. 可我还是爱它。-Diego: Uh, Buck!I think you missed a Little clue over here.clue: 线索呃,Buck,这边你好像漏了点线索。-Buck: Your friend might be alive. But not for long. Rudy's closing in.你朋友或许还活着,

可也活不久,Rudy越来越近了。Wow...哇…You got it. The plates of, wow. Or whatever's left of them.明白了吧,"惊呼之地",哇或者随便拿这里剩下的玩意取个名儿。Single file everyone. Head for, Lava Falls.single: 单一的 file: 档案 single fire: 单行 head for: 朝…方向走去大伙排成一列朝"熔岩瀑布"进发。-Eddie: What's that sound? 什么声音? -Buck: It's the wind. It's speaking to us.是风,它在和我们说话。-Crash: What's it saying? 它说什么? -Buck: I don't know. I don't speak wind.我怎么知道,我又不是风语者。-Manny: Ellie? Ellie? -Ellie: I'm fine, don't worry about me. I'm just taking my...我没事,只是在…-Manny: Ellie! Whoa!Ellie!-Ellie: Manny! Manny!-Manny: Get to the ledge!ledge: 架状突出物快跳到旁边岩架上!Ellie! Ellie, Where are you?Ellie! Ellie,你在哪?-Ellie: It's okay, I'm up here. 我没事,我在上面。-Manny: Hang on, Ellie. We'll be right there.hang on: 坚持 撑住,Ellie,我们马上就到!-Sid: Wait! Sloth down!等等,我掉下来了!Wait... Time out. Hold up. Jeez, you guys are getting fast.jeez: 老天等…暂停了,停下,天,你们也太快了。It's not so bad down here. Nice weather, friendly neighbours.neighbour: 邻居这儿也还不赖嘛,气候宜人,邻里和睦。Hi, neighbour.嗨,邻居。-Buck: Rudy... 是Rudy…-Crash: Rudy!Rudy!-Buck: Never heard That kind of dino, before. dino: 恐龙怎么没听过这种恐龙。-Manny: That's, Sid.那是Sid!-Buck: We'll have to move fast.那我们要快了。-Ellie: Manny. Pineapples. Manny,菠萝。 -Buck: Pineapples.菠萝。-Manny: She gets cravings.craving: 渴望她是想吃水果了。-Ellie: Pomegranates, grapefruits, nectarines.pomegranate: 石榴 grapefruit: 葡萄 nectarine: 油桃石榴,葡萄,油桃。-Diego: She's ordering a fruit cocktail.cocktail: 鸡尾酒她这是在点果味鸡尾酒呢。-Ellie: Come on, think. Peaches! 快啊,快想,桃子!-Manny: Peaches...? Peaches!桃子?桃子!The baby! What, what, what now...!宝宝!什…什么,现在? -Diego: This Not good.不妙啊。-Manny: the babies coming.孩子要生了,有时候我会幻听…-Crash: Can you try to hold it in! 你能忍忍吗? -Ellie: can somebody slap him for me?slap: 掴谁帮我扇他一下好吗?-Manny: Just sit tight, we're coming! tight: 紧紧地坐好,我们就来! -Buck: There's only one thing to do.我们只能这么办了。Possums, your with me. Manny you take care of, Ellie until we get back.负鼠,你们跟我来 Manny,你照顾好Ellie,等我们回来。-Manny: What? No you can't leave now. She's off the trail. What about rule number 2?trail: 踪迹什么?不行,你现在不能走,她掉队了,你说的第二军规不算数

了吗?-Buck: Rule number 5 says, you can ignore rule number 2, if there's a female involved.ignore: 忽视 female: 雌性 involve: 包含第五军规,在有女性的情况下可忽略第二军规。Or possibly a cute dog. I just make up these rules as I go along. possibly: 或许 cute: 可爱的 make up: 捏造 go along: 前进或者是有小狗狗的情况下,哎呀,反正我就是瞎编的。-Manny: Yeah, but, but, but... she's... you have to.是嘛,可是,可是…她…你得…-Diego: Manny, it's alright. I got your back. Manny,别慌,有我顶着你呢。-Buck: now your talking. Come on, lads.总算是开腔了,走吧,小伙子们。-Crash: take care of our sister. Mr. 这位先生,照顾好我们的妹妹。-Eddie: No pressure.不要有太大压力。-Buck: What does that mean, "I've got your back?". I'd rather they cover the front.cover: 覆盖 front: 前面这话有什么意思,"有我顶着你"?我宁可他们能罩着我。That's where all the good stuff is. 刀枪箭雨可都是从外头来的。-Diego: We gotta move.我们得抓紧了。-Ellie: Okay! Alright. It's okay. Daddy's, daddy's coming.好了!没事了,老爸来了,老爸来了!I gotta say sweet heart, you really got timing...宝贝儿,说实话,你可真会挑时间。-Sid: Go away! Go away! Shoo! Afraid of danger! Afraid of danger!走开!快走开!怕怕!偶怕怕!Don't worry, it's just lava. Deadly,lava: 熔岩 deadly: 致命的表慌,不过是岩浆。Violent lava!violent: 猛烈的要人命的岩浆!-Buck: Boys!Are you ready for adventure? adventure: 冒险小伙子们!准备好迎接冒险了吗?-Crash: Yes, sir!准备好了,长官!-Buck: for danger? 准备好面对危险了吗?-Crash: Yes, sir!准备好了,长官!-Buck: For death!准备好拥抱死亡了吗! -Crash: Uhh, can you repeat the question? ?repeat: 重复呃,你说啥,再说一遍?-Buck: That's right, come on!就是这样,来吧!-Crash: have you ever flown one of these before?你以前玩过飞行吗?-Buck: No, first time actually.actually: 实际上没,这也是第一次!-Diego: there She is.她在那。-Manny: Ellie!Ellie!-Ellie: Manny!Manny!-Manny: I need to Get to her. 我得上到她那儿去。-Diego: Listen, I'll protect, Ellie. You stop those guys.protect: 保护听好,我去保护Ellie,你去挡住恐龙。Manny, if they reach her, it'll be to late. You have to trust me.reach: 触及 trust: 相信Manny,如果让它们抓到她就来不及了,你得相信我。-Manny: Alright, let's do it.好吧,就这么定了。-Diego: My paws are burning baby. They burning, I gotta, tip-Toe. Tip-Toe, Tip-Toe.paw: 手爪 burn: 充满激情我爪下生风啊,宝贝儿,爪下生风!我能踮脚跑,踮脚跑~-Ellie: Excuse me, twinkle toes. Giving birth here.twinkle: 闪烁 give birth: 产仔

劳驾,踮脚跑那位,这里生孩子呢。-Diego: Oh right, sorry. you okay.哦,对了,抱歉,你还好不。-Ellie: am I okay? Do you know anything about, child birth?我还好不?你知不知道,生孩子有多痛。-Diego: No, not really, but Manny's coming..不,不太知道,不过Manny就来了…-Ellie: Diego, I'm scared? Can I hold your paw.scared: 害怕的 Diego,我好怕,我能牵着你的脚掌吗?-Diego: Yeah, of course...嗯,当然了…Just go with the pain. It's just a contraction.contraction: 收缩忍着痛就好了,宫缩而已。-Buck: Look! He's right there. Roger.看!他在那!-Eddie: No, Sid.不是。-Buck: I know, Roger!是Sid 晓得!-Crash: How bout we get, Sid first. And then go back for, Roger.要不我们先去救Sid,然后再回来,救你的"小德"? -Buck: Oh, never mind.算我什么都没说过。-Crash: Oh, Buck.哦,Buck。Wait! Wait, Sid's that way! 等等啊,Sid在那边! -Buck: Tell That to them.你跟它们说去吧。-Manny: Bring it on, you chicken headed freaks!bring on: 使发生 freak: 怪人放马过来吧!你们这群长鸡头的怪胎!-Diego: Don't worry about a thing. You're doing fine.别担心,你做的很好。It's going great. Ah, excuse me.不会有事的,呃,失陪下。just keep breathing. 注意呼吸。-Ellie: Diego!Diego!-Diego: Just breathe, that's the important thing.记住,调整呼吸就好了。-Buck: Grab that ammo.ammo: 弹药拿上弹药!-Crash: Bogey at 3'o clock. Fire!bobey: 每洞的标准杆数标杆3点钟方向。开火!This is awesome!太炫了!Light it up!light up: 点火点火!Yeah! Hasta la vista, birdie.hasta: 直到 vista: 追忆回见了,小鸟儿!-Buck: Let's get our...我们这就去…Mayday! Mayday! We're losing altitude! Hold these.mayday: 国际遇险无线电求救信号 altitude: 高度求救!求救!高度正在下降!拉住这个。That tastes like fish. 一股子鱼腥味。-Eddie: Okay. That's just weird.weird: 怪异的好吧,你有没有觉得很囧?I love you, bro! I know!我爱你,哥们!我知道!-Buck: Snap out of it, come on! Pull!snap out of: 迅速从……中恢复过来 pull: 拉快给我醒过来!快!拉升!-Sid: This is the end of, Sid the sloth.这里就是我,树懒Sid的安息之所。Help! 救命! -Crash: No, Sid. It's me. And me!别怕,Sid,是我还有我。-Sid: I don't want to panic anybody, but who's flying this thing?我不想让大伙陪我怕怕,可这东西是谁在开啊?No, no, wait, my kids!不,不要,等等,我的孩子们!I never even got to say goodbye.我都没来得及说再见。-Ellie: You can do it. Push! Push! 你办的到的,用力!用力!-Diego: I can't do it.我不行了。-Ellie: just one more big push.再用力一点。-Diego: You have no idea what

I'm going through. Okay forget I said that. Let's do this together.forget:: 忘记 together: 一起你根本不知道我现在有多不容易!算了,当我没说过,我们一起推吧。-Manny: I liked you Guys better, when you were extinct. extinct: 灭绝的我更喜欢你们灭绝时候的样子。-Diego: Oh, I'm getting dizzy. dizzy: 晕眩的哦,我也有点晕了。Manny. Come on buddy. I think we're getting close.Manny,快来,哥们我估计快了。-Manny: She's perfect. I think we should call her, Ellie.她可真美,我们就叫她,Ellie吧。Little, Ellie... 小Ellie…-Ellie: I've got a better name... Peaches. 我有个更好的…桃子。-Manny: Peaches?桃子?-Ellie: Why not? She's sweet, and round, and covered with furs.sweet: 可爱的 be covered with: 有大量的 fur: 毛皮有何不可?她又可爱,又圆嘟嘟,还毛茸茸的。-Manny: I love it.桃子,我喜欢。-Ellie: I saw That, tough guy.tough: 健壮的 我可看见喽,硬汉。-Diego: No, No, That last dino caught my Eye with a claw and...dino: 恐龙 claw: 爪哪里哪里,是被最后那只恐龙的爪子抓到了…Alright, so I'm not made of stone. 好吧,我又不是铁石心肠。-Buck: Incoming!income: 进入要降落了!-Manny: It's Sid!是Sid!-Sid: Oh, It's a boy!哦,是个男孩!-Diego: That's it's tail. 那是尾巴。-Sid: It's a girl.是个女孩。-Sid: Hi, sweetheart. It's uncle Sid... Yes it is.sweetheart: 亲爱的嗨,亲爱的,我是你Sid叔叔,对哦。Oh, you're so beautiful. Oh, she is...哦,你可真漂亮。She looks just like her mother. Thank goodness.她长得像妈妈,真是谢天谢地。Oh, no offence, Manny, No offence. You're beautiful on the inside.offence: 引起反感的事物 inside: 内在的哦,没别的意思,Manny 你的心灵也很美。-Manny: It's good to have you back, Sid.真高兴你能回来,Sid。-Diego: Never thought I would say this, but... I missed you buddy.以前真没想过我会说这话…我很想你。-Sid: Now I wish my kids were here. You could have been friends.我真希望我孩子也在这,这样你们就能做好朋友了。-Crash: Ellie!Ellie!I promised myself I wouldn't cry. I didn't.promise: 允诺我说过不哭的,我可没有。-Buck: I forgot what it was like to be part of a family. What about you? Ever thought about having kids?part: 部分 我都忘了融入一个家庭的感觉了。你呢?有没有想过要个孩子?Alright, mammal's. Let's get you home.mammal: 哺乳动物好了,各位,该送你们回家了。This is it, mammal's. Right where you started. This was fun.好了,各位,就是这儿了,这趟下来真带劲。We could make it a regular thing. regular: 定期的我们可以经常这样聚聚。-Ellie: I don't know about that.不觉得这是个好主意-Buck: Right, R

ight. Yes cos' of all the uh, mortal peril. Of-Course.mortal: 致命的 peril: 危险也对,也对,这里这么危险,不想来是自然的。Oh, well, the Buck stops here! 好了,巴克我就送你们到这了! -Manny: We couldn't have done it without you.没你我们救不了Sid。Well obviously. But, good times just the same...那是显然的了,不过,这些天真是很愉快…We're not alone, are we?这里不止我们,对不对?Hello, Rudy.你好啊,Rudy。Run!快跑!Over here you colossal, fossil! Looking for something?colossal: 巨大的 fossil: 化石看这边,你个大化石!在找东西吗?Why don't you come and get it? To the cave! Go!cave: 山洞有本事就过来拿啊,快进山洞,快!-Manny: Stay with the baby. 带着孩子呆着别动。-Ellie: We'll be fine. Go!我们没事,你快去!-Diego: Wuss!wuss: 胆小鬼软蛋龙!-Buck: Pop, Goes the weasel!weasel: 黄鼠狼哈!黄鼠狼在此!Shoo, shoo! Come on! Move!嘘,嘘!快!给我飞!-Manny: Diego... Catch!Diego…接着!-Sid: Through the hole, over the valley. One more loop. hole: 洞 valley: 山谷 loop: 圈穿个洞,绕个圈,再打个结。-Buck: Come on lads, heev!lad: 少年,小伙子 拉吧,啊哈!-Buck: Better luck next time, snowflake. This isn't Gonna hold him long. Let's go.snowflake: 雪花 下次好运了,小雪花,绳子绑不了它多久,快走!-Sid: Hold up, guys!大家等等我!Way to go, mom-Zilla!干得漂亮,大龙妈妈!Come here, kids. Well let me tell you something. You're where you belong now.过来点,宝宝,我告诉你们啊,这里才是你们的家。And I'm sure you're gonna grow up to be giant, horrifying dinosaurs.giant: 巨大的 horrifying: 令人震惊的我相信你们长大一定会是又高又大,又让人怕怕的大恐龙。Just like your mother.就跟你们的妈妈一样。Momma...妈妈…...take good care of our kids.照顾好我们的孩子。-Manny: You were a Good parent, Sid.你是个好家长,Sid。-Sid: Thank's.谢谢can I Baby-sit for you. baby-sit: 当临时保姆我能给你家当保姆吗? -Manny: Not a chance.想都别想。-Sid :Oh Come on, I work cheap.哦,表这样嘛,我可以低薪上岗。-Manny: Alright, I'll think about it.好了,我考虑考虑。-Sid: Yes! 太棒了! -Manny: Never happened.当这事没发生过。Buck: He's gone. What am I supposed to do now? 他死了,我现在该怎么办? -Ellie: That's easy.很容易。Come with us. 跟我们走吧。-Buck: you mean... up there?你是说…上去?I never thought of going back. I've been down here so long, it feels like up to me.up to: 适于我没想过再回去,在这儿呆久了,都习惯了。I'm not sure I can fit-In up there anymore. fit in: 适应我不知道自己还能不能适应地上

的生活。-Diego: So look at us. We look like a normal herd to you?normal: 正常的 herd: 群体瞧瞧我们几个,你觉得我们像是正常的一帮子吗?-Buck: So long, big guy.永别了,大块头。-Manny: That's our queue. Come on peaches.queue: 队列到我们了,来吧,桃子。-Buck: He's alive.他还活着。-Diego: Buck...?Buck……?-Buck: I... I gotta... 我…我想… -Diego: Yeah..我懂…-Buck: Besides this world should really stay down here.stay down: 停留再说,这地方还是别让人知道的好。Take care of 'em, tiger. 照顾好他们,虎兄。-Diego: "Always listen to, Buck."“永远服从Buck”。-Sid: We're almost out.我们快出洞了。-Manny: is everybody, okay? 大家都没事吧? -Crash: Where's Buck?Buck呢?-Diego: Don't worry. He's where he wants to be.别担心,他在他想在的地方。-Crash: is he going to be okay? 那他没事吧?-Diego: are you kidding? Nothing can kill that weasel.你开玩笑吧,那黄鼠狼可死不了。It's, Rudy I'm worried about.我倒是在担心Rudy。-Manny: I know this baby thing isn't for you. But whatever you decide to do...decide: 决定我知道,家有儿女这种事你不适应,不过,无论你做什么决定…-Diego: I'm not leaving, buddy. Life of adventure... It's right here.buddy: 伙伴 adventure: 冒险我不走了,伙计探险人生…这里就是。-Manny: Well, I got a whole speech here. I've been working on it. How can I show you that I'm strong and...whole: 整个的 speech: 演讲我还准备了一大篇演讲呢练了好久,你这样让我怎么表现得既强壮又细腻。Sensitive? Noble, yet caring?sensitive: 敏感的 noble: 高尚的既高尚,又温柔?Thank's.多谢。-Sid: Ah, they grow so fast, huh? Look at my kids.啊,小家伙长得真快,对吧?想想我的孩子。Seems They were born one day And then gone the next. 好像是昨天才出生,今天就走了。-Diego: They were, Sid.就是,Sid。-Sid: Yeah, it was a lot of work.对啊,养孩子真辛苦。-Ellie: It's right, sweetheart. Welcome to the Ice Age. 没事的,宝贝,欢迎来到冰川世纪。词汇解析:Cat 校对:Sarah本文来自: 爱酷英语(<a href="/"></a>) 详细出处参考:/node/2680
